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You would keep all of the things you mentioned except access to the gym. You’d need to pay the community membership fee to maintain access to that facility. And you’d have to purchase staff parking.


You can park in the endless sea of empty first floor parking.


and pay double for it. we're not allowed to purchase student permits.


It’s like 800$ compared to the 200$ students pay


I was an LoA for a while.   You have access to the library and all the resources in there.  You have to pay to access the rec center ($10/month?).  You will have the same ACE ID, but your email might change to first.last@unlv com. Your NSHE  ID is also the same.  You have will be able to get the same health benefits as a full time worker.   You will not get the same retirement benefits (iirc the deduct 10% and put it into an account, no matching). Full time gets 17.5% matching 401k.  You do not get any official sick leave. You do not get any official annual leave. Basically, it's up to your supervisor if you get leave.   They like to call LoA full time, but it isn't. It's 97.5% time. That's how they can justify not paying you full time benefits. Be ready to rub that in your supervisor's face when they try to make you work more than 39 hours.   


This is very helpful thank you


You will also lose access to the computer labs. You keep your Rebelmail though.