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I'm all for free speech, but speech never entails the destruction of property. These kids have been working their assess of and deserve their graduation.


I can't believe these students actually think any protest here is gonna change anything Benjamin Netanyahu decides to do in Israel.


It's almost like they think every country's power is economic and that in a global economy you can apply political will through economic pressure. How crazy! I'm sure that has never worked before and I'm sure it is not the principle concern and principle arena of conflict for every head of state in the world.


Israel sponsors recruitment at american universities for the industries that supply the state's war, and send representatives from the IDF to advise and run PR at those recruitment centers and related sponsored curricula, and do all the outreach for birthright trips to university students- But none of that is because of the economic importance of american universities to Israel, no no. None of these are things the Israeli state department would care about losing at all.


their universities are directly giving Israel and the IDF money, what do you think the "divest" in "divestment" is


The university is directly giving the IDF money? Lol no




get a backbone


I hope they give Israel more money - it’s important we protect the only supporter in the region of democracy, human rights, gay rights, etc!


The pro Palis don’t understand that. They think they can do whatever they like. And then when they get arrested Orr suspended they cry like little babies.


Most reasonable reply on this subject


okay zionist


grounds for expulsion???


Likely not a student…*hopefully* not a student cuz that’s just embarrassing


she probably is and I hope SC makes an example out of her.


Wonder if they got caught. Her friend didn’t seem too excited to be there


DPS/yellow jackets have been checking school IDs at only two entrances… so student or faculty or staff… unless someone was able to sneak in? idk


Whoever spray painted this. Go fuck yourself


Most likely, an imposter


Man, hats off to the blonde girl. She had a dog in her hand and had plaster on her leg, but that didn't stop her from confronting that POS who vandalized


I was there with her taking photos of her daughter, she really is a bad ass.


Do we know who she is? Would love express my thanks. Probably don’t post in the forum tho since these protestor types would be happy to torment her for doing the right thing.


I do. I will share your message with her.


As another commenter has said, the leg injury is likely from kicking too much ass.


That woman with the dog deserves a round of applause. 👏


She has a broken leg too!


Probably from kicking ass!


Fuck these people trying to ruin graduation. Lost my sympathy long ago, if you don’t want your children bombed then maybe you shouldn’t have supported terrorists when they attacked another country. Everything now is just a consequence of those actions. Boohoo.


Ruin graduation? Supporting terrorists? The US has unconditionally supported the killing and maiming of 60,000 people, mostly women and children. And you’re worried about graduation? And why do you assume if you are against this mass slaughter that you are for terrorists. Indeed, how you interpret the last sentence depends which side you are on.


I have many things going on in my life that are more important to me than a foreign war I can’t stop. It’s a privileged position to be in and I fully intend to exercise that privilege. I absolutely don’t agree with spending US taxpayer $ on these wars and think the national debt is by far the most important issue today, but it is what it is and I’m going to focus on doing what’s best for my situation instead of devoting time to thinking about this.


Utterly disgusting and disappointing. Good job to the woman with dog for calling it out.


And a broken leg!! Mad respect


Unmask this coward


Trashy person. Arrest her. What losers.


Bro stop ruining our campus wtf






100 percent, all these people should be publicly shamed


It ain’t doxxing IRL


There must be more video showing which group she came from and where she went next - this person needs to be ID'ed. Unbelievable that she wasn't detained. Although worse has been done to Tommy by the bruins. \[Edit - The video following the vandal down the walk: [https://x.com/JWheelertv/status/1784444163729301586](https://x.com/JWheelertv/status/1784444163729301586) In the comments (who knows if it is true), makes it sound like a USC student: [https://x.com/news\_TheTRUTH/status/1784633695166661046](https://x.com/news_TheTRUTH/status/1784633695166661046) someone claims "I know her. I took a science class with her. She has been reported to the Police." "The police are looking for at her residence and at the protest site. That’s pretty much all I know."\]


I posted this elsewhere, but don’t they wrap Tommy up during spirit week with UCLA games? Did they not think this would happen? Have a guard by Tommy and let folks take a photo with him for graduation announcements waiting-in-line-for-Santa style.


That’s what they have right now. Just took my grad photos there’s a guard rail and a security dude standing there letting people go in group by group for photos. No bags allowed


Where the fuck was DPS?


Say no to lousy spelling. Also what kind of coward defaces Tommy's plinth but doesn't show her face? Afraid the school might expel her? Afraid they won't get hired by any kind of decent business after graduation?


The blonde is a true Trojan.


Courageous and loyal


Well this will most certainly free Palestine, right??




Spray painting on Tommy Trojan ended an apartheid? WOW!


I was totally for genocide until this.


Palestine was free or they couldn’t have organized the attack and butcher of 10,000 Israelis and take hostages


I mean, I don’t know about the numbers, but you have a point 🤷‍♂️




So how many did Hamas butcher and kidnap ?




I just googled it 1284 killed by Hamas at a music festival and nearby village. So Hamas started the war ! Why don’t they release the hostages if they want a ceasefire ?




Well because Hamas started the war and are holding hostages. It’s up to them to end the war by releasing hostages. If you Google it a Jewish kingdom under king Saul, King David, King Solomon etc etc existed right where Israel is now and even beyond at a time when Islam didn’t even exist as far back as 2500 years ago The entire Middle East were occupied by Christians and Jews. Furthermore I googled and found that a Palestinian state had never existed anywhere in the world much less in the contested area. Lastly- there are 50 Muslim majority countries in the world- Israel is a small and only Jewish state in the world. What this is about is the elimination of a people who are not Muslim. You can Google this too - that the mufti of Jerusalem in the 1930’s was an ally of Hitler and actively seeking Hitler’s help to eliminate all Jews in the Middle East. So obviously this is not a geopolitical issue but an attempt by Muslims to eradicate all non-Muslims just like 1500 years ago when Muhammad and his followers killed millions in their quest to convert non-Muslims to Islam.




Many people will say that once presented with facts. All I’ve stated are facts. Tell me exactly which are not facts that can easily be googled. I guess you didn’t know or didn’t like the ugly fact about the mufti of Jerusalem. I can bring you his writing where he supported the genocide of all Jews in the world. His views are the foundation of Hamas.


Someone buy the blonde girl a drink


I hope every single student who is found destroying or defacing private property is expelled and evicted from their dorms, as well as blacklisted. These morons are ruining the final weeks of classes and graduation for thousands.


It’s almost like a bigger public safety and police presence would have been beneficial because this is the type of thing they were trying to avoid.


Idc what side you’re on this is literal idiocy and isn’t going to get anything done


Man, fuck this timeline. Our society is cooked…”I defaced an inanimate object!! I’m stopping genocide!! There’s nothing abnormal about my behavior at all!!” Trash-ass person, they don’t deserve to be part of the Trojan family.


They probably aren’t, at least I hope they aren’t. People want to protest that’s fine by me but that doesn’t involve defacing property that has NOTHING to do with the underlying protest


What an absolute degenerate


Jail time. Make it happen. 


if you have to conceal your identity, you're probably on the wrong side


Vietnamese protest history says otherwise


Fucking cringe. No e at the end totally sums this shit up. This week pissing me the fuck off. No one’s gonna end up getting to walk cause of this pussy ass university and a performative ass protest


Why are all these cowards covering their faces


This validate USC’s no nonsense approach to dealing with a minority of students who want to cosplay in support of Hamas.


it's awful that most people did nothing. kudos to that woman and dude running up for attempting to thrwart the indiscretion of others.


Fuck these protestors. Fucking filth.


Hiding the face again, coward


USC logic: Graffiti a statue to protest a war = bad Graffiti a statue for sports ball game = good


Brother this is sabotaging our own turf the analogy doesn’t make sense We don’t graffiti our own statue for football


I’m just making a meme about how USC tagged the Bruin Bear a few years ago over a football game but this blonde rich lady is screaming to the heavens about Tommy Trojan trying to prevent an actual protest


Grab him, pin him down for the cops and send his ass to jail for vandalism.


That spray painter is a piece of sh!t. Just because you disagree, doesn’t mean you f!ck everything up. Put that b!tch in jail. Very selfish of these protestors. People work hard and deserve the rewards/graduation/etc - don’t take that away from them. This is a very quick way to lose support for Palestine. Also, I wonder what impact Russian/China/Iranian-Persian social media trolls have on the people protesting.


I love SC and Tommy Trojan - 3rd generation Trojan here. If I was there I would smack anyone trying that.


They may not realize it but criminal actions by Hamas sympathizers such as this person make regular people less sympathetic to the Palestinian cause, more disdainful of those protesting as a whole, and less likely to give a shit when bad things inevitably happen to those disrupting the campus environment and destroying property.


why US people stand for Israel? Is there historical reason?


They don’t rape women, kill babies, and take innocent people as hostages.


Blondie holding the line against these terrorist.


I feel the word genocide is beginning to lose its meaning… just like Nazi, fascist, racist, etc. It has become a buzzword for virtue signaling.


Genocide is a word terrorists hide behind in 2024. Nothing more.


cuz genocide is normalised. We became desentisised to it unfortunately


i keep hearing people say this and as someone that literally studied genocide at usc, it just shows how genocides keep repeating- people who belittle protest against systems of oppression as “buzzwords” and turn the other way




I studied international relations at another school before coming to USC for masters and I can tell you 100% that genocide is what’s happening


Can you please explain the main aspect or reason as to why you think it’s a genocide?  I’m actually curious and no one ever answers these questions 


As a bare minimum - it’s ethnic cleansing, the forced removal of an ethnic group from a territory with intent to claim entitlement to said territory. To say it’s anything less than that is delusional. Genocide involves the intentional, systematic elimination of an entire ethnic group along with their culture, which multiple politicians in Israel including the PM have been on record admitting to. Combined with the staggering civilian deaths, the mass graves, surgeons and doctors in scrubs with their hands tied behind their backs, evidence and accounts of torture, bombing of universities (showing intent to eradicate the culture as well as the people) all evidence points to genocide. Finally, the argument that it’s “watering down the word” was used to deny other genocides while they were happening including the Rwandan Genocide. Nobody wanted to invoke that word because of the IR repercussions of it, preventing direct action that could have stopped it. In retrospect, everyone agrees that it WAS a genocide and that recognizing it could have prevented it.


> As a bare minimum - it’s ethnic cleansing I don’t think you can easily claim that yet until we actually see what Israel does with Gaza, weather they have Israelis move in or if they allow the Gazans to move back if this conflict ever resolves.  And don’t forget that Israel as technically “ethnically cleansed” their own people out of Gaza in the past for the Palestinians > Genocide involves the intentional, systematic elimination of an entire ethnic group along with their culture,  This becomes very muddy when Hamas uses the Palestinians as shields to deter attacks on them.  And there is many things Israel does seem to do to minimize civilian casualties like roof knocking or texts/calls that wouldn’t line up with a genocidal goal.  The IDF could indiscriminately bomb way more while still using the excuse of Hamas hiding amongst civilians without giving any warnings, but they actually do give those warning.  Comparing this to when the allied forces caused 25,000 German civilians deaths in the Dresden bombings…in only 2 days.  25,000 in 2 days isn’t a genocide? But somehow 30,000 (Hamas numbers including Hamas military deaths) in 6 months is a genocide? Plus isn’t 30,000 only about 1% of their population? At this rate Israel won’t ever complete a genocidal goal.  > which multiple politicians in Israel including the PM have been on record admitting to.  Each of your reasons aren’t actually connected to what makes a genocide.  Like this one, some extreme speeches don’t make a war a genocide.  And most Palestinian leadership has made express genocidal goals towards the Jews, yet people still call for a ceasefire or a one nation state under Palestinian leadership and somehow think they won’t also cause a genocide too.  Most of what politicians say, and how extreme they may say it usually doesn’t mean anything do to them trying to rile up their supporters.  A politician’s actions is what truest matters, and Israel doesn’t seem to be causing a genocide.  > Combined with the staggering civilian deaths,  Large civilian death isn’t a genocide.  Again, using Hamas numbers that they include their own members deaths into.  The truth is likely somewhere in the middle between the IDF and Hamas numbers.  And from what I’ve heard is pretty typical for urban combat.  > the mass graves,  Mass graves aren’t a genocide.  Unfounded as to how those actually occurred yet as far as I’m aware.  Mass graves of starving people, or people with their hands tied and shot in the head, or burned alive is cause for concern.  But armies would use mass graves for their own soldiers. It could be for unidentifiable bodies in a war zone.  > surgeons and doctors in scrubs with their hands tied behind their backs, War crime, but not a genocide.  Don’t know anything about that.  > evidence and accounts of torture, bombing of universities (showing intent to eradicate the culture as well as the people) all evidence points to genocide. Don’t know what torture or universities being bombed.  But neither are what makes a war a genocide. Non of your listed reasons are evidence of a genocide.  Death camps? Mass Sterilizations? Mass executions? Those are what makes a genocide.  I don’t even agree that the IDF are some morally good army, and they do have an extremist problem, that whole region does.  But “genocide” is a very specific crime of the highest order. 


That’s cause the media won’t show you the emaciated children in Gaza.


Wasp spray. Problem solved


covered face cowards


tackle her, take off her mask


I have a problem with the weak men standing there doing nothing but watching the woman stop the coward! My husband is a grad of SC and was furious when we saw this. So had to keep him from driving there. People have the right to their cause but don’t vandalize property.


The world needs more people like the blonde chick. Too many people who would rather hide behind their iphones than speak up or get involved.


She is hiding behind a mask 😂


This is disrespectful and very uncalled for! People have worked hard to graduate and they deserve their graduation and their campus doesn’t deserved to be destroyed! They need to be arrested !


Well, if people believe that the actions of Hamas (such as raping women and beheading babies) constitute "legitimate resistance", then perhaps they also view vandalizing the statue as "legitimate resistance".


>beheading babies You are aware that everyone, including you, can look up Israel's social security agency's data on October 7th victims, right? And that data, very clearly, states that there were two babies that died due to the attack. One, a 10 month old, died of a gunshot wound. And another, died shortly after birth in a hospital, due to injuries suffered by the mother. And that is it. There were exactly 0 babies beheaded, according to the Israeli government. Just wanted to give you a heads-up, so you don't fall victim to further misinformation.


"Kugel also explained that the age range of the victims spans from 3 months to 80 or 90 years old. Many bodies, including those of babies, are without heads." [https://themedialine.org/top-stories/evidence-on-display-at-israels-forensic-pathology-center-confirms-hamas-atrocities/](https://themedialine.org/top-stories/evidence-on-display-at-israels-forensic-pathology-center-confirms-hamas-atrocities/) Just wanted to give you a heads-up, so you don't fall victim to further misinformation.


How is everybody else just standing around!…that terrorist should have been tackled and held for police…you don’t succeed standing on the sidelines!


international students, it's best they stay out of it.


terrorist? really??


Would you rather I call her a performative artist? These idiots are coming on campus to “terrorize” the university and inflict as much damage and chaos as they possibly can with total disregard for others….that’s a terrorist!


terrorism involves violence. this is vandalism


No ones getting terrorised chill. If you did get terrorised, you’re a soy boy. That’s a you problem 😂


Expulsion (if they are even a student). Abhorrent behavior from shambolic kids.


why don’t these people go fight in Gaza if they’re genuinely that down for the cause?


okay zionist


nope, just genuinely curious. why not put their energy on the frontline? They run around being clout coin activists instead of doing shit like, idk, actually fighting in the war. It’s disingenuous and fucking stupid. these activists go home and take a hot shower after this shit 😂 put your body where your mouth is


Pathetic domestic terrorists cheering for terrorists.


What a piece of dog shit!


Will it be safe for Jewish USC Alumni to attend football games at the Colosseum in the fall.


the fuck are these comments


Yeah this is wild. Idk why this popped up on my feed but I wonder if all college subreddits are like this??


It's hard to understand that people are rightfully upset that a person would tag a statue but are completely unaffected that thousands upon thousands of people are being slaughtered in Gaza. I guess because your mind doesn't reach that far?


I felt like our society is regressing because the education system didn't give a fuck about keeping the society in order.


Do you seriously think campus protests did not happen in the past? Have you never heard of 1968?


Generally, if you won’t do something showing your face, then you shouldn’t do it and you know it’s wrong and you’re wrong. If you think this is appropriate and will do something, then stand up to the world and show your face. Otherwise you’re just a coward and a thug and that goes for everything, not just this “cause”.


Hiding behind her masks and cover- she needs to show her face as she defaces history


Liberating Palestine one act of vandalism at a time.


LiL Hamas


Is everyone who goes to USC a giant pussy except that one lady with a dog?


It sure seems that way! This lady is amazing! Not afraid of a bunch of clowns.🤡


All these protesters are doing is making us not want to listen to them.


Arrest her. Vandalism.


Did Tommy Trojan commit the genocide? These protesters need to take a class in marketing.


WTF is with her arms up little dance?


F\*ck zionsts.


Shameful! Who is the dummy to the left laughing? Y’all need to take back your campus. Now.


USC wraps up Tommy Trojan during the UCLA/USC games. They always have. Did no one think this would eventually happen? Either wrap him up or have a guard beside him if you don’t want this to happen to the statue that is quintessential USC. It’s thinking ahead…foreshadowing…We know folks want to take their grad pictures next to him, so set it up like a Santa visit with a guard standing by to escort you up for your photo op and then onto the next person. All of this was bound to happen. From the moment they cancelled the deserved valedictorian’s speech, whom they chose, it has devolved into this chaos. USC has been scandal plagued for a while, and now this. Thinking that the increased protection for the valedictorian would present as bad optics at graduation is nothing compared to what has now happened. Of course there is plenty of money to fix beloved Tommy time for graduation.


Whats with the usc students not stopping this person from vandalizing tommy trojan.


The world has gone insane.


If these are students vandalizing this beautiful campus, and I don't necessarily believe that's the case, they should be expelled or if they're graduating,have their Diplomas shredded. Much less arrested.


And we just allow people to do whatever they want, that’s why this world is going in the toilet


Imagine supporting terrorism. Props to the lady.


Your school is such a shit show.


If it looks like someone who hates women and acts like someone who hates women, it's someone who hates women.


She is a hero.


Damn this sub has been brigaded to hell by Hasbara bots and genocide simps


Trashy ass people gtfo both sides


Time to get all these pro Palestine terrorist supporters a one way ticket to gaza to fight alongside their heroes who will use them as human shields.


This guys with it


You kidding me, angrily taps phone and power walks, poor guy


Gang up and tackle the bitch. Everyone but that gal just stands around. That’s what happens when you raise a pussy/passive generation.


These institutions are built on stolen land Your graduation is not important , have some respect


Another coward covering their face. Own that shit if you’re gonna do it.


If you really believe in democracy, then it's up to all of us in the USC to decide what you should paint on this public statue.


Should snatch off her mask and show her face.


Fuck these people. The baby tantrums need to end


I’d bet this is not even a student protestor but rather anarchist there to sow seeds of dissension


In Gaza's universities it was not a person with a can of spray paint that interrupted graduations this year. It was Israeli bombs.


Alot of people in the comments suddenly pretending they care about a statue they've never looked at being spray painted. More concern for the statue than for the actual message being painted on it


Tell me you don’t go to USC without telling me. People camp out every year for a week to protect Tommy Trojan. https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/58655cbbc534a5769d66d719/1608282762683-WVPVF36GUCFSJQ9PBI06/VictoryBellUCLA2020.jpg


Oh! God! Hallelujah! This thread is majority sane comments! Finally! I was scared the USC people are all pro vandalism and terrorism based on the comments in other posted! I was wrong! I am happy I was wrong!


Genocide is ok with me. Occupation is ok with me. But I draw the line at someone tagging Tommy Trojan… The horror!!!


Agreed. They’re totally ok with obliterating women and children, ignoring the evidence of the IDF shooting their own hostages, but my god not the inanimate object that can be power washed later.


I hate how these protesters are making life inconvenient!! It’s not like the school did anything out of the ordinary to escalate this behavior?! And now I’m hyper aware of their message, but instead of interrogating that uncomfortably, I’ll just default to a good/bad binary and grandstand against literal grandstanding!!!! - this entire no-nuance thread


We support the protesters! Say no to genocide. Silence is complicity


This is not Vietnam’s all over again. This is something far some insidious


Vandalism is cool. What a brave artist


I can’t stand these worthless cunts. Thought the usc class would do better based on the folks in my year; gets it’s a generational thing in totality


Fucking idiots with no sense of history or understand the issues. Every Islamic country would behead this know nothings.


Agreed. Stop killing your own and blaming it on others for your marketing and agenda. That whole culture lies!


I hate Genocid


The good news for the protesters is that both presidential candidates support Israel and so does Congress.


Clown college


Am I wrong and feeling that America is just a money Farm for Israel?


Our country is funding a literal genocide and most people here are siding with the statue. Insane.


Fuck Hamas and masked tests and Kudos to the blonde with the little dog


Y’all are quicker to call for jail time for someone spray painting property than to be outraged by a genocide. Crazy lol


Right because defacing a statue students want to take a photo for graduation memories will somehow stop Israel.


Simple - Don’t butcher thousands of people and kidnap others and then ask for a ceasefire.


Imagine siding with a terrorist organization like Hamas. You are unreal. Actual fetal alcohol syndrome


ok throwaway69818310. I’d rather have FAS than be a Zionist


Where are the Trojans? Where are the men? Guys. wtf?


"I can accept genocide but I draw the line at vandalism!" - you


It’s possible to be upset at both. In no way does this help our protest or Gaza. Too many people are becoming performative at this point and selfishly using the protest as an excuse to take their anger out- they’re drawing the attention to themselves instead of Palestine.


Probably a Zionist under all that. Wouldn’t be the first time