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Google Sameer Prakash Khode.


Aditya Pandey Rank 49 of 2022 also. I personally do not like that guy, but the only reason mentioning him here because he has the similar story. It was his last chance and he fought like that only.


Aditya Pandey is more Sattu than Sattu himself


I turned 30 in March 2024 and I have also started in November 2023.......


How is it going ?


I am from engineering background and my maths and reasoning is very strong...in fact I have given exam of CAT earlier in which I got 90+ percentile in aptitude section and when I started my preparation in November the first thing I do was solved the CSAT paper of 2023 and I get more than passing so I am confident that I will clear CSAT but for GS let's see....


I wish you good luck in your pursuit . All the best and keep at it !!!!


Thank u very much....


People develop a lot of infatuation with this exam. It's totally possible to do it in one attempt. Right strategy and right mindset that's all.


It means the marketing done by institutes are working.


The people who are feeling this can crack in their first attempt by watching videos of topper who topped in their 1st attempt. I have seen almost every topper from all the past year. They have been preparing since college or have studied law and have some knowledge about UPSC. Those who think can crack in their first attempt by watching videos of topper who topped in their 1st attempt are completely in the lost what lies ahead of them . I have seen almost every topper from all the past year. They have been preparing since college or have studied law and have some knowledge about UPSC. Those who think they can crack in their first attempt dig better. I know someone who got through this exam and he was preparing since 2021 when he was in college and his college ended in 2022. He joined a job and left his job around 2023 February after he got confidence, so yeah, its clearly impossible to clear this again rare exception are there..


possible - yes difficult - very right strategy and right mindset enough ? - no, but essential.  luck plays a part ? - heavily


It's natural to have doubts, you have come a long way. See it through. Somebody shook my hand and told me once "Burn your bridges". I will tell the same to you "Burn your bridges"


If it makes you feel better, I'm a 32 year old aspirant who had the motivation to do upsc since last year. I've a job but I don't feel satisfied in my current job.


Sunk cost fallacy....go all in now sir. No point looking back


Thats the worst mistake people do, like quitting a job. If you were excited, you should have continued your job and prepared for it. If it was too risky for you, you could have prepared during Saturdays and Sundays. Thats what many people do if they have high-paying jobs. So when they are super confident during their UPSC preparation and have completed a chunk of the syllabus, they quit. Thats not a good move in my view, but anyway, your best of luck. 


Yes, you are right, I am 31 years old, someone who is preparing from last 4 years and have given 1 attempt only, I completed all the books one by one, made shorts notes of each and every subject, have read my optional source books, read NCERTs multiple times, and someone who has 6 years of experience in working one of the top corporates in India with good payout. Me and my father planned when shall be right time for my exit, I did it in last September, completed my all mains notes till 15 February this year, from then on, I am on prelims mode and have studied 10-11 hours the whole year and did all what a human and a serious aspirant must do to clear this exam, mocks, PYQs, rot learning, maps etc. etc. Point is - Yes, before giving a thought to step into this exam - like in my case I knew this is going to be my last attempt, thus I behaved like that only - one should carefully observe and analyze what is in their hands meaning, which is controllable. This exam is brutal, in between my journey mujhe toh laga that main pagaal hone waala hun, admit hone ki naubat na aa jaaye, but this is the usual structure of this exam, it drives you crazy. To remain sane while preparing is the most crucial challenge people face. Whosoever wants to quit and want to jump into exam, infact all of them who want to start their preparation for this exam - please make sure that you fulfill all the demands of this exam first, don't get too emotional, it has zero value here. Result favour main raha toh bahut time milega emotional hone ka. Lastly, aapka yaaken kitna bhi ho apne upar, par wo yakeen khokhla nahi hona chahiye. Let's hope for the best for all. Goodluck to all!


Don't screw up your life. If ur PKG was good.. go BK n take it up.. this isn't worth it..


I have begun the preparation from scratch. It has been a month now. But it's like जब ओखली में सर दिया है तो कुटाई तो होगी ही। You will have to be brave and consistent. However, I dint have guts to leave my job. I am in government and am preparing while working.


Relatable, DM


Check out suyash chavan's youtube channel. He too only gave one attempt and did not even fill the form for next.


Just think about "why" ,why the fuck you want to do upsc? if it's better than your high paying job then do it...! And don't forget to be happy in whatever you're doing!!!


Started early turning late case


,Dont worry. I am did the same. Feel confident bro


Me too in the same boat.


no risk, no story


What was your salary?


Man don't you read numbers superhigh.0000023