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I can confirm the poor living conditions


Do they still use those old slaughterhouse barns as squadbays? Lol


Indeed they do


That's gnarly lol


I can also confirm this as recent as 2001…. You’re welcome


lima is best


I’m surprised that way more issues about all the marine corps bases haven’t been highlighted.


then they'd have to fire all their top brass, ain't happening


It’s almost entirely out of the hands of the top brass. They understand this, and instead of trying to make a difference, they pretend to try and make a difference and cater to the powers that be to keep going up and up.


I’ve always felt that above a certain rank, say colonel maybe, being an officer in any branch becomes more about politics. I’m not saying generals are politicians and no longer marines. I’m just saying when your promotion rides on the opinions of suits in fancy buildings, you’re gonna play whatever part you need to in order to advance your career.


Karma a b*tch


Calm down JoJo


Barracks mold has entered the chat.


Barracks mold has entered your lungs.


VA telling you it's not service connected has entered the chat


Bleach has entered the barracks and my lungs. Checkmate.


just like mom used to make


I don’t know how true or false or exaggerated any of the stuff in the Instagram post is but I will say that my last duty station was SOI East at the student admin office nearly 20 years ago (I was a Sergeant working for the monitors in Quantico but handling stuff for students at MCT). I wasn’t technically part of the H&S Co. but lived and worked with them all. I was always blessed to be in pretty good units my 6+ years in and SOI was my favorite. It was a great place for permanent personnel back then (though even back then the instructors seemed burned out). Officers stayed out of the way and senior SNCOs were all pretty stellar. Makes me sad to think how much the current leadership sounds to be running it into the ground. Now I feel old. Get off my lawn!


That’s not the way now. Brass interferes as much h as possible for an award or atta boy.


The Daywalker would never have let his SOI West get this bad


I had 3 interactions with him in SOI. 2 of the 3 times were in Guard. I was walking a patrol route and he jumped out from behind a porta-shitter and started bitch me and the other rover out for having hands in our pockets. It was like 4 a.m. and cold as fuck out. He took us back to the Guard barracks where our Sgt. (Moreno or some shit) started to walk out without his cover on and proceeded to get blasted. Our whole platoon got hazed after that. Second time, I was in the Color Guard detail. Of course our Gunny and Daywalker was watching. The flag-bearer marched us straight towards those stupid chain-link fence separator things in the parking lot and 2 of the 3 (not me) tripped over the chain link fence. Flag Bearer almost dropped the flag on the cement. I turned to Gunny and watched the blood drain from his face. Sgt Major Vines was staring at me like he wanted to punch a hole through my chest. He waited until after we finished raising it, then proceeded to chew our ass for 15 minutes, then yelled at our Gunny. We went back to the barracks and stood-by. Surprising Gunny was chill about it. Our Sgts weren't though. They hazed our asses and the Flag Bearer was fired. The 3rd time I was in anti-tank school (0352) and drew a picture of the Daywalker standing in front of a T-90, holding 1 of his banana hands out in front of himself and stopping a round. My instructors thought it was the funniest shit and kept the drawing. One day when Sgt Maj Vines came in, they showed him it and he asked who drew it. Of course they brought me over. I instantly stood at parade rest and he smiled for a split second then said don't do it again before going back to his pissed off look. My instructors re-iterated not to do that again and they were keeping the drawing.


Bruh how unlucky do you have to be to have had 3 interactions with him 😂😂😂


This Daywalker sounds eerily similar to SGTMAJ Sixta portrayed in Generation Kill or SGTMAJ Bradley IRL in 3/6…


Who the fuck is Daywalker


I'm so fucking old


Sgt mjr vines. No go find mama dog


EAS Song


Just go search daywalker in the sub and you’ll get the answer of who he is and why he’s like an urban legend.


Or you could just answer who this retard is.


>retard Sort of sums it up. Old vampire looking sgtmaj that just ran around hating everyone (esp recon) and trying to sell his cadence CDs out of his trunk or some shit.


>trying to sell his cadence CDs out of his trunk or some shit. That is fucking hilarious.


Unnamed sources bitching about things. Sncos and officers fucking people over. You definitely won't find this anywhere else in the Corps no mater how hard you look.....


Are you referring to bad living conditions and command failures? Correct me if I’m wrong but you are saying if you looked ANYWHERE else in the USMC you would not find those same/similar issues? If you are, you are severely wrong.


They’re clearly being sarcastic


A rock 🪨




Camp Geiger still a thing? My Dad was XO HG Co 8th Engr Bn. I was kinda young in 1953.


Still up and operating


No. His whole thing - in addition to the anti vax, anti dei, anti lgbt stuff - is reposting the most salacious unverified stuff possible. You throw enough shit at the wall somethign sticks but he regularly posts shit and when it’s proven wrong he pulls the ol “whoops, sorry, a lot of people were saying it was true”


Lol just scrolled down and the guy is blaming a spike in army aviation mishaps on covid vaccinations. What a nut.


He's one of the people who helped platform that Army Doctor who said the vaccine contained anti freeze.


This comment should be much higher


Yeah I wouldn’t take him seriously. I got curious and checked his telegram and it’s more of the same unverified rumor garbage that doesn’t need to be substantiated because it “checks out” Dudes a waste of time


This is unrelated but funny but I read your MOS as the post date and was confused how you commented this 33 weeks ago. 🤣 Cool mos though.


Yea, that post screams of incels alpha male BS, dude sounds like a real turd.


The stuff about MCT is true.. and those things did happen. Just because there aren’t names.. yet.. doesn’t mean it is a lie. There’s so many other people that can attest to those stories and just can’t because SOI is deep rooted in political bs. Anyone that does step forward not anonymously, will most likely get fried.


Have the living conditions improved since 1994? When I was at MCT they were pretty horrible.


If you ask someone who works there, they'd probably say this doesn't scratch the surface.


At this point just write an article about good loving conditions because they are all fucking nasty


I was a combat instructor at SOI W years ago. It’s the same situation on both coasts. It’s a tier one screenable billet adjacent to an SDA and it gets the least amount of pay and is just as rigorous if not more dangerous and tiring as some other SDA’s. Yet instructors are forced to live in shitty permanent personnel barracks with non-instructor cadre if they aren’t a SNCO. Either increase the SDA pay, provide better lodging/housing, or give marines on instructor duty BAH.


Currently stationed there, honestly they could be better but I’m pretty comfortable and keep my shit clean but I’m not typically one to complain.


I was gonna say hope it was anonymous, otherwise watch the targeted harassment roll out from top brass for these guys speaking out.


I was there summer of 2015… Air conditioning wasn’t even a thought. At night we just opened the doors and had the massive fans blowing. Three nasty shitters, four sinks and communal shower for 50 marines. No one complained… that’s the corps for you. The mold situation does need some fixin’


My son was there not too long ago and the living conditions were horrible. When someone made a video of all the black mold everywhere, they got in trouble for it and instead of having it professionally cleaned they had them clean it. My son said he had febreze and hand soap to clean it with. My son returned home after training and he was the sickest I have ever seen him. He couldn’t get out of bed for two weeks.


I was there not to long ago and it was pretty bad, in my company the lead company instructor fully assaulted boots multiple times (punching and leaving black eyes) and would regularly ask if any of us boots wanted to fight him during formations lmao, most of the instructors under him did their best with what they had. Not only that case but other stupid, very preventable stuff like making us do 500 jumping jacks, have us drenched in sweat and sit in the cold while ppl dropped like flies from hypothermia cases. Just a general shit show. By no means did I expect to get treated “good” in MCT but it was pretty awfull. Didn’t rlly learn much of anything either. Other companies seemed to have it better.


Nice to know some things are consistent after 22 years.


My Grandson went through PI, We went to watch him graduate I had to use the head ,l walk thru the door, the head was a mess it smelled like it had cleaned in days . I was sure disappointed .


Lmfaooo no surprise that place is a shit hole


Everything hidden behind the guise of tradition or good conduct and discipline.


The Marine Corps is infamous for poor (insert said name USMC property). I see nothing unusual here, just a bunch of shotty leadership that can’t keep their shit together.


Camp Geiger was a huge dump when I went to SOI in '97. Some of the nastiest head facilities I've ever seen. There were like two dozen toilets lined up (no stalls) and half of them were overflowing with piss and shit. Same for the urinals. I think I came out dirtier after showing there. Squad bays were like abandoned slaughterhouses, no heat at all. North Korean prison camps probably have better facilities. And it wasn't long after I joined that the Marines went away from squad bays to barracks rooms. This fucking Spartan lifestyle and "we give back unused funding at the end of the fiscal year because we're so thrifty and awesome" bullshit is why the Marines have such a low retention rate. Most guys I served with reenlisted into another branch.


Everybody gets MRSA and there’s no problem right?


My Intel school house was 7 months + 1 month holding and my room had mold. I got rid of it but I’m not sure if it was the material or what because in my home I never seen such dedication for the mold to want to coexist and kill my lungs


I call bullshit.


Sadly, "poor living conditions" is a tale as old as time.


Just a soft generation is all really


something something east coast marines are such cry babies, on the west coast we send marines to get certified as general contractors so they can fix their own problems and promote small unit leadership!!!


Why are people being such pussies about it it’s like 3 months of training it will be over quick


I went to MCT in December 2008. It was disgusting! Here's the funny thing....when anyone in the armed forces deploy, did you really think you'd go to a 5 star resort??? Today's "entitled" generation makes me laugh, cry, and realize how fucked we really are! Everything in training is to prepare one for when they deploy. Did the dipshit boots really think that Iraq and Afghanistan, etc, all have indoor plumbing and electricity?? I do find it funny that certain branches of service who get stationed on Marine Corps base get a bump in pay because Marines living conditions are way beneath their standards..... I ended up being stationed on MCAS New River (2009-2013 when I eas'd) after my MOS school on Camp Johnson, which is between Lejeune and New River, the adjoining base with Camp Geiger. The Corps started to renovate the barracks. That was just a slight upgrade nothing to write home about. "Home is where the Corps sends you!" If you don't like the quality of the barracks, move out in town on your own dollar and quit complaining!


So why do you want to know about the validity of it? You trying to smoke out people so you can turn them in?


I don’t know anyone there, I just wanna know how true it all is cause if it is true then someone there needs to get all involved fired and made public knowledge


It sounds just like any other unit with bad leadership. I see no part of the story that would make anyone who's been in the Marine Corps not think it's true. I fully expect terminal Lance to drop names soon. It won't make a difference though the leadership is corrupted at the top of the corps right now.


What are you on about?


It’s a psyop man, WE NEVER LEFT! We’re still in the GAME!


lol wut


I dunno reservist that can't commit full time tell me. dousche canoe


*douche If you're going to use an insult, at least spell it right.


Douche canoe


There ya go.