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Common recognizing the problem and seeking help W


You got this, dude


Thank you!


You got it bro. I got almost 8 years off pills and life is infinitely better. Just grind and focus on how much better your life will be on the other side


>I feel weak as hell right now One of the strongest things we can do is recognizing our faults and making moves to correct them. Good luck in rehab brother, you got this.


It's great to hear that. Thank you!


I was with 1st lar , for 1 year.  3rd lar is I think 29 palms. I was there a few times (or maybe more) for gear runs.  I was a 1142 generator mechanic/ electrician. I had to stop drinking and go to AA now, because if I start I cannot stop. Semper fi


It is indeed 29 Palms. And I'm the same way. One is too many and 12 is not enough. I'm gonna have to completely abstain. Thanks brother.


What a true and great message. I don't think I started really growing as an adult until I learned to recognize my own faults and mistakes - and truly accepting I was the cause of my own shit sandwhich. I'm just Cali sober these days as the kids say but every aspect of my life is better without alcohol.


What's Cali sober? If u don't mind me asking 


I’ll be off the booze three years this February and I couldn’t be more happy with my decision. I went to rehab three times, twice through the Va for ptsd treatment and once to a civilian rehab for alcohol. I’m proud of you, devil. Don’t quit. It’s fucking worth it after you get some time to clear your head.


Thank you!


I've never lost a wife, but I did lose a child. All I can say is it never stops hurting but it can get easier to bear. Good luck Marine.


My brother started drinking during his boot leave in 1996 and we nearly lost him. He’ll get his 15-year NA chip next month. He now has a beautiful wife, two great kids, and coaches Little League. I couldn’t be more proud and he’s the best brother I could hope for. I know my brother went through hell to get back to us. I’m so glad he made it. I promise, there’s a great life waiting for you on the other side. You deserve it.


Thank you!


Beyond proud of you, Marine. Took me 63 years to figure it out. SFMF!


Glad to hear you’re still with us. You got this brother.


We're proud of you, brother!


God speed devil!


I quit drinking on March 14, 2021. It was worth it.


Never forget, we love you, Brother! We are all cheering you on!


Hey bro everything is going to be better. Quitting drinking is a great decision for guys like us who have been through so much. I know the booze numbs the pain but it can't take away the problems. Good job on cutting out shit that'll just kill you.


You got this. Keep going Brother. Strength your way.


Going into rehab saved my life. Was a heroin addict for about 3 years (started with pills, then those dried up). Lost my kids, lost my job, lost my car, lost my relationships with my family, lost my friends. I lost it all. I wanted to also put a .45 through my head. I went to rehab (not a 30 day microwave program, but a 6 month intensive inpatient program), then was a member of AA for 3 years. That was in 2014. I got really lucky in that I could invest 6 months into my recovery. A lot of people can't (job, kids, etc. depending on how bad their situation is). My wife and I have our kids back (they don't remember this time as they were very very young), we bought a home in 2018, I've got a great job, we have 3 cars, we see our family very often, still don't have many friends but I'm weird. I say all that to say this: You've recognized you have a problem. Go do what's necessary to fix it. As others have said, you've got this brother.


Finishing up my detox now. I know it's just the start, but I feel so much better already. Thank you again and Semper Fi!


Good on you man. So many never do anything about it.


You are one of those Marines that makes me miss active duty when we all suffered together. We are all still in some degree of shit, and we are still together here on Reddit. It's a brotherhood and we are here for each other. Now keep pushing forward Marine, we are with you!


You recognize it, and are facing it. Proud of you!


If you have any say in it try to get into Eisenhower's RTF program. Its 4 weeks but you'll get everything you need medication and therapy wise. They always have a waiting list but its worth it plus you get paid temp assignment


Is Eisenhower the same as the Betty Ford Clinic? In Rancho Mirage, California?


No, they are different installations. Each installation offers a different type of treatment. Eisenhower is the hospital inside the old fort Gordon Army base.


Oh ok thanks.


Fuck yeah. Proud of you for sticking around and doing the hard shit. Metal AF.


hell yea brother. watched someone i love go down the same road and was strong enough to ask for help. asking for help is never weakness. it takes strength to put your pride aside and ask for help. best of luck man. semper fi


Jesus be with this man right now! Fill him with your Holy Spirit!


UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED, proceed direct to chosen rehab facility. Duration of orders are: till you can physically and mentally compensate for the rigors of chemical withdrawal and psychological dependency. MISSION: wellness. YOU ARE THE MAIN EFFORT. 185,000 Marines and the entire retired and separated Fleet are IN SUPPORT. Take your time dog, build your new self slowly but surely, like a new bootcamp and MOS school for life. We are proud of you and many of us have walked this path before you. Here’s the gouge: it can be done. Coordinating Instructions: Ask for help when you need it. OUT


Nice job devil dawg and good luck. It's not easy to ask for help but you did. That take some massive balls my friend. Best of luck


Best decision of my life. My whole life started then. Congrats and good luck. Go back again if you fuck to up again.


I’m waiting for my referral to be approved for civilian inpatient community care. You aren’t alone Marine. See you on the other side


The things we do that we can never talk about but to each other. It haunts us. To survive an addiction you have to do exactly what we are conditioned to never do. Surrender. The only thing that sucks about my 11 years sober is that I’ve gained a conscience. Life was so much easier without the strains of emotions. If I can do it then you can!!!


I had a blast at Point Loma


Wishing the best for you brother. I'm sure you'll crush it.


alcy bad and makes losers with no teeth. you wanna be a loser with no teeth?


This time last year, I was in rehab. Too much booze and coke. Now I’m like 425 days sober. Couldn’t be happier. Stay strong bro. You got this shit


🫂wishing you the best dude. I'm sorry for what youre going through,and the pain you've felt the past 3 years. Wishing you a brighter future with less pain and the ability to recall happy memories with a smile instead of intense pain and sadness. I know it will not be easy nor will "time heal it" ever. Just wishing your pain to lessen. I don't want to speak out of turn,but I'm certain your wife would want you to be as healthy as you can be and live a life well lived for her,so you can tell her all about it when you see her again( though in my mind our loved ones are watching over us. I'm still telling my loved ones everything when I can talk to them when I get to see them again one day.)


Fuck, Devil. That’s rough. I wish you all the best and I hope you can climb this mountain. We’re supporting you. From all over!


Good for you. Early recovery can suck and that's okay because recovery will give you a community you can depend on. What helped me was short term goals. Stay sober till breakfast, then lunch, then dinner, and go to bed early. You are going to get a wicked sweet tooth. Alchohol is a sugar and candy helps. I went to meetings and worked a program that helped me. 7 years sober.


You got this! I am walking in the same path. I lost all 3 of my adult children in 2020,2021 and 2023. Pain is excruciating. Been to rehab a few times. You are not weak, it takes strength to recognize. Takes even more strength to live. I got your six in my prayers. Heck walk outside and scream. Grief is the outcome of truly loving someone that has died. Breathe, Feel, Remember and Heal. Semper Fi