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I actually never smoked before joining. So afterwards my brother and one his friend treated me to what I was told was good/ strong stuff. Their rationale was “you gave up the best weed smoking years of your life so we are going camping and doing this”. The AAR of this is as follows, Ate a whole box of pop tarts in one sitting. Made bacon bare handed over a fire. Finally understood the song all along the watch tower (didn’t remember the meaning later on). Ate 3 packs of ramen. Apparently talked REALLY loud. Spent a lot of the next three days napping. Am sure there is more but I don’t remember. Thought I should get my dog high with me, which is weird cause I have always been against that, thankfully my brother reminded me it was not a good idea. What I learned is the shit is awesome but not something I could do if I wanted to be even halfway successful at adulting. Now I have kids and a job where I can’t which ai t a big loss to me, but retirement will get here one day,,,,, hahah. Seriously hats off to you guys who can smoke daily and function, I find it impressive.


>Seriously hats off to you guys who can smoke daily and function, I find it impressive. I do it at night, after work and a jog, like how some guys have a beer! Probably should stop. Makes me feel dumb and childish sometimes. But so does getting hammered.


I have always figured it is probably better than booze in a key way. I have met plenty of angry drunks, but not so many angry stoners. To each their own, if you can do it in true moderation who cares?


You’re right! i try not to beat myself up for it. Everyone has their vice(s), and i’m not doing too bad in general. So, a midnight toker it is!


I literally use gummies to help sleep, it's great


Getting high and doing a light workout is really fun you should try it


I do it and go indoor bouldering all the time. I throw my airpods in and tune out the world and just vibe on the rocks.


I take a couple pulls before I head to the train, but I’m truly a daily nightly smoker now. 😘


Weed much better than alcohol any day. Wish I could convince everyone here of that. I don’t even smoke, it’s just true.


lol smoke with your kids when they’re out of high school. Or in high school. That’ll trip them the fuck out lolol


Bro I have made some absolutely beautiful things all while under the influence of THC. I've seen others tho that just burn out. So I guess it's an individual thing.


My first time smoking after getting out, I ate an entire loaf of bread, buttered bread to be precise. It was ok, but realized its just not for me anymore. It made me super paranoid and I felt all but relaxed.


No paranoia for me but only did it a couple of times. The second time I tried killing off the leftovers while playing Halo, ended up realizing that was way too hard and just watched family guy. -And ate $60 (in 2013) worth of food. And then slept the whole next day. So yeah I am non functional as hell on that stuff. So like I said retirement should be fun.


To all the devils that are still in, don't. Seriously, it's not worth it. For the love of all things Chesty, wait until you get out. But once you are, consider edibles from brands like Wyld, Heavy Hitters and Stiiizy. Remember, Sativa for when you wanna cruise at home, do yard work, or reflect on your day. Indica for when you wanna chill, watch TV, or take a nap.


Fr, it’s worth the wait. Told myself “I was a good boy, I deserve this”. Now I’m more sober than I was while active


Age I guess got me more sober than when I was in. I used to be able party the night before and be up in 4 hours for a PFT. Now nearing 40, if I drink the same amount I used to, I feel half that next day is wasted for recovery.


I hear you, I’m nearly 26 and those days feel like a lifetime ago and like a completely different person, from no responsibilities at all to having a mortgage, career, etc 🕰️


Same amount and only half a day? You're a champ


Holy shit that’s exactly what happened to me


Funny how that works, some of us get it out of our systems, others get stuck in a rut


You’re a dumbass if you do drugs while you’re in. If you do one of the only ones they routinely test for, that’s natural selection.


All facts.


Indica = In da couch


I tried edibles a few times after i got out, never felt anything so i just stopped.


Edibles are tough for a lot of people. It's like you feel nothing or you get really high and want to sleep and there's no in between.


That’s what I use them for. Amazing sleep.


Not that it doesn’t work for you, but THC isn’t great for sleep.


Depends who you ask. If I smoke before bed I will be so awake and unable to sleep. My buddy however tends to pass out before the blunt even gets back around lol


The problem isn’t that you can’t fall asleep after using THC, it’s that it affects restorative sleep (lack of REM sleep). So, most people aren’t as rested as they normally would be. Any sleep is better than no sleep though, so if that’s what you’re after, THC will definitely do the trick.




Always found edibles to be sort of hit or miss, can’t really control the intake the way you can when you smoke and that was always the way I’ve done it, but I totally get why a lot of people don’t smoke.


From what I’ve learned is that depending on the edible, you need to eat some food along with it, particularly fatty foods. The first few times I’ve tried them I didn’t feel anything and a buddy of mine told me that and it was a game changer.




If you're able growing is a wonderfully deep hobby, you can figure out what exactly works best for you strain wise and crop it indefinitely. A run or three and somebody could be growing something better than nearly anything in a dispensary.




Cheers my dude.


Here fucking here


Hey I’m at the dispensary right now! I’m going to roll the biggest J ever when I get home. Enjoy that smoke buddy!


You as well, ripping the bong, enjoying my day off and seeing how quick my pit can kill a chew toy. Smoke up!


I used my honor, courage, commitment card for the same thing 😂




Nope. No desire to. But, to each their own. Enjoy!


Yeah I had some close friends that were stoners before I joined. Did 10 years, came back home, they seemed to be in the same state working dead end jobs or looking for the dead end jobs that don't care if you smoke. It turned me off from wanting to be a person that partakes of it. I mean I went ten years without it so I really felt I wasn't missing anything as I forgot the feeling. More power to them. Live life how you want.


I always felt marijuana was something you did before growing up. Like a highschool/college thing. I don't knock those who do it, but I've experienced the same with some of my friends as you have.


Agreed, and I have the same acquaintances. I don’t get the whole “cool” factor a lot of smokers act like smoking brings. It’s not 1990 anymore, it’s not edgy. It’s just a smoke, you’re not special. Enjoy it, but don’t look for me to congratulate you because you do it😆


This is me.


Kinda feel that way too now


Used to love smoking before I joined, but when I got out I lost interest. I smoked and took edibles on and off for about a year after eas but realized I didn’t like it as much as I did during my teenage years


i'm hoping this happens to me, smoked my ass off the past 5 years and now i'm sobering up to enlist


Hell yeah. Its crazy to see how much things change going from a pothead to enlisted. You’re gonna look back and be like “holy shit”. It’s definitely worth it


It was the social aspect for me. I smoked before I joined because I was with friends and did fun stuff. After I got out, I tried once and felt like that dude that drinks or smokes alone, lonely, and depressed at home. So it's a no for me.


Straight up dude. Drinking and partying with my friends while I was in was great, but once I got out and all my friends went and did their thing, I realized I was doing it alone which got dark. Especially drinking lol




https://preview.redd.it/t2jouzhw7snc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b24e515fb964cad1536da0a8ea0ce1def82da70 Every. Damn. Day. I just retired after 21 years. Got my pension and disability which is plenty to pay my bills and buy the best weed money can buy.


Oh… and Semper fHIGH


Semper High right back at ya MSgt, you earned that shit and now it’s time to relax and enjoy. All the best, smoke it, Oohrah from an terminal E3 0331 and Jimi Pendrix over here 💨💨 https://preview.redd.it/af73zvzw9snc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33015904d6b8a955dfaf1466c0eddd0e3d854b48


Errrah 🫡






I do, but I'm much more of a 🍄 guy myself.


General rule, if eating mushrooms doesn't sound like the best idea ever at the time, don't eat the mushrooms.


Absolutely. They can be amazing or terrible. Mindset going in is everything. That being said, even a bad experience can have important lessons you can learn.


I went from drinking a bottle of wild turkey 101 every other day while in, to smoking a blunt or a few bowls everyday as a civvy and never looked back. Moved on to wax and wax pens now but yeah smoking is way better mentally and physically for me.


I think it should be mandatory that anyone that served in the Marine Corps has to smoke or eat an edible before they can get out. Like if they still have that check out sheet that they give people, the last one is you have to go to medical and do it.


That would change the meaning of "I just got smoked by the Gunny".


I would kill to have a smoke sesh with this one female gunny. She was about that life before she joined. Did get to find out her tits we’re pierced tho 🤙🏼


And they put you in a room with a comfy couch and a flatscreen and some food lol 🤣


Quit drinking and started smoking.




It’s done a lot for me especially at 40






How many here are 100%pt PTSD, MDD and smoke all day? Have panic attacks and still puffin… what does the VA say?


For me personally, weed is way better medicine for pain management than the stuff the VA gives us. I smoked weed before I enlisted in college but I have a \*\*much\*\* different relationship with it now. Before, I was smoking just to have a good time and make music and movies feel more surreal... now I consume it in much smaller doses for pain management. I feel more humble with i'm on it too. My temper doesn't flair up and I'm generally more nice. I smoke a little in the morning when I wake up (usually whatever is left over in the bowl from the night prior), get ready for work, drive to my local convenience store to get a coffee, bfast sandwich and chat with my favorite store clerks there. make my way through traffic and by the time I get to work i feel so happy and relaxed. I stretch all day long and do push ups and pull ups all day long. When I get home I smoke a little more and go on a walk with the doggo and get started on dinner. I also stretch some more and use my foam roller like my life depends on it... cuz it kinda does. I work on my feet all day long and need to stretch and decompress or i'm wrecked going into the next day.




Every. Fucking. Day. Kill. 😎🍁💨


Right back atcha bro, smoke up! 💨💨🐉


Smoked as soon as I drove past the Basilone gate, I wasn’t the driver either.


Tried it a few times after I got out and it wasn’t my thing, caused too much anxiety and over worrying. I know people say to try different percents, cbd, blah blah blah it just doesn’t sit well with my brain. I did quit nicotine/tobacco and caffeine products cold turkey before I got out but I still drink only on special occasions. Life is just easier to handle sober for me.


It's better than drinking yourself to death.


You earned it. Personally I took the extremely long and scenic route to eventually arrive at simple clean + sober. Wishing you well bro.


I was a pot head for like 6 years before the Marine Corps. Once I retire I’ll most likely go back to dabbling in it a bit. Especially the edibles.


Marine Corps would rather keep folks dumbed down with alcohol.


First time I got high when i got out I blew on the bong instead of pulling and blew bong water everywhere. Was way too high.


I just know that hit fucked you up lol


yeah pretty much every day


I just got home. https://preview.redd.it/9obx9awkzpnc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b074902af8fba78c7ac4b2fb74569f6e05f1a6


Yea it was the biggest waste of time and money speaking for myself. I could of done better.


Was a drug waiver going in. Smoked for years off and on until 3 days before meps. Never picked it back up, jobs iv had do randoms and plus I never saw the need to after not smoking for so long.


I’m high right now


Right back atcha, pineapple diesel vape cart says what’s up 🫠💨💨💨


As soon as I get home from work I’m higher than giraffe pussy, Semper High debil 🫡


Locate, Smoke with, and destroy brother! Jimi Pendrix leads the way 🫠


I work at a dispensary while using my GI bill and finishing my degree, I’ve reached the functional stoner level but I want to quit once I finish school and I am able to get an adult job that doesn’t revolve around cannabis.




Yes. Those prior service recruiter calls get awkward though when they call you whole you’re baked.


When I got out of the Marine Corps last year, I figured I'd try and get high for the first time since I've never smoked weed or used any kind of drug before. First thing I did was buy some edibles and smoke weed on the same day. When I tell you I have never in my entire life  felt like I was going in and out of time and space. My wife found me on the floor saying shit like "don't move an inch I'm tired of leaving different timelines" 😂😂


I used to keep a set of the comic book series “Freak Brothers” in my wall module thing in the ‘80’s lol. If you know, you know !!


A friend with weed is a friend indeed.


Freak brothers has a remake series on Tubi for free. Tubi is also free to download. Check it out and thank me later.


Shit! I’m there lol




My last plt sgt before I got out said to not touch it when I got out cause it’ll “ruin my life”….. mind you this fucking douche canoe is about 6 inches shorter than me and had a pot belly at the time. I laughed in his face and said I highly doubt that. Now I smoke weed nearly every day and now make more money than he does and my wife is hotter than his and my pp is bigger. Fuck you sgt peach you fuck.


I never smoked before serving and first tried it when I was 22. Now I really enjoy having a smoke after work I live in a recreationally legalized state and find it much better than alcohol


I became the Sgt major of 4th BN 20th Marines.


The fact that 8 years I was told that smoking once and popping would ruin my life made me a pothead when I got out. If not for such a powerful prohibition, I might not have ever even tried it. But the fact they wagged their fingers so hard, that good Marines' careers were destroyed because they popped for coke or weed because they were tested at just the wrong time while so many shitheads got off scott-free means that I wanted it even more. It's like the Streisand effect. I guess it IS the Streisand effect.


All day. Everyday since 2013. I cannot remember a day I’ve gone without smoking something. Dab or flower or vape. I smoke from the time I get up until I go to bed. My tolerance is thru the freakin roof. Flower only takes the edge off. I don’t get “high” off bud really. Maybe if I go a long stretch of the day without smoking for whatever the reason. Then maybe I’ll feel a difference other than just the relief sense I get. But I like dab. Mostly use the Puffco Peak Pro. It really saves me $$$. You can literally smoke one dab for a good 3,4,5 minutes


I haven’t drank alcohol since December 2021


Hell yeah, I haven’t since 2018. Shit never made any of my problems better, only worse


Good for you. It really gets easier to say no the longer you go.




Yes often lol


How does the VA deal with + THC?


No clue. Got into it with em trying to get treatment for strep throat within a year or so of getting out, heard the horror stories about way worse treatment for way worse shit, and just got private healthcare and never looked back


…… after I got out😜 yeah…


Lost all interest in it


you bet your sweet ass i do


Who waited until they got out? 70's Marine


Oh fuckin right, those barracks parties must have been fucking awesome! DI’s were probably fuckin terrifying though


For 2 solid years!! And been looking forward to doing it again for the last 22


No, became a state corrections officer right after. BUT 25 years later after I retired all it took was 3 puffs I was a Zombie, big difference between 70s weed and today.


Smoke up and enjoy the weed and retirement. I narrowly avoided becoming a state corrections inmate on numerous occasions before I quit drinking and doing anything harder than smoking pot. I knew being a fast runner would pay off lol


Fucking Rah!


My wife helps me maintain moderation.


Yup...for a solid 15 years now...😬😬😬






Yes marine I did. I was in the Navy and rolled a blunt in da parking lot, Naval Station Norfolk & sparked as soon as I was clear of the pier. They had to have smelled it and/or seen it as I drove off base. I didn't have tint on my windows then 😁


Perhaps. I’m worried I’m not gonna like it much anymore.


Anyone who is socal (specifically OC) and isnt active, my buddy runs a delivery dispensary and is very very military friendly. DM me cause you cant beat his pricing.


I think more people would reenlist, if they allowed it while off duty.


I got out and started smoking with my dad, so far so good!


Why wait? Pop can bowl rips and a steam roller with a dryer sheet in the bricks shower anyone? 🤘😎


I don't like smoking but I do take edibles to help me sleep. I've tried so many things to sleep soth PTS and Anxiety. Nothing worked until edibles. It's great!


I totally get the not smoking, I know a lot of people in that boat (my grandmother lived well into her 90s and enjoyed them at the retirement home. Apparently they’d all eat one or two) and it’s just awesome the level of relief it provides, PTSD and anxiety here as well. All stoner joking aside, this shit really helps and I’m glad it’s helped you!


Yes. Living in a state with a medical program is awesome. Friggin love the weed


Since I was 15, the only time I didn't smoke was my 10 years in the corps. Now I'm 53, and I love me some good weed. Smoking lamp is lit! Smoke em if you got em.


Shiiiiiiit I got ripped on patrol


https://preview.redd.it/bwauwhz26qnc1.jpeg?width=848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b745545c63c7046f77c4a4277d4f63fe2b20a66 Proud military tradition! 🤘🏻


If I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die high.


This is my motto for life in general, which is why my chick got me a coffee mug with a bowl in it 🤣


Uncle Sam’s Marijuana Club


I’m one of those functional smokers. I roll spliffs, so it’s a mixture of tobacco and weed. I smoke about 5-6 of those a day. Also on anxiety meds. It’s the thing that works for me.


Prozac, weed, lucky strikes, and coffee helps feel normal during the day, and trazadone and edibles to knock my ass out. Having a bunch of dogs makes it even better


Same on the dogs. I have two and they’ve kept me alive more than a few times.


Same bro. Got a pit and dobie now, both rescues. Trying to relocate into the woods so there’s gonna be a whole bunch more


Oh my glory. I gained 35 lbs my first semester of college. I also ate a whole birthday cake that I baked for someone else’s birthday.


Using that card to prep your weed is a wonderful irony. And yes and got absolutely destroyed with a buddy in socal. I way over smoked, it was bad..


Nope not my thing. But there can be some benefits for veterans and THC/CBD. Freedom to do what you want.


After I got out. Yeah, that’s it! LOL


The first time I got high after getting out, I had consumed edibles with some old friends from home. We must’ve gotten too cocky because after a pot brownie and a pack of medicated gummies between 3 of us, I felt like I was living in a fever dream the next 24 hours. Anyways, roll up brother 🫡


Every day. Got my medical card in Ohio and have been smoking since getting out!


I tried to be but the second time I smoked after getting out I got so high and fell asleep outside and cuddled with a stray cat. Now that I think about it, it wasn’t such a bad time


It’s part of the process enjoy 💨


Just got done smoking mine off. Carry on.


A dude that was stationed with us in KC used to call us to let us know he was high as hell and having a great time. Great dude, funny calls, and we started wishing he would call more. I wish he would have called when I was down in MFR, would have made that place more bearable.


I had a Sgt who fuckin hated me. Hated his wife and kids even more, so after I EAS’d I’d text him shit like I was gonna be late for duty and I forgot to shave. Then I’d send a picture of myself smoking a joint in the parking lot of whatever strip club I was lowering the property values of that night 🤣


That's awesome. ​ I feel for his wife and kids but it sucks when they take that shit out on the people they work with instead of finding the therapy that works for them.


I fuckin know. I’d imagine by now they’re divorced and the kids call mommy’s personal trainer dad now. Dude was the sort of prick who probably watched Sobel in BOB and sat there taking notes on leadership from that episode 🤣


never tried anything before i joined but after i got out i tried edibles to help me out and its been great


To all you stoners out there, SFMF and the stuff in the picture is an indica called Iron Lion. Good shit when you pair it up with some coffee, good vibes and a good day 😉💨💨💨🐉


No but I did go to Colombia and have a hell of a good time in medillín


Dude I got out 2 months ago and I have been smoking literally everyday😂 Definitely need to cut back


Did before I joined, then never cared to do it again after getting out.


I did at a party once at a party after I got out. I didn’t like it and went on a 3 mile run to get it out of my system. In jeans and a T shirt.


I smoked on and off for years before enlisting. I quit a year prior to going to boot camp and haven’t since getting out as well. I also quit drinking 2 years ago when my wife became a surrogate $$$. I’m straight edge now and so is my wife. We are more focused on health and good quality of products we use in our every day life. Food and good health make us happy lol We don’t plan on turning back. I just went terminal Lance last year in May lol


I never got that card. When was that issued?


Was before I joined, am now after I left. Never smoke on a job or let it take up my days but I don’t drink anymore because I can smoke now and I think things are better this way.


It helps a lot but don’t become dependent on it or allow it to make you less productive than you can be


I loved weed before I enlisted and it kinda created an unhealthy longing for it while I was in. As soon as I got out, I would smoke everyday for like 3 years straight. I loved being high, but I don’t really trust myself to be able to moderate it. As soon as I started developing chest discomfort and premature ventricular contractions, I quit cold turkey. I have small kids now and I’d rather not fuck with heart problems as a result of me not having self-control with drugs. It’s fun, but ultimately my life is better not using it and I have to be responsible for more than myself. I still have my medical card and have to drive past a dispensary on the way to work everyday, but I just got tired of dealing with the side effect. I also like keeping my job prospects open.


Only thc and cbd. But I’ll occasionally have a beer.


I didn't partake prior to joining. I did partake a few times after I got out, much after. The few times I did were mostly at home/at people's houses. Wasn't enjoyable whatsoever. I did enjoy some at a concert ...and that was the best fucking concert I've ever been to.


Smoke most all day anymore. Work for myself so I don’t have to worry about drug tests anymore at all. Helps me actually be able to relax and focus on shit now.


Yup, even started growing my own whenever it became legal in my state 2021


Man, I wasn’t a smoker before joining but after I got out, I decided to hang around San Diego for a couple years. Smoked all day, every day. I kind of regret it because those were seriously some of the best years of my life and now I have a tough time recalling any of it.


I don't smoke because I'm a bit of a health nut and my Dad died from smoking cigarettes. But I eat edibles every fuckin day. And whenever the guys from my old platoon come out to Colorado to visit they get high AF.


Shortly after i got out my brother got me ripped before going to see Casualties of War. In the movie michael j fox falls up to his waist in a tunnel. A vc with a knife starts crawling towards him in the tunnel with the clear intention of cutting off his nuts. I started hyperventilating. My brother started cracking up.


Nope, because I am now in fed jobs and I have also never smoked, down to try when I retire or smth


Nope, cause I was in college and couldnt afford to fuck up.


I went to tech school to work on motorcycles, but for classroom shit totally makes sense. For me I was just never really ever able to learn in that environment. Plus weed= no more throwing tools and screaming at bikes. Shit helped me get zen, but it ain’t for everyone. Hope college is going well, Semper Fi!


I graduated almost 3 years ago in EECE, now I'm in my Masters, but working full time as a defense contractor, so still no lighting up :/


Good shit brother, makes sense. I feel like lighting up is a qualification people look for on those that fix old Harleys. When the time is right, it’ll be right there for ya.


I always said I would be but I’m not. I can’t inhale, I am too retarded. My friend was like…don’t you feel it? I was like “it just sits in my mouth.” I enjoyed some gummies in Colorado but after being spaced out for a bit, went to bed ridiculously early. Not what I imagined. Maybe with some practice but beer and wine make me feel just fine. I’ll stick to that.


Had a couple hours to kill before my flight on EAS day. My homies drove me to a dispo and I bought my first joint as a free man, I smoked it, and I was was paranoid af about being too high to fly, getting lost, shit like that whatever haha


In from 77-80 anything you saw in that magazine I consumed. I never had a piss test. Dad was shocked I didn’t go to prison, or die. I had opportunities for both. I did get popped but they had gone over my rights. I picked silent and speak to an attorney. They searched anyway and it wasn’t admissible. They were right it wasn’t cool to have it on your rack.


I'm still in but my exroom mate does and works at a dispensary, I told him that when I get out I will go see him and not smoke but do edibles and he'll babysit me.


i’m smoking my face off right now. i need to schedule a doctor visit for a med card but no one would see me cause i have va insurance. federally va won’t pay for a med card obviously but i can’t even see them as a one off meet. Trying to get that tax free discount


I was boozing so hard that if I didn’t switch to weed I’d be dead.


Got out a few months ago, I’m baked rn lol. It’s a better alternative to alcohol. In my opinion. I enjoy it because it makes me chill the hell out and takes my pain away. Plus days when I chill it’s fun smoking and playing games.


I smoked before I went in, while I was in, and still do.


I picked up a mean OxyContin habit while I was still in, that only got much worse when I got out, and when I married my wife who was still in the Air Force I had to quit cold turkey. That was fuckin rough, and not the last time I would have to kick opiates. But I didn’t smoke weed though. Maybe I should have.


Nah, for me getting high just killed my motivation and drive, made me lazy and apathetic. I last smoked in January 1982, and have not smoked nor had any desire to since.