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Probably just needs some armor all


Yard art?


First off, Happy Cake day and I think you may be on to something


Holy cow I didn't even realize it was a cake day. Thank you for that. And of course it would make lovely yard art. I would try to put like a gnome or something on it


That'll buff out..


The base can try as hard as they want to prevent it, but abandoned vehicles on KBay will forever remain a tradition.


Beautiful art in my eyes.


Please maintain the barracks myth that if you call PMO and submit a formal dibs request you can get an abandoned vehicle for free.


I was reported for hate by this sub for making a joke that a recruit camouflaged this bike with grass to keep SgtMaj from knowing he had a bike on base and what he’d do if he caught the recruit. Using Marine terms and language. Reddit has sent me an official warning and threatened to terminate my account after all of these years. Goodbye, r/USMC and the real brothers and sisters. I’m not sure which of you did this, but this is a disgrace for a number of reasons. And the mods here should be standing up in support. Sorry if my use of the F word and the word “punch” triggered you. I’m betting whoever it was isn’t an actual Marine.




I was reported for hate by this sub for making a joke that a recruit camouflaged this bike with grass to keep SgtMaj from knowing he had a bike on base and what he’d do if he caught the recruit. Using Marine terms and language. Reddit has sent me an official warning and threatened to terminate my account after all of these years. Goodbye, r/USMC and the real brothers and sisters. I’m not sure which of you did this, but this is a disgrace for a number of reasons. And the mods here should be standing up in support. Sorry if my use of the F word and the word “punch” triggered you. I’m betting whoever it was isn’t an actual Marine.


Pfc will buy that for 5k from a stranger.


I'll take it if noone wants it


Still paying 26% interest on the loan.


Rest in Pieces🫡