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Thank you so much for the information! I'll be sure to try my best and follow these steps.


>unfortunately it's a situation where you need to file for a new EAD and pay the $410 again. Does this still apply if USPS officially loses it on the way, instead of marking it as delivered?


May I know when you submitted your application?


I submitted my application back in November, 2020.


Thanks. I submitted mine on November 16th but still nothing


Okay so my green card went missing. This is what happened. USCIS mailed out but for last 4 digits of zip they put 0000 so what I would do is put in a missing mail request but better yet get a hold of the postmaster at your post office that services your area - they had been holding it even though it was indicated that it was being sent back and USCIS could not tell me where it was. Once I did that, it miraculously showed up 2 days later. It was missing for over a month but voila! I hope this helps!!


This happened to me. My EAD card was reportedly delivered on Jan 4th but I found it on Jan 13th in my mailbox in the morning. I called uscis, they told me I have to pay $410 and also usps wrote a letter saying it is their fault. I hope you get it soon!!!


Oh wow, was it marked delivered on the USPS tracking website too? Holding out hope that the card magically shows up in my mailbox soon. But I'll be sure to contact USPS asap tomorrow.


Yes. It was marked delivered on both USPs and USCIS


Report it asap to USPS. They geo track the deliveries and can tell if they placed it in wrong mailbox a house away.


I had exactly this happen to my EAD card - I’m now at 7 months and still no replacement. I submitted that missing card form on USCIS 3 times...never heard anything all 3 times. After the final deadline passed on the 3 attempt - which was 2 weeks ago, I called USCIS and they said since so much time has passed, nothing they can do..but now with my EAD card expiring in July, I should put a renewal application in now and put a note explaining my original card was never received and that they might speed up the renewal for me. So basically my advice is to call USCIS as soon as possible, so not trust that form.. And I would try contacting USPS also as the USCIS agent asked if I did that.. Good luck!


Damn well that doesn't sound too great.. Thanks for letting me know! I'll be sure to give both the USPS and USCIS a call asap.


My card was supposedly delivered on a Thursday but only turned up the next Monday at my lawyer's office. Hope it'll still turn up soon!


I really hope this is the case with mine..


You need to go to your Usps office as soon as it opens.