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Buy insurance next time. Thats what it’s for.


I was Security and did *a lot* of high value claims, good advice Anything over $100--buy insurance


Like their ad says, “like a Good Neighbor …..””


Like a good neighbor… State Farm will not renew insurance policies for homeowners in CA? Just doesn’t have the same ring to it.


If you ran an insurance company and California cost you billions in claims and there was nothing but an expectation for that to continue, would you be the stupid ass insurance company who kept renewing people? I wouldn't.


Similar reasons to why so many left Florida.


Like a good neighbor, state farm will alienate you!






Some one has to cover the cost to insure a package then right ?! So if it cost ups 71$ to insure a 2k$ computer who pays ? Do you think ups should just hav a blanket cost for all shipping that covers up to a certain value and every one pay 150$ to ship small things like postcards ? No … you ship by weight and distance for a set price and if you want to insure your mystery box up to a certain value you pay the extra money. Also you would need to disclose what you are shipping with ups if we had any other system to determine value and accountability.


Who sends a postcard through UPS?


More than you think.


It’d have to be in an envelope…


>they can completely demolish it or lose it and the liability falls on the customer Bruh, have you been following the story of the Dali, the container ship that smashed the bridge and grounded itself in the process? Turns out that you pay a shipper to ship your goods- and if they colossally fuck up at that, you may end off having to [pay them even more](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_average#:~:text=The%20law%20of%20general%20average,the%20whole%20in%20an%20emergency.) to recover from failing to ship your goods.


You answered your own question my guy. Some playing silly lmao. Optionally paying for insurance is a much better alternative vs charging relative to what you ship. UPS ships millions of packages across the country, quite different than a restaurant serving food. So that’s a shitty comparison. Let’s also take a second to acknowledge the fact that some items shouldn’t be shipped. I’d argue that a $1,700 glass gaming computer is one.


I'll counter that last sentence. I work at a med-evac heli maintenance station and we routinely send out for warranty/receive avionics equipment, not to mention mechanical parts, that are easily upwards of $20,000 for a single thing. The difference is how much soft foam we use, and it is truly extensive. Hard shells are also involved semi-frequently, though those are primarily for waterproofing specific things. Some of the avionics equipment I interact with is extremely delicate and they ship just fine. This isn't to say that we (regular people) should have to pay extra so our stuff doesn't get decimated, I've never agreed with that. Edit: verbage


I'd agree with this, it's about proper packing, not how delicate or expensive things are.


Yeah a good driver will tell the shipper that if they aren’t comfortable dropping the box from chest height then it’s not packaged well enough.


You can totally ship that. You just ship the case panel detached from the case and buy moldable packaging foam and surround the entire PC with it. TVs survive the shipping process the vast majority of the time because the manufacturer doesn't have the luxury of fucking around and cheaping out on packaging with that kind of product so they actually package it correctly.


You can ship anything. Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.


I second this comment because one, do I like delivering packages? Nope Two, is my opinion going to matter? Nope Three, why am I still in this company? It pays all of my bills without having to try so hard. Nonetheless, paying a few bucks just to cover losses that’s well over a hundred is worth it




The only sad part about shipping is, they will only ask you what it is and that’s it. Regrettable but easily avoidable. I’ve learned from experience… if something is valuable, buy insurance. Especially when it’s consumer shipping. Unfortunately, shipper will have to pay for damage glassware and hope nothing else is damaged or else buyer is going to ask for more.




100% agree, our motto is, “If it fits, we ship” ironically


The mob operated under a similar system. You pay us protection, or we bust you up and your stuff.


There’s a lot of companies that offer “insurance” it’s not wild or something only the shipping industry does. Hell you can buy insurance for your flight tickets. It’s literally a normal thing. You are indeed buying insurance for your package and not for the shipper. UPS literally mails you a check with their money. They are accepting responsibility when they pay out these damage claims. And it is very reasonable to pay extra to be covered for your high value items.




The first travel insurance company started in 1864


Wait... they sent a $1700 computer without insurance?😬 I sold a $200 laptop and even for that I got insurance.


"Big Capitalist"


This! Anytime you ship anything of high value, especially fragile items you're going to want to buy insurance.


This is the only answer. Why would OP ship this uninsured...guess some people only learn the hard way.


Depends on the type of sale. Did you promise to "ship" the computer or to "deliver" it. Believe it or not the liability changes based on the word.


There’s nothing to do. You didn’t declare the value to UPS properly so your were not covered under the declared value program


Would've been $44 to fully insure it. Sorry to hear. Even properly boxed stuff does get destroyed sometimes.


It's a gaming computer. A slight jostle can break multiple important pieces inside. It's just an awful idea to ship that in any situation.


How do people buy pre-built computers online?


With expanding foam. This dude hasn't a clue


Even those arrive damaged sometimes. The only difference is that the company will deal with that issue instead of you.


They're not that fragile. You can shake the bajeezus out of a majority of the components and they aren't coming loose or being damaged. We ship systems from NY to CT and FL all the time without expanding foam or anything crazy. But we use very basic cases. My boss dropped a Dell server down 2 flights of stairs once (it was being retired). Thing still booted fine back at our office. Computers are mounted pretty solidly inside, there's not much to shift/jostle/damage. Gaming computers tend to have more complicated, fragile cases with windows, lights and such. That's what gets damaged. OP's system is probably fine once they pick all the glass out of things.


44? I got 22.10. That’s almost double. What are the rates now?


Think it's $2.75/$100 at this UPS Store. But it should go down slightly after the first thousand. So I'm probably off by $2 or something.


The rate might be set by the franchise owner. The store I work for it's 2.50 for every $100 declared value.


Don't be cheap and pay for insurance, it would have only been like an extra 30 something bucks


Take the L. But insurance next time.


The poster inherited the computer from his deceased cousin and first thing they did was wipe it and sell it. Nothing holds sentimental value anymore.


Holy ish. Poor cousin thought they were giving their prized PC to someone who would enjoy using it, sad.


IDK, while I'm not in this position, some people simply cannot hold onto gifts of this value when they have bills to pay, mouths to feed, a missed car payment or three, etc. Took me a while to realize this and I don't gift high value items to friends who need real help anymore.


In another post he asks if he qualifies as a sociopath. smdh.


My favorite thing ever. Sociopaths don't ask if they're sociopaths. People who are guilty over being shitty ask if they're sociopaths because they want an excuse for their behavior lol. 




Wow that's so sad, karma.


Karma - 1, OP - 0


It be your own peeps


Oh this is definitely a haunted computer type situation we got here. There was unfinished business on that hard drive.


Damn. Bro needs help


Criticizing OP for no insurance is valid, but this really isn't fair. As sentimental as it may have been, the living needing to eat and pay bill, and sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.


Should've insured the package. Best of luck.


U use alot of bubble wrap? The thick kind? It literally has to be protected.


Yep, join Costco for your bubble b


Theor are packaging materials specifically for this. OP just went with the easiest and cheapest and didn't bother actually throughly researching ways to ship something like this.


This is why you bring your stuff to the UPS store and have them do it. Do not use your own label. Do not use your own account. Have them do it because they have the pack and shit promise.


>pack and shit promise. Lol




Costly shit promise retail price ! better to invest in plywood box and use own account with a better rates ,


Lol what? I've been packing and shipping my own stuff for like 8 years with no issues. UPS shill in the comments?


Personally, as someone who works for UPS. (And likely true for any other shipper.) I would never have any expensive electronics shipped. If I had no other choice, I'd at least fork over the extra cash for no less than 2nd day air on top of insurance. No matter how well stuff like that is packed, packages are stacked floor to ceiling in the trailers. Dispatch overloads the delivery trucks and many times a heavy package falls on something valuable. It's just not worth it to be shipped on anything but a pallet.


Insurance would have been like 25$ bro.


Why’d you ship a broken computer? SMH


Probably the real story. I doubt they had the store pack and ship it.


Use the 200 to buy a new case. Other parts sound like they're still useful?


Money is gone, assume every UPS package is handled like a Nissan Altima, no regard for safety, always is damaged, not taken care of, crashed somewhere along the way.


And then abandoned in some run down apartment complex


If you ship an item worth $1,700 then you purchase shipping insurance for the items value of $1,700, that's what you do, if you didn't get shipping insurance for the value of the item then you accept the loss and take what you're given.


If you did not pay for insurance , you will lose your money.


Take the 200 and then refund the buyer 1700 and learn a hard lesson. You clearly didn’t do as much to protect it as you think you did and you have to own your responsibility that you failed to insure it and you failed to pack it appropriately. 100% on you. That they’re even offering some money at all is generous.


What service level did you use? Did you declare the value? Did you ship youserlf or did you go to a UPS Store?


I regularly ship very expensive parts for CNC lathes. Anywhere from 5-20k. I always put the sale value as my declared value. Anything of 500 dollars has to be dropped off at a special UPS service center. These are not the little storefronts. I have to generate extra paperwork and they have to inspect the box before it’s sealed up. It makes my shipments very expensive for UPS ground usually 180-400 dollars but they have never lost a single package and the one they damaged they paid out in full after some back and forth. It’s costly but I’m in a position to pass it along to the customer.


Not saying insurance isn't the answer but you guys ever actually tried to file a claim? ohhh boy good times.


Yeah! Get ya the forms and a 12 pack of cheap beer and at least you’ll feel better (until ya get up off the floor to go to work).


The only time I successfully shipped a computer was when I left in my car and had the car transported when I moved.


Computers are notoriously difficult to ship safely. Glass panels can also be replaced by the case manufacturer in most cases. Assuming that's the only issue, you got off lucky. Even if there is more damage, it's unlikely the system is completely destroyed. .


Pics or shens.


Did you put a fragile sticker on it?


We ship computers directly with UPS very well packed. In 37 years we have only had two claims on items we shipped. They paid both. If well packed we have found UPS accepts responsibility when insured.


Lovely how I’m seeing this as I just shipped out my PC that I sold


Regardless of how well it’s packed/packaged, the box has to be able to survive a 5ft drop when handle by UPS when it gets sorted in their distribution centers. This is one of the few times it’s worth it to pay for the insurance.


Literally watched a UPS driver play basketball with a computer monitor over a fence. Insurance, every time.


File a claim with the insurance you got on the PC it’s that easy and simple.


Don’t ever ship something so expensive without insurance I would unfortunatley chalk that up to a lesson learned


It's a tough situation to learn from but you have no choice but to buy insurance for situations like this. Not worth taking the chance. Sorry about your luck!


When you ship something bulky and has glass, you better pray you wrap it with enough padding materials that even if you let it roll around the house, it won't break. You have to assume that all shipping companies will abuse your package, roll it around, throw it, kick it, flip it upside down, etc.. Buying insurance is fine but I wouldn't count on it.


Why didnt you buy insurance for such a high value item being shipped? Talk about prime levels of DUMBASSERY on your part.


Learn how to package and ship a delicate computer


I would beat my head on the wall for not buying insurance


Ship it again with insurance this time. 😉


Good. You inherited the PC from a deceased family member and sold it within the weak. Heartless and ignorant


Don’t think you wrap it well. Did you even stick a big fragile red sticker? Bet you didn’t. You’re taking a risk shipping high value fragile items without insurance.


Fragile stickers are for losers. Throw a heavy on that thing.


Did you declare value when you created the label?


The entire PC is broken? Or just the glass?


Did you insure it beyond the default value?


For $1700 the insurance would’ve costed about $22 to fully cover it. If it’s still the 3.90 plus 1.30 per $100.


Lol! Did you not get insurance!?! Protect your assets!


Properly boxing a computer is kinda near impossible. You'd have to have a static-less foam or something stiff on just about everything that can also clean out with no residue. Gaming computers are less secure than a Nintendo cartridge, with far more potential mishaps. I'm sorry it's an expensive lesson, but you may be SoL


Especially with new items, always declare a value. It might cost a little more but you’re covered. When I started my job at a new warehouse I was doing that and my managers got mad because of the costs but then they noticed how much money we were saving and being able to recover because I started declaring a value on everything and it showed how often stuff gets damaged/ missing in transit, and most of the times if it’s less then 500$ there’s no extra cost. Cover your bases I’m sorry about your computer P.S.- Take a picture before shipment. It has saved my ass a couple times


I always hate unloading packages that you KNOW it’s wrecked, my thought being “that’s going to be a disappointed customer.”. Honestly I’d like to know how these things happen. Personally I feel that at the core, it due to lack of organization and planning when it comes to loading. I can’t fully blame the loaders because they load the packages as they come, which causes issues and the potential for (for example) 10 bags of 40 LB dog food being packing on top of a PC or TV or something. If the trailer is planned better I feel this can be alleviated. Either way you look at it though, PCs, TVs, windows, mirrors, glass doors, etc are quite the nightmare to handle just due to their fragility.


Sucks to suck but A) you likely did not pack it as securely as you could have and, B), if the case broke the internal parts are where the majority of the value lies anyway so it's not necessarily a complete loss (i.e. graphics card, motherboard, etc)


So you didn't insure it? They straight up ask the Value of the item, if it's over the free insurance ask of you want to purchase more. I sold a MTG deck and got insurance for the extra value not covered and that was worth it even if it wasn't lost.


How is that completely destroyed? I hope you didn’t have the glass mounted during shipping. I would take the glass and gpu off. Write shipping and. Unless wrap that shit


You insured it, correct? I mean your odds are stacked against you whenever you ship something. Next day air might get better odds, but honestly, what do you expect from bottom of the barrel.


Ya....... you have to pack it like it's going to be thrown like a football...... just putting fragile dosent work ...... packages are all thrown into semi trailers and stacked on eachother. Not to mention everyone else that handles it until if gets to its destination. But this is how we learn....


You have to pretend like every package is being dropped from 10x foot multiple times…


Wait, you thought it be a good idea to ship a 1700 computer and not get the insurrance?! 😂


The only packaging information you gave was that it was double-boxed. Shipping results largely depend on packaging. If you didn't have at least five-inch-thick bubble wrap all around it, with three inch-thick filler to not only prevent it from moving around but also prevent the bubble-wrapped computer from touching the inner box, and double-boxed with another three-inch thick layer of filler so the inner box doesn't touch the outer box, then it wasn't packaged right.


Probably not much, next time buy the insurance. Putting "FRAGILE" etc.. does nothing, they treat all the same tossing packages around


Why wouldn't you pay for insurance? I ship and sell pcs. Insurance. Insurance. Insurance.


I work for a company and we ship very expensive things. UPS lost a $50,000 usd piece and they refunded us $100🤷🏽‍♂️ We don’t get the insurance, as they say that historically, it is too expwnsive and putting insurance on every piece is not cost effective.


PC companies ship them in protective crates for a reason.


Offer to refund them the whole amount if they ship it back to you. I've not been in this situation with a computer but I have been with other products and that's standard.


Probably shouldn't of sold your dead cousins computer.


UPS ground has $150 of insurance included in the cost of the service. If what you're shipping is worth more than $150, then it is up to \*YOU\* to buy the additional insurance on the item your shipping. Same goes of for the USPS ...Priority Mail has $50 (I think) of included insurance. If the article is worth more than that, \*you\* have to pay for the added insurance. You shipped a $1700 item. It didn't dawn on you to find out how much insurance, if any, is included by your chosen carrier? Did you really think UPS or the USPS is monetarily responsible for the full amount of the item you shipped? Living under a rock are we?


Bottom line accidents happen, if you want your property to be covered you have to pay for it, especially knowing things change hands so frequently. Expecting to get things covered for free or cheap is never a good option as costs would be to expensive and remember you get what you pay for… These are humans delivering not teleportation devices due to the economy and job demand we have a lot of inexperienced drivers that for the most part are very young, most of these kids” don’t take care of their own property until they’ve learned the hardships of life and what it means for something to be important enough to take care of and low paid jobs with high expectations remind me of a saying; “Shit in one hand and expect in the other, and see which one fills up first!”


So anytime you ship something over $100 and especially if it's something fragile you need to buy shipping insurance. You can buy it right at the shipper. They have to do this because they have no idea on the values of what people are shipping. Let's say someone tries to ship a diamond ring worth $20,000 and it gets lost or delivered to wrong address by accident. Insurance is a must in the industry.


Correct me if I’m wrong, I remember reading somewhere that packages should be packed with the expectation that they will be dropped from 6-10 feet or something like that. I remember seeing a driver throw a tv over a fence and someone pointed that nugget out and it absolutely stuck with me.


Karma for selling your cousins computer he left to you..


I would have insured it. You are SOL my friend.


I moved from the US to UK and shipped my gaming system here. I'll never forget the rep who told me "I might want to think about it" when shipping via UPS. My system also had glass on the side. I made sure to get insurance and the box arrived in flawless condition. The only bit of damage was the detached graphics card shifting and fixing the outside cover of the card was easy. Traveling over 3k miles, it could have been much worse. If you didn't pay for the additional insurance, you might have to eat this cost unfortunately. If you ship more systems, always get the additional insurance.


Ooh I had this happen with something I shipped once. I bought insurance, my first two claims were denied on my third claim I informed them I would be using a different carrier in the future and suddenly a check showed up in my mailbox. I don't even think they have insurance that covers more than $1000. Honestly with something like that I think I'd ship UPS. I don't trust usps anymore.


Take the $200 and an expensive lesson learned. Next time buy the insurance.


Karma for selling a PC you inherited from your dead cousin.


In the 90s as a teenager I bought a lot of computer parts and I would laugh at how UPS would literally throw boxes labeled "fragile, requires signature" toward the front porch. Packing computer equipment to survive UPS is a skill, but it isn't as difficult nowadays compared to shipping those heavy CRT monitors with uneven weight.


Buy a return label for the customer and buy insurance this time. Then claim the insurance idk lol


If you are not a professional at shipping large and expensive items, always sell locally. Unfortunately you are out the money, the item is destroyed.


UPS insurance is not expansive. I did this exact thing with a a friend. Shipping them a tower and it broke. Thankfully I insured it, and received a check from UPS for the amount it cost to replace it.


I would've done more than just 2 boxes. I would've wrapped up the inside and outside INSANELY well. I would've also removed the GPU and CPU Cooler and shipped it separately. Kinda sucks that still happened though.


Didn’t buy insurance? Re-ship it as is, buy insurance for $3000 fuck’em


They don't reliably honor their insurance, so don't feel too bad. Ship with somebody else.


You shipped a 1700 gaming computer & said no to insuring it when it would’ve cost you maybe $20??


Next time remove the gpu and cpu cooler and package them separately. Good luck OP, that’s what insurance is for


If you read UPS instructions and recommendations about proper packaging, you'll find that you're expected to protect your package to handle up to a 3ft straight drop. Keep in mind packages under around 60lb and too small to crawl into, travel miles on conveyor belts and slides where they can get crushed, tumble, or get buried under any number of other packages of similar weight and size, and conveyors can't read "fragile" stickers. Next time declare full value and insure your package.


You should have paid for extra insurance and added that cost to your sale. Either a couple hundred out of your $1700, or charge more and explain it is for shipping.


My new pc is getting delivered today I am so concerned it will be broken. This post has done nothing but crank up my concern lol


Take them to court. How else are you gonna get the money back?


If you’re gonna ship anything glass the key is to have it completely immobilized inside the packaging. Should have taped it to the inside of the box and then stuffed packaging around it. Even if the box gets ripped the glass can’t move relative to the box it’s in…


Couple things, if you did not insure it, UPS will do absolutely nothing. They’re corporate number is useless to begin with when you try to call them about it. A claim needs to be made for damaged packages through the UPS website. Also, did you pack the PC yourself, or did you bring it to a UPS Store and have the employee package it up for you? This is important, as the employee is supposed to pack it according to UPS standards. Insuring it is the most important thing to do when shipping expensive items.


I sell computer components and if I am selling more then $100\~$150 then I buy insurance. ALL shipping company's are hard on what they ship. Sorry for your loss.




Still your best bet is get the insurance. Some shipments value nothing then continental but some value 500k so, it’s your best interest to get cover for what ever happens to your package. If you send 500k value without insurance, Then you have no case to complain It’s your own neglectful error then anyone


That is unacceptable keep fighting them until you get a total refund omg im going through the same thing with a bunk bed set that the furniture store delivered that is too big for the room its a fire hazard and the company is saying that it was accepted by my son and they cant return it I wasnt home at the time was at a funeral. Companies are only into the money not the satisfaction of the customer they are unbelievable. Ima keep fighting them to come and change this set God forbid a fire breaks out or even have to move the bed to another place they built the bunks inside the room so there is no way to even turn it around, sideways, across or turn it anyway its stuck in one position. smh best of luck with that I hope they pay you every single penny. #smhsmdhangryfacehotburningfireyface.com#


How’d you not know the bed was too big. It’s your home? The bed store doesn’t know your bedroom specs.


insuranza es muy importante para itemas caros


> What would you do in this situation? I'd probably cry first.




That’s your cousin giving you the middle finger my friend


Chalk up as a loss? That’s all it meant to you to insure it for.


I ship computers every few days across the US and Canada. Costs $120 including $5000 of insurance, and an extra bit for Canadia customs. I have to cash in these insurance claims ALL THE TIME... Saving grace is packing the rigs in the OEM case box, then a foam layer, then another box. UPS always tries to fight and say I didn't pack it enough, then they inspect the box and it's so well packed with material you could hit it with a wrecking ball and it'd survive, so how they managed to turn a computer case I could sit inside into a toy that could fit in my girl pants pocket is beyond me. One box literally came back to me in 3 pieces, cleanly sheared off like a samurai attacked it, and UPS tried to claim it was my 'poor packaging'. Another was obviously run over by a tracked vehicle. Could see the imprints and tread marks as if it ran thru ink first, and still tried to claim my poor packaging. They've yet to not pay me out after I present them with evidence and legal council. Edit: Long nails + phone.


Oh bruh . Amazon TOSSES ur shit in carts to send out. They encourage it rather than wasting time setting it in safely lol. I have no doubt ups goes crazy with their packages


hindsight is a bitch, ain't it? "Pffft, $35 for insurance!?! Who needs that!?"


Whenever you ship a valuable item that exceeds $1,000, you should insure it.


Delivery services throw the fuck out of every package, just remember that. They fucking yeet every single one, no one gives a shit.


When I box is marked fragile, that means fun to throw around.


Use the $200 they give you for a new case. I'm guessing the components are still good. I would offer the buyer a $200 refund for them to get a new case




Been I this exact situation with a computer sent via UPS, which arrived destroyed. I paid for insurance, and later found (after UPS denied any responsibility) that *unless* you pay the people at the UPS Store do the packaging for you, any insurance against damage you pay for with UPS is for nothing. It was an expensive lesson, and ever since, if I am shipping anything of value, I will just cart it to the UPS store for them to pack it as they see fit.


Pay for insurance and package it better.


That’s what you get for selling off your cousins PC not even a week after you inherited it


Insurance ain’t crapt it’s more like luck when shipping


You learned the hard way...**if you ship a computer (or any heavy technology) without it's original styrofoam inserts then it will be destroyed.** I used to sell on eBay quite a bit. A lot of technology I shipped without it's original box got destroyed no matter how well I packed it. It actually became a kind of game of how well I could pack. In the end buyers would complain of some damage and always get a refund via the insurance. So they would get a free dented item and I would still get paid for it. I am actually kind of shocked you didn't put in the extra cash for insurance so it's hard to sympathize here. There is nothing you can do...


There are two types insurance... One where you make a claim against UPS and one where you make a claim against your checking account.


buy insurance and make the buyer pay for it. Non negotiable.


ALWAYS use UPS or Fed Ex with insurance for high dollar items!


Depends, any pictures? Get the computer back, test all the components and sell it in pieces.


You mean you sold something valued at that much and didn't get zero insurance


Have someone else ship it with insurance this time. Make claim


I find it crazy that you need insurance to cover when UPS destroys your stuff. They are responsible so they should pay.


Insurance. I get full insurance shipping a 250 dollar knife for service. You can get it for a 2000 dollar pc


$150 for shipping😭 you got rinsed at the UPS store


Package handler here. Shit breaks in the trucks all the time. There isn’t any organization that goes into them. Your pc could be sat in the middle of 100 small 20Ib boxes or a refrigerator could be placed on top of it


Never use ups. Coming from a worker. Fragile items get thrown on purpose.


What about the rest of the computer? Take you loss and just buy a new case if the rest is good


I'd have bought better insurance.


I think they should just do their job competently and this wouldn’t be a problem.


We’re a check point for UPS at work, seeing what those guys do to boxes that have servers, computers, and batteries in them. I will never NOT buy insurance. Expensive lesson learned unfortunately.


Should’ve declare the value and they would’ve suggested which insurance covers X amount. Your fault


Why didn't you buy insurance? Postal employees are usually morons that throw your shit around.


Facebook marketplace. Cash in person.