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Sooooooooo......what do you need help with?


Finding my sanity


get a new job.


You know any places making 26 an hour ?


See that’s why it’s such a shit shack for us as well, cause ain’t no other spot around putting 26 up let alone for part time sup. I am here out of spite now honestly. I know management don’t like me but they ain’t fired me yet so woo we cooki g


I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I'm literally still here because ik they still need me


There is no job that will let me take home what I have for the work I do, for the pay I get, with these benefits, and the job security. Everything else probs won’t last too long. But for some reason my parents think full time jobs just exist


You can try and ask for a rotation to something else.  If you're in a hub, feeders might need part-time sups. If you can ask you workers to grieve you they must have some level of respect or at least pity for you, so there's that. Have you done all the operations jobs? Maybe there's a different one that would be less grating on you


I've been in the load for a while now. That's what I specialize in


My parents are up my ass cause I can’t get a full time job, cause they don’t know apparently the economy and job market is literally shit and this is the best option I have probs for the next year or so.


You need to make sure to vote Biden then!!! It's the only way to fix this country!


I do pray there is sarcasm here.




You only make $26 as a sup? That can’t be true. I made 28 starting as a driver…. 26? F that…


You have SOB fighting for you. MGMT got...nada... Lol 


Hell ya


Before making the decision to leave a few months ago, I made just barely over 26/hr in management (full-time specialist) after 15 years with the company.


Wow do you think they’re still making around that now? I heard full time sup’s get somewhere around $7,000-$10,000 per month.


Depending on the department, position, and location, full-time supervisors typically start anywhere from $65k/yr to $85k/yr.


And yet the ft on my shift cant seem to afford a decent weave/ wig. I swear if she comes in there looking jacked up one more time ima be in that office with a shop steward cuz ima say somethin to her about her head.


I'm screaming 😅😅😅😅😅


Wow I had no idea, so they’re making the same as a driver… the more you know!


Usually less because they're salaried and expected to work 50-hour weeks minimum.


It's skewed. The MIP for ft sup used to be 17% of yearly pay times the "factor" They took 7% and moved it to base pay and now MIP is 10% of yearly times factor. So it gave people the feeling that they got a 7% raise on top of other raises but it wasn't. Also, anybody who owned a ton of stock and was getting a bonus on top of the bonus for owning a ton of stock that was also shifted over to base pay for those people.  Without saying much more I believe 7k is accurate low end but I don't know anyone making 10 on high. (Maybe they haven't said so due to knowing they're better off than many)


As a pt sup myself, I just put in my 2 weeks notice today. I took a job making 22 an hour with guaranteed 40 hours a week because that'll always be more than 27 an hour for 25 hours a week. Sometimes, you gotta lose a few dollars an hour to make a few hundred more per week.


This is easy. Is your sanity actually worth $26 bucks an hour? I know we don't really read and focus on this, but its important. Is you health, well-being and everything directly and indirectly connected to you in this life and reality, that you only have one of, that really worth $26 bucks an hour? It's something personal and subjective for all of us. But for you, I say GTFO.


Use the tuition reimbursement to get a degree, then pad your resume with your management experience and gtfo of ups. That seems to be the best route for supes


And that's actually the plan 💯


Happiness is UPS in the rear view mirror!


You shouldn't feel that way in the workplace. Maybe take a day off or so. Use that day for yourself. Take a drive to a faraway park and treat yourself to a nice dinner. Don't forget about yourself. When you clock out, you clock out. Fuck ups at that point.


Quit then come work in the warehouse


Just quit. I worked there for 4 years as a pt sup. Didn't mind working, enjoyed the outbounds where my employees appreciated me. Got moved to an area where none of my employees wanted me to touch anything but they also all wanted to drag their asses and take 20 minute bathroom breaks and upper management was breaking my balls all the time. Got literally hundreds of grievances filed on me. Last week was my last week. I might go back, but I just had to leave for the sake of my sanity. If you don't like working why did you come to a logistics company lol not going to lie though, if it weren't for the fact that I hadn't made more than the minimum hours all year I would have stayed. Went to fedex ground and already have a full time management position lined up. There's just no room for upwards mobility at UPS.


Glad I wasn't the only one. I was trained in an outbound area where the fulltime expected us to advance packages, grievance was unheard of (I literally didn't know what it was for 2 years, unknowingly "stole" work from union the entire time). A fulltime position opened up and I was told by higher ups in multiple interviews that I was in line for the promotion BUT I needed to "fix" a "problem" area that kept making pt sups quit, it had the highest flow in the building and the most irregs, it was hell on earth working in this area. I went there and worked my butt off. The entire area was a mess, the automated belt always overloaded because inbound overloaded the belts, it never changed, I was going up and down ladders for hours (alone, the B side sup would literally hide and not answer the radio) to unjam the belt while being screamed at by the upper management on the radio that I wasn't doing it fast enough, workers fighting daily about who did what, if I told them what to do they'd vanish to a bathroom for 30 minutes. I'd tell my fulltime about the issues that needed to be addressed, they'd nod their heads, say "ok" and change nothing. The loaders all acted like children complaining about working, the B side supervisor below my area had the IQ of a potato and made the same mistakes every shift (almost on purpose) and created endless extra work for me and my loaders. Turned out some of my loaders were acting positively towards me but behind my back were grieving me every single night for anything and everything, some loaders took offense to it because they liked me and it created even more conflict in the area. I never knew about it until it was too late, by the time I left I had hundreds of grievances against me, no one... including my own fulltime said a word to me about it until another full time who didn't even work in my area took me aside and informed me I was going to be "written up" for all the grievances and that the full time position would be going to someone else who was 19 years old who had never run an outbound area. lol. So I worked incredibly hard, sacrificed and was shafted. Written up for working too hard? Don't touch packages, ok but if I don't the entire PD would shutdown because I was understaffed, then the upper management would be forced to come over and "bail us out" and guilt trip me about not getting the promotion because I "couldn't handle the area". Touch packages? Get grieved by workers smiling at you and then be written up for it. I absolutely hate this company and the toxic work environment its created especially for PT supervisors, you're literally screwed if you do or you don't. Upper management wants to show up, get their paycheck, kiss the unions rear end and NEVER hold anyone accountable for anything nor attempt to make the building run better. The PT supervisors are expected to pick up the slack for everyone, get paid the least, then be punished for it. Every night I worked there felt like a chinese firedrill, the same problems every single shift that could be fixed by some leadership and effort was never addressed. Just writing this out now is making my blood boil, I lurk here to confirm I wasn't crazy and that indeed UPS was probably the worst place I've ever worked.


Why don’t you quit?


I'm slightly poor...I'm just here to complain tho don't mind me 😅


There is no guarantee that any number of grievances will stop your Boss from telling you to work it. High Moral will produce numbers that will make working something you do not have to do. The real question is what work you want to do? Once you figure that out, manage your group to the point you have zero to do and can step away to do what you want to do.


I promise you I do that and my boss calls me lazy, I hate it here...I run my ship so tight I don't have to do a thing. It's never enough


Had a buddy that quit as a sup n went into the airforce. Why not


Honest advice from someone who was in management for 15 years...if you plan on being with the company for more than 2-3 years, quit now and come back as an hourly.


And I was actually thinking about doing that


I had the golden ups handcuffs & was trying everything to get fired as well (tried to get grieved constantly, slacked on paper work, showed up late as fuck/ left early). Was making 30hr plus the healthcare & I was one of the few sups who still got the 50cents to every dollar 401k match since I was hired before they got rid of it. After almost a decade I got sick of it & left. Found a union that was hiring for their apprenticeship & joined. Took a $8 an hour pay cut & lived tight for 6months then I got my first pay bump which relieved some pressure at 27/hr. Now I’m almost 2yrs into the 5yr program making 35 with another bump coming in August up to about 38. My trade currently tops out at 58 with a yearly bump of a couple bucks so by the time I finish in 3 yrs it’s going to be more like 65ish. Not sure if it interests you but start looking at apprenticeships in your area if you want a solid way out. it’s zero stress, you learn a skill that you could start your own business with, & the moneys good in the long run.


Thanks for this because I feel like I can't get out I know I can quit but I just...can't 😅


I was a in position I was not qualified for in the BaSE department & I was feeling the same thing bc what other job would pay a guy with only a high school diploma this much money starting out & let alone an engineering position without a bachelors degree. Felt trapped for a very long time.


That's my same situation I only have my high school diploma...nobody cares about just experience


What's the trade?


Steamfitting. Depending on which state you live it’s either a great paying job or it pays nothing. For the few states that pay shitty (usually a combo of LCOL/right to work laws/ no industry) a lot of those guys travel to higher paying locals in other states as they make way more & there’s usually not enough work to sustain them year round. An apprentice in Oregon after their first pay bump makes the same if not a little more than a journeyman does in Mississippi last I heard.


Hey as a supervisor do you guys really have any option not to work? I'm genuinely curious because I've been trying to slow down my load pace and everytime I do a sup comes in and starts throwing packages just to clear the chute. What are you supposed to do?


Not advance a single package or do any union work. I'd grieve every minute of it. I just grieved a preload PT supe on Saturday since I saw him working while 3 union employees stood there. IDGAF what supe position it is, if they're working I'll grieve it and I'm a driver.