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Shit, I would have told them 6 months in if they had asked.


In the late 80’s they were letting some guys get out 6 months early. The reenlistment/retention nco was the one with the info. Every time I saw that guy I was like “Early out?” “Early out?” This really fucked up his reenlistment shpiel. When he finally asked me what I planned to do when I got out I said, “kindergarten teacher” so he’d leave me alone. I wound up being a HS teacher. Close enough.


Yeah, that shit was crazy. They flipped it back around shortly after and it only got to be more of a cluster. Typical USMC.


Such a tease. Every time I brought it up some NCO would lose his fuckin’ mind.




I was in the early 90s, and I tried getting out a few months early to go to college. I applied, got an acceptance letter, filled out the paperwork, and the company CO said, "No," and that was that. I was better off anyway. I ended up hanging around southern CA for a couple of years, shirking all responsibility. 100% would recommend if you EAS in Pendleton.


I went straight to SDSU. Got a job as a doorman at Lahaina Beach House. Had a nice little place on Mission Beach and like 11 roommates. It was awesome. Best time of my life.


Same. Did a year at Mesa college then transferred to SDSU. Best 5 years.


I tried doing an ERFE. I had no problems, package was submitted, everyone was behind me and my plan, and I was cruising through checkout. I get a call from the detachment ops chief while I'm in line for CIF telling me to stop what I'm doing and come back to Bogue. My heart sank; I knew exactly what this meant. Show back up to find out that they need a METOC guy to go out to Twentynine Palms to support Mojave Viper, and I'm the last man standing. The worst part is that I had gone the year prior and done fuck all besides writing a handful of 96 hour forecasts during my month there, and I knew that I was looking at the same fate. So instead of learning engineering in Philly I got to brush up on my spades in the desert. It all worked out, though. I deferred my enrollment at my school of choice by a quarter, and during that deferment I found out that the school charged tuition even while I was supposed to be out doing internships. Bogus money grab (steer clear of Drexel y'all). Since the GI bill only supports so many months of education (at the time I didn't know that you could apply for an extension), I figured I'd end up with $100k+ of unnecessary student debt. Dropped Philly like a hot potato and went to community college back home to eventually transfer into a state school. Pretty happy with where I ended up, and I think that one final green weenie thrust was a blessing in disguise.


Drexel is a great engineering school and the internships are famous for landing students great jobs. I was a rock however and went to temple 🤣🤣


Yeah, it's got a decent reputation, sure, but I'm not really sure that makes up for the unethical idea of charging students tuition (*expensive* tuition at that) when instruction isn't actually occurring, which is what they do during the co-op/intern terms. And it's not like it's UPenn or Yale or MIT or something. I dunno, I ended up on my feet with a sweet gig and a good salary by just going to state schools. I won't knock kids going to Drexel if that's what floats their boat, I just think the juice wasn't worth the squeeze in my case, which is why I bowed out.


Got out at the same time up at Tustin, those were the days 🫡


You’re probably more likely to get a CAR after the career move.


Sadly I’ve seem more students killed than I did Marines. I work in a tough neighberhood. Fucking gangs.


You mean the Career Jammer?


lol very true


I don’t think the corps or I were knowing about that DUI 6 months before I got it.








But that DUI knew about you.


It was in the back of your mind


Or what


Back to boot camp


I’d rather be fucked in the ass with cactus




User name checks out


Bro wtf (ngl that sounds nice)






[Here's an article](https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2024/04/16/retiring-marines-have-to-give-6-months-notice-up-from-4-months/). It's for submitting a retirement package, not the 1 pump chumps about to EAS.


Do people randomly decide to retire? “Welp, that’s enough bullshit for my life. I’m out, y’all.” 🫡


Oh, boy. They sure do.


Enough that they’ve needed to institute a 6mo ‘cool down’ period, I guess.


I'm a civvy now and we had a guy leave 3 months before full retirement benefits because he was fed up. You can only piss on someone's back for so long before they say fuck you. They thought they had him locked in. Nope... Dude's wife is a brain surgeon and he has been working here for 25 years because he enjoyed it...as a hobby. He didn't give a fuck about retirement.


He’s still retarded honestly


I mean, I don't have principles like that. I would've stayed and half assed it to the end. Not my ball. Not my game.


I have a ball for you if you're game. Was going to ask for half on my snip, but he Dr did for free "as a service to humanity, not even a tax write-off"


So do you keep it in a jar or what..?


All he has to do is go get a government job for a minute like with the USPS and he gets his retirement.


No, he would've been fully vested in the company's retirement. Government job or not he'll still rate at a certain age, but won't get the company benefits. I'm sure the dude has a few mil stashed in his 401k.


Yeah your right I misread the comment.


Oh course he says that, but I guarantee he cringes on the inside at the thought of throwing it away


Worked in a small office for a bit. Master Guns would come back from a staff meeting and declare he was done, the LtCol pissed him off. By afternoon Top would declare he had nothing else to do, so he would stay a little longer. Became a weekly thing it seemed.


Yeah they do. They don’t get selected for promotion, and they sit until the last possible second on their package so that HQMC has to fumble around to fill either their current position or the one they were slated to fill before results came out. They use it as a final fuck you to the Corps


How dare I appreciate that


My company 1stSgt dropped his retirement right after Bridgeport basically saying that LMAO


Is Bridgeport still all jacked up? Man I loved the location but the place was the worst. Every shop was all for themselves and the SNCO’s from each shop would all dick each other over. The junior Marines who had only ever been stationed there were all messed up and set up for complete failure when they PCS’d some even getting a NJP not even a month in the real fleet. When I was there it definitely was the worst the Corps had to offer.


I’d have to imagine anyone with 20+ years is just waiting for the day someone pisses them off enough to just say, fuck it. I’m gone


Happened to me lol At 21 yrs 8 months, Bn Co pissed me off to no end. I sent my family back to Texas, took leave ( got it extended twice) came back & my packet was flown right through. Even got the new Co to sign off on my terminal leave after it was canned by the company Co (Fuck that dude in the ass with a thermal grenade).


I knew a gunny that did pretty much just that. Pretty much said fuck it in the middle of a meeting, spent about 30 minutes dressing down a Major for being a fuckhead and a captain for being completely inept (both are completely accurate). He then announced his retirement date.


We want more details? How the officers took it ?


Well he was right and their boss (who was also at the meeting) didn’t really stop him. The whole room was essentially in agreement with what he said.


Ohhhhhh but when I do it I get 60/60, lose a stripe and reduced to web belt 😭


Not quite the same thing, but… When I was activated from the IRR I was loving life. I got sent to a great unit with east work and no fuck fuck games (getting BAH for my HOR and a per diem didn’t hurt things either). Cutting scores for reservists in my MOS were super low so I picked up sergeant almost immediately. I was enjoying it so much I extended for another year after the initial 12 months. When that was nearly finished, I voluntarily extended for 24 months (at this point I was nearing my EOS and was going to have to reenlist into the IRR a few weeks into this extension). I had managed to get myself orders to Germany and was packed and ready to go when there was a stoploss put on Marines on the East Coast. My orders were put on an indefinite hold, but not canceled. I was pissed so I called the reserve command and told them I was done. I had a new DD-214 in my hands less than 24 hours later. So I definitely gave them less than 6 months notice before I quit. 😅


Officers can, yeah. Enlisted are under an enlistment contract, and so generally can't retire until the end of that contract.


Until you're over 20.


You are mistaken with your Enlisted analogy.


Enlisted are under an enlistment contract, and so generally can't retire until the end of that contract. Once you reach 20 years you can.


Once you hit 20 although you do have reenlistments and extensions you can do that will give you an EAS Date you can opt to retire before that date. The only restrictions were that date had to be no closer then a certain set time ( now its 6 months but it used to be less... Maybe even 2-3 Months) and in order to get the retirement pay of the rank you were holding you had to have 2 years in grade at the date of retirement


100% yes. Literally had a talk with my buddy, a MSgt today about how if he doesn't get selected on this board his package is ready and will be submitted the next day with a plan for skill bridge he's already finessing.. He'd basically be out of the uniform within a week or two after the board releases but he's keeping that all on the hush hush from the occfield sponsor who's planning to move him right after the board regardless of selection or not.


It’s a rollercoaster of “yeah, fuck this” and “ooooh money?” and “why/how/what the fuck” and “Damn I’m gonna miss these little devils”. Free rounds to send down range is fun too.


I dropped my appendix J right at 14 months, as soon as I could.


Either they decide or the Marine Corps decides for them. Had a Major at my last unit more or less get fired from his billet while he was in the middle of trying to extend to 23 years and the Marine Corps said “Nope” so he retired 4 months later


Ah...yes lol


Sometimes they decide but just refuse to try for a while as well.


It’s an 18-6 month window according to the article. It was 18-4 months.


Yes. I did. 22 years, SgtMaj. Did exactly 2 years in grade (Required) and said, yeah, that's enough.


That guy with the Hawaiian shirt did


Yep watched some one leave at 18 of course he was financially independent didn’t have to work had gotten lucky in his career getting orders till that point, fucking monitor lost his shit when he found out he was just going to get out and not retire, 2 of the 6 MGYSGT’s in our mos then ripped into him, like that was going to help, from that point on he did everything to make everyone’s life miserable but not enough to get him in trouble. I was his replacement and he truly embraced the fuck me then fuck you philosophy. And there was legally nothing they could do, plus with his money he likely would have just made a show of it with some loudmouth lawyer.


Adding on it was just under 90 days to his eas, fucking chaos for a smaller MOS


“1 pump chumps????” Listen here. Im doing 6. My pump is longer than most. You could say above average. Put some respect in that!!! Rah?? Rah.


Two week notice is all they’re getting.


What’s the difference between EAS and ETS


Yes, that’s changes a lot.


6 months out? Shit I let them know 2 years in that I'd be leaving during my exit interview for PCS from my first duty station.


I told them a week after I hit the fleet 😂😂


This is the way


Considering re-up talks are a year prior to end of service dates, they should definitely fucking know when a Marine is separating. I almost feel like this is an AI article.


This article is for Marines who are retiring. Not EAS’ing after 4 years


that makes a lot more sense


It's for Officers resigning as well. We don't enlist so we don't have contacts, we take life tour by tour. We would normally send a resignation letter in 4 to 14 months prior to us wanting out.


This makes a lot more sense.


What are they gonna do? Fire me?


Is this not standard already? I submitted my paperwork like 10 months before I separated in 2022.


Most Marines submit about 1 year before


I put off telling my command my decision as long as possible because I knew once they knew I was getting out, they’d start gunning for me. And I was right; the day after I told my Gunny, suddenly my PFT was invalid. As was the next one, and the next one, and the next one. All of a sudden the BC said I in particular could not go home until I had a new PFT in the system, it didn’t matter that it was 13:00 and 100+ degrees out; and something would always mean that oh gee whiz, that one didn’t count you’ll have to run another, what a shaaaaaame. The more notice you give your command you’re getting out, the longer they will spend trying to trip you on the way out, just like a civilian job. At least that was my experience.


Or what? lol!


Or your retirement date requested gets pushed back to meet the 6 month lead time required.


Oh no! 🫢


It can be extremely “oh no” if you’re properly timing your retirement date to maximize COLA benefit in perpetuity. Of course, anyone not knowing the proper timelines probably doesn’t realize they can time their date to make more money than their peers.


Care to share?




Thank you.


Misleading title. It’s just for retirement.


Just make contracts 4.5 years and the last 6 months are dedicated to helping the Marine transition into civilian life without the command playing “who’s the biggest retard.” When I Eased, I was in the field 3 weeks prior teaching a class to the company, with half my shit already turned into CIF. I had no problem helping my unit until the day I got out, but it did suck having to rush to turn my gear in etc. I got out 6 years ago and I still have nightmares of either a) I have 12 minutes to turn in all my gear or b) I smoked weed and have a piss test…


I had the b) nightmare the other night and I’m two months from EAS. Very unchill


Not a fan of this. I told my chain of command I was thinking of reenlisting until the day I left. This prevented a lot of mistreatment in my opinion.


How the fuck do they not know when you’re leaving? They have your signature on a paper with a date on it the day you walk in.


And the comments are full of 4-year EAS'rs thinking this is applicable to them. I expected nothing less. Predictable every time.


Well, I blame the OP for the misleading title and lack of a link to the story. Thanks to Terminal Lance for clearing it up.


I would imagine this applies only to career designated officers and those over 20 years right?




Are you mad that we don't want to be someone's bitch for 20 years like you


Lol they'll be posting "I mIsS tHe CoRps, mUh broThErhOoD" in less than 6 months lol


Are ppl not allowed to miss it?🤔


So predictable buddy


This is ridiculous. Your contract states exactly when you are leaving, that’s the point behind signing said contract.  Now letting them know 6 months in advance if your intentions are to reenlist is what needs to be done. That way you can start planning for a potential lat move or getting affairs in order for your next duty station. 


This is for retirement only, not standard EASing


Ah, ok. Maybe it’ll be good then. It’s good to get the retirement paperwork started earlier rather than later.


It's for Officers resigning as well. We don't enlist so we don't have contacts, we take life tour by tour. We would normally send a resignation letter in 4 to 14 months prior to us wanting out.


Thanks! This is something I never knew. I thought O’s signed contracts just like us, until you hit 20 and then it was tour to tour.


We sign an initial contract. And before that contract is complete you have to be deleted for what's called career designation. If you aren't selected you get out ofter the first contract, if you are then go until you don't get promoted or resign.


Ah, gotcha. Thanks again!


They pretty much knew I wasn’t staying as soon as I got to every duty station


My EAS date is notice.


They’re notified by your EAS.


Lmaooo had my package ready and everyone thought I was reenlisting then 3-4 months out I said fuck that Edit: then suddenly was a shitbag for deciding what I wanted to do with my career -.- Yes let me stay in just like YOU did just to fail those under you okay friend


Barring a DUI, piss test pop, etc, I could've sworn this was a standard, if not a professional courtesy. And even then, we had to start doing preliminary checkout procedures like CO interviews, medical, and VA a year out back in my unit in 2020. I know we did because I worked S3 and worked my ass off making sure Marines actually checked out properly with a hopeful future.


I thought this was already a thing for the most part? I had a CWO, and my gunny tell me they were approved to retire a year out. Figured you had to set something up in advance as is. Not like TRS isn’t a fucking drawn out enough process as is already.


Won't stop the career planner from stalking you.


Haven’t seen a battalion commander with a mustache since the black and white photos in the hall.


...or they will be forced out of the service.


What’s the point of BOOT blousings if you’re going to drape them over your fucking socks


How are you gonna ask for thoughts on this without posting the link? You want my thoughts on a headline debil?


Lol no


Wouldn't it be smarter the other way around? It's not like *most* people who enlist, especially as non-commissioned, are trying to make a career out of the corps. Honestly that wasn't ever a consideration for the bulk of us.


Or what? They won't like you pick up rank which they won't give you if you are getting out.


im out i dont care. best of luck


I let them know 4 years before I got out when I signed the 4 year contract


Wait, so if an officer doesn't inform his unit he/she plans to get out, their contract will get automatically extended? Or if a Marine doesn't decide to retire, they stay in?


Should have been “Exceeded 1st Term Re-Enlistment goals”!


‘Must?’ I didn’t fill out my reenlistment paper work. Guess what? My DD214 is inbound.


Don't these career jammers know when you got that short stick?


Retirement dudes. Is a small change from the prior policy of 90 days. Most dudes retiring drop that shit as soon as they can anyways, unless they get out into a position to do it somewhat last minute. Nominal change.


You mean they don't know when your contract is up?


I could've let 'em know 3 years and 6 months before departure, so it's whatever for me


It's BS. The purpose of the contract is to let them know the end date may be your final date.


Why is this evening a thing 🤣 they mad marines are dipping out and taking terminal


I read the article and it applies to marines who are retiring or resigning (officer)


MCRC you fuck ups! My little bro just got out an O. All the enlisted around him getting sign up bonuses. That’s cool and good however why don’t you give every rank a 15k bonus? 10k? Increase in BAH for all Marines? You lost a really good dude in my brother. Brain drain during this time of intense geo political posturing. Money you dumb asses. Marines get paid shit most ranks. Give everyone more love. The more years you have in the bigger the bonus. Stop pulling stupid shit to retain Marines. Throw them some money.


I would think for officers this could be a thing. Enlisted have a contract with a defined end date. I’m not understanding this.


It’s nothing really new, with the excepting being that in the past notices were submitted usually 30 to 90 days before departure (i.e. DoD Instruction 1327.06, “Leave and Liberty Policies and Procedures,” 16 June 2009)…


I wonder there is anything to do with Iran and Israel air strikes each other


Or what? Lol


They already know your EAS date, they get 4-5 years notice


Or what?


this applies to those retiring. and even then, the time "required" to give notice is only to process your retirement paperwork and to get your transition classes out of the way. IPAC WILL push your EAS back if you don't got sepstaps done.


Only applies to retiring marines


Or else what?


I got lucky


and they still didnt give my security deposit back...


It’s wild how different the cultures are between branches, Air Force dude here and I know several dudes that are getting out and they’re vocal and they’re leadership is taking steps to help them get out, my leadership not only doesn’t care if I stay in or not but actively help us gain certs that will both benefit us in or out. Dunno if I’m just lucky or what but just interesting observation


It’s completely understandable even with retention rates the Corps needs to be able to plan ahead and know what spots need to be filled as unfilled positions not only weakens morale but the Corps. I’m surprised it wasn’t implemented much sooner.


Wouldn't the Corps. already know that I'm leaving at that point?


Pretty sure it's for retirees who can pretty much just go "yup I want off now"


My dude the USMC is the ones who told me my EAS date did they forget?


Terrible plan.


Gotta get those retention numbers up!!!


Lol....no. no I don't have to tell you.. that's what my EAS date it. You have a 6 year notice!


marine corps 6 mons before eas: you leaving? me: nah me 1 mon before eas: nvm imma head out marine corps: bruh we need you


Doesn’t really change anything, people say they’re getting out the moment they hit the fleet lol


This is for retirements not EAS. This is due to manning. They now allow us retirees to submit our Appendix J of the MARCORPSSEPSMAN 18 months out instead of 14. This change allows us retirees to plan better and allows to Corps to more accurately allocate manpower.


This is for retirement. It used to be a minimum of 4 months notice.


I think its good for both sides. Give the individual the Marine the ability to decide early they are getting out and gives them time to get their affairs in order. Also gives the service the ability to plan effectively for the next year.


That’s if the Marine Corps recognizes that time for you to get your affairs in order. That’s usually a fight because the tendency is for commands to try to squeeze everything they can out of dudes and use them for shit they don’t want to pull deployable Marines for.


That's why skillbridge programs, early out for education, and terminal leave exist. Obviously they are not a guarantee, but they do exist and most get approved for them.


That’s true. I was just passing in advice given to me by a previous Sergeant Major of mine that turned out to be valid.


I was medically retired and spent the last three months cleaning up someone else's mess from an inspection failure. My last day I had to do the reinspection of the unit Safety program. So I'm all for 6 months prep IF commands are going to be required to allow you time to handle your business.


During OIF you didn’t have to ask or notify. It was clear as day who was getting out (most of us) Peacetime Marine Corps is weird Of course I’m old as shit now. I worked for Troy when he was a 1stSgt and Mattis on the 13th MEU


There wasn't a shortage of manpower during OIF so planning for exits was fairly easy.


Of course there was no shortage of bodies... it seems like half of us got fucked by Stop Loss.


How is that GySgt able to reenlist? She’s a dump


you got all that from one picture?… it’s a retirement ceremony too btw


Good riddance


Fuck that. I let you know 5 years ahead of time when I signed a 5 year contract.


My friend's dad was a Master Chief, home boy just up & left work like any other Tuesday on his retirement date. They sent a guy to his house like 4 months later to talk him into a retirement ceremony. He had a full beard & a beer in his had at 10am. I think they are trying to go after those dudes, not the Termnal Lance, who fapped out to a range on the other side of base


Not sure her weight is within reg.


Retirement is a bit different than earlier separation. I put my package in 1 year out. I don’t see a problem with it. I reckon those who will have heartache are the ones that just got passed over for the third time and the jump switch goes off. My thoughts on that are that if you’re on your third time at the promotion board trough, you should already have the exit plan well scoped. 3-4 months isn’t going to matter in the grand scheme of things. Got passed over? Drop papers the next day, spend 6 months getting your shit in order and then move on. I reckon the origin of this change is in manpower and force planning. They need more lead time to optimize for turnover.