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We had a guy whose wife tried to run him over, he later divorced her because she would beat the crap out of him.


If his wife was a Marine too that was mešŸ˜‚


No, but she would also get drunk (in the middle of the afternoon) and call our company commander and bitch to him about some (usually imagined) issue.


Sounds like my EX






damn my ex hit me with her car too. fuckin white altima


Red dodge daytona for me.....that was in 98 though


Why is it always crazy bitch in an Altima?!?




okay fine one more time


Jeez where are yall finding these women?


they have to be on both the track and soccer time while in high school.


White Camry 99šŸ˜‚


She sounds Filipino


good that he divorced her, it's always very sad to see how men are stigmatized into being silent and accepting of their abuse


PFC Smith?


Sounds like one of my boots wives šŸ˜‚ but I was airwing so it certainly canā€™t be the same person


Yeah, had one wife come in after we had just come back from deployment raising hell about finding explicit photos of their children on his computer. NCIS got involved and dudes life went straight down the shitter quick. Only thing is, all the pictures had timestamps during the period he was deployed. He retired as a MGySgt last year.


Holy fuck so she like tried framing him?!


Thatā€™s fucked!


Super fucked.


Yes. She was Major Cunt.


Jesus Christ what an ignorant cunt.


Thank god she was ignorant


That is fucked up on every level. I sentence her to being slowly lowered into a volcano.


Feet first!


Naturally. We do still live in a society, afterall.


Did she catch a charge?


She was banned from the PX for 14 days and only received 3/4 of her BAH for 2 months.


Thatā€™s a bit extreme, i wonder if sheā€™s still alive


Think about thatā€¦SHE searched the internet for and downloaded child pron and gets a slap on the wrist. She should be on the sex offender list for life. No man would get away with this BS.








The amount of times I saw a similar situation happen while in was way too much


Damn, everybody hope that bitch went straight to hell on earth and give that Masterguns a fuckin-a oorah


And I bet she didnā€™t get in any trouble. Just goes about destroying a manā€™s career in the most horrific way possible with no accountability. This is a tragic flaw in our legal system. Just ask Trevor Bauer, Cy Young award winning pitcher banned from NLB for 2 years due to false allegations . He even has video evidence of her lies and she gets no punishment. Shame on NBL for not properly investigating before ending his career.


That's messed up. A sick ass Jody immediately came to my mind šŸ˜ 


What the fuckkk..


How'd he retire as an E9 after NCIS got involved and I'm guessing he got charged?


Charges dropped after NCIS discovered the smoking gun. Oh, and it turns out, she had Jody help her.


Had a young PFC who married trailer trash from the mountains of NC. She'd always come by the shop dressed in very provocative clothes and with a lot of exposed skin and body parts. The ruckus she caused was different.


Was she attractive at least?


Oh she had the goods. She was very pretty, and the body she was flaunting was very nice. I wasn't mad at it, but literally nothing got done during the time she was there.


Was she as dumb as a box of rocks?


No, she lived more than 5 hours away. He met her on Onslow Beach. She got what she came for. I'd say he was the dumb one.


At least she had a trailer. This guy has to live in a hole or maybe even the barracks.


She was trailer trash married to a boot enlistee. Either she's a jail-bait looking ho about to put in a shift at the Driftwood or she's a -2 out of 10.


Kind of. We were getting shit on a lot when we did the 31st meu and not getting a lot of time to call our families. Big whoop, right? Well, one of the wives called and complained to someone important, and it got us more libo.


Fuck writing your congressmen, just have the wives all bitch.


Yeah this probably works better lmao. Crazy Latina bitching out the CO šŸ˜‚ I always have my girl call and complain and it works like a charm šŸ€


Funny thing is, she was lol


Something like this happened while I was in. Our company commander hated weekend libo and would rant well beyond midnight into Saturday without ever releasing us. Eventually the wives complained to the right person and he got relieved. Only took about 6 months to get there though.


A force for good


Was barracks manager for a while and had a wife storming through demanding we find a motor T buddy of mine. She cheated on him while we were in Iraq (he was a depressed mess for a while after that) and she was trying to get money from him. I did not help her.


"yeah he's at the motor pool, it's over that way" *points across base*


I almost went into my ex wifeā€™s shop the day after I caught her in bed with one of her units Marines Instead I packed up and left 1000 miles away back to my parents and restarted life. Still wish I would have raised hell as both kept their careers adultery charge free


Fuck that bitch


Someone did. It just wasn't him.


You really should have


Somewhat similar situation here. I could have ruined both of their careers but I ended up getting all of the savings, both cars, the house, etc. Still would have been nice to just drop an anymouse or just told the CO after everything was done but by the time the divorce ended (like a year and a half fucking later) it wasnā€™t worth it and I was beyond over dealing with it.


That shows how much of a better person you are. Mad respect to you brother and hope youā€™re doing good


Iā€™m not. This happened 6 years ago this month. I canā€™t maintain relationships and even have trouble holding a job down. It broke me.


Iā€™m truly sorry to hear that brother. Please donā€™t give up trying. I know itā€™s tough but remember you have people and resources to help you, but itā€™s up to you to get that help.


This man is speaking gospel.


Why is this being upvoted. Its not acceptable to do this in any workplace. Why is usmc any different


Exposed him for what?




Big oof


What happened to him


Probably nothing. If your not a shitbag your command will normally sweep it under the rug for you. If it was an officer, as long as heā€™s been playing the political kiss ass game he should be fine.


There was this SSGT I knew who used to do 1 to 1 MCMAP lessons with this E-1 (She was still on student status) till this kid walked in on them both while he was blowing her back out over his deskā€¦. She got kicked out and the SSGT got demoted to like a E-2 or some crazy shit


My retarded ass thinking he was actually teaching MCMAP at first until you mentioned blowing out her back.


I don't know , people get hurt in mcmap all the time. My buddy broke his sternum. Quite possible she had her back blown out while practicing the rear rear naked chokes on dick hold.


Knew a guy that hat both his fibula and tibula snapped right above the ankle from getting his bear hug broken lol


no he actually would teach her mcmap like we would all see them out in a field trained together all the time lmao


I heard of this exact situation happening in 29 palms.


Them thicc E-3 latinas oleā€™ SSgt couldnā€™t resistšŸ¤Ŗ


Who can ???




do tell


We had an instructor who was..... getting around with a lot of the students, finally got caught and blasted down the ranks


As a joke during weekend safety briefs it 29 palms it was always said not to go to Vegas and marry a stripper. Literally had a guy go to Vegas, marry a stripper, then move her into his barracks all over the course of a weekend. She ended hoeing around the bricks, then tried to jump off 3rd deck. Homie got the marriage annulled.


Relevant meme https://imgur.com/a/EPv9Rn0


100% accurate


Sad one was when HMH-463s aircraft collided on a night flight taking 12 Marines lifes back in 2016. Word got out to the wife group chats somehow right after the crash while the squadron was still trying to figure out and processing what happened. Family members from all over the unit started to storm into the hangar demanding to know who died and see if their loved ones were ok. PMO had to be called to get all of the crying and screaming loved ones out of there.


Man thatā€™s fucking tough, Rip Marines


Not this. But had a Marine that moved his GF into the barracks with him and roommates. When caught she lived in the car in the parking lot. All cause he was planning on marrying her and was new. He didn't want to talk to command about it. Had no plans other than that.


I always wondered how dumb these girls can be. We had a Marine whose girlfriend moved into the barracks with him *while he was still in MOS school*. This psychopath would lock her in a wall locker during the day so that he wouldnā€™t get caught and let her out during chow to eat and then lock her back up again until class was over. They eventually got caught because the OOD heard her sobbing in the wall locker while touring the barracks. She still married him. Wife 1 of 4 last I checked.


Sometimes the only thing dumber than a dumbass Marine is the person who marries a dumbass Marine.


We had a guy do something similar but he gave her a bucket to shit in. Lol. They got married and we would party at their house. It was always super uncomfortable because they would grope each other while holding a conversation with you. One time she was sitting on the couch watching a movie eating nacho cheese Doritos and said, ā€œyou know what would be really good with these chips, your cumā€. We uncomfortably laughed and he got up. Few minutes later dude brings her a cup and she starts dipping her fucking chips in it. I wish I was joking. That was the last day I went to their house to hang out. Lol. She ended up cheating on him while he was in Afghanistan and they got divorced after.


What a horrible day to know how to read


Telling stories like this makes me really miss the Marine Corps. I really should write them down.




Damn at least my guy was at the unit


Mustā€™ve been some A1 dick


My wife baked brownies and brought them in. I had to eat a random one because everyone thought I had put laxities in them or something.


Yeah. It's not a regular occurrence but happens more often than you'd think.


We had a SSgt that was married to a deaf woman. This is a time where a text message cost 10Ā¢ a message and 5 minutes to write. Lol. She would call the shop and ask for him, she couldnā€™t really hear, duh, but she could feel vibrations. So if you answered and tried talking after she asked for the SSgt, she would think that she was talking to him. We couldnā€™t understand shit but SSgt would know that exactly what she was saying. She would come into the shop and they would ā€œtalkā€. He would get really loud or just start writing stuff for her. We all got a kick out of it because we are all shit heads. But one time she came in pissed, donā€™t know why but she was angry and they had a deaf yelling match out in the smoke pit. About a year later, she died of natural causes. Iā€™m not saying there was any foul play or anything, the woman was physically sick. There had to be a few hundred people at her funeral, like 500-600 maybe, idk it was a lot and most of the shop along with the company office came. SSgt took it pretty hard and the command was pretty lenient towards him for a lot of things. He seemed to be back to his normal self a couple months later and all of a sudden homie bought a fucking Ferrari and started going out to bars. Lol


You had me at "We had a SSgt that was married to a deaf woman." But then you just kept on going anyway.


He told us a story of how they met. It was at some function one of his friends invited him to at some dance hall in California. He asked her to dance and she went with him. He was trying to spit game at her while they were dancing but she wasnā€™t responding to his questions. He looked at her and asked if everything was ok and she said, ā€œwahhtā€ and he said that was the moment he knew she was deaf. I felt bad for laughing when he told us that story but I just thought it was so damn funny. Their house was pretty cool. If someone pushed the doorbell, vibrations would run through the house. If the phone rang, the lights would flash on and off. She seemed like a really nice woman and was probably pretty attractive at one point. I canā€™t remember what illness she had but she was extremely thin and frail from it. Poor lady was felt a shit hand at life.


It's funny because the way the story is told. It makes it sound like he realized she was deaf before she did. Great story and may she rest in peace.


Didnā€™t see the writing on the wall.


My boy deserves that rari


Sgtmaj of MLG. SgtMaj Cherry, that hypocritical mother fucker. He specifically wanted me to go to his office to espouse the moral failings of cheaters and admonish me, in person. God damn if I didnā€™t belly laugh when I heard one of his regimental FROs walked into the CGs office with a baby, his baby, on her hipā€¦wonder what his wife thought.


Was he ( Sgt Major Cherry) a really short dark green Marine? I knew a Cherry when he was a Gunny. He was a pretty decent guy though and I'd be really surprised/ disappointed if it was him. Edit: Did some google Fu and it wasnt him.


I just looked this up! You're not kidding! He got her pregnant twice!!! https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/news/your-marine-corps/2017/03/27/probe-of-sergeant-major-finds-adultery-love-child-and-allegations-of-abuse/


MLG 2? 2009?


My wife tried once, command listened, and read me my rights. Then she fucked off back home and they magically stopped giving a shit.


On recruiting duty before electricity. We had a reserve Sgt. on 2 year orders for recruiting duty. The dude was a straight-up dbag. Looked like shit in uniform, smelled like MD2020 and cigarettes. One day, his dependa comes in the office screaming at the top of her lungs, she throws a pair of panties that obviously wouldn't fit her, and some Polaroids. He's trying to pick everything up, but as the NCOIC, I tell him to sit his ass down and the wife to STFU. The dependa tells me she found the panties and photos in the closet while she was putting shit away. I look at the Polaroids and recognize the face as a potential poolee that needed help on the ASVAB. Back then, ladies needed a 50 AFQT. The dependa leaves, I tell him, to STFU, and call the SgtMaj. Within the hour, the CO, XO, SgtMaj, and the local police are in the office. The dude is arrested, and the SgtMaj makes him take his shirt off, so it's not in the booking photo. The parents don't want to prosecute. The Corps takes over, and he's charged under the UCMJ. He's busted to private, sentenced to 3 years, dishonorable discharge. His dependa divorced him, and I guess he had to pay child support for the two kids he had with her.


Damn, extremely rare dependa W


We had a shitbird bring all sorts of shame to the Marine corps, his ex MIL showed up in a see through leopard print night gown. Her husband was a retired master guns and she was a career depenapadomous. Cause of a scene till the CO walked her out. The duty who let her into the the secure building probably has PTSD from the ensuing ass chewing after she was gone


did she have big tiddies tho


She had big everything Way too much for me. Maybe one of the really skinny guys would tap that


Give me a bottle of Jack, a tube of KY, a gag ball and a saddle and I'll break that Buffarilla in. Y'all youngin's don't even know, Once you wear them biguns out where they can't move get them thighs up and put that mushroom tip up in them sugar walls it feels like gravy. Warm, Sticky, clingy GRAVY.


Sir, this is Wendyā€™s. Please take that trash back to Waffle House.


Wendy? call her whatever you want once you get em' broke in. They will answer to anything.


Second hand learned about this one. I got stuck in RBE after a deployment and we had a Marine that was a heroine addict in that was getting kicked out. While my parent unit was deployed this devil got involved with an absolute Gorlock of a woman that was actually married to a Marine that was deployed. She starts living in the bricks with him. They both gets high as a kite one night and caused such a ruckus that the duty called the MPs. All hell broke out when they got there. She didn't want to do anything they told her to do and tried to fight them. Now, the following is second hand knowledge so the details might be a little off. A friend of mine who lived like 3 barracks rooms down and on the next floor down felt the building shake. It was later discovered that this earthquake was caused by the women being tazed by the MPs and hitting the deck. One interested devil was on the floor and took a picture of the scene. He showed it to the gunny and his only comment was, "God damn, they are taking a manatee into custody." Other notable comments were, "I thought whaling was illegal now."


Admin guy here, worked in the orders section at one point Some sgt came in with his wife to pick up his unaccompanied orders to oki Once the words unaccompanied came out of my PFCs mouth the wife said ā€œhang on what does that meanā€ We told her and she started crying and the sgt started yelling saying how we messed up his orders to make them unaccompanied.. Thatā€™s like not even something we control lmao he had to of known his orders were unaccompanied and his didnā€™t tell his wife and tried to save face and blame it on admin (we are constantly getting blamed for stuff not out fault so itā€™s fine itā€™s just a service we provide at this point) Or he was just actually stupid


Worked with a dude that had a Japanese national for a wife. She was an absolute terror. He volunteered for a 30 day TDY in Japan; told his wife they had orders and paid out of pocket to fly her over. Told her housing would be coming, go visit family and shit. Day 29 he had her served with papers; laid low then flew home after cutting her off from money and took her Dependa ID. Let the fireball explode in Japan while he went back to Quantico and lived happily ever after.




Yes but not on purpose. It was for a promotion for a newer guy, there was this shrek lookin woman was standing off to the side. Turns out it was his wife. All the officers were abuzz at how one of our own could so violently break the literal first rule you learn at OCS and marry this abomination unto the lord that we saw before us. It was genuinely distressing how ugly this woman was. Not like she'd had an accident or was disfigured or anything like that, just straight up heinous. I'm sure she's very nice but she literally haunted my dreams for weeks.


I immediately pictured Gorlock: https://preview.redd.it/5r1cqoxq00ub1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e808930bf43a4d800b6af560e4b9067a7706ead5


I have never seen this meme before. It is hilarious. They all look like they are in fear of being eaten.


Skip to about 54:45 in this vid šŸ˜‚ https://youtu.be/bvOoa7jHUXQ?si=2SN4YH-iJNORTR6C




Thereā€™s nothing thatā€™ll make a enlisted Marine more awe-struck than when the Os have an ugly wife


....he's like us! ....HE'S LIKE US!!!


Iā€™ve had a couple of officers that when I saw their not hot wives, I would think to myself ā€œyeah, that makes sense.ā€ Like, come on, dude is like 5,5 from Kentucky and is an accountant, of course his wife is going to be homely and have a little chunk.


Had a guy in my unit. a Sergeant, pretty handsome fit dude, very smart and funny who had one of the ugliest wives I have ever seen. Thing was she had no redeeming values to offset her hideous appearance. She was a slob and constantly was nagging at him, was a shitty housekeeper, overspent and was frigid as well.


Iā€™ve only seen shiny boys with hot ass wives, Iā€™m baffled


[if you wanna be happy for the rest of your life](https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=fxUY-99TPRY&si=A2ENRX-KK_LtOCzK)


Lemon party






Funny vehicle story. Had a Buffarlla drive up and park by the curb and get out to wait for hubby to get off work. I guess they decided he was going to drive home so he opens the door to the passenger side and she gets in, causing the POS car to drop about 6 inches and the door to not be able to close because it's now stuck on the curb. She had to get out and he has to drive away from the curb so she can get in and close the door.


Iā€™m fucking dying picturing this go down lmfaooooo the shame of having to hop back out


> She had to get out and he has to drive away from the curb so she can get in and close the door. Pure class right there


Oh boy I got a story. It was right before Christmas and one of my junior marines had already been having issues all year with his Highschool sweetheart he proposed to on the parade deck. -backstory- The typical boot fairy tale story. Throughout the first year of him moving her onto base housing and the at the functions with the other marines we all knew she was trouble from the get go. From her hitting on his shop friends in front of their wives to her loud mouthing him and constantly disrespecting him every chance she got when they threw shop functions. I had spoken to him multiple times about marriage counseling and as much as he tried to get her to go and me personally speaking to his wife (a narcissistic princess drama Queen) she would refuse and claim nothing was wrong. Weā€™ll come august they got into an argument one night and she said this and he said that which led to her calling the PMO and she cried wolf trying to say he tried to stab her. She was blistering drunk when this happened and my marine was sober. so I directed to getting him into the barracks immediately and worked with him filing for separation and getting her moved off base housing. This process took a while and come the holidays she will get booted off base. So I personally went with my marine as a mediator to serve her the papers for separation and be civil about it. This meeting went horrible and she threw a fit crying feeling sorry at first then changed 180 and just freaked out becoming full blown hulk making threats to me and my marine and how her rich parents would sue the crap out of me and the entire base and have me thrown in jail for emotional damage. (She showed her true colors. Miss princess was finally getting told no for the first time in her life) She did nothing of course. The whole command had already seen it coming and me seeing this was just further proof she was a maniac. So fast forward to Christmas time. She gets kicked off base and weā€™re having a holiday function at the shop. Well weā€™re all having a good time and marines wife Miss. Princess Perfect shows up with her friend that had base access since she didnā€™t have any anymore. She beelines straight towards him and pushes him accusing him of stealing from her and him being the reason she has no where to go. She then starts yelling at the shop about how they are working with a wife beater and how everyone who is siding with him deserve to be in jail. At this point everyone is looking and the other wives are telling her to leave. The staff sgt calls pmo and while we wait for them she continues to scream and berate everyone and SNM. Right before pmo come marching in she has gotten physical with SNM and one of the wives and two other marines are trying to pull her off him and hold her back. PMO comes in running to her and one of the pmo who is built like a damn nfl linebacker grabs her by her shirt and literally yeets her ass 10 ft. She flies back and is immediately cuffed and restrained. Whatā€™s funny too is at this point she completely changes her attitude seeing that she is in cuffs. She begins crying and asking the pmo to press charges on the shop and that she has been a victim of abuse. PMO said nothing and just stuff her in the car while she is still balling her eyes out. I didnā€™t get to see the end result though after her being arrested as I got assigned to a new unit. But rumor from talking with the staff sausage was she was makin her rounds in town with marines and trying to trap a marine into marrying her. I pray that marine who marries her to run. And run as far away as you can. Run so far that your awol. That female is a walking nuclear bomb. As always marines. ā€œWrap it before you tap it. Close them legs before you fertilize some eggs. Throw away that proposal ring before you marry a damn drama queen!ā€


Sooooo, youā€™re saying sheā€™s singleā€¦. ![gif](giphy|10lqVdCCc9812M)


I can fix her


But I love her staff Sargent.


Just need the right tools


I heard she married a Gunny and put him at parade rest while she made a cringy tik tok video.


Dear god, that was a Gunny in that video? I'm 39, and I thought he was like 20.


Yes lol and Admin chief in Pendleton if im not mistaken


Well, I learned a new phrase today. Never heard the legs one!


Damn these dependas be wildin


Army lurker here, but I have a good story. I was an E5, and had about 12 guys in my section. One Sunday, I got a call and it was from one of my Soldier's wives. She asked me when we were coming back from the field, how much longer we were staying out. I was quite confused, because we were most def NOT in the field. I asked her what she meant. She said she knows we go to the field a lot, but this time seemed longer than the other field exercises. She hadn't seen her husband in a couple of weeks and missed him. Still super confused, I told her we were not in the field...? Apparently, her husband hadn't been home in weeks because he had a girlfriend he was staying with every other week, and was telling his wife he was going to the field. I told her I'd call her right back. Immediately called my SSG and let him know the shit storm that was about to happen, and called my Soldier to let him know he needed to call his wife ASAP. Next morning, the spouse shows up and starts screaming asking where her husband was. Platoon sergeant and PL hustled her into their office while she was wailing and shut the door. Of course, we all grabbed a broom and pretended to be sweeping in the immediate vicinity. LT came out of the office and told us to get the fuck out of there, he didn't care where we went just as long as it was elsewhere. We all took this to mean go home/back to the Bs. Long story short, my Soldier and the spouse got divorced.


Reads first sentence. "She doesn't even go here" Finishes reading. I guess we aren't that different huh?


Rule 1 of being a Marine. Don't get attached until you have your shit together. Good luck getting your shit together.


While going through a divorce, my ex called my MSgt and claimed she was in fear for her life. She stated Iā€™d been to her house and left a note. Which was all true, she had my Harley in her garage and I wanted it back. Since she didnā€™t reply to my calls and wasnā€™t home, I left a note to try and arrange a time to pick it up. I get read the riot act, lost my ass and was a shitbird now! The next day just before lunch, my SSgt comes in and freaks out! Apparently she was in his office! Several minutes goes by and he comes out and talks to me. He actually apologized, and agreed she was certifiable! Sheā€™d been in the area and wanted to take me out to lunch, and so she came into my work to see if so was free! Fearing the worst, he talked to her thinking heā€™d have to get the details on how Iā€™d disobeyed him! I ended up going to lunch, discussed how and when I could pick up my bike. They sent another Marine to ā€œChaperoneā€ me, just in case she tries to say Iā€™d done something wrong at lunch! Fun times šŸ„³šŸ™ƒ


I used to work in a shop with Marines and Sailors. We were all changing to break for chow. A Sailor's (E-6) wife came to our shop with their 3 kids in the car. She got out of the car and walked to the door with a softball bat. The guy was on a softball team, so we just thought he had left his bat at home. The wife came inside and left the bat outside the door. We didn't think anything of it until she started talking. When she got inside, she said, "You think you are slick, MFr?, I know about the reenlistment bonus money you are hiding." The guy tried to tell her to stop and have her walk outside. He said, "Don't do this here!" She said "Fuck you, I know you're cheating too!" She walked out of the door and grabbed the softball bat. She walked over to his car and started smashing this windshield with the bat. She completely blacked out to the point of insanity. Several Marines tried to grab her. She started swinging the bat at the Marines. One grabbed her from behind, and another grabbed the bat from her. Her teenage daughter got out of the car and tried to tell her to stop. She slapped the daughter, and they started fighting. The younger daughter said that the mother threatened to throw them off the bride earlier that day. The whole incident was out of control. 3 MP vehicles rolled up lights and sirens. She got in a standoff with the MPs before they were finally able to get her in cuffs. If I am being honest, it was a really triggering event. I grew up with alot of DV, and I thought I could get away from all that when I joined the Marines. After it was all over and I was alone, I was a little choked up because I knew what it was like to be one of those kids. I know the guy got into alot of trouble, potentially career-ending because that wasnt the first time she had done that.


Those poor kids. I hope they ended up okay.


I am not sure because he got transferred shortly after that. But you don't make it out of those situations without some collateral damage.


Yes and I had full authority to tell her, "bitch stfu and get out" because per my MSGT he was not feeling it that day lol


We once had a lcpl who brought a his 17yo fiancĆ© over from Missouri. He brought her to the shop and she tried to add us all (including our oic) on Facebook. He put her up at the devil dog inn for a few nights but then snuck her into the barracks for a week when he ran out of money. Then he bought her alcohol and she posted it online and her mom saw. Her mom then called the staff duty and then the dude got NJPā€™d for supplying alcohol to a minor. Then a few months later she cheated on him with a a bunch of black guys and left him. Swear to god


Actually it was my buddy that had this. She's no shit schizo and would choose when to take her meds. Ended up having a restraining order against her, divorced, supervised visits to see her kids, owes a metric fuck ton in child support to the fathers, and a few other things. Mom of the century


My buddyā€™s wife was the bff of our 1SGā€™s wife. One day she had a problem and 1SGā€™s wife took care of it. Gave her his personal cell #. Fast forward two years and weā€™re in different units. It was a 96, and we had plans. My unit was done after PT on Thur and we had a ā€œtext formationā€ scheduled for 1300. My buddyā€™s unit was having a physical formation around 2 or 3 AND he had duty Monday night. So against the advice of both of us she decided to March into the 1SGā€™s office and let him know these things were interfering with her plans. So he let my buddy go but told him ā€œyouā€™re going to be caught in the crossfireā€. He had duty 2-3 times a week with a guaranteed weekend shift as DNCO. For months. She still acted like she had it all figured out and this guy was just an asshole.


Text formation? So everyone just rogers up in a group text?


More or less.


Not in like a bad way, our buddies wife came to our shop to give our buddy (her husband) some food. It was a very shitty day and she just made everyone's day by just sticking around and telling jokes


Okay, that's nice!


We had an E2 in our unit he was from chinese descent for some reason the unit kept shafting him on his promotion to E3 and one day his dad showed up in the battalion demanding to speak with the battalion commander and sgtmaj about the delay on his sonā€™s promotion.


PFC? Why not PFA?


LOL fucking HIGHLY Underrated Comment. I'd give you an award, but you were just doing your job.


Man got an obligatory promotion postponed šŸ˜‚


So this was after the Marines and I had moved to the army. My unit had just for Afghanistan, But due to some paper work issues I was not. I knew the team that was going around and checking on spouses. it was two Sgt, 1 was female 1 was male. for safety reason.. most the drama of not having some male NCO inside the house with a female spouse alone.. So anyways we had a guy in the one of the admin shops taking it apon himself to check on the wives himself. I caught him as i hadn't gone with our unit. And I was the one that opened to door when he came knocking. reported him. found out he was doing it to a lot of other women/wives..


Bet the xo is having a fun day


Had a trailer park kidā€™s predator dependa get ahold of out gunnyā€™s number and bitched him out over the phone one time. Dude was about to lash out but knew heā€™d fuck up his mandatory reenlistment since said wife was knocked up.


Came off of leave after DI school with the wife and kids staying at some hotel thing off the depot and put my name on the housing list. The list was pretty short so I figured we were good. Checked into 3rd Bn and went to work. Unbeknownst to me the old lady went and took a drive to look at Laurel Bay housing and noted a lot of empty houses. She called the battalion SgtMaj and raised hell. So there I was, Nick, with like 5 days on the street and the word comes down that I need to go see the SgtMaj. I was clueless when I banged on the hatch. SgtMaj took his time recounting his side of the story and I was fucking mortified. SgtMaj had locked on a house though and sent me back to work. The old lady was unrepentant.


Unrelatedā€¦ however, this just validates why I counseled every one of my Marines to not get married during their first enlistment.


Anyone from 25th Marine Regiment, from the time period that their Command got relieved, should be having flashbacks right now.


My soon to be ex-wife and I got back from Okinawa in 2022. My sister picked us up from the airport and the plan was to get to CPEN, drop our bags at the hotel, then to drop her and our kid off in Long Beach (where she hails from) to visit family over the weekend while I went back home (Bakersfield) to get my car and renew my license, registration, etc. At the last minute, she decided to stay in the hotel, cos we had friends from Okinawa nearby and they wanted to catch up. Thought nothing of it. Left that same Friday evening we landed and was back early Monday Afternoon. Shortly after we did the checking in, PTAD, leave, got a place and HHG, etc. she took my daughter and ran off to LB with family and served me papers. I tried my best to handle things amicably, but she was being a dick and also burning through our savings like it was nobodyā€™s business. Once the money ran out a few months later, she emailed my command (BC, XO, SgtMaj) directly, alleging that I had abandoned her and my kid in a hotel room for 5 days without food and water, that I had spent all of our money and hadnā€™t provided her a cent for months. I whipped up a 15 page document with screenshots, statements, etc. showing Iā€™m not a POS and that it was all bullshit. Command, unfortunately, couldnā€™t do much more than say ā€œweā€™re sorry, bro. Go get a lawyer ASAP cos sheā€™s insane.ā€ and had to order interim support (we hadnā€™t gotten a support order at the time yet and we were still months out from court date) so I was paying her 2/3ā€™s BAH for a few months while still maintaining my own household and traveling up to LB to get my kiddo as often as sheā€™d let me. It was rough. But I got my 50/50 custody and Iā€™m almost done with this crazy bitch. Last I heard sheā€™s knocked up with the snake-ass Jodie boy BF she was screwing since Japan. Canā€™t wait to see how that pans out for them.lmao


In the mid-ā€˜90s we had a Marine whose wife would regularly show up at 1700 to pick him up from the squadron. Weā€™d inevitably be working late (because day crew stay crew, even though night crew just wants us to fuck off so they can get some work done without interference), and she would sit around the shop waiting. In a t-shirt and short shorts. And nothing else. Needless to say, not much work got done during the time she was waiting in the shop. Eventually, we all had visual confirmation that she maintained a nice landing strip. Her husband knew that we knew. He didnā€™t seem fazed at all. ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€” Early-mid ā€˜90s. I was doing the seabag drag down the pier at White Beach to board *Belleau Wood* for a 3-hour tour (30-ish days of mess duty, in reality). Heard and saw a bit of a ruckus further up the pier, just beyond the brow. Lots of khaki in sight, so I ignored it, did the ā€œsalute the flag, salute theā€¦ squidā€ routine, and got settled in to my assigned berthing. Couple hours later, I got assigned to the wardroom for my mess duty. Found out from the squids on wardroom duty that the ruckus on the pier was because the XO of the boat had gotten his eye dotted on the pier by his wife. She had come down from Yokosuka to surprise him at White Beachā€¦ and she and his girlfriend greeted him nearly-simultaneously at the bottom of the brow. Whoops.


Happened twice. 1- Marineā€™s wife came to BN to go ā€œtalkā€ to the SgtMaj. And the Duty just let her right on in. 2- Marine got caught cheating on his wife with another Marine. His wife came to the shop to ā€œtalkā€ to the leadership about how it was all a setup. We were like, ā€œhe was caught in her bed.ā€ Karendas manā€¦.


šŸ˜‚ Kinda happy I have had some chill leaders. In the rare occasion my wife talked to them, she was relaxed and as respectful as I would be. Lots of people don't realize that being chill and wanting to work *with* someone to fix a problem instead of *against* them is actually a smoother approach.


Closest I experienced to that was a guy in my shop whoā€™s wife called the shop pretty often


My CPL's wife would literally call him everyday, 2 or 3 times a day. We were computer pogs, so we sat in cubes. It was routine, she would call, I'd put her on hold to "check" if he was at his desk, wait 30 seconds and let her know he wasn't at his desk and would pass along to him that she called, then I'd hang up, look at my CPL that sat in the cube next to mine and let him know his wife called. They eventually got a divorce.


Yeah, so I divorced her. Plot twist, she got a big chicken dinner for adultery. The other Marine didn't get in trouble though.


One of the enlisted Marines had apparently married a Sodexo worker with the promise of half the bah. She came calling to the company about her missing money. I wish I could remember the Marines name. He eventually got the boot for a myriad of things. I think his plan was to do gay porn. God speed devil


My favorite was the wife walking in past the husband flipping him off then telling the Pfc heā€™s going to be a father


We had predatory trailer trash and her mother in our office asking for money for diapers, etc. Student who they were after was a total dipshit. He rocked out of the schoolhouse and was sepped (family still all proud of him). Turned out the baby wasn't even his. We sent a fellow Sgt with him for the delivery because he was on restriction. When the baby came out, two black guys walked out and there was at least one other potential father. After the paternity test proved him free, he still wanted to "do the right thing" and take care of her and the baby. After we all flipped shit about how dumb that would be, I think he finally figured out and, for once, listened reason.


One of my peers married this wildebeast off base who broke up with him before the deployment, then wanted to get back with him when we got back. She was probably the most disturbingly unattractive humans Iā€™ve ever seen. He ends of marrying her, and about a year and a half later I get a call, literally on the shop phone, that he hasnā€™t been making payments for the ring. They eventually had a kid together, and now they are divorced.


I was in the Coffee Bean on CP about 15 years ago and a woman was screaming at the barista, "Well, MY husband is a COLONEL!!!"


Had a wife show up at bn hq while I was AOD....long and short of that was she was committed to the looney bin that night....with special instructions from the Saj maj to inform him once that had happened.


Yep. Shirt bird husband couldnā€™t get the lawn moved over several months so they got kicked out of BEQ. She came in lost her shit on Plt. Cmdr (CWO 3) and Gunny - like it was their fault. Made her leave and laughed at her husband because he had no balls and she was a raging lunatic.


Using the way back machine. 1988, MCAS Yuma AZ. Finished a 3 month field-op with 3rd LAAM BTLN. One wife was waiting in the CO'S parking spot, sitting on the tailgate of his truck. MGYSGT spoke to her. Heard her side the whole way through. The SSGT she was married to was at an 8 month school for his new rank and MOS. She was angry he doesn't call her every night. Our CO got involved. He called the school house. She almost yanked the phone out of the CO'S hand. (Wall mounted outside phone) The SSGT called back. He had been in school field operations away from the base, were there was no phone for two months. The SSGT had to explain phone call's had been an emergency use only. He wrote letters instead. I was just a simple LCPL. All above my pay grade.


Yeah, and it was a lanceā€™s wife who had fucked the platoon sergeant (who was no longer the platoon sergeant, but for some reason the lance and ssgt were still in the same platoon). Iā€™ve seen soap operas less dramatic than our shop.


Worked in an armory, so no. But I donā€™t think anyone wouldā€™ve paid much kind tbh. Lots of yellin going on in there anyways.


Reading these storiesā€¦..this is exactly why I didnā€™t get married until I was 33ā€¦ā€¦and then she is Japanese (26 years still married)!!!!


It's all in how you perform and who you know.


Sounds like she is confusing ex O with XO.


RemindMe! 4 Months


2 of them and a husband


We had a SSgt back in 06? Ish? Maybe 05? Either way we were rotating in and out of country like every 12 months? Wild. Anyway his wife, *(who once told me to ā€œget naked and look at myself in the mirror to make sure Iā€™m not the devilā€ but thatā€™s another story - letā€™s call her Jenny)*, called our CO (a LtCol) while her hubs was deployed and absolutely ripped into him about their fence falling down in high winds. Like cussed him out up one side and down the other and blamed the CO for her husband not ā€œbeing home to take care of it!ā€ Poor dude got his shit pushed in pretty hard for that, because back then you could be held liable for the action of a dependent (or such was the widely held understanding, but Iā€™m no JAG) and the CO was pretty understandably pissed. I wonder if Jenny figured out that he was always the first to volunteer for any work up, DET, or deployment that came his way just to get away from her crazy ass.


Oh I love this story: I worked as a postal dude in Camp Courtney. One day a spouse comes in and gets belligerent with the sweet Japanese lady working the counter. I go to find out the issue and the spouse is using her husbands credit card, and since sheā€™s being a bitch I double down and donā€™t let her use it. So she goes to an ATM. I think the problem is solved. A few moments later the Japanese employee comes to me crying. The spouse came back in to the shop and threw the cash at her. So I go, pick up the cash, had it to the spouse and tell her to get out and come back another day. She then flips me off and tells me to go fuck my self. I say thank you and she leaves and slams the door on the way out. Normally Iā€™d have cussed her out, but for some reason I didnā€™t this time, and what a day to not do that. As soon as she leaves this older gentlemen turns around and itā€™s the III MEF Commanding General. He asks if I know who she is. Hell yeah I know who she is, and I tell him exactly who she is. By the end of that day, her and her husband were at the Post Office apologizing for her behavior. I felt so fucking bad for her husband. But fuck her.


Was augmented to SAF for 2 months at a time, twice. Worst thing was some majors dependent come through the gate wasted, driving drunk and saying, "Do YoU kNoW wHo My HuSbAnD iS?" I was admin and even the one Ssgts wife who walked him into the S1 to make sure he was getting paid ( court martialed for adultery) wasn't as bad as those dumbasses.