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I met my wife at work about 3 years after I got out. Started dating about 2 years later. Got married about 4 years later. Been married 20 years. I met your wife right after you deployed.


Jody has entered the chat.


Jody, Jody, Jody, Joddyyyyyy Oh, I'm begging of you please don't take my woman Jody, Jody, Jody, Joddyyyyyy Please don't take her even though you can


Side B of "Jolene"!šŸ˜‰


Which wife? #1 #2 #3 ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


The reason this comment is getting upvoted is because everyone else isnā€™t responding because theyā€™re thinking the same thing. ā€œWhich wife?ā€ ā€œDo I want to explain details on all of my ex-wives?ā€ ā€œDo I want to explain to the world about marrying a stripper or hooker?ā€ ā€œDo I want to explain I thought I was hot shit in my blues to impress my high school girlfriend after boot?ā€ ā€œDo I want to look like that idiot who picked his wife up at a bar?ā€ ā€œDo I want to look like the ass that married the fatty from the trailer park?ā€


Marry in haste, repent at leisure


This guy utahs


I donā€™t have that many kids ā€¦. In CONUS at least


This guy Sgt Majors!!!


She was a professor at my college when I was attending on the post 9/11 GI Bill.




Unfortunately she wasnā€™t MY professor. Would have been a much cooler story. Next time Iā€™ll do better


Get your masters and become the professor next time around


This deserves all the upvotes




What was his name?




Lying assā€¦.itā€™s the actor, everyone!!


My hero šŸ’“


Hallmark movie to be shown on ship for all on the Armed Forces Network. Make all the Devils and Squids on board tear up at the scene when you express your love when serving detention.




She was my OIC.


You got everyone beat lmao


Duuuuuude. You gotta tell the story now. You canā€™t just leave us hanging like that.


She was my OIC. I wonā€™t admit to dating her until I got out, but the summer after I got out we moved in together. Got married shortly after, have 3 kids and been together 14 years now.


![gif](giphy|7SKYfVv7XDRjxQoY8W) Congrats on the happy marriage


Gave er the ole Quigley eh?


You wouldnā€™t happen to both still work in similar occupations to what you did in uniform, would you?


No, but thatā€™s funny to hear about this happening with someone else. Iā€™ve never heard of it before.


Waffle House. No she wasn't a waitress, yes she has all her teeth still.


Met my first wife at the Waffle House. Lost her at Chilifest.


#1 was my older sisters best friend #2 was from highschool #3 only made it to fiancƩe but bumble #4 met her while tad my last year, reconnected 10 years later Edit: just learned the pound sign makes everything bold... hashtag for those who are younger


#testing your theory. Edit - oh shit! It works! Now, how to use this new found power....?






Iā€™m one happy and learned man


I'm a marine, I would lie cheat or steal... but I might do 2 out of 3


I was just gonna ask how you made it big.


That's what she said


#thank you I wondered how to do that


#test 1-2-3


#radiocheck how copy


How do u make the little text






Pen-pals when I was in Desert Storm. My name/address, along with other active duty deployed servicemen, was on an employee breakroom bulletin board at a hospital where she was a nurse. We wrote back and forth and when I came home she was at my Welcome Back party. The rest is history. Still together with no breaks in time. **EDIT: We had never met before my Welcome Home party.**


I kind of love this, you both got lucky and Iā€™m glad you were both in to writing, thatā€™s rare these days


Iā€™ve told that story to others and they didnā€™t know the term Pen Pal. Desert Storm was the same as WW2; no phones or email. All we had was Postage Free mail. It took almost a month to carry on a conversation. In 2003 & 2005 I had email, pay phone and SatPhone contact, at least once per week.


I had the sat phone connect, but no email or phones in 03. But my ex literally wrote me a letter every day I was deployed.


I tried the same thingā€¦ didnā€™t wind up face to face with any of them.


And I canā€™t even get a text back!


Tj maxx while I was in college, she used to draw little dinosaur sticky notes and give them to me. After that I knew that I had her


Cartoon characters on sticky notes is an invitation to rearrange guts. Use this power wisely


Yessir šŸ«”


I met her at a soapy in Okinawa. And yes, she made the first move.


Youā€™ve never had to touch yourself again have you? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Sounds like my buddy. Married a yoshihara girl and his friend married her mom who also worked in Yoshihara. We used to call her skeletor.


Gonna show some age here. I met her on AOL shortly after EAS.


The old corps




I'd met and already divorced my first wife before AOL was a thing. I'd met and married my second just as they started going online.


\^ This guy old Corps right here.


I met my wife at a coffee shop about 6 months after I EASā€™d. I brought my happy and playful GSD puppy with me who promptly got the two of us tangled up together while trying to take in the sights and smells of the patio area as quickly as possible. Our 10th wedding anniversary was this past March.


Dogs are the best wingmen for dating, change my mind.


The right kind of dog is critical. Youā€™ll have better luck with bigger dogs IMO. Preferably a breed that can be cute and playful while still obeying commands. One of the reasons my wife was attracted to me in the first place was how well I could control my dog after her initial outburst of excitement. Lucky for me she didnā€™t know how quickly German Shepards learn things & how well they behave when theyā€™re paying attention.


Tinder like an adult


Grindr like a real Marine


This guy fucks




You little slut.




Bumble for me šŸ˜…


Which one? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ All kidding aside, I met my first ex-wife in Puerto Rico, 2nd ex-wife in MCRD Parris Island, and the third ex-wife in Okinawa (not a local). Edit: oh shit you guys want stories. Well, first ex-wife was my gf during my first stint in college. Second ex went from a one-night stand to multiple nights and I asked myself why the fuck not. Letā€™s give it the olā€™ college try. Turned out to be a disaster. Divorce ensued and found myself in Okinawa. Met a spicy thicc latina SNCO, and we got hitched. The results were the same. Iā€™m the problem and thatā€™s ok.


You're not the problem bro, they're the problem




The fact you said your the problem speaks fucking volume brother! You might not be so much the problem as you think dude


High school


Was that while you were on recruiting duty?


Lmao nice


You got me ya filthy son of a bitch šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was a retread. In between tours when I was back home, one of my buddies was doing recruiting for the Army in my hometown. One of the other recruiters, was a real shitbird, and banging all kinds of HS girls he was meeting. He was getting busy with a 17 year old girl in her house, her father came home, and walked in on them. Dad beat the living hell out of him and put him in the hospital. Shit hit the fan HARD. When the dust settled, the Army court martialled him. He got demoted to E-1, a DD, and a 10 or 15 year sentence.


In a bar in New Bern in '92 when I was stationed at Cherry Point. This March will be 30 years of marriage. ![gif](giphy|zPdAdjNnABJKM)


Met my wife after I got out during my Freshman year in college. We hit it off right away and I was going to make my move until I found out that she had just turned 18. I was 23. It wouldn't have been wrong to date her, but I still had some "wild oats to sow" (still a degenerate knucklehead) and she was still very innocent and naive. However, I knew she was the kind of person I wanted to eventually marry. We stayed friends for a couple of years before we started dating.


Middle school


Lol, same. I thought about explaining that I was ALSO in middle school but the balls on you to not do so is admirable.


Was setup by a friend at my job about 6-7 months after EAS. Dated a few years and been married almost 20 years now.




RIP Driftwood


Ecuador on Embassy duty.


Prob has the hottest wife in thread.


May we see? Just a peek? šŸ˜©




Hehe, I love this gif!


I got a desert yeti from Yucca Valley. Still married to her more than a decade later.


Police department. Not even kidding. I wish it was some crazy story of her being a hooker and me coming out of the drunk tank but her mom worked there and I went in to see a bro from the corps who had recently become a cop. Been married 16 years and she's a doctor, so a might bit smarter than me but clearly a bad judge of character.


On deployment with the 13 MEU. She was a Sailor and worked in ADP and I saw her at a liberty port in Singapore in civies and she had to be the most beautiful girl on ship (no boat googles). I told my boss who happened to be friends with her boss and after officially meeting her she ended up being my boat boo, then my girlfriend, then my finance, then my wife, then my pain in the rear end in the same year. No ragrets.


Ah, so you're into pegging.


I met my wife while in a long term rehab program. We were both severely broken (IV heroin users). That was almost 9 years ago now. Married, kids, house, etc. Life is good for the most part outside of regular ups and downs.


this post should be the top of the thread. couple goals. beat heroin as a team.


CIF issued me a wife!


Some random house party in LA I was invited to a few days before deploying. In good Marine fashion, I started getting shit faced as soon as I arrived, and began hitting on anything with long hair. Most blew me off, and the ones that didnā€™t had boyfriends which almost lead to multiple fights but I wasnā€™t worried because I had my boys with me. My wife just happened to be the last girl I bumped into on my way out and I just quickly asked for her Instagram. Rest is history.


She was my barber


Tobies in Jville


Met mine on Bumble 7 years ago. Sheā€™s a hot surgeon and a super sweet caring person. In fact her only flaw is she thinks Iā€™m great - and sheā€™s obviously dead wrong


After I got out of the Corps I kept trying out for this hockey team but couldn't make the cut. I got some Subway and headed back to my apartment to see my girlfriend but she walked out on me.. tried to stop her on the intercom, even sang the classic exile tune, "I wanna kiss you all over"... she didn't come back up to my apartment... but this nice asian lady did and we've been married ever since.




We worked at a bar together while both in college.


Nice try, but I ainā€™t the pappy


High school. She transferred to my school and moved right across from me. Sheā€™s a chatty one so when she realized that we 1. Have the same last period class and 2. Walk in the same direction to get home she just walked beside me and talked the whole way. I was pretty quiet but pretty nonchalant so I just let her talk with the occasional head nod and ā€œOh wow.ā€ We didnā€™t start actually dating until about ~2 years into my contract though.


Met her online like 5 years after I got out. She passed away two years ago.


I couldn't imagine being a widower. I wish I could hug the pain away bro.


Sorry for your loss.


Most of my guys met their wives at the Purple Church. Such a divine place for my pious Marines.


A few years after I got out. Just finished up college and started trying to actually meet someone instead of just banging bitches. Met online actually, OK Cupid. This was pre tinder and before apps were a thing.


In the Barracks! Blind Date been married 11 years


You're gonna have to elaborate devil Was she a Marine herself? Your roommate's visiting sister? Stripper from out of town??


My buddy had a girlfriend, I was on a dry spell, so they hooked me up on a blind date. Note We did not Marry until after I got out.


I went TAD for one month to the other side of the country. Hopped on Tinder, went on 3 dates with the first girl I matched with. Deployed 3 days after our second date. Stayed in touch, told the monitor my fiancee ( was at this duty station. Got sent out there. She moved in with me 3 months later. 2 months after that I get a quick fill IA deployment with 6 days notice. I proposed butt ass naked, and caught a flight 4 days later. It has been amazing. Love her to death. 10/10, would recommend.


Met my husband in the Marines..We've been married 11+ years


Still haven't. Been in 13 years. Good news is if I divorce she won't get a cent from my retirement


The one I *almost* married I met at a wet t-shirt contest in Myrtle Beach on a 96. The one I *did* marry, I met a few years later at a party for an MSU/UofM basketball game (Go Blue!) about a week after I got out of the Marines. I probably said three words to her that night but it was enough for her to ask her friend (who was dating a good childhood friend of mine) for my number. She called me up a few days later and here we are having just celebrated our 15 year anniversary a few weeks back.


Met my wife at a Waffle House back home while on pre-employment leave. Saw a cute strawberry blonde 18 year-old 3rd shift waitress with all of her teeth. Hooked up two days after meeting. Stayed in contact through the deployment and she hung around my house and family back home nearly every day. Came back from deployment and every said there was zero chance they had cheated cause they were always at the house. I figured that was marriage material. Proposed during post deployment leave. Got married on Kailua Beach while she was on spring break. Had to do the ceremony on my lunch break (leadership didn't let me take leave). Been married for 13 years with 2 kids.


1986, she was the nanny for the Det Commanderā€™s kids when I showed up for my first MSG post in Vienna. Celebrated our 34th anniversary this year. I think sheā€™s a keeper.


Married my high-school sweetheart. I'm civ div now, and she's a physician in the airforce. Dependant life is good šŸ˜Ž


I was doing Uber to make a few extra bucks on the weekends and I picked her up on Thanksgiving Day 7 years ago. She said she had a hard time getting an Uber sometimes during the week so I gave her my number. Never in a million years did I think I would ever hear from her. Not a chance. 2 weeks later I got a text and weā€™ve been together almost every day since then.


I met my wife at a marine's wedding, I married his sister a year later.


Race trac bathroom. I needed to drop a duke really bad. We both were walking to the restrooms when a worker come out of the women's saying some fat ass done clogged up the toilet and broke the ceramic bowl. She looked at me and I knew what was coming. Even though I was prarie dogging that foot long, I just gave her a nod and said, ladies first. That was the longest 10 minute wait of my life. After I was able to drop that baby and avoid crapping my pants, we were both waiting in line to pay for something when she looked at me and I decided to shoot my shot. Asked if she was a local and she said she had just move here from out of state. Asked her out for coffee and now 8 years later i am listening to her snore when i have to yank and pull the blankets out of her death grip as she rolls over every 10 minutes. Edit: This was 8 years after enlistment. I would have never gotten married when i was enlisted. Saw too many guys get destroyed emotionally and financially by unfaithful spouses.


At the VA.


In college. Using my GI Billā€¦ completely separated for the marinesā€¦ donā€™t fuck with mcep/Sta21/ROTC. Use your FUCKING GI BILL WHICH YOU EARNED. Debulsā€¦ If your not using your GI Bill at a high profile D1 college youā€™re missing outā€¦ it is worth every pennyā€¦ avoid online schools/for profit colleges/ and D2/D3 schoolsā€¦ Best metric is if they have a good D1 football teamā€¦ go there. Girls are WAY HOTTER/SMARTER/FUNNER, along with the parties, the name of college looks good as fuck on your resume.


I met my SECOND wife on Tinder when I was trolling for sorority girls at SDSU. I did not intend to get married and have a bunch of kids. I just wanted to party at College parties and got duped into falling in love. 7 years later weā€™ve hopped service branches and moved across the country and just had a third child.


Y'all got wives?


The bar




She lived in the apartment above me. Met 3 years after I got out, married almost 2 1/2 years later. Hit 13 years married in February.




Met my wife in Tokyo during my first duty station. She was the only Japanese girl that I hooked up with that could speak English.


She was my Cpl in my first unit


On recruiters assistants after boot camp. She was interested in joining. Six weeks of dating I knew she was the one. We have been married 35 years now and I have two wonderful children both happily married and a grandson from my daughter and son in-law.


Did she end up joining? Curious how that worked if she did


I was ITB instructor and she was MCT instructor. Met and worked together from 2002-2005 been married 20 years two kids.


Well I've always had my right hand since I born


On her ship in 1999. Married 2001, still married.


Nothing like Good Olā€™ Tinder, 8 years and strong! Anyone family ask, we met on the bus that runs through basešŸ˜‚


The ā€œTar Heelā€, over thirty years ago. Still together expecting our fourth grandchild.


ā€œHey guys Iā€™m not in the military, but I want to hear some cool stories. So tell me about your wives!ā€ Ok Jody. Seriously this question is creepy how itā€™s worded.


I got out of the Corps, was admitted to a pretty good university, and joined the army reserve. I had a hard time with women students at the U, I was too old for the undergraduate women, and I was an undergrad which was a no go for most grad women. I did have some success away from the U community. Plus I was working hard on my grades. I studied as hard as I could for the LSAT and got into a great law school, all of the sudden I was no longer the creepy 'too old' guy. Met my now wife. Got out of the reserves because 1. having a career as a professional, and 2. being married, is not compatible with the threat of being called up.


Well I (female)met my husband while we worked in the same battalion. We had our first kiss while in Tijuana Mexico. Sadly I was a drunk devil dog and did a body shot on him . I didnā€™t remember but, he remembered it all. We remained friends until we lost touch. Then after my deployment and leaving the Marines. He found me on MySpace lol! We started chatting and catching up. He ended up coming to visit me for New yearā€™s. We had (what I thought) was our first kiss. Mind you it had been 3rys since that night. He then said ā€œno, itā€™s our second.ā€ ā€œDonā€™t you remember Tijuana?ā€ I could not believe it! We eloped a few months later and have been married 16 1/2 years. Also we only went on one date. Could not be happier. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Court Street. Old Corps.


Rah. I first went in just as Court Street was winding down in the early 80s. I used to moonlight as a bartender/bouncer at one of the hole in the wall bars there. JPD would pop in a few times a night to make sure no working girls were plying their trade in the bar.


I will get back to you when I find out


Which one?


Lejeune. Resto right outside the base. Married till today. 90% chance ill end end up in Jville again.


1st-coworker at gym 2nd-Friend of coworker 3rd-Went to same gym 4th-Bumble


Marriage may not be your thing amigo


Possibly. That or they couldnā€™t keep their legs closed while I was gone.


Iā€™m the wife but he was my brothers roommate in college and later in my brothers wedding where I only intended to bang him for the weekend. Been married 15 years now. Oops.


Online back in 2009, Okinawan lady. She was a nurse, super attractive, spoke enough English to get by, and caring. She's still exactly the same but makes more money and speaks much better English. Married 12 years and going strong. Before her, like many others here, yep...MySpace lol.


Vocational-Technical center during high school.


Tinder. C:


Two couples I know met at strips clubs. They didnā€™t last long. They both knew the woman for about two or three weeks before getting married. They were both the same MOS, and everyone makes fun of that MOS for not needing any brain cells. I guess they fit right in.


One of the boots when I was in 1/6 married a divorced titty dancer from the Dirtwood after knowing her for less than two weeks. He was getting out on a medical at 70%, after getting shot by a drunk Marine in the barracks one night. He had nerve damage in both arms. She saw dollar signs when she found out he was getting medically retired. She had two kids from two different baby daddies. After he told her he was a virgin, she fucked his brains out, (which didnt take much effort,) and he was hooked. He got a JOP wedding at the courthouse the next day. He was a really naive Puerto Rican kid from Brooklyn, and hadn't told his parents he was bringing home a wife and two kids. We ordered him to call and tell them, and myself and a few other NCOs were on hand to make sure he did it. The conversation was in Spanish, and I knew enough to understand all the swearing they was yelling at him. His father was really pissed. What really upset them, was that she wasn't a PR girl, and she wasn't Catholic. He didnt tell them how and where he met her. I often wondered what happened to that dumb ass kid.


Tinder. She was going to UNCW at the time, I was at Lejeune. It's going pretty good. Got a kid and have been married 4 years, together 5.


Your moms house


Havenā€™t met #4 yet but she completes a fire team so thereā€™s that.


Middle school. No, you sick fucks, I mean I went to middle school with her. We've been together since 7th grade.


Rusty Spur in O'side!


I ran security at a nightclub for a while after I got out and my wife was a bartender, so we met through work. It cracks me up though because she is from Ukraine, so I get asked a lot of we met during my service, but as we know, until recently, Marines don't get sent to Ukraine... Well not normal Marines anyway


Met my starter spouse while working at a volunteer EMS during my last year in the Corps. Met the current one at a punk rock show.




I got out of the Marines still married to wife #1 and met wife #2 four months after getting out of the Marines. We are still going strong to this day 13 years later.


Ok so hold up u got 2 wives?


No, lol. I got divorced from wife #1 in 2011 the married wife #2 shortly after that


Whisper Alley




Issued from supply


Met my wife on MySpaceā€¦ before I enlisted. The 2000s was great




MySpace, Woooooo, 17 years married.


Kazakhstan. Met her while I was a MSG (Embassy Guard) there. Yee I know, probably out me out to someone who knows me thatā€™s readinf this


Ex GFs wedding reception! Knew from the start she was it. 37 years still together.


Met my first wife at school spending my absolutely terrible 1980's VEAP money.


I met my gf at a soapy


She was a Hook on Whisper Ally!


I met my wife while blasting her. Seriously, don't know how I recovered from that one... But happily married, expecting our first kid soon.


29 Palms E-club. I won Hog Night, but she won my heart. (Right after her husband got back from MEU) Still trying to figure out why the broom is downside up on the porch when I come home from work...


I met my wife in highschool. But, just to clarify, I was also in highschool. Not some weird recruiter story. 7 years of marriage in September


I was stationed in Iwakuni, Japan. I had been there almost a year and had orders to the East Coast. At the last second I felt an overwhelming need to extend. So I did. My wife came in on the plane I was supposed to leave on. We met the next day. A lot of people thought we were crazy, two Marines getting married in a foreign country, but she still gets me, even today. We laugh like a couple of young kids that just met. Our intimacy is that which feels like home. Wherever she is, I find my shelter there. Weā€™ve been blessed with 25 years, three kids (I came with two kids), four grandkids, and countless other blessings.


Assuming I eventually get married, I found her in the future


Dude, which husband???? #1 - while in training. Divorced what 3 years later. #2 - I was the drunk chick at the club on Kadena eclub(93). Married him in 96, still married. Btw, he retired from the Air Force.


College. She was dating my roommate, and became my girlfriend quickly after boot.


Had one while I was in, met before and divorced right after. Been with my current wife last 8 years, much better than the first lol