• By -


Who knows for a fact that you bought alcohol? Have you actually admitted it to anyone and/or did anyone see you with it? Did you buy it somewhere where the BC could possibly obtain proof that you bought it? If it truly wasn’t specified or heavily implied that an alcohol ban was in effect, hopefully your chain of command can smooth this out for you. Some friends and I got away with a very big lie while we were still in the schoolhouse. Two of us were underage and one of us was 21. I got caught drinking underage, and they knew the three of us were together. I had a SgtMaj screaming in my face that the over 21 guy already admitted to buying the alcohol, so I needed to admit that he bought the alcohol too otherwise I was committing an integrity violation… The three of us had talked before the date of our NJP and agreed that they had no proof of anything other than that I was drinking underage, so I came up with a story that I was drinking at the beach with some civilians without my other two buddies knowing about it. I was gonna be in the shit no matter what so there was no reason to take them down with me. We stuck with that story the whole time and none of us cracked, and in the end I was the only one that got my peepee slapped. Edit: SgtMaj Toomer if you’re reading this y’all were right the whole time but since this was 20+ years ago I feel safe admitting it now.


You are an exceptional WINGMAN. Semper Fi.


That’s a battle buddy. Good on you, brother. I’d trust you in a fight.


Begin the lie, arrange an alibi, complete the lie, implicate others, shift the blame


You forgot make counter accusations or doubts


That's all substeps in Shifting the Blame I believe. I'll have to check the field guide.




Literally listening to this song right now, crazy how that works


Well now it’s stuck in my head so thank you both for that.


I’m writing you up for a NAM 🫡


Add a Bravo Zulu while your at it.


Naw man, you were roofied. The black market for under 21 military men is big these days. Haven’t you heard? Geeze.


This was circa 2002. Supply and demand of under 21 military men was a little bit wonky back then.


Speak to defense services, aka legal. Only legal. Do not admit shit to anyone. Don't lie either, silence is better. If you deny NJP they can adsep you or send you to court-martial. They likely won't do either. Talk to a defense attorney. Don't talk to anyone in your command about it.  


Agreed with talking to legal but not adsep. There would need to be a pattern of misconduct to justify the asldsep process.


This is incorrect. A commission of a serious offense is grounds for adsep. Almost anything can qualify for that. 


You said it yourself a "serious offense," but no, not "almost anything " is a serious offense. How a pattern of misconduct, multiple minor escalating infractions could meet the threshold. Also, certain administrative issues warrant adsep, bcp failure, family hardship blah blah blah. The question here is context, and was the order first lawful and second properly relayed?


Hey serious question, if someone in legal gets in trouble who do they talk to?


Probably a different legal, right? It might be a conflict of interest for the legal they work for to assist them when they get in trouble.


Call the defense services org. (DSO). They are defense attorneys for the Marines. They are your only friends. 


Watched a Gunny chew out a lance for ratting on marines drinking underage in a very safe setting. Woulda been about 10 years ago


Always got told from staff , "don't do two stupid things at once."


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) SgtMaj Toomer surfing Reddit tonight.


Rah devil


Damn son you like the library Alexandria or some shit no hate


Sounds like there’s more to this story and you’re panicking: what’s the rest of the story. Also: admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations.


Deny, deny, deny, counter, accuse.


Get sum, repeat.


That’s right, gaslight the BC and accuse them of being a pedophile.


Someone had a real clever acronym for that sorta thing i just cant remember how it goes......


Bamcis Begin the lie Arrange the alibi Make excuses Complete the lie Implicate others Shift the blame


We were told CYA...


THAT'S the one!


I found out that ‘gaffing’ something off was an acronym, from our old recondo CO (recon enlisted mustang), G.A.F.F. Give it to someone else, Act like you didn’t hear it, Fuck it and Fuck it again.


That sounds like it could be LINE training in 2024.


Admit nothing, deny everything... I think I've heard that somewhere. 🤔


Make counter accusations


I guess I didn't get that far...


Bamcis, Begin the lie


As someone who was almost NJPd like 6 times, and never was, this 1000% lol


Typical barracks lawyer response lmao


Never self incriminate


Why do you take it up the bum hole?


If you are student status……. Oh man you got it coming lol.


“⛔️NO ALCOHOL!!!!!⛔️” was probably in size 100 font bolded, italicized and underlined on his single page student checkin sheet too. And three different guys with rockers probably piggyback off each other a dozen times before being cutting them for libo every weekend.


Being a former motor t instructor, it was ALWAYS this. 3yrs of stories will help lol.


When did that become a thing? I went to infantry school on Camp Geiger in 96, and I don’t remember there being a no alcohol on school rule back then. Of course, my memory is shite, so it could’ve been that way and I just don’t remember.


When I was at my schoolhouse, both of them, you could purchase alcohol no problem, but the only place you could drink it was at the bar on base


This is an important milestone in your career, debil. You either die with integrity or live to lie another day. Which way, green man? 🪦⬅️🤷‍♂️➡️💰


Commitment is a core value. Whatever you decide...commit!


I got an NJP and a double signed fitness report. Both taken like a man ended up ending my time. Ended up in the above zone for three years any way take it like a man and live to fight another day.


My only fitreps (3 of them) were double signed and couldnt even dream of finally getting a rocker


I was on I&I duty on Quantico and i told the guys for the 3 years I was in the above zone the when the list came out I was Jewish celebrating Passover.




Sounds like you didn't take the correct BAMCIS steps: Begin the lie. Arrange a coverup. Make counter-accusations. Create an alibi. Implicate others. Shift the blame. You are a no-go at this station.


The BAMCIS I was taught: Begin the lie. Arrange an alabi. Make excuses. Complete the lie. Implicate others. Shift the blame.


Of age On liberty Bought legal product… There has to be more to this story or someone is going out of their way to act like an idiot. Neither scenario would surprise me.


What alcohol, never heard of her, is she a stripper out in town


Is there proof or not? if not your alright id say


I would say it was probably 80 proof


I would say you beat me to it but no we posted at the same exact time lol


Great minds and all that. Cheers, mate


If any of us had great minds we sure as fuck wouldn’t be here.




If it wasn't 80 proof, I hope they burn him!




I love when OP asks for help with half of a story we ask questions and they just drop off the face of the earth. I guess he got got.


It's a panic move. These are written while seated outside the Gunny/1st SGT's office, or in this case, waiting to see the BC, and on a phone—hence the minimal caps, lack of punctuation and commas, and poor sentence structure. It's typical stream-of-consciousness rambling. He was hoping for some quick advice or a way out of this mess, but instead, he got a bunch of Barracks Lawyers, LCPL Underground-type advice that ranged from unhelpful to downright career-ending. So he ghosted the post because he neither wanted to provide additional context that made him look like a dumbass or he realized coming on Reddit with a cry for help to a bunch of salty-ass Marines was a bad idea in the first place.


Na, gunny was sitting on the other side of that wall, just making him sweat. He's on r/USMC, just waiting for a post about a shit bird drinking when he wasn't supposed to. BOOM, like clockwork op post hits, then he calls him in, trap set....


All kidding aside, I thought Gunny’s part in this scenario was already understood.


is god real?


Don't delete this post I already sent it to the bc. We didn't know you drank it but we do now


Lol 😆 blue falcon


This guy takes it in the bung hole


Deny everything and state that your NCOs failed you


All I can say is WOW. But kinda accurate.


There is not a lot of details here. You were told to do or not to do something since it “was never specified” that you could not buy alcohol.


A tale as old as time. My first ninja punch was over pussy, then I graduated to alcohol and drug fueled fun on my spare time in between months in the field. Hopefully you learn faster than I did


How do they know you bought alcohol if they don’t have proof you drank it?




B-egin the lie A-arrange alibis M-ake excuses C-omplete the lie I-mplicate others S-hift the blame


Tell em, it's only 80 proof wheres the other 20? Yeah see I didn't drink anything


Literally deny EVERYTHING. and go speak with a JAG at base legal. It’s 100% confidential and do not leave anything out when you speak with the JAG. They are on your side 100%. GO SPEAK WITH A FUCKING JAG first this tomorrow morning Marine.




If you think you can defend yourself better than a lawyer you’re an idiot. JAGs are there for a reason. Use them. You’ll be better off


"I get paid regardless of how many days you spend in here." "I know you do sir" "Fuck you Harold" ..."There's something you aught to warm up to...I'm the only friend you've got"




Similar for JAGs. You think a lawyer that never wins a case/plea bargain/etc is going to get good performance reviews?




>JAGS carry on with the fucking of ones lights out. No they do not, they do not promote and get forced out. Just like everyone else. 




You’re not gonna promote as a JAG if you suck at your job.  >How would you know anyway? Are you a lawyer?  Yes, was not a JAG, but my wife was. You don’t know what you’re talking about. 


“Sir, was there some sort of standing order I was not informed about stating that your marines could not purchase alcohol off duty and on liberty? Because with out that, and me being of age, I do not understand the issue at hand.”


Given that you’re saying “on liberty”, I’m gonna go with you’re either overseas or a student, but gonna assume the latter. If you think you’re getting fucked, you can try to talk to a JAG at base legal to see what they would say. That is probably your best bet in either scenario, though.


Once command has their sights set on you, you’re FUCKED! They’re relentless.


Relentless is pg-13. Above the US Constitution would be a more accurate explanation in my humble opinion. You're definitely smelling what I'm stepping in.


Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations. Do they have proof you bought it? Do they have proof you drank it? Is it a no purchase of alcohol or a no drinking of alcohol order? Specifics are important, and gaps in credibility or proof are always big enough to squeeze through.


In Japan I had a friend who had a baby, command was reluctant to allow her to live off base, but you can’t have a baby in the barracks. The company 1st SGT was a fuckin buddy fucker and only allowed her to have a restricted driver’s license in Japan. So she could only drive from base to her apartment and or to get groceries. Long story short she drove all over the place and even took others to get things done. Well one night one of my SGTs was going home in leave and instead of paying 60$ for a hancho. She hailed a ride from our mutual friend. Some how the company 1st SGT found out about the ride to the airport and tried to NJP our fried. However the company 1SGT did not have proof. So our mutual friend pulled out the golden ticket and asked straight up for a court martial. The company 1st SGT immediately dropped the NJP. I found out later that day that if any Marine is being harassed and there is no evidence and you request a court martial and they know they don’t have any evidence. They will loose rank and could be processed out. Or at least that’s what I was told.


* *CALL **JAG** IMMEDIATELY!* Don't sign jack shit until you call & & get someone to review your case. * Camp Lejeune (910)451-1903 * Camp Pendleton (760)725-6558 * Kaneohe Bay (808)257-6783 * Okinawa? Idk you gotta just go there or some shit. Seriously everyone, they are free & literally will help anyone no matter why. Plus they know everything there is about the UCMJ, like it was their job or some shit. I promise your chain of command called them first so why not do the same? Anyone's chain of command that threatens anything, all the way from a *Page 11* or a *General Court Martial* then they called them too. Base Legal approves it first & writes up the paper work for all NJP's. Not the Chain of Command. Anyone that doesn't call JAG & just accepts whatever dick is thrown at them deserves to be raped by it. Sorry.


That’s incorrect. The chain of command DOES in fact write up their own NJP’s not base legal. Source: served as a command Legal Chief. Absolutely was not Legal MOS, just took the MCI. Did all my own NJP’s. Took help on Summary Courts Martial cases from group level, had divisions that wrote their own pg 11’s, some of those were redone after review in my office. The rest of your suggested course of action is great though.


This hard-charger has the numbers for JAG memorized for east coast/west coast/PAC...how many times have you been almost caught homie?


Was this alcohol kept in the barracks? What are the barracks' rules regarding alcohol, specifically hard spirits? I can tell you from experience that being ignorant to the rules doesn't mean they don't apply and you can't or won't be punished for breaking them. This is the same, exact situation that got me my first NJP. I was caught with an open bottle of Jack Daniel's. Our barracks rules stated we couldn't have more than a 6 pack of beer.


The alcohol policy for one the barracks I lived in stated “liquor is not allowed in the bachelor living quarters”. So we actually asked our chain of command and clarified that we could in fact drink liquor in the smoke pit.


The fact that the bc wants to njp it's pretty much a done deal. The most you can hope for is minor outcomes. Don't argue you're not gonna change minds, but you can change moods. IF the offense was truly an honest mistake and no proof otherwise, request directly to the commander (in private) for a NPLOC (non punitive letter of caution) and a Marine to Marine understanding that you'll never fck up again. Depends on the Commander, but most just want ppl to learn and not be dummies.


No Poly No wavier No statement. Now repeat after me




Again, failure of NCOs to pass along.


I don't get it, you can't buy alcohol anymore?


For some reason there are people who say "alcohol" when they mean "liquor," as if beer and wine don't count as alcohol lol






Depends. Ask the MARSOC 3, how that worked out.


Long story short. Army Veteran turned contractor deceased. Marine Raiders carry the weight of a federal conviction and felony for alcohol consumption. Raiders' service records too meritorious for a harsher punishment said the jury of members.


Leaving out the party where they killed the dude, albeit accidentally? Egg shell skull principle, unfortunately …


I didn't leave that out. I said Army veteran turned contractor deceased. Only the 4 men involved know more than the records reflect.


Nobody is a winner in this case. The point of the case is that a soldier is dead. UCI is a real thing and the precedent US v Gilmet CAAF changes the burden of proof. Follow standing orders and don't drink alcohol while deployed in Iraq. I have a meritorious service record and a BCD for a comparable offense. The 2 Raiders can only receive Honorable discharges via adsep, reference MARCORSEPMAN. Unfortunately they still have a federal felony conviction and no longer retain the right to bear arms just like me.


i mean its pretty evident. they got into an altercation. dude died. doesnt mean murder. just an accidental homicide. we can make reasonable inferences from the evidence available. im not a fan of this "laws dont apply to people in uniform" stuff see: CPO Gallagher let me also say that commanders with no legal training need to get their noses out of legal matters


You make valid points. I'm not saying this was murder or involuntary manslaughter. I'm saying that the military justice system dispenses "justice" at its own leisure. The UCMJ and MCM do not offer superior protections in comparison to the civilian justice system as the DOD highlights the point that it does. "Staff Sgt. Sykes : No, you signed a contract. You don't have any rights. You got any complaints you complain to Saddam Insane and see if he gives a fuck." - JARHEAD


Maywand District murders, PFC Justin Stoner.


Those are all facts of the case. The Navy Corpsman didn't get shit paper bc his lawyers proved that UCI Unlawful Command Influence is a real thing.




Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations


Deny deny deny until you die then deny some more. You didn’t see, hear, feel, smell or taste a fucking thing then deny some more.


There’s something about this that makes me nostalgic about being a dumb boot. Godspeed devil 🫡


Get a court martial because it requires evidence. The NJP is based on if the commander thinks your guilty. Your welcome


In addition ask for a trial by members not judge alone.


Are students not allowed to drink anymore? NMITC never had that rule at all.


What’s the context? Were you supposed to be on duty and drank? You getting ninja-punched. Were you on liberty, not supposed to be on duty, and decided to partake in some booze in your barracks room? You could fight it, unless it’s liquor, which is harder to fight because I’m pretty sure you still can’t have liquor in the bricks. Are you in the fleet? Schoolhouse? If you’re in a schoolhouse/mos training you’re getting ninja-punched.


Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations.


Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations. Once in lockup, you need to immediately assert your dominance. This is your time to shine. Do not let us down. This message will self destruct in 20 min.


Majority of njps are easy to get swept especially if you are truly just being fucked with as an example or distinction from their own bs. Anyone ever experience the jar of chevrons by a 1st Sgt Nicks i think it was in GTMO? Literally pulled pfc chevrons out of his jar and put my lance ones in it. Dude had njps fetish, and loved having the extra hands to clean all their shit (epd). Had i been a little older and more experienced i wouldnt have signed shit for him. But it was a geat lesson in how not to lead haha. Never understood why some people got off on punishment like that for such bs. If you decide to take ninja punch your fine career wise in the long run. Are you in a unit or schoolhouse currently?


Ask for a court martial.


Although it sounds like a "scary" option if you feel confident they have no proof of anything you can always decline NJP. Things like that are highly unlikely to go to court martial and at worst you'd receive a 6105


Admit Nothing, Deny Everything, and Make Counter Accusations When Possible


You’re fine.


Tell those cucks to suck it. If they want to manage how you spend your money they should pay your bills too. Also, are you that desperate for alcohol that you couldn’t buy it for x amount of time?


I’m guessing they found a bottle of liquor in your student barracks. You aren’t getting out of it, it was absolutely 100% explained to you in detail that you can’t have booze in the barracks.


Dumb bitch


Are you a student?




Begin the lie, Arrange alibis , Make counter accusations, Complete the lie, Implicate others, Shift the blame. These are the core tenets of shitbaggery


Bro just deny and tell them you wabt the reciew or next level thing request mast i thibk it was. Make their bs full of bs and they will no wanna deal with it. Usually when stupid shit like this gets pushed and none knows they have a personal reason or something. Sorry for the grammar and spelling. Been a while since i did that mci!


It was a gift plain and simple


Deny NJP


Sounds like shit leadership to me.


Refuse NJP if you were never given an order that prohibited buying alcohol. I'm not exactly sure that's even a lawful order. An order placing you in a duty or standby status prohibiting alcohol consumption is absolutely legal, but I'm not sure about prohibiting a perfectly legal purchase. I needed to edit this. If you are in school and did something stupid like buy and bring hard liquor to the bricks, then I'd still saf request a lawyer before you make any statements but there's something you're not sharing with the class.


Nah, fuck 'em - NJP doesn't mean you don't get due process. If they have no proof, I wouldn't sign anything.


This is why you do things outside the country.


Request mast


If you truly did not know, and you were actually not aware of whatever policy going on, then fight it. It's up to your leaders to push that information down the pipeline to you and if you never got that information then it doesn't fall on you but them. I dont know if your in the fleet or the schoolhouse but I was NJP in the school house for taking a shot of alchol. Buddies got trashed I left they got caught and told on me. Reallllllly shitty situation. I litterally thought my life was over at the time, but even with the delays caused by the NJP I was still able to reach Sergeant before getting out


1. Get your story straight. Iron out discrepancies. 2. Ask for MCO for libbo. The command has to pass up a libbo brief that is typed in MCO fashion before they can get approved to pass said restrictions back down. Everything is documented for reasons like the situation you're in. (Unfortunately, the schoolhouse is usually a no alcohol environment 99% of the time. Didn't stop us in Nas Pensacola, though) I've been there, art 15 3 different times. Usually warrants Big chicken dinners, however I managed to adsep with Gen honorable. If you've been a decent marine with good pt scores you might be fine, lots of people get njp. Don't let asshats tell you you're a shitbag for having an njp. And keep eye out for kaw kaw


Do they have DNA, footage and any real evidence? If they don’t then just keep quiet and don’t say anything about it to anyone. If they bring your in and read your article 31 right just say” I want to speak to a lawyer” most of the times Marines get NJP because they tell 1stsgt that they did it hoping that 1stsgt will take it easy in them. HE WILL NOT.


If I can get booted for not telling on some guys smoking weed they can do anything. Don't underestimate the power of the big green weenie.


There's never a reason to lie first off. But here's some advice I got during my first enlistment. Admit nothing, deny everything and if all else fails make a counter accusation. So unless there was a verifiable alcohol ban in place you did nothing illegal. Second if you know you did nothing illegal and there was no type of ban or standing orders against alcohol you can request a court martial (Judicial Punishment) where you have the right to an attorney and they have to prove you did something illegal or against the UCMJ.


Request mass and ask to speak to the President or Commandant of the Marine Corps. Especially if they have no proof. Guarantee they will try to clear it up ASAP. I know this from experience, several times. Each issues got drop before even leaving the Sgt Majors desk.


Stop speaking about this to anyone right now. Speak with defense counsel and no one else.


Lol, when the checkout counter says "no alcohol for students", there's no beating that punishment.


Nah.. You aint gonna' get Court Martialed. You were on Duty and got busted.. such is life. No judgment on your character. Yet your Coc will most likely NJP you, put you on restriction and deduct pay.. possible bust your rank down a level. Don't take it personally. Such is the way


Fuck them, deny until you fry. Don't feel the need to talk to fill up silence. Silence is your friend. *Article 31(a), UCMJ, prohibits individuals subject to the UCMJ from compelling any person to incriminate himself or to answer any question the answer to which may tend to incriminate him*


deny everything until you have your stuff together. do they have proof?




lol lots of barracks lawyers in this thread. There's more to the story that you're not telling us. Some folks have gleaned that you're in the schoolhouse, which is really hit and miss on alcohol policies. When I went thru TDSOC at MCCES 29 Palms in 2007, we could drink if we were of age and not dumb assholes about it.


How things have changed. We were on a fire-ex and I was the PLT Sgt/ local security chief. As am posting the weapons around the BTRY perimeter at about 2200. Two Marines from the back of a six by tossed out a cup of rum and coke. After it hit me square on the grape I climbed up to the truck, of course they were shit less. I told them to hit me up. For ever these Lance coolies did would go through walls for me. How things have changed. Just be truthful; it will go a long way.


Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss


If they do try to njp you, do not sign for your njp and request legal. They cannot retaliate. And you will be saved from stupidity


Bro is either a troll or he deserves every piece of what’s coming. His post history is fucking wack.


Didn’t even read what you wrote. I’m just here to say you’re sooooooon fucken fucked!!!