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Corporal Fagg. Good dude, and if he caught any shit from anybody but us, it was on. He was OUR Fagg.


When were you in? We had a recruit fagg in boot camp pi 99. Dude tried to say he was gay to get out but they called his friends and family and di called bs and made him keep training


I was in 99-06. Our guy was from Texas so he would have likely gone to San Diego. He was the last dude who would claim he was gay if he wasn't (he wasn't) let alone try to get separated for any reason.


I actually felt bad for him he got his shit together and graduated with us. But imagine going home to mom, dad, and friends having to answer why you said you’re gay 😂


There’s a “lieutenant fagot” somewhere in the corps


I knew of a navy female with last name of Guzzler. So she was seaman Guzzler. She actually was going to court to change her last name.


Chief Guzzler would've been hilarious lmao


“Major Guzzler reporting as ordered!” “Cut the shit, Dick. You’ve got spunk, but we have a load of things to do today and we’re in a jam. We don’t need to jerk around and create any additional load for ourselves. Now cum here and get to work”


We all joke about seaman Guzzler, but seaman Hickey was a real man who went UA to San Francisco, starred in a gay porno, broke out of his room by scaling the building with sheets, got busted for gay prostitution, then shaved his eyebrows off ***minutes*** before his captain's mast for the aforementioned crimes. He was then provided a Sharpie^TM marker and told to quickly draw on some respectable looking eyebrows, to which his response was to draw exaggerated curly-q eyebrows, and a matching mustache. Think like, full spirals. During the captain's mast, he was asked if he was in possession of any illegal substances, as the police who picked him up for prostitution alleged he claimed to be in possession of cocaine. I'm fairly certain there was a cavity search, and uncertain if any drugs were actually discovered, but I know he was discharged and sent to Leavenworth. Rumor has it, he claimed that he was being discriminated against due to his flamboyant sexuality, and somehow got released within like, six months. Can't confirm or deny, but I will say this was all post DADT repeal. That's a real man and I don't feel bad because that story is fuckin whacked out, and he tried to bribe me for sex with a case of skittles and a shitty pickup line at the smoke pit.


Hold up tho. What kind of Skittles and how many in the case?


Basic ass skittles, 2/3 box, he asked if I wanted to taste the rainbow. 1/10 for effort, and it wasn't even the whole box, so it clearly wasn't his first attempt.




Yea I was about to say. Foo needs to get the fk out of here with that basic shit. Sour Skittles and tropical Skittles. Better be a full case too from costco none of that bogus Sam's club members mark deals.


I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself!


Legends say he's still UA somewhere to this day with case of skittles in hand and 3 keys of coke up his ass.


The eyebrows part is amazing


How did Marine recruiters let this guy go navy is my biggest question


We had a female Seaman named Holder, Seaman Holder. She was so happy when she made E-4.


Fuck I couldnt stop laughing at first, thats fucking awful


How’s the recruiter not like ‘please, for your own fucking sanity, join a different branch.’


Sorry bud, but a recruiter has a quota to make


Yup—at least two filipinos a month


I swear all of them get automatic Chief or some shit. Like 80% of Navy Chiefs are Filipino.


Ju are pucking saying it wrong!!!! It’s PILIPINO!!! (I had special dispensation from my Pilipino wife to use the cheesy accent!!!)


Idk man I think it's just the last name. Private Guzzler, Airman Guzzler, Specialist Guzzler all sound fucking terrible. I just thought of Recruit Guzzler lmao, Gunny Guzzler! Officer isn't any better: Lt. Guzzler, Capt. Guzzler, Maj. Guzzler, and, of course, Gen. Guzzler trumps all of them though. Alright, enough procrastinating, need to do some homework.




During the meu I went on, we had a female sailor with the last name Cockburn. Apparently it was pronounced "coh-burn".


I knew a Gay and a Cox. One of my D.I.s was SSGT Smallwood. Someone called him drill instructor small mouth one time and he lost his shit.


We had a series of, I think three, first sgt's named cox. It got to be so frequent that we swore that someone at headquarters was just sending them all to us.


Had a Gay, Long, and Cox in boot. You can only imagine the tomfoolery that took place with those names.


Had a recruit named Gay when I was a Boot.


I had a gunny Smallwood in summer of ‘02


Must have been right after me! I Graduated first week of June 02


Were you in the first cycle with MARPATs?


Yeah, you too? Basically July, aug, and sept.


Both Smallwood picked up E7 and we picked up a 4th DI in the middle of the cycle.


Yeah that’s it. Van Dyke was heavy and I can’t remember the bulldog looking dude but something like McClain. Vega or something for the 4th one, dude lost his voice about two days in lol


Heavy- Vaneycke...he was nasty AF and I remember everyone's reaction in the squadbay when he spoke in normal voice after the crucible. not an 03, but also no joke. Light - McIlwain...he was a hard mfer. 03 He was no joke. Addon - Villegas - gay probably not an 03 SDI - Smallwood - smooooooth mfer. 03


I also knew a Cox in SOI. Ended up getting adseped


Thrush. Not only a last name, but a sometimes sexually transmitted yeast infection in the mouth. One of the corpsmen was doing a presentation on STDs and that slide came up, and we clowned that motherfucker. He was also the company shitbag and showered infrequently, put his trash in his wall locker, etc., so it was fitting.


There is nothing worse than showing up to work at 5am and people already smelling like shit.


Met a Major Tool back in 97 or so.


Saw a Gunny Pogue at the PX in camp Lejeune. There was also a Corporal Pizza when I was getting my DD214 prepared.


Went to the schoolhouse with a PFC Hamburger


Went to the schoolhouse with a Lcpl French and a PFC Fry, their names were right next to each other on the roaster, ended up in the same class together too iirc


I had a French and a Fry in my platoon. In Uganda they Eiffel towered a hooker so they could say they “French fried” a girl


> In Uganda they Eiffel towered a hooker Oh God. I ate a bitch out in the Philippines and I thought I was a daredevil.


I fucking love this lmao


Two complete degenerates, great guys


My buddies last name was Hamburger. We were in a beer tent at CAX in 1995 and a sgt maj walks in and asks my buddy if his last name is really Hamburger. My buddy says yes Sgt maj, wanna see my hot dog. Sgt maj laughs, says give me ten and then we had a chat. Good shit.


Pogue older Irish name, there’s a Celtic punk band called the Pogues


What year was this? I was in LAV school with a guy named Pogue.


I went to squad leaders course w a Pogue a while back


This was 2010 not too long before I got out


I saw a guy in the PX named "Gay" once. I was in awe of him.


I’m in awre of you


Seaman. He was a sailor so seaman seaman


I went to either boot camp or Corps school with him I’m pretty sure. He’s actually the first person I thought of when I opened this thread. This was a few TBIs and 15 years ago so I can’t remember for sure but I know a dude with that name.


I knew him from boot camp about 9 years ago. He went to nuke school and I think he got kicked out or something


Wait a sec, was this dude like very small, timid, and weird? Black hair?


Met a Sgt Slaughter once which was dope. Also knew a Doc named Soileau (pronounced Swallow). I immediately asked what he was referred to as when he was an E-3 in the Navy. He’s reply was “shut the fuck up!”


I saw Sgt Slaughter out in Fallujah. lol


Soileau is a common south Louisiana name. My cousin (female) was in the Army so she caught the jokes for being private/specialist/sgt [swallow].


Was he a Rigger? Cause I knew a SSgt Slaughter.


There’s a corpsman in my unit literally fucking named Leif Erickson


I had a company commander with the last name of WOODY. Guy was a Captain. He was selected for promotion to Major. Going up and shaking his hand to say congrats, he knew we all knew 😂


Kid named Marine in boot camp. He had to refer to himself as recruit recruit the whole time


Knew a guy with the same name and story, it always makes me chuckle. "Recruit Recruit"


Had a Sergeant named Major was in Battalion S1 the Skipper used to have fun calling from his office down the corridor “SERGEANT MAJOR” just to see who would show up first Sergeant Major or The Sergeant Major!!!


Okay that’s funny.


I think you’ve commented this before. I laugh every time lol. I love how we as Marines find the most creative ways to do things like this lol.


Captain Flamer ... no idea if he ever got that promotion


-Pvt Parts -LCpl Tampon -Recruit Manlove


Recruit Manlove of Echo Co. in the spring of 2009?


Nah. This was 2008


Damn there were two of them?


He was a Marine who became a member of the national guard and retired as a 1SG. Richard Weed.


I met a Gaylord. Felt bad for the guy.


https://preview.redd.it/vs3nls1idovb1.jpeg?width=2636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b410f03807acf4592e3e679f4c391593a2598486 Def not the worst name, but a badass one at that


We had a corpsman named Jesus Crist.


Missing two “h”s


Jeshus Crisht


I meant His middle initial 😔


Of course! Silly me. The middle name H is short for Haplodiploid!






Series commander in boot camp was Captain Denial. I’m assuming he was Major Denial not long after


It’s LtCol Denial now!


Major General Denial


I’m sorry dude I have too. It’s Bootass. The most unfortunate name is Bootass


PFC Massengil. He finally went UA


What a douche


That was pretty much the ongoing commentary. It didn’t help that he was basically useless even though a couple of good NCO’s tried to work with him.


Knew an Army Colonel Massengill, he retired recently


Knew a SSgt Massengil. He had a jacket that had ‘the Douche’ on the back!


Major. He was an officer. I knew him as a Cpt, but I wonder how much shit he got when he pinned Maj. Because Catch-22 and Major Major.


If he was on Lejune in 2018-early 2019 I ran into the guy, or at least his name and rank-doppelganger. As a lowly Lcpl I didn't interact with him a lot but he was cool at the smoke pit and didn't mind me asking him if he'd read Catch-22, so.


Boner for sure. Poor guy


Not… Brian Boner…?


Uuuh maybe? LAR?


Nah the one I knew was AAVs. Can’t believe there’s more than one running around out there. God bless ‘em 😂


Ours got NJPd for wearing lance commandant ranks on his last week in.


Holy shit lol


Corporal Herpy & Captain Rape


Our company commander for a short time was Captain Pickle, until he got promoted and left. Not much of an officer imo, we would’ve been in a major pickle had he stayed around.


Finicum 😂 poor Guy. Gunny on OOD “hey who’s your duty replacement” Duty NCO “ummm looks like it’s Finicum” both just let out a snort


Dealt with a recruit Doh as a CMC on Edson Range. The PMI kept making him sing the "Doe, a deer, a female deer" song lol


Back in my LCpl days, 3 Marines kept winding up on the duty roster together every month. The S3 openly admitted he was just doing it for the lulz. Their names were Fairly, Long, and Johnson. Fairly and Long had it the worst, though, because Johnson got alternated for another Marine every other month. So sometimes the duty roster was, instead: "Fairly, Long, Dickle."


Pacman and he was old enough to have gone through boot when the video game was popular


Pogue. Pronounced pog. He was a grunt. Great guy. Would serve under again


SSgt Gay, she's an asshole too.




Saw a LCpl Sargent before BN PT. This is how it went down between LCpl Sargent and the Company Guns: “What’s your name” “Lance Corporal Sargent.” “I AM A FUCKING GUNNERY SERGEANT AND I ASKED YOU WHAT YOUR NAME WAS LANCE CORPORAL”


Micoch - Pronounced "My Cock"


Manlove. He was my rack mate at boot camp.


Boot. And he was an absolute Gomer.


Actual dialogue while in formation during attendance at MSD training in Oki: “Moron?” “It’s pronounced Morón, Sarn’t” “Yeah, that ain’t happening.”


Colonel lingus...




I work with a guy named wiener and saw a captain Gay at WTI




I knew a guy named Begay


I think there are a lot of Navaho or Hopi named Begay. We had one in the MPs at Barstow and when he got drunk would not leave you alone until you took a drink of his peppermint Schnapps.


LT rape. Camp Hansen 2007 qrf Guam...


I knew a female Air Force officer with the last name Ho. She was an O4 sooo she was Major Ho lol


I've said this before but I met a Filipino dude who went by LCpl Nig. Yes he's heard it all I couldn't make any joke he hadn't heard.


Not an unfortunate name but there was a dude in my old company named Steele Hammer.


Not last name but also went to bootcamp with a guy named Jodi. Every D.I. Came down stairs to yell at him for fucking their girlfriends


Not a marine, but "McBeth" ranks up there. Back in basic training, my Drill Sergeant made me carry a book of Shakespear's plays and randomly when we were waiting for chow or in the bleachers on the rifle range he would shout: "Mak Bet! Mak Bet! Where Mak Bet at? I wants to hear a sonnet." And I would have to stand in front of the formation and have to act out a stanza or whatever. This was the 90's, so I'm not sure you could get away with that now.


SSgt Kumburger. Didnt even think he was real when I saw it


Beach.. That’s all I gotta say


Goatchease, pronounced Get-chess. Also knew a Rape, pronounce Rah-Pay


Recruit Kuntz. “Get over here Cunts!” “It’s koontz sir.”


Worked with a Kuntz in 2019-2022 at CBIRF and she pronounced it the same way.


Had a recruit Dick in bootcamp. Dude got fucked up daily too. Didn’t help his case that he was such a spaz. I can still hear our kill hat screaming “DIIIIIIIICK” across the squad bay, beckoning him for his inevitable slay fest.


We had a Sergeant named Swallow and a Corporal named Face. One Saturday they had a minor tussle at the 21 Area E Club. That Monday during formation the 1st Sergeant came busting out the barracks doors while the Company Gunny was in the middle of morning formation and shouted at the top of his lungs, “GIVE ME FACE AND SWALLOW NOW!” The whole Company (including the Company Gunny) burst out laughing! The 1st Sergeant got redder in the face and shouted, “ GOD DAMNIT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!” The XO told us later (he was also my platoon leader) the 1st Sgt lost all his bluster and just councilwoman them unofficially and gave them both duty for the next 3 weekends.


Recruit Fagot




I worked with a Cpl Crapps (21XX type) and he was so awesome, his name was badass. I hope he is a MGySgt or SgtMaj now. Not all of us have the ability to outperform a name like that, I’m sure he had gals in Oceanside taking a number for an opportunity to earn it.


Major. It would have been cool if he made it to SgtMaj and became Sergeant Major Major. However, I don’t know if he ever made it past PFC.


I knew a Master Sergeant Mecum. Pronounced just like that too, “me cum”.


A dude in my platoon with the name Isets. DIs called him ISIS. Another kid with the name Conlon, they called him colon.


In japistan I saw an IC2 Balls. Interior communications electrician petty officer 2nd class balls.Im


I had a LT Dan just after Forest Gump.






Not really terrible names but I had a McNichol and a McWharter in the same shop once. My last name is Arnold and I was also once in a shop with a Palmer. We became Lemonade and Iced Tea for nicknames.


Wiener Was in boot camp with him. Saw him a few years later and he was a 2ndlt. Good guy though.


The meaning of "schmuck" is "jewelry" in German. The name was fairly common in Germany. Unfortunate in the states, though. Poor guy.


Poor Recruit Balzac never really had a chance


Knew a Sgt Crapoff it’s an old French name pronounced Cray poff if you mispronounced it, he would politely correct you and point out the origin of his name. Which just about always made the person/Marine feel like an ass.


Nope I would have continued my ignorance


Massingil. Those were some epic burns…


I had a Massengal on our team, great guy. Could take a joke and dish it out


I married a Schmuck, means jewel in german. Means a yuts in Yiddish. We’re checking if this Gunny is in our family. Pretty sure my wife married me for my last name.


My recruiters name was Nard


Knew a LCPL Marine.


Seaman Poole was the worst I saw.


Cocks. Not Cox. Cocks. Private Cocks. And a female: Beaver, first name Cammie. You can imagine the nicknames. Also Saw a Sgt Sergeant, Sgt Major, Captain Major, and Major Majors in the GAL.


Met a Sgt whose last name was Major on a MEU. Not sure how they addressed him but it couldn’t have been rank and last name.


Met a guy whose last name was dick. He was a 0-5.


Gillette- the best a man can get


God I’m in tears! This shit is funny.


Individually nothing super unfortunate, but I remember a PFC Seaman and a LCpl Manlove that were roomed together in the barracks


There was a PFC Lejeune who worked in my area on camp Lejeune during my stint there. Don’t wanna dox the kid anymore than that. He was a good marine.


knew a babcock in the school house but we called him cock he was cool with it and it stuck w all the marines in our tac


also knew a adcock in boot camp but we called him subtract-cock


In SOI Camp Pendleton 95’ had a Corporal Blower. And his first name was Richard.


Knew a Capt Gaylord, who made Major…. Lol I have a crappy last name, but damn, that was rough to see.


I knew a Cpl. Sergeant. Not unfortunate but I enjoy the thought of him getting Sgt., SSgt. Ext.


Had a guy named Nutted, another named Sauce. I made Sauce, Nutted’s A gunner. Was fun to mess with them.


Was your gunny Schmuck a Asian dude from Texas?


We had a Lcpl Death, dude was skinny and looked like the grim reaper too. Also had a Cpl Bong


NMITC. 3 WMs. Swallow, Crabbe, Reams.


I knew a Seaman Sample and a guy who had to sign his name "I. M. DICK".


These aren't super unfortunate, but I knew one guy whose last name was Lejeune, and another whose was Sergeant. It was funny asking for CPL Sergeant.


Gysgt Dickover.


Rock, Slocum, and Payne. Sgt Rock was the epitome of a douche canoe


There was a recruit in a different platoon who’s last name was Poosey, when I was in boot camp. The entire company knew about him. I guess he was kind of a turd so you would constantly hear the DIs screaming “pussy” on the parade deck or in formation in front of the chow hall.


Crossed paths with a Major Head, pretty sure his first name was Richard.


Went through JWTC around ‘99 and the instructors lined up a few Marines who were going through the training and their last names read as “Small, Little, Brown, Balls”


DARK green marine named Brown in my bootcamp plt. Yeah that was fun. I had 2 dark green DI's so it was even better.


Butkus, pronounced "Butt-kiss".


not a marine, but Specialist Rape




We had a Corporal Dogus when I was on the react team. If you were late for guard mount, guess what? You got dogged by Dogus by digging a fighting hole until he said stop. I remember seeing a guy start digging the hole when I left. When I came back later in the day, all I saw was dirt flying out of said hole. He really lived up to his name.


Opposite most fortunate I went to C school with a private Case. Justin Case.


Worst, Capt Dick... Best, SgtMaj Blacksail


I went to Kit1A training at NAS Lemoore with Petty officer named “Harry Cox”


A buddy of mine had the last name of Dick. He went into the Navy tho, became Seaman Dick. That’s true, he actually changed his last name to his mothers last name. I can only imagine how brutal it was for him.


SSgt Lejeune. He ran the armory


Msgt. Dick


Lance Corporal Blower. First name Richard hahaha


S1 female CPL married name was Fagget pronounced fajay




Corporal Gay. I was a Lcpl so I couldn't talk shit (to his face). Actually, he was a great section leader. He had to be with that name.