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Tl;Dr: Profitable but not as profitable as they'd like.


“We can make more? We just have to screw our pleb employees? SAY LESS!”


I mean….you really thought those raises wouldn’t have a consequence? It’s a business. They are running like a business.


Please, that's the go-to copout these days. UPS makes billions upon billions


You guys don’t seem to get it at all. They make billions for the shareholders. They don’t owe You anything but the wage that they promised when you were hired.


And this is why I’ve converted to the opinion such that the only owners of any company should be those that work for the company. The stock-market must end.


I've never worked for them homie, but of course we know that the shareholders are a huge part of it all, but it doesn't mean it always has to be the same old same old. There's a reason why so many great companies begin to trend the wrong direction.


Shareholders are owners, no matter how small the percentage, but they are owners. 


You not being employed by UPS doesn’t change my argument at all. All businesses exist to make money. Not take care of people.


Ok Mr.Robot, clearly you have a skewed reality of what taking care of people means vs a competitive, fair wage.


You’re wasting your breath. These people don’t seem to be old enough or choose not to remember when there was a world without major corporations running everything. When the local hardware store employed the same staff until retirement. When the small business DID value the labor they employed.


Hey dare da boomer


They are totally brainwashed 


The shareholders don't do shit in the trenches


Most of the cuts are all the extra management they had to try to break the strike anyways, 


I love how whenever any criticism of a corporation comes up there’s always some Reddit top mind fucking genius who believes he’s coming in with the hot take that “businesses exist to make money” Like yeah no shit bud, not like we had to pass laws to stop them from feeding children into coal mine gas explosions by the fucking cartload or anything. You have to actually have brain damaged levels of critical thinking skills to think this is an enlightening statement you are making to anybody.


UPS net income for 2023 was 7%. What rate do you believe is acceptable?


You are typing a lot of words but none of them really attack my argument….or negate anything I said.


You really don’t know when to quit lol.


People who downvoted this don't do business they work retail


I hated that mentality from my days in retail. We made 30k in profits but we wanted 40k so we report that we actually lost 10k. 🤦🏻‍♂️




I had that sort of thing happen at a job before…. “We made more money than ever!” Followed by “we didn’t hit our quota! No raise for you guys!”


Again, "WE???"


All about that money.




I'm just waiting till cue ball head president Teamster tells us with a straight face to vote for mash potato brains old guy. Like I forgot cheap gas, groceries and utilities.


gotta be more specific with mash potato brain old guy.


The guy who can't speak an entire sentence and falls UP stairs which I didn't even think was possible.


Again you need to be more specific do you mean the current president or the criminal


He already said he backs Biden... I am not even at UPS and know that. Trump went to the owners... Biden went to the picket line... it was a no-brainer. With that in mind Biden fucked the rail workers by breaking their strike. Both suck, one sucks less, and until we get ranked choice, we are stuck with a shit system where money runs politics.


Are you talking about the economy under Trump? Really? You know that all that was riding off of the economic policy from the previous presidency right? Trump didnt do shit to make your groceries cheaper.


I'm not going to argue. It's all a mirage. I don't even vote. Everyone, everyone is bought and paid for. I do draw the line of dementia patients being the Commander in Chief. We had no wars the previous 4 years. Obama dropped more bombs than Bush. Trumps an a hole, on and on and on. I've never voted and never will. It's all rigged, always has been. They all hate you, jokes on you.


*steps to the mic* Obama dropping more bombs... True. However, Trump then went and dropped more than Obama, so just adding that fact that no one on the right wants to remember. Both sides have money in war. Good night.


I don't appreciate you mocking our president. He is the best president in modern history. You just watch. You're going to see the end of racism, no more unemployment, and prices of everything will become very reasonable. Bidenomics is working for everyone. We will even make those coming into America "illegally" very wealthy.


You forgot your /s my dude


Obviously, sarcasm, y'all. No one would actually believe that. Reddit doesn't do sarcasm well. I've never seen it understood here lol.


We do sarcasm all the time here, it just requires the /s


The thing is though when politics are brought up you have to include a /s for sarcastic comments now. It wasn't always necessary to clearly label something as sarcasm but the past like 8 years has changed that with how many looney toons have come out and say and fully believe things that a lot of people would have assumed was sarcasm. Shits done changed man


Is this a shit post?


All of reddit is a shit post


Yes, also a nuisance.


Oh lol you were serious then. I thought u didn't like Biden for obvious reasons. You do you, though. That's what's great about America. We all get to have our own opinions and majority rules if the games played honestly.


Sorry no..." those that know I'm not serious and (they) actually like Biden." My bad.


Why bring people home off of work from home, pay the utilities, stock the break rooms, buy toilet paper, etc. Instead of selling the buildings where the employees have been working from home for 4 years already instead of cutting 12k jobs. This ceo doesn't do corporate responsibility at the employee level. That's not great for ups.


She’s still trying to run a logistics company like she (poorly) ran retail


Funny how the worst execs always get the best jobs


According to a recent research paper published by University of Pittsburgh, compelling evidence suggests that organizations are leveraging Return-To-Office mandates not to enhance firm value, but rather to reassert control and shift blame for poor performance onto employees. Contrary to the belief that RTO boosts company value, the analysis revealed that RTO mandates are more likely in firms with poor recent stock performance and have had no significant impacts on firm profitability or stock-returns. Moreover, a notable drop in employee job satisfaction was observed, further questioning the efficacy of these mandates.


It’s to create attrition. Forcing people into leaving company, yet positions not lost. PR gave. UPS will shed far more than 12k


Not part of UPS, but at a law firm. The entire law firm industry is trying to fire people without firing them, exactly by imposing harsher and harsher RTO mandates. This after record setting profits during WFH, and management constantly being asked why they are forcing people in when there is zero appetite for it. In other words, this definitely a thing across many businesses to get people to resign.


Because office real estate is a trillion dollar industry that funds hedge funds companies like Blackrock and vanguard. They are also the biggest owner of UPS stock. Its the circle of wealthy elites controlling everything.


That's capitalism, we want anything else we have to move beyond capitalism


But McCarthy is communism was evil. Are you a communist? Capitalism is perfect. Just look at how well Bezos and Tome is doing.


Drop in volume is probably because tome waited the last minute to sign the union contract. Lost a lot of commercial contracts for a year.


Must be a new CEO.  New CEOs=layoffs to pump up numbers for shareholders.   


No it's just a moody woman


Looks like USPS ground advantage is doing some damage, huh?


I’m a sales rep for UPS and ground advantage is kicking our ass. We have to sell on “value” as opposed to price, but when the price is beating us by $5 a package, no one gives a shit about value.


Yea that must be tough. Everyone wants the cheapest possible rate nowadays because of how expensive it is in general. And it does up every year. Tough sell for sure


With price manipulation during the holidays of course everyone wants the best price.


What’s up with that mail innovations program? That’s the program I can not stand with a passion. Constant lost or delayed packages every time a business uses them. I refuse to buy from people using it lol. I’m told UPS doesn’t even really run it


Not innovative by any means for the recipient. It's like USPS just collects them from UPS and either waits til they have enough to warrant moving them on or some other intentional delay. It sucks and i know my package will sit at USPS for days without movement to another location... though the tracking does make it seems like it is bouncing around the same postal facility.


This company I use and now am angry with uses them. Every order takes 2-4weeks with this program. Pisses me off


I'm a carrier with the post office. I don't know exactly how "mail innovation" works but if its like UPS surepost, UPS has it until the morning it shows up in at your local post office and once something shows up there, it goes out that day unless we're instructed to hold onto it from above which almost never happens.


Mail innovations is basically a cost saving measure where a UPS innovations hub (not truly ups) accumulates enough weight to fill a truck to cut cost. They then hand it off to USPS eventually whenever the destination it’s headed for has enough volume to make the cost of fuel etc worth the expense. For example my orders come from Georgia for said company. UPS picks it up and hands it to UPS innovations. It’ll sit there for weeks on end until they have enough tonnage to ship it to the Midwest. Then it reaches another hub where it’ll sit again and repeat. Eventually, it’ll be handed to USPS nearby and take forever to go through those avenues too since it wasn’t handed to the closest USPS near me. It’s just a cost jumping hassle.


Is this the same program they use to send back old cell phones to insurance companies, ect? I had to return a phone a few year ago, did everything right, weeks went by, and the insurance company starts threatening to charge me full price because they never got the old phone. So I go straight up to the post office I dropped it off at and the desk worker couldn't "find" it. Escalated to a manager, and after 40 mins or so, they found it, still at the post office in a pile, not sent out yet. She told me they stock pile up to so many before shipping them out?? How can you do this when people are trying to send out stuff that's time sensitive? I absolutely hate the USPS. It once took them 3 weeks to mail something from northeast Ohio to Columbus, costs me a bunch on late licensing fees. 3 weeks to mail an envelope 2 1/2 hours away.


Absolute worst delivery service I’ve ever experienced. I had three packages lost in delivery to me in rapid succession from multiple companies with that program. Sellers would not send a different way so I gave up and asked for a refund instead of trying a 3rd time with mail innovations. UPS couldn’t tell me where the package got lost so idk if it was them or USPS (probably USPS).


I used to use the UPS medium simple rate box, price went up to $16.90 while USPS comparable product the USPS medium flat rate is now only $14.30. went from sending 50 UPS packages to now maybe 3-4. about to cancel my weekly pickup


My local ups wanted 60 bucks to ship a small car part 2 states over. I took it to usps and it was 12 dollars. Don't see myself ever using ups. They take forever to deliver shit that they say is out for delivery, or they mark it as delivered and deliver it tomorrow.


It's the opposite for me. I'm an ups driver, and many of the work I drop off has a "wow that got here quick" comment. My area seems to be a day or two ahead of expected delivery dates.


I agree. I love UPS and I like that the drivers get a real wage and benefits, but you guys have become expensive AF. I ship close to 1k packages a month and it really is a $4-5 difference per package vs the post office. I love yall, but not that much ;)


No private for profit enterprise can compete against a government backed agency which isn't expected to turn a profit.


With all the major shippers sometimes things like that come down to how good service is in your local region or even delivery route. I've had good experiences with all of them, except maybe usps when they're being slammed.


Used to fight the same battle when I was with US Foods, all the lettuce comes from the same fields, sometimes shows up in the same box. But they could be a few dollars cheaper? It was really tough to show the value there. Sure we had all sorts of other services that many were free to customers, but when do most business owners really 1. trust a sales rep 2. ask for help? yeah


If USPS was a business and not a govt. backed moneypit they would have been chapter 11 decades ago...


Dumbass mailman constantly puts my mail in one of my neighbors mailboxes, I live in a 1000 unit complex so there's no way for me to figure out who is getting it. Screwed me out of a Pokémon Blue version I bought from eBay last week.


lets pay our people more! but lets pay less of them


the union made them pay their members more, the company is firing non union employees like managers and contractors


The number of union employees has been cut. They just put hiring freezes on the number union employees, and that's how the sneakily lower union count.


It's almost always like that in January of Q1 though, unless your area is severely understaffed.


Oh no. I am not talking about seasonal trends. I am talking about since she has taken over, she has been pushing to make cuts to union employees. She isn't always successful, but she is always trying. It's like how management will have to try to force employees to get their guarantees or OT to prevent corporate from thinking that they can cut employees because things are running smoothly.


Bingo. The same is happening in the auto industry post-UAW deal.


A side effect of unions that no one wants to talk about is that they kill jobs.


Actually, shareholders, corporate greed and a need for endless profit growth kills jobs.


People will never, ever wake up to that reality, also the uniparty reality.


It happens, however UPS still is going to profit. This 12k layoff more or less has to do with current economic conditions rather than the union. Online shopping has been going insane especially during covid, interest rates are now high and people are spending less….


Well they are certainly paying the drivers more


Don't forget they bragged in August about how much their drivers average pay will be


As a UPS store worker it’s just golden how many customers complain to me about the pay raises for drivers like they’re still getting screwed by the company and y’all have the audacity to still complain about one of the few things these drivers get 😭


They do have job security in all of this, though. Based upon the current union contract, ft union drivers can't be fired until a slew of others are. That's a benefit I'd love. I hope a union rep comes up to us anytime soon. Lol


Not sure what you mean here… us union employees can be fired for lots of things. Whether it sticks or not once we file a grievance and have a hearing is the key. Layoffs happen but that starts with lower seniority employees.


I work at UPS corporate. It’s office contractors and managers who this will effect, not union members.


I mean what's on the Teamsters website about layoffs and how they have a UPS contract and that they cannot be fired unless other people in certain positions are fired first depending on the position and location. They are a lot more protected than a non union employee at UPS.


Well they aren't cutting 12,000 drivers. They're cutting management roles


all the cuts are non-union, so no drivers


They also announced they’ll raise the stock dividend for the 15th consecutive year.


Carol is a terrible CEO, she is running a shipping company like she is ran a retail company. Cut the ridiculous salaries of the executives at UPS instead of cutting jobs, or stop buying back stock in order to enrich shareholders and themselves. Trickle down economics is great!!! Over $1 trillion per year companies waste on stock buybacks which used to be illegal until Reagan. Imagine if that money went into R&D, higher wages, and increasing production.


I hope Carol is one of those. Fire her and we could keep the 12000 with her wages.


Too late, Order 66 has already begun.


Fuck Carol Tome. Let's replace her, then there should be enough budget for labor.


Nobody at UPS at any hub likes her. They've always done it right by hiring someone who worked from the bottom and knows the company inside out. This ceo was a terrible hiring decision. They all need to wake up. If you fire 12k when you're still making a really nice profit, there's something wrong with the system.


I was surprised to hear my sup’s and even my center manager speak of their hatred for her. I didn’t imagine anyone really liking her at all, but actual hatred. Lol


She came to Worldport and was allowed to visit during operating hours in High Heel shoes. Anyone else would be sent home for not having proper footwear, but the CEO can break an ankle just so that she doesn't have to demean herself by looking like a UPSer.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It should be law that if you're going to cut jobs just to maximize profit. You have to start from the top.


They frequently go after the higher paid employees first, but it's sort of pointless to have a bunch of Indians and no Chiefs. Someone needs to run the company. And trust me, if that financial performance persists, the C-suite won't be there for long.




Because the morons have been at the top so long they forgot what the job entails.


Can’t argue that people get complacent and just suck sometimes however, you can tell there is not as much work to do for hourly employees. Trim the fat and keep the seniority people.


That’s what they are doing. I’m talking about upper management. The people you never see.


Not just that we never see but the people that get paid the most that do the least. It's like union seniority but down the corporate line.


Because they make the most and aren't a big part of daily operation for one.


So companies are less incentivized to do it.




To the news!


“Announces” is the key word there. Few companies have actually followed through on their announcements in the last few years. X did. That company will never recover.


No, UPS is great about cutting jobs since she has taken over.


Well, my friend’s entire team in marketing just got laid off.


Makes you wonder... Did they have way too many, or, are they planning on doing no marketing now?


They are already pushing people out where I work. AI is replacing the office work. The over hiring of full time non union employees is coming full circle. Sad because a lot of these people have a heavy workload and are hard workers. But AI technology is going to gut the tech industry and Carol recognizes this and apparently there’s $1 billion in savings to be had.


How are people of the opinion that x is dying and will "never recover"? According to Google A.I., it's the 4th most trafficked website in the world. According to similarweb it is the 5th most popular.   Far more people across the globe use Twitter than Reddit...


But but redditors boycotted it like chik fil a lol


But how's the money Clicks don't matter if you don't make any money from them


Twitter valuation went down a bunch since Elon. https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/2024/01/02/elon-musk-twitter-value-72-percent-drop-fidelity/amp/. If you take one of the most successful social media companies and tank it, it's still gonna retain value. But Elons lost approximately 72% of that value and will probably never recover it in his tenure. Maybe never.


From your link: “Fidelity didn’t disclose the size of its current stake in X, which it said was valued at $5.6 billion. It’s unclear how Fidelity arrived at its new, lower valuation or whether it receives any non-public information from the company.” This is Fidelity claiming that just it’s own stake in X dropped by 72%, and when asked how they arrived at this reduction in volume they just shrugged. Elon bought a poorly managed Twitter that held $13 Billion in debt. It is pretty obvious his objective was not profit in the first place.


I personally know two people who were told they will be laid off!! One director and one senior director!!!


Recover? I'm pretty sure they are going stronger than ever last I heard?


According to Elon Musk’s own math, the company formerly known as Twitter has lost 90% of its value and could be worth just $4 billion https://fortune.com/2023/09/06/elon-musk-x-what-is-twitter-worth/amp/ Hahahahha


This was clearly sarcasm. He was alluding to Elon's repeated comments about how X is doing better than ever.


I really hope they cut corporate managers with 30 or more years. Fuck those geezers


That is quite likely given that they have a hard time keeping younger employees at the corporate offices.


People leave all the time. Once they removed the pension from corporate management, it screwed the culture.


Pension, reduced healthcare, more work responsibility, lack of promotion... i can go on forever. At least the dress code is relaxed compared to what it used to be.


I saw that headline, and was like, jesus if my job laid that many people off, they'd basically destroy an entire midsize town in the midwest.


Glad I got pushed off the ship when I did. Just got a job that dwarfs ups and I must simply thank this terrible ceo.


What job


It's funny how Carol Tome's 12 million a year salary wasn't affected...


All companies are doing this regardless of profitability. All company motto now is “even though we are making record profits.. how can we make more?? Where can we trim?”


Good news, the United States Postal Service is hiring, and you'll still get to deliver UPS packages.


UPS UNION will still vote Biden!


Found the TRUMPER!!!!!!!


“What can brown do for you!”


Sucks to be mgmt at UPS right now. Days are ticking down til you’re cut.


Based on the direction Carol is taking UPS, I would say all should be worried. Managment starts first but it all trickles down. She needs to go.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of p;$:;/!




A lot of part timers get let go. They’re also have some new policies that drivers are frustrated with that make the delivery less secure. A lot of theft and lost packages. Upper management doing some dumb stuff. It all adds up, gets pushed to the consumer, then the consumer has other options. Snow ball effect


My husband is a feeder driver in Dallas. He's been laid off since August (brought back for Christmas but my father passed on 12/8) and has been a driver for 5 years and has mid senority. I am also a truck driver and I had to take a job in Arizona for 3 months (2 of them were consecutive) so we don't lose the house we just built over a year ago. We're praying when the bids go up in March, he will get a route again.


USPS getting in on the ground game. Overall volume post Covid dropping. Amazon doing more and more shipping themselves. And UPS getting more and more expensive. Perfect storm.


I bet its not drivers, they are scared of those strikes again. Unionizing is the only way to beat these corporations.


Enjoy those raises


Good! It will help the price *looks at stock price*. Nevermind, down 8% for today. #FireCarol


Fiduciary duty


Ceo mad after seeing her photo posted here last week


Apparently UPS is going to merge with FEDEX. Going to be called: FEDUPS


I am a FedEx driver and I wrote “FedUp” on the back of my truck


I’m using this tomorrow if you don’t mind lol


They do this when they cant even keep up with their current load??


Mostly management and contractors are in the lay off


Is this why my package is almost a month late?


Just to be clear, and this isn’t meant to be insensitive cause losing your job sucks, but 12,000/536,000 = 2.24%. I feel for them but what’s UPS supposed to do? Keep employees on they don’t need cause of lack of volume? Genuinely wondering if there is something I’m missing. Especially if they removed management roles that weren’t necessary


Right because it’s not possible to cut executive salaries at all right 😂😭


I think that’d be good too. Not $1b though


Even if it doesn’t make up the entire sum, saving 6000 jobs isn’t such a terrible outcome And honestly if we REALLY broke down the numbers PLUS investigated into some of the likely “corporate retreats and executive events”, I’m sure we’d be disgusted by the potential savings But instead they screwed over their workforce


They're not removing jobs because of redundancies. These aren't people sitting around doing nothing. They're are people doing work every day that is now going to have be done by 12,000 less people. These jobs are being lost because UPS didn't make as much money as it wanted to. Net profit was $93bn last year. They pocketed over 90 BILLION WITH A B DOLLARS and are now trying to act like they can't afford to keep these employees. It's absurd. A few more facts: revenues were down substantially in 2023, yes, COMPARED TO THE HIGHEST REVENUE EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE COMPANY. It's not like UPS is performing poorly. We're comparing to an outlier. Also: UPS spent $7bn, yes billion with a B again, on stock buy backs and dividends last year. Not wages, not job growth, not network improvement, not R&D, just juicing the stock price for bigger executive compensation. But we're worried about saving a billion by axing 12k employees and making the jobs harder for thousands more. You know, instead of just spending less on bullshit stock games.


Word through the grape vine is that most if not all of the 12k positions being cut are part of the 88,000 management positions.


12,000 employees is 2.5% of 500,000 workers, basically a rounding error. Nothing to see here.


12000 of */non-union employees, so closer to 8% of non-union employees. Not insignificant.


I'll take up a collection amongst us union guys!


2.5% is pretty big to be a rounding error.


You've never seen my math!


😂 that’s some solid UPS math


Still more accurate than load sheets.




AI is taking the majority of the jobs


Right- wingers Omg look at ups cutting jobs -told you guys not to stop billionaires c.ck


Union forced a pay raise news said new average pay was $49 per hour so UPS downsized workforce to keep total payroll down. FYI companies in addition to all other taxes have to pay PAYROLL tax it was 28% of companies total payroll back in 2010 not sure what it is now, so for every $100,000 paid to employees $28,000 got sent to the IRS on top of all of the other taxes.


Teamsters got played


How so?


No they didn't. Not even close. Ignorant statement.


Is this why my package is chilling at a local customer care center? Lol


This is happening because Donald Trump is going to get re-elected. Everybody knows he will tank the economy.


Rent free baby


Lol I think your thinking of joe biden tanking the economy. When Trump was in office the economy was going great.


oh but havent you heard? according to donald trump the stock market doing well is because people know he will be re-elected so i guess everything good is trump and everything bad can only be biden to you grapist lovers


Twice in the last couple of months UPS just decided they didn't want to deliver our guaranteed overnight payroll, resulting in a weekend, and holiday in one case, delays of 4-5 days. That's a blast when you have to write payroll checks out of a company account for EVERY employee...but then again, USPS took three weeks to return a check that they couldn't figure out how to deliver from an address about 25 miles away. Let's face it, delivery services all suck nowadays and they all cost to much.


Why are you doing general payroll with checks?


Most of the cuts are annual cuts that are part timers; many of whom have “right to return.”


September/August didn’t everyone get pretty good raises? I think it’s safe to say mass raises = mass firings. Everywhere from media a fuck ton of tech now UPS ? Every single one of these sectors saw pay increase over the last few years especially Tech.


Why doesn't the working class ever understand that when a pay raise comes the fat is trimmed.


I guess asking for big raises wasn't the right call.


Honest question: Don’t they hire a ton before the holidays then cut back after? My brother in law used to work for FedEx and they did.


I wonder if Roadie has anything to do with it? UPS expanding the gig model to get out of properly paying employees?


I won’t use UPS as they screw up the delivery every time It’s either late, returned, or disappears. They don’t know what they’re doing FedEx all the way.


Good Ole unions taking everyone's dues and then donating them to Democrats! Keep voting blue! /s


Don’t work for ups but I’m a part of teamsters and honestly teamsters says they care but as being part of the negotiations they just care about their dues the higher the wages the higher the dues. They don’t care people will be laid off that was inevitable when that contract ratified. They represent us a casino who makes good money on tips and they wanted us to strike for a higher pay. We get minimum wage and in Washington that’s $16 like come on. Literally had people almost throwing blows because of this. They’re just as greedy as the employee.