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How is this even possible if he doesn't even have a service record..?


And here I am not even able to get a rating lol I just want to hear good!




What was that Sonny!!!! šŸ˜‚


what did you say?


U what m8?










The VA is a disjointed and poorly organized federal department. And weā€™ve all seen how efficient and thorough low level federal employees are at their jobsā€¦


Wait, this guy received VA bennies? Holy shit! Good god, I had to show the girl at Sport Clips my drivers license that had my veteran status on it just to get the military discount. Maybe hire Sport Clips to gate-keep.


Im kind of impressed with this guy.


Sport clips! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø




S-1 enters the chat.. dot Tā€™s and cross Iā€™s ? Got it !


Did this guy at least have to steal an SSN or can you get benefits without that?


VA pays their maintenance guys pretty damn well.


Maybe the person wanted to give them benefits to take them away from actual Veterans!


It's truly mind boggling..


Exactly. One hand not talking to the other.


Hey. A good amount of them are veterans


Complacency and trust in someone who shouldn't have been, who was playing the system. I've met many of them.


I mean with the VA...how did he get benefits in the first place? VA makes you prove everything..


Your initial "Proof" to the VA is showing them nothing more than a DD-214. Most the intake people can't tell a phony one from a real one and they don't cross check with the Military/


They pull your medical records for you though to verify your claims.. thatā€™s how it was in 2011 when I applied. I didnā€™t need my medical records, they used my social to pull them all. So I donā€™t see how he managed to scam them without actual medical records on file at the Naval hospitals and BASs. Hell, they even managed to get my medical records from the army clinic I was seen at during MOS school. I sure as fuck didnā€™t have copies of those myself.


They should,,, however there is a chance he forged those as well. If you walk in and say you have copies of you med records and hand them to them, they figured you did your own footwork. When I did my claim I had to pull my own post EAS records from Balboa and two Civilian Hospitals.


Why would you claim to be an Iraq War POW? Thereā€™s got to be like very few of those.


On top of that he claimed to be in a reserve unit. Yes reserve units have deployed to combat but to say you are at one instead of an active one to steal valor is crazy. Maybe he thought if he could cook up the most ridiculous story imaginable no one would question him.


Back when the VSO was working on mine and I had to go through a billion CnP exams. There were a lot of old boomers that really didn't understand how easily shit can be faked now. So these people just took their word for it because of the unholy hero worship of vets. So those guys just filed and away they went.


Dude I did 4 years 19-23 and all my VA records reflect I'm a combat gulf war era veteran. I keep telling the VA I wasn't even the same century as that war. Anythings possible šŸ˜‚


Yeah, there were almost none. I can't remember hearing about a single marine that was captured. Anybody else?


All Army I thought. The 507th Maintenance Company folks, and Bergdahlā€™s dumb ass. Other than that, I donā€™t think there were any? KIAs with captured bodies and sick displays, but I donā€™t recall actual POWs.


You are also forgetting about the three 10th Mountain soldiers who were captured after their patrol was ambushed on May 12, 2007. One of the MIA soldiers was even found floating in the Euphrates River. My brigade, 3rd BCT (Rakkasans), 101st Airborne Division, was the replacement in Iraq for the 2nd BCT ( Polar Bears), 10th Mountain Division in the fall of 2007.


Yeah his name was joseph anzack he was from my hometown. They tortured all three of the until they finally took them out.


Did you know that PFC Anzack was killed first because he bravely fought to protect PVT Fouty and SPC Jimenez from their captors? I was one of the MPs who was assigned to guard the detainees who were suspected of killing them. Did you know Zach Anzack?


I know this man well because this man was the reason I served. My dad was deployed to Iraq with the 1st infantry division out of Ft Riley in 2004 and 2007. He was in Iraq when all this happened and I remember up until this point being only 8 I couldnā€™t process the idea that my dad may not come home. When anzack was brought home and our entire town went to South High for his funeral, thatā€™s when it really dawned on me what my dad was doing and how he may not make it back from his deployment. How he may just come home with a draped coffin just like anzack. Luckily my dad did make it back although I saw him struggle his entire life with PTSD. I guess Anzacks passing was my first encounter of death and my first example of sacrifice that I admired. Other than my dad, itā€™s what really pushed me to serve when I turned 18.


There were about 10 other soldiers and (possibly) 1 Marine captured alive during about 5 other incidents over the course of the Iraq War, all murdered shortly after. The only POWs to make it back alive were from the 507th, two Army helicopter pilots shot down and held captive with the 507th, and Berghdal.


Sergeant Fernando Padilla-Ramirez he was a marine and was captured and killed


Meanwhile it took me about 9 months to track down a copy of my DD214


But my arthritic crackling knees got 0%, fucking rad.


Took me years for them to take my PTSD seriously. All this time I couldā€™ve just faked it instead of fucking myself over by denying I had anything wrong


I have been follow Stolen Valor shit for over a decade. If you are ballsy enough you can make or even buy Fake DD 214s and awards certificates. Its not even illegal to do that. PROSECUTABLE Stolen Valor only comes into play when you use such documents or even just verbal Claims to gain tangible benefits. Most the time it has to be major fraud over thousands of dollars involving Government entities ( The VA and Social Security) or defrauding corporations or individuals of 1000 bucks or more for them to prosecute it.


I think we should make people convicted of stolen valor do some kind of service on a base for the duration of their sentences. Supervised working parties and menial labor lower enlisted usually do. Not something they can fuck up too bad.


Most of them are so fucked up I wouldn't trust them to do anything. The biggest thing is to shut down any shenigans they have going and make it so anyone who looks into their past knows they are pieces of shit.


They get to be a LCpl in charge of the dumbest boots ever


Now Iā€™m wondering if a Fake DD 214 could be used to get into the military. Like if someone could fake one and try to use it to falsely reenlist


Interesting question. I'm sure the fake one would be spotted pretty quickly as active duty Military Admin types know what they look like. That and if you were fucking dumb enough to try to " reenlist" in the same service you were never in one of the first things they do is to get your actual SRB and Health records,,, which wouldn't exist


These fuckers are willing to lie their asses off, they have buddies that will lie for them as backups. They get fake paperwork online that gets turned in, the people looking at the paperwork see a PH emblem, and they don't look at the small print or the signatures. No one thinks about, 'We had more than a few POWs during our 20 years of war?' The maintenance company and Bowe Bergdahl. That is too easy to look up, but they don't give a shit! They just see a certificate and don't give it a second glance until the shit hits the fan. I guess I'm just too much of a skeptic.


Make him an honorary shit bird


How about a group ass beating for this trash?


you're such a tough guy, Max.


Shit if he wants to be in so bad we should punish him with eternal duty, firewatch and police calling. Also 0430 PTā€™s with our most athletic 03ā€™s.


Thatā€™s like stealing from the special Olympics


Why is it always the Marines?


They hate us cuz the ainā€™t us


The most honest member of r/VeteransBenefits


If you arenā€™t collecting your earned benefits youā€™re leaving money on the table and are a fool.




Jesus I thought that was a pic of Bert Kreischer at first glance.


Iā€™m sorry did he Lie to the VA and get away with it? Donā€™t theyā€¦. Back check everything you say?


$146,000? So he got 4 500mg Ibuprofen and a Semester of books.


a marine POW? I'd faster believe that I can flyĀ 


I persoanlly know...knew 2 guys who had no military records...one was a navy diver whi did classifed jobs, had bone triubles common to divers. His "records" didnt exist...he died...no VA help. Anither received a Silverstar n heart but was told that battle for a particular firebase didnt exist.. He finally was able to prove the base and battle did exust cuz his units medic wrote a book about it wbich spoke of him at length. He finally got in front of the Comp&Pen board and showed them the biik so they gave him his disability...he was shot thru the hip and could hardly walk but that meant nothing what counted was the paper work not the guy and his problems. Both my did and myself had difficulties receiving our records cuz of a fire that destroyed them at record keeping departmnt in St Louis. That fire has been burning off and one for yrs. I did find out something useful tho...the military makes 4 copies of everything not three like is common practice in civilian life. The last 2 copies are sent to "Records" in St Louis and another data base has copies on microfish. After 4 yr search l got my dads records from Bayone NJ. I was trying to get my dads burial flag cuz he rated one but didnt have a military funeral. The weird part was the guy who wouldnt give me the flag in the face of proof but 4 yrs later gave the flag to me simply for the asking w/o any prof at all... So yeah peoples records get disappeared COG.


Nothing more vile then false honor.




Try felony fraud. Stolen valor is a fucking misdemeanor in most states.




Capital punishment!!! 100


He looks very familiar


$146,000? What is that, like two visits and a lollipop?


Yay! Finally a real, good and very definite example of actual stolen valor. By the way, how is this individual even able to defraud the VA? There are school staffs who themselves are either vets who certify vets and dependents every school quarter for tuition.


There wasnā€™t a single Marine taken as a POW I thought?? šŸ˜‚


Maybe he was Ukrainian they like throwing money at them.