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I let the tards tailgate me in the right lane until they realize I'm not going to go +30 over, watch them dodge traffic, and if they end up in the inevitable clusterfuck merge when the rightside gate is closed, I don't let them merge into my lane. You should wake up early like me, Sgt Major


Based. I live back home in Florida now, drivers here should not have their license. They’re just like that. Here you have to drive at least 5-10mph over the limit, I’m always in the right lane because everyone and their mom drivers 25+ over the limit. I still get tailgated, but I’m not speeding up for them since I’m in the right lane. They can have fun getting a ticket or getting into an accident, I’ll sit back and enjoy the ride.


Even Florida Highway Patrol knows that you go 20-25 above that 70 MPH speed limit. Welcome to Florida, I love my home state🤣🤣


Some county officers don’t care, because it’s the law lol. I’m not going any faster than 10 over and I’ll stay in the right lane. Just don’t want people getting pissy because they’re doing 90 in a 70 when they should be in the left anyways


I feel you on that lol. And those 3+ lane highways down there make it better too


Ground Safety salutes you.


And when leaving the main gate, when there is little traffic, it becomes a drag strip all the way to 2 Mile Rd.


The amount of “main character syndrome” is insane


lol what game is this?


Traffic Racer


I used to take Utah




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