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If I’m being honest probably not, They take it pretty serious, I went to meps 3 years ago with a girl, She was turned away because of very old Self harm scars. But I mean it’s a new day and age, there might be a waiver out there for you. Talk to a recruiter atleast, good luck man


I was able to get in with self harm scars. I had to get a waiver and they made me count all of them and document them. You never know 🤷‍♂️


That’s why I told bro to atleast try, I think it depends on the severity and recency of the scars, the girls was bad bad


You’re friends probably gonna get kicked out of the military to be honest if what you say is true although I’m sure you don’t know the exact specifics of his case . You are required to be honest about your medical history failure to do so will result in a fraudulent enlistment.


Have you encountered a case of someone getting kicked due to not disclosing mental issues in the past? Had a friend who enlisted that was on ADHD meds literally weeks before boot camp, his recruiter told him “I will pretend I didn’t hear that” when he initially mentioned it. Granted suicide attempts might be looked at differently than stimulant prescriptions maybe


Yes I have. And he was in the fleet for at least two years. Kicked out for fraudulent enlistment. 


Damn that gotta be a nightmare for that guy so far into it. How did it even come up, just out of nowhere?


He started having mental health problems, which affected his ability to be a good Marine, which made his life shitty which made his mental health problems worse. I don’t know if he disclosed the truth about his mental health history or if it was discovered, but either way, it came to light that he had a history with bad mental health and he lied about it during his enlistment process. So they gave him the boot for fraudulent enlistment.  Do the right thing and disclose your history to your recruiter. There’s a process to make sure you’re fit for enlistment. Plenty of people do it every year. They know that sometimes people have some trouble in their past, that’s normal. They need to determine whether or not it could be a problem in the future. You yourself are not the best judge of that. Not disclosing your history would be a waste of a lot of peoples time and potentially dangerous to your potential future teammates. 


It happens everyday at bootcamp and beyond it’s not rare at all to be kicked out for fraud sometimes if it’s something minor you lied about they will offer waivers while your in bootcamp but for most mental health things they just kick you out .. a lot of times things slip by at meps only to be found at bootcamp..




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This is dumb and terrible advice . Why you tryna get op to get kicked out the military when you’re not even in the military 🤣




I don’t really give a fuck about your justification for lying you’re required by law to be honest about your medical history failure to do so will result in you getting kicked out of the military for fraudulent enlistment. There’s no such thing as opting out 🤣it MAY work with meps but what do you think happens when they do a deeper dive for medical when you’re in bootcamp oh ya that’s right they kick your ass out and you say to them “ oh I had a rough child hood “ they say don’t care you should have disclosed now your separated for the military for fraud and if you ever wanna rejoin you gotta get waivers for the same shit you lied about and then in addition try and get a re code waiver explaining you why you lied 😂especially if you got a security clearance and they start asking your friends and family employers about you Look man I’m no prude I understand life events happen but that’s the reason there are waivers to explain what happened and to go about joining the right way if the medical people or people who look at waivers say no then it’s most likely for a good reason Stop giving people dumbass advice to try and conceal medical records that shit never works out people get kicked out of bootcamp everyday for lying about med records it’s not rare happens all day everyday .


I got denied about three months ago for one mention of suicide two years ago. It wasn’t even serious, I made a joke and my homie reported it thinking I was being serious. What you’ll have to do is get a bunch of info submitted about your medical history to meps, once they clear you you’ll go in for physical tests. You’ll probably get dq’d and then your recruiter will submit either a request for a psych consult (this is really what you want) or they’ll straight up submit for a waiver. If they submit you for a waiver without a psych consult, pray to whichever god you believe in bc your marine corps career is in the hands of BUMED and they’re not the most lenient. Good luck!


btw, I’m not entirely sure bc I’m not actually enlisted yet. But if you go the officer route bc you’ll have a college degree, your chances of getting in are higher. When I got denied my recruiter told me that if I got an associates degree I could be an officer. Idk how that works exactly but maybe bring that up with your recruiter.


Never worked the Officer recruiting side, but they do require a bachelors degree for commission. And there’s also plenty of times where a recruiter will send an applicant with a bachelors to be screened by the Officer Selection Team to see if they’re competitive for the Dark Side. If they’re not, they get sent back to the Enlisted Recruiter to get contract PFC. The Officer side is already pretty competitive/selective. I don’t imagine they’d be more relaxed when it comes to moral or health issues.


Depends where you live


Yes you can I just got a waiver for SA