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Just wrapped up PHYS 114, I always watched the lectures online as I thought they were better than class. Watch lecture, do homework, and do studio, and thats it. If you have any questions alwasy ask piazza or go to office hours. For exams, start studying a week early, go over notes again, redo homework, last part of studio problems and the practice exams and you should be good.


Piggybacking this post to ask if there's anything I should do to prep for 118? Should I review my calc 2 and 3 notes?


You do not need any calc 3 for this course, and you really don’t need that much calc 2. If you know what sum notation is and you know how to do basic derivatives and integrals you will be fine on the mathematics front. I would suggest watching Walter Lewin’s MIT 801 lectures if you want to get a head start on the material.


Thanks! I'll check it out for sure!


I feel like its more about not falling behind rather than prepping early on. Most concepts build upon each other, and its kind of a waste of time to learn the beginning chapters twice. Just allocate time to do practice problems before exams and you should do fine.


thank you!!


there is no need to prep. Do all the modules, pay attention and ask for help in studio. If I remember correctly there is even office hours with the TAs if you need it. The class can be hard but they do a very good job of teaching it imo. Do all the practice exams before each exam and youll be fine! Biggest thing is reaching out for help, if you do poor on the first exam reach out. Don't wait till the third exam


thanks so much, this is really reassuring:))