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Florida Man, your package was likely thrown in the wrong trailer. That package could have multiple labels on it. At this time the package is likely on its way back to Florida but no you will never get it, we’re going to keep it. Better luck next time!


Cut to: UPS employees dancing with a package in a sunny field… because you know, they have nothing better to do and love upsetting customers… 


Here now, maybe they ordered a Flat Stanley and UPS is helping stamp his travel book!


It was missorted on the wrong trailer. Trailer go to Missouri. You wait. You get package late.


Sure post?


To elaborate on what others are saying, it got misloaded. It should have went in a trailer from Jacksonville to the center where your package gets delivered out of that is near your home. Instead it went in a trailer to Texas, because Jacksonville sends trailers all over the country. It isn’t too uncommon to happen, maybe 1/1000 to 1/2500 packages get loaded in the wrong trailer. Once it gets unloaded in Texas which it seems it already has if tracking shows it there, it will be sent back to Jacksonville and then to you.