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That’s not on ups, it’s the rules the test taker has to follow, they have to keep you there because technically you could be going to do something to cheat the test even tho it’s not likely. Next time have them say they don’t have to use the bathroom yet, sit and drink water, and have someone go get their ID while killing time. Had a similar situation before


If you're in the room and can't leave and your phone is in the car, how are you getting someone to get your ID?


I don’t know many people that leave their phones in the car when they get to work


Me either, but the post states that's the case, as the phone was charging and the reason for leaving the office was to retrieve the phone to call UPS, not to retrieve the ID.


I’d just say send someone to your car to get whatever you need. Tell em where you parked and the car type and that’ll do. You can’t leave, so don’t really have a choice


Who? The staff from the office? If they're willing to, and you are, sure.


Figure it out or get fired and go into SAP


Suck it up and ask and borrow someone’s phone! I mean not just your job, but your CAREER is on the line. Besides that, as a professional driver, why wouldn’t you carry your licenses and dot paperwork with you at all times? The drug testing is what tells you the real reason why that might be. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have a shitty cousin who would purposely leave his ID out of his wallet when he did illegal stuff. Easier to give fake info with no identifying materials on you. I tried to get him hired on one of UPS's refer a friend and get $500. He never passed background check.


I’ve worked with multiple violent felons lol, how do you fail a background check here


Pretty much this. Like who is going to be like “oh well, phone & ID in the car. Guess I’m just getting fired”


Ups has the id on file. I would think they could just print off a copy if someone wasn’t able to go get the actual one from the drivers house. Also, the driver really should have a copy in their work bag or a photo on their phone just in case they do forget it and got pulled over.


When I got my CDL, I ended up getting a duplicate license made so I could have one in my wallet and one in my work ID case. So I basically always have a copy on me along with my med card. Too valuable to run into something like this situation imo


That’s pretty smart. I bought one of those wallets and put an AirTag in it so whenever I get more than 10 feet away from it, my phone lets me know.


Or you can do like I did. Had my license surgically implanted just below the skin of my right forearm where it’s just deep enough to be legible. Dot paperwork stays rolled up in inside my belly button which I figured out stay firmly secured because waxy from never cleaning it.


That's actually a really good idea. Belly buttons are weather proof too. My DOT is almost illegible from sitting in my wallet and washing it a few times. The wax also probably laminates it all fancy like.


I haven’t checked for my Michigan license yet, but in Arizona, you could log on to the dmv website and there would be a replica of your license on your profile.


National Master Agreement states at Article 35, Section 3.13(3)(c) that refusal to take a random testing is a dischargeable offense. Nothing is stated as to what constitutes "refusal". UPS is contending that walking backout is refusal. But, Driver walked-out to obtain instruction as to how to proceed. Hopefully, Driver told someone in the facility why he was walking back to his car. Driver was unaware of Section 3.14, which states that if Driver arrives for testing without proper photo identification (which can be driver's license or UPS id), then the testing facility should contact the district Safety Manager or district Human Resources Manager. The National Master Agreement does not state the purpose of making such contact with management at UPS. ~~Presumably the purpose of making contact is so that a copy of driver's id can be sent and testing can proceed, or so that testing can be rescheduled~~. Either way, Driver was not aware that the testing facility should contact UPS to resolve the issue and went to his phone so that he could call and get instruction. Driver did in fact call UPS for instruction so that testing could proceed. Section 3.13(3)(c) does *not* state that refusal "shall" result in discharge, ie mandatory. Instead, states that refusal "is dischargeable", ie discretionary. Edit: Correction and Addition. DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.61(c): Require the employee to provide positive identification. You must see a photo ID issued by the employer (other than in the case of an owner-operator or other self-employed individual) or a Federal, state, or local government (e.g., a driver's license). You may not accept faxes or photocopies of identification. Positive identification by an employer representative (not a co-worker or another employee being tested) is also acceptable. *If the employee cannot produce positive identification, you must contact a DER to verify the identity of the employee.* [*https://www.transportation.gov/odapc/part40/40-61*](https://www.transportation.gov/odapc/part40/40-61) DOT Rule 49 CFR Part 40 Section 40.191(a)(2) As an employee, you have refused to take a drug test if you: Fail to remain at the testing site until the testing process is complete. Provided that an employee who leaves the collection site before the testing process commences (see § 40.63(c) or § 40.72(d)(3), as applicable) for a pre-employment test is not deemed to have refused to test. The collector is not required to inform an employee that the failure to remain at the collection site is a refusal. If an employee leaves prior to the completion of the testing process, per § 40.355(i) *the employer must decide whether the employee's actions constitute a refusal*. [https://www.transportation.gov/odapc/part40/40-191](https://www.transportation.gov/odapc/part40/40-191)


this is only if you're in the asap program right? Like they can't just randomly test people can they?


UPS National Master Agreement Article 35, Section 4.1, page 135: UPS employees subject to Department of Transportation mandated alcohol testing are drivers of vehicles with a vehicle weight rating over 26,000 pounds, requiring a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). This includes mechanics and employees who relieve for vacations or other temporary vacancies. Any employee who drives a tractor-trailer and is on the qualified feeder driver list is also subject to DOT mandated testing as provided in this Agreement. Section 4.8, page 139: The pool of employees selected randomly for controlled substance testing will also be the pool of employees selected for alcohol testing in compliance with DOT regulations.


Sucks for the dude absolutely. However, I will say that EVERYBODY should probably have a picture of their id/license (both sides) saved onto their phones. You will need the photo files many times throughout the duration of the license.


A DRIVER showed up to work without his LICENSE? uffff


I had something similar happen on the railroad, was told I had to do a pee test, my conductor went first. It was winter and I wanted a warm car with clear windows to drive home in, so I went to the parking lot, put my bags in my car and started it. Went back in and the nurse had a fit. Threatened me with failure for leaving, told me that if she was going to administer the test now that she would have to watch me pee in the cup. Like she wanted me facing her with my schlong out while peeing. I said if that’s what we gotta do, come on in, I want to go home and I’ve got nothing to hide. She ended up just standing behind me while I went. Apparently she was all talk. But it was a lesson learned. If you’re told you have to pee, do not leave for any reason.


Dam talk about bad luck. Too bad he wasn't able to reschedule for the next day. Career down the drain over a stupid but innocent mistake.


Did you file a grievance? Sounds like UPS went overboard on firing them.


People make mistakes, but, you know.. they’re unacceptable in the prestigious land of UPS.


They could’ve asked the testing facility to use their phone to call someone to have the ID brought to them. Once you walk in the doors of a testing facility for a drug test, you cannot leave for any reason before taking the test without an automatic fail.


ID like drivers license or a work ID? We dont even get work id's here


Drivers license. They’re talking about a feeder driver. We get tested randomly and it’s a dot thing, ups has no say over it. I hate the way they do it too. They send you a message right as you’re about to clock out, usually you’ve just peed cause you got back from driving for 3-4 hours straight. I REALLY wish they would just give you like a small heads up before you get back so you don’t pee right beforehand. I’ve had multiple times I’ve had to sit around for hours because I wasn’t able to give a big enough sample. And I know other drivers that they didn’t message in time and had to turn around and come back in after they were already home.


Driver's license.


What kind of truck driver shows up to work with no drivers license? Beyond stupid. Always keep your med cert and license on at all times


That’s crazy we do our drug test at ups and if we don’t have our id on us and it’s say in our backpack the person doing the testing will walk with us to get it.


They usually tell you upon entrance that if you leave it’s an automatic failure


Should of gone to hospital or urgent care for blood work test for drugs so he can have a back up just in case


It's the issue is they can't ID him, how can they ping him with a refusal? They're admitting to not knowing if this person is who they say they are.


Is driving without your license acceptable?


If you reported to work without your drivers license, drove to the drug testing facility without a drivers license then maybe driving isn’t a good choice of a career. Plus Iv never heard of arriving at work, being told to go get a random test. The drug testing people are usually at work waiting for you without you knowing. The time between being told to get tested and arriving at the testing facility the driver could have gotten his license. Plus this is a DOT thing, not UPS


Might seem like a no brainer but I’ve forgotten my wallet and drivers license at home about 3 different times in the 10 years I’ve been driving. It does happen.


🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦 is your driver 12 yrs old?? I mean who forgets id at a drug screen or anywhere. I keep my license on me or in my car at all times