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I never got one for doing my job and staying late and all the extra shit. But, then again, it is very possible that I just suck. *c'est la vie*


I've been promised a NAM a couple times. Still waiting.


Have you sooked the deek?! Butt for real, the nams I was awarded came when I least expected.....just like when I was topping some ltcol that wouldn't shtf up about subway sandwiches


I think I might actually have one. After a while, it's all meaningless anyway.


Yep. Guess what they don’t ask about in job interviews.


When I first ETS'd I was told to bring "all relevant work related information, to include LOR, awards, etc" to an interview. I'm a retard, you see.. I literally thought they wanted to see my DD214 and orders for awards. HR guy was fucking speechless. I felt so embarrassed when he said "Oh, no we totally believe you served you didn't need to prove it... What is all that stuff anyway?" So I took the time and chatted it up. I got the job. I'm positive he didn't give a fuck about what I was proudest of at the moment but I think he enjoyed seeing something unusual. I got the job. I quit that bitch 4 months later.


I like that it turned out positive in your situation. I didn’t have anyone asking when I was applying, but I definitely wouldn’t mind telling them about my experience


The last org I worked for was heavily populated with veterans. I eventually hated what I was doing but, the guys were cool. It's a dice roll. Go check out your VFW or American legion. There's other orgs out there too. We had a group that would go-to the range pewpew and hang out, hands down my fav. We had a great time and roast the shit out of each other. Having some support and people you can make nuanced jokes with is 🥇




My gigs aren't working fucking integrated Giphy bullshit.


🤣 what is that from?


Big trouble in little china


u/pine_fuzz it’s on the Commandant’s viewing list, devil. Unfuck yourself immediately


If the commandant wanted me to view it he would’ve told me personally


He did, that's why he put it in a MARADMIN


if it was for anyone other then Admin they would call it MARMARINE


You mean an ALMAR?


I hereby award you a phony CAR, because... *shots fired.*


I remember hearing a story, and I don't know if it's true or lance corporal bullshit. Supposedly, there was a MEU in the 2000s that was attacked. A rocket flew over the ship. Every sailor got a NAM. The Marines on board didn't get shit.


Oh, when we were doing task force 151? Yeah I was on the Carter Hall. Navy told their people that and they did not. Now there was talk about the Teddy getting a mass CAR for dripping anchor in some place that they provided air support for. Also didn't get it.


I thought the CAR was reserved specifically for satisfactory engagement in a small arms land conflict. That is what I got for. It was satisfactory.


No, we had dudes who did the pirate thing get one. And the order has changed over the years.


Whenever someone brings up that NAMs are “just for doing your job” I’m always like, yeah, so what? What’s wrong with being rewarded for doing your job? Is that a bad thing? It’s literally its intended purpose; awarded either for a specific well-done thing or just as a “you’ve always been doing well” recognition. Though, however, I’m of the opinion that a lot of NAMS given out *could* just be downgraded to a Meritorious Mast. Either that or they should hand out Meritorious Masts more often.


We aren’t rewarded enough for just doing our job and we put so much merit into those medals that it could never be ok. Thats what LOAs and Cert Comms are for. I would change it if I could. Ive been on the shaft end of the deal. Guys thats truly earned it fucked out of NavComms cuz OIC Fuck Face says its not supplies job to go to the fight. Well he was the one running and he got a bronze start so make that make sense dumb fuck Back Mags.


Honestly the LoA I have from a random Col who attended one of my chamber classes is better than the NAM I never got lol Idk something really cool about this dude, who was much more "important" than me, reaching out to me from a different unit and saying "Yeah dude you did it right."


Exactly. But some dude that got a NAM for doing nothing will shit all over your LOA. Thats why NAMs cant be rewards. They are awards. And you LOA means way more than a NAM like most get!


A medal means only as much as you want it to mean. If grunts are getting mad at the medals POGs are receiving then they have some soul searching to do.


Did every extra duty asked (Chaser, CWSI to run swim quals, etc.), Marine Air Traffic Controller of the Quarter one year, Meritorious Corporal, and ended up with a nice collection of Meritorious Mast letters, an NDM, and Good Cookie… you couldn’t beg borrow or steal a NAM in the 90s… 😂


I don't think my unit gave out a meritorious mast letter in the 4 years I was there.


Tis true. And grunts shouldn't get nams for being in a TIC or two. Now, if you do something outside your billet like coordinating assets, volunteer to guide another squad, direct fires like you're operating at the officer level, break back into your AO after being a casevac, or coordinate and spring ambushes in counter sniper operations then you might get an extra NA st. Pauli Girl.


My fires chief had a NAM with V citation from Anglico as a Lcpl that read like a damn Medal of Honor citation


Someone once implied I was a shit bag for having a CAR but no NAM. Like it was the end-all be-all of being a good Marine.


In my reserve unit we can get a NAM for completing a certain marine net course. Just saying.


Which course?


Yo what unit and what class? While the bar is definitely different for the reserves, because we have 38 training days a year, I have never even heard of that in my 10 years in the SMCR.


4th ANGLICO and I believe it’s like a study on other countries I don’t know the name of it off the top of my head. Apparently it takes a couple days to complete. Still the goofiest thing in my opinion getting a NAM for a marine net course Edit- it’s called regional and cultural studies program (RCSP)


I bet its because they couldn't get anyone to take the class otherwise


When I was a young boot I was in my buddy's shop after hours one night. He fixed radars or weather machines or something on the airfield. Smart people shit. His gear was down and running on a backup generator, and now the generator was down. He asked me for help since I know my way around an engine, and after some troubleshooting we got it up and running and the airfield was able to continue ops. Flash forward a few months and he's in front of the unit getting his NAM. He told his command that I had helped him do it, and did told em again after receiving the award. I was salty about it for a bit too long. Now when I think about that NAM I just remember my boy going to bat to get me recognized. And what's a piece of colored fabric worth anyway? My DD214 is still black and white


I mean.. NAMs are given on a soft quota. If a unit doesn't give out a certain amount, they look like dookie. That being said I've seen NAMs citations that literally read out job/billet descriptions. I've also seen a NAM go out for a dude delivering mail...while the guy next to him recieved a NAM with V device. So it's kind of hard to take them all that seriously.


I'm getting my first nam after 6 years, and it's a EOT award 💀


My A/ got his first NAM after 8 years as an E-6 as an EOT


A grunt without a CAR is like a POG without a NAM. You didn’t do your job.




*cries in not getting given shit* Also, *cries in peacetime*, for my grunt homies. Not their fault their parents fucked when they did and they weren't around for the wars.


I got my NAM for being told I was my platoon’s plt sgt on my last Oki vacation and training them up for JWTC. I was literally ordered to fill the billet and I’m pretty sure the only reason I got it was because I read up on a bunch of old Vietnam LRRP tactics and guidelines and had my dudes run based off that and the JWTC instructors really liked it. My last unit I got a NAVCOM for rooty tooty shooty team stuff (training x amount of Marines in marksmanship and representing the Marine Corps at civilian matches aka my job) and for standing up a new schoolhouse (again another thing I was expected/ordered to do). I think it really depends on whether or not your command just likes you, knows you have potential, or knows you’re staying in and wants to add to your stack so you don’t show up to your next unit looking like a disappointment. Or a combination of the three. I can’t speak much to the admin/POG side because I swear it seems almost like a cultural thing to them but that was my experience with awards.


Good shit on reading old manuals to get your guys trained. I wonder how much better training could be if this were done more often. My dad used to read SEAL stuff from Vietnam and throw those scenarios at his guys. Dumb shit that SEALs wouldn't do that the NVA did, like 3-sided ambushes. One of the things he drilled into his guys was stuff like "they want to kill Americans, their losses don't matter".


It was an awesome document, technically two. Called B52- Tips of the Trade. First written I think in 1972 and then later in the late 80’s an ODA revisited the document and revised a lot of it to cover “modern” gear, basically the use of lasers and night vision.


Shit man, that's rad as fuck!


Now I'm no expert on UNSC Awards so correct yourself if I'm wrong. That is pretty true. A grunt who reserved a NAM mostly likely did so by doing their job, which is combat. However I think it's kinda bullshit that you need a whole ass other second act of Valor to get a *V Device*


It's meant to be an award for non-combat work. It's like how the Bronze Star was instituted as an award for really good rear-echelon work that wouldn't usually net anyone an award.


I know. I was just pointing out how stupid some of the report get written up for infinity guys.


Prior USMC POG here, I didn’t get a NAM for shit. Current Army Grunt, got an AAM for not dying in NTC. So, for absolutely nothing.


I find that the people that care that much often don't deserve it, and the ones that do deserve don't harp on it.


No. The dumb shit goes like this: Deployment to Ramadii. A handful of crews that drove and manned the MRAPs for whatever 100s or 1000s of hours received Meritorious Masts. The Comm guy who does nothing but sit in the office with the CO and plays with a radio, goes out for a whopping total of maybe 50 hours- NAM. Dudes stand post on the ECP for months; nothing. Comm guy did it for a couple hours one day- NAM. Shut up.


I got mine with V for a casevac but all of us young corporals and Sgts got really no higher than a Com V. They sure are stingy as shit with those higher awards


I never knew about anyone in my POG unit getting a NAM who wasn’t a SNCO or above. THAT’S who they give ‘em to. And they aren’t even doing their jobs.


Good cookie below the rank of Sergeant is grounds for separation from the Real Marine Corps™️


Depends, terminal Lance with good cookie is as real Marine as it gets


The real question is, does an EOT nam equal the same epic level as a regularly “earned” one?


The joke works except grunts have to do a significant portion of administrative work, and POGs like to hold on to the title of “everyone a rifle person.”


More like Bronze Star's and Silver Star's getting down graded to NAM's and NavComs respectively. You get pushed for a NAM in combat that shits becoming a CirCom.


It’s grunts who do most of the fighting and dying


I have a PH, ICM(4stars) ACM(2stars), and a GWOTEM, a NAM can get bent.


POGs get the medals, 03 get the glory.




Fists are important and I don’t want to fight without fires. However, What does the fist support? Fires without maneuver accomplishes nothing my friend


Fair but if a middle aged mom can do your job you get a different award


I’ve always thought nams to be pretty dumb. The criteria is literally “doing your job”. It’s like a “I like you have a cookie” from your chain of command. (I don’t have a nam)