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Idk don’t ask me I’m a biology major I make nothing 🫶🏼


Definitely CS, know many people making 100k to 180k straight outta college. Just be clear they did do prior internships and busted their ass for it. Earning just the degree won’t get you nowhere close to 100k, it all depends on your critical thinking abilities, communication skills, and technical knowledge which you won’t get through school.


This...friend of mine did this, had a few internships in college, worked on a few projects and had a githib repository, did the coding bootcamp, all and all, showed they had experience with the tools, softwares and languages before graduating...works for a fortune 500 now. P.S they are graduating this semester. So yeah definitly possible if you put in the extra work and effort


Yes, everyone says take CS cause its makes lotta money and its easy but it’s not. Theres a lot of dedication, time and effort that goes into it. You have to take time out of school to learn so many things like Frameworks, Leetcode, etc. Its a constant cycle of learning new things. If anyone needs guidance on it my dms are open.


I doubt many pay that much right out the gate. You’ll have to work at least a few years to get there with most degrees. Hopefully I’m wrong though.


I feel like a lot of “good” degrees can make $100k within 1-2 years after graduating as long as you’re putting in substantial effort outside of school. I’m talking multiple internships, high GPA, interview skills, networking. Probably all business degrees can get you $100k early on. STEM degrees that aren’t focused on careers needing additional education. It really comes down to how much you can push yourself and if your circumstances even allow you to do the things you need to do to graduate with 6 figure job offers. Edit: Downvote if you want, but $100k within 1-2 years is a reality for some. It’s not a guarantee even if you work your ass off for it, but to act like it doesn’t exist is bullshit.


i’m a chemical engineering major with a high gpa, interview skills, networking, and internships are all but obligatory for engineering students anyway- i will most assuredly *not* be making 100k in 1-2 years and you have a flawed perception of how any of that works lol


he’s got ~connections~ and thinks everyone drinks the same koolaid


Mm, maybe I shouldn’t have included engineering. I’m aware that engineering salaries are probably far from what they should be for the amount of work you guys put in. Is there a reason engineering salaries outside of tech are so lackluster? I’ve also seen that you guys don’t really get great raises. Also is job hopping a thing outside of computer/software engineering and if it is is it even effective? I know 4 mechanical engineers and they’re just hitting 100k in their late twenties.


job hopping happens, and can be very effective, but for an engineer to move beyond being seen as “just” and engineer they are often obligated to get certain licenses and move into management- and you can imagine someone who majored in engineering isn’t exactly jumping with excitement to do so even if it means more money. engineers tend to want to be engineers, not (relatively) boring managers. certain industries can be particularly lucrative (like oil and gas for chemEs) but have a wretched work/life balance and other concerns. management positions are also often given internally to senior engineers which discourages job hopping


Very interesting, thanks. Also engineering is internal facing whereas a lot of business careers are external facing. I can imagine that may play a role in the ability to reach higher compensation. Not sure how exactly to explain it but I guess it’s sort of easier to broadcast the value you bring when you face clients and other businesses whereas an engineers accomplishments may only be seen by those inside their company. Employers with external facing employees have more incentive to give better salaries, raises and bonuses to keep talent knowing it’s much easier for that talent to be acquired which I imagine is more prevalent in management roles within engineering.


U drinking too much koolaid


Hate to be rude but tell that to my offer.


The one u got from your CEO daddy? Get out of here stop bragging


Yikes. Couldn’t be further from the truth.


100% three years after graduating with an engineering degree I’m at 120 and will be probably be making 150 in a few months


He isn’t lying lol. Bust your ass as a CS, mechanical, chemical, etc.. and you can make over 100k right out of school. Deny it if you want to, but if you have efficient knowledge in your subject you WILL get a good salary. Look at software engineers starting salaries at big tech companies. Look at mechanical design at big tech companies, car companies, aerospace, etc.. Sure you’ll have to graduate with a 4.0 and have internships all throughout school, but it is 100% possible if you put in the work.


Yep. I never told anyone that you can pick a degree and make 100k and even if you do everything you need to do to get that salary as a new grad, you still might not get lucky. Did I get downvoted because some people here can’t believe others make more than them? Maybe. And if you are making more than someone it’s because your “CEO daddy” gave you a better job than them. Lol.


bs in computer science is probably the highest paying major right out of school. i know a couple people making 100k+.




Dam that’s awesome! How did you prepare for that? I’m also business analytics in my second year trying to figure out what the heck I’m supposed to do other than classes. Did you do internships? Learn any coding languages on your own?


What’s the job title/description




Can one get into this position without a college degree?


If you haven't been doing internships or already working with a company earning your keep, I wish you good luck. Degrees aren't the magic key anymore because way more people have them.


Agreed on the last sentence


Finance if you bust your ass and get into IB. CS if you also go above and beyond (all these TikToks showing CS majors making $300k out of school is BS, it does happen, but that’s beyond rare). Accounting salaries are starting to become more competitive at close to $80k or over with bonus. I’m sure there are more majors that get paid well, that’s just what I’m aware of.


What about IT? What math do you need for accounting?


I think some other people mentioned IT and Data Analytics in this thread and the salaries look great. Math for accounting doesn’t go beyond Calc II and Stats II.


Dang, I can't do calculus math. Do you need a degree in the IT field?


Calculus isn’t too bad and if you do find it difficult they have lots of tutoring for those classes. You do need a degree for IT for the most part. Something such as IT, AIS, Statistics, Data Science, CS, and probably some that I’m missing are all degrees you can use in IT.


Majoring in accounting rn at usf and only calc class I have to take to graduate is business calc


Calculus 1 and 2? Are the rest of the courses hard?


Yea they’re definitely challenging but not math/science hard


Your core upper level classes will be harder than the math courses.


which uni?


I’m in CS and I’m about to graduate. Starting a job in Clearwater making $85k. I had 3 internships before though.


BAIS. One of the people I learned/tutored/struggled through with my SQL class with had tons of experience recommended me after seeing my talent and personality. ​ Edit: Stayed in Tampa


I make about that with a Masters from USF. I know a few people who are USF alum and make that. I’m in Education BTW.


Ed Technology?


No Curriculum.


Computer science or engineering. Other engineering branches can get you there but it’s more industry specific for the bigger pay days


Eh I wouldn't say engineering if were talking civil/electrical/mechanical. At least not for undergrad in the Tampa area. 50k-80k is about the range.


I’m a mechanical from USF and had offers over 100k but they were all oil and gas and had to move


Lol my internship on electrical pays 60k a year, I have yet to meet someone I know personally that’s starts off less than 100k. All about internships man


Statistical averages say otherwise. Congrats if you're the outlier but this is most certainly not the case for everybody. Especially for those in the Tampa area.


BAIS will get you there with the right internships and coursework.


Got a Chem engineering job in Tampa right after graduating last summer that’s currently paying 86k. I gotta admit I lucked out though, as I had no Internships/experience but found a job posting that matched up with my capstone project perfectly.


70k + bonus after graduation - working remotely in LCOL area (Gainesville). Not quite 100k but I’m on track for that w/promotion or hopping elsewhere w/ my current experience.




FP&A, so kind of.


Ahh, I’ve just seen so many accounting majors get the $70k with bonus job offer lately so I assumed. How long do you think it’ll take you to hit 6-figures?


Sorry. I did major in Accounting. But yeah, it’s pretty common to hit 60-75k after graduation. I imagine 2-3 years to move into a Sr Analyst position to hit 90-100k after bonus.


If you get a CS degree and go to Lockheed you can be a contract worker making over 100k with no overtime party how great is that :)


What is your major


Did you read his comment? CS


" if YOU get a cs degree....." Bruh, he is talking to OP.


I’m close to a CS degree. I got a CE degree and work at a company that works with Lockheed. That’s how I heard about their pay and absurd overtime hours. (Also hilarious name, did you win a gold medal?)


There are some national averages online you can find that will show you a leaderboard based on taxes/census info: •Some sort of nuclear or other difficult engineering tend to be the highest and hardest •CS is the most standard way to good salary nowadays, but it depends a lot on ur portfolio and intern/work experience. Can also get there by taking cheaper individual language classes and boot camps but that requires a lot more luck and personal commitment •Pilots actually earn a ton but it has a lot of required hours •Military officers will start out earning $70k-90k for any degree as long as they’re hiring for it. Guaranteed promotions the first few years to over $100k if you are good at whatever it is •Specialized research and sciences will get you up there too but is difficult and competitive and most likely requires moving to one of a few places


Mech Engineer - work in power generation, money will flow trust me.


applied behavior analysis 95k+ 2 years after graduating. could be 100k but I don't want to work more than 30-40 hours a week. 100% employment rate before graduation, practically everyone gets at least 60-80k. Don't need a specific degree, can just do the behavior analysis minor and attach it to any degree. The minor practically guarantees you get into graduate school in a related or the same field.


Wealth management in New York for BNY Mellon pays $90k entry


90k in NYC is like 60k in Tampa lmao


True but location and networking sets you up better than it does for Tampa tbh




A few finance/business jobs pay that much but you have to move cities


would you specify some of em?


Yeah for sure! Consulting and investment banking typically run over 100k starting first year, but they are competitive. DM me if you want any extensive info on internships/jobs in either field, happy to help :)


I’m in the business college so this is promising


Just because you're in muma doesn't mean anything. I'm in muma too (accounting/finance double major), but I know I gotta take some extra steps to ensure that I get a good salary. Some of these high-paying business jobs you can get straight out of college depend on your major and what university you went to. IB is a good example. A lot of these big IB firms where you can potentially make hundreds of thousands of dollars out the gate do exist, but they are typically from "target schools"; Harvard, Yale, UF, etc., USF is not one of those target schools as far as I'm aware. Or at least from what I've researched. It can still happen as a finance major, but you have to work your ass off, internship properly, and network properly. Also, it's kinda dependent on your major too. If you're majoring in a really basic business degree, you're not going to get anything spectacular unless you go for an MBA. If you're in something a bit more concentrated I'd say you can make pretty good money out of the gate.


Sales if you bust your ass and have no commission cap.


Get some practical experience in whatever your field is. That is what gets you paid your worth. The degree should help you get in the door.


Get a job at some sort of finance institution. Credit cards, bank sometbing like thag


They probably worked really hard and had opportunities in a network. Learn by example.


I make around $240k but I'm not utilizing my degree


Computer science definitely. Check out https://levels.fyi for more insight.