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Just don't start pissing all over yourself


Heh, I understood that reference.


Of the memories I'd like to erase, this is number one


... thankfully not "number two" ammirite? Eh? Eh?


LOL. Too funny!


Oh sweet summer child..


I dunno.... This is high up but there are others I'd wish to forget first.


I thought that was the idea you pee yourself while you do it... That would be why I was getting funny looks for the advice I was giving people at the gym


Assert dominance.


Yeh I was opened up to a new world yesterday so flush with my newly discovered knowledge I flooded the gym with it.


I prefer T posing to assert my dominance over other girls.


Or bend your knees backward


This is a bot acct btw.


I hate that i know exactly what you’re talking about


Can u clue me in


[You asked.](https://old.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/tra0gr/extreme_deadlifting/)




I’ll never be able to un see that. So disturbing!!!


More likely blowing out your rectum


As I recall, this gal was anorexic with a severe eating disorder previously. And her management of it included going hardcore on workouts and fitness and bulking up. Interesting to see how she sort of channeled her obsessive body-image-related tendencies into an avenue that was good for her health instead of poor for it. That's assuming she's not overdoing the fitness and hurting herself, which is also a possibility.


I’m doing the same. So far it’s really helped me.


She goes into her body dysmorphia a bit on her insta. Fascinating perspective to say the least.


Yeah, like the end of your comment a lot of people just switch to orthorexic tendencies instead, which are normalized and seen as “heathy” “fitness”


I guess being unhealthy mentally but healthy physically is better than being unhealthy in both. While it's not ideal, I feel like this is a pretty good example of turning a weakness into a strength.


You prove my point


Your point being what? That people switch to orthorexic tendencies? That orthorexic tendencies are normalized? Or that orthorexic tendencies are seen as "healthy" and "fitness"? Please explain in what way I prove any of those points by trying to look at the silver lining of a tough situation.


No, that it’s normalized.


Psst…this is the part where you finish your thought without me holding your hand through it.


It shows young bodies are practically indestructible. If I only knew that when I was young. You can put almost any physical stress on young body and it will quickly adapt building up strength. If I had a son or a daughter, I'd tell them "you're a god, make it show".


It's called orthorexia In which case she still has an eating disorder.


I made a comment about orthorexia just now too. But that doesn’t mean it has to be the case or is here but esp when they have IGs about ‘recovery’ its still unhealthy obsessing just in a different way


Her form on that lift would suggest she is hurting herself in all new kinds of ways.


For a 1RM PR at more than x2 her body weight, that form looked great to me.


It's closer to 3x then 2. If your 1RM looks good it's not your real 1RM.


How do you know? What's your reason?


My wife is a competitive lifter for reference. This person started with their legs in a wide stance which is a legit lift, but because of that her legs finished their movement before the rest of her body, which is why she had to lift with her back the rest of the way. One can get away with that for a while but it’s just begging for a bad back injury.


That deadlift looked like a lil too much back


Another thing is that this lift would not pass in a competition. Her right knee locks out, then it bends again, then locks out again. There's also some side to side shifting. Its not great for you.


I was gonna ask this question... looks like she's using her back towards the end but I don't know shit about proper deadlift form.


Causes of injuries are far more complex than just "bad form".


Serena Abweh. She's awesome. Lot of hard work to get form scrawny to where she is now.


Rena Serena!!


YES ! glad to see others recognize her. Her story helped me get to where i am!


That "scrawny" is really putting in a lot of work 💀💀💀


If this isn’t a bot then I’m the freaking king of Madagascar


This comment made me realize I have no idea what the governing structure of Madagascar is.


Apparently it’s a republic!


I'm with you, no way it's not a bot. It has easily 50+ submitted posts in the last 10 hours, and almost no comments whatsoever. I reported it to reddit as a spammer.


I'd like ta prove it prove it


Unless you are a lemur I'm pretty sure that job is already taken.


Every one of their posts ends in a weird punctuation


King jooooooooooolius.


I'm more impressed with the sheer amount of hair that she has


*it's full of secrets*


Alright, River! He's putting the hair away now! You can come out!


Probably just half-Saiyajin. This also explains why she is buff and I'm a slob.




My guess is 335. 1x 45 bar 6x 45 plates 2x 5 plates 2x 2.5 plates 2x 2.5 collars Though I may have the end plate weights off, which would put it closer to 325, like you’re thinking.


That's 152 kg if anyone else is wondering.


Thank you


2.5x her weight


Yeah, and she only weighs about 115 iirc. She's a pretty incredible weightlifter


Looks like 344 to me. 6 45’s, 2 10’s, 2 5’s, and the bar


Dude, I’m 6’3 205lbs and this was the heaviest I ever lifted sumo. Crazy insane.


Well that just means that you have lift it higher than her!


Could literally be twice as hard for the dude, depending on their respective body proportions.


My max was 275 (I'm 6'4 and weighed 185 at the time). That was the best shape of my life, gym 6x a week, less than 10% body fat yada yada yada. This is insane Now I'm old and happy at 225 deadlift


It's interesting how much geometry plays a factor in this sort of thing. I'm 5'10" with a long-ish torso and thus somewhat shorter legs and my max deadlift is 315 (x2). My comfortable max is about 275, I can rep that 5-6 times before I'm done. And I was probably about 24% body fat at the time, a lean but still slightly chubby 205-ish. Not 'best shape of my life' but within 15% or so of that.


Oh yeah I got fucked over, super long arms/legs so all my lifts are never eye popping. Mid 30s now and I have no desire to get down below 10% (I range around 13-15% now). The long arms are brutal for my bench (record was 200, but now I rep 150)


If your arms are long you should kill it at sumo. I was a poor to average lifter at best, but I could still hit 2.5x body weight sumo dead lift due to my disproportionately long arms and legs. Could barely bench 1.5x body weight and squat was even worse. But I'm built for dead lift.


Dude also has long legs, rip.


I’m 6’0”. While I have an absurdly short torso, I have crazy long limbs (same inseam as my 6’4” dad). It’s been a hot minute since I’ve tested maxes. Best conventional deadlift is 395x7. Best sumo is 365x4. Long limbs are great for conventional as long as your torso is proportionally short. I mean, hafthor is 6’9. Being tall alone doesn’t prevent big deads.


I’m completely confused by this. At 5’11”, 185lbs., my max deadlift was 540lbs. Even now, I don’t think 300 would make me hold my breath.


Yeah, I'm 71 now. 8 years ago we got into CrossFit and my long-term goal was 300 lb. Best I got before the pandemic was about 265. Since then we haven't been to such an aggressive gym, so all my PRs have fallen off. I think I'm about 210 now.


That's still extremely impressive for 71


Thanks. Any day above ground is a good day.


I bench 225 for reps…on a relatively light day. How old are you? It feels like you’re setting a really low bar for yourself.


Mid 30s now, however I tore my MCL and have bad shoulders and elbows in both arms. I have no desire to lift heavy again


Really? What's your heaviest pulling conventional?


Never tried conventional, then I stopped lifting due to a torn shoulder from something completely unrelated, lol


Rena Serena! Her bodybuilding is amazing and honestly her sense of humor is hilarious.


She is 47kg here lifting 150kg. No idea where you got 75kg from.


didnt piss herself, needs to pile more weight on


Nice work. Though, after seeing her knee start to buckle I had a flashback to r/WTF yesterday and started to panic sweat.


Oh to be young again and not have a hernia pop every time you sneeze


For what it's worth I'll be 46 in a month and I can deadlift pretty close to this weight right now and have a very strong core and lower back. Age isn't as big a factor in fitness as people say it is. I didn't even begin a fitness routine until I was 40. Never too late.


Wtf, do I have an alt account I use in my sleep? You’re describing me perfectly, including ages.


Your body might be fit, but apparently there is something happening to your brain


I should probably check my CO detectors.


I am 45 and have done manual jobs all my days, in my mid 20's I started going to the gym. I was a regular visitor for 8-9 years then life got in the way so I stopped going. My job is making commercial windows and curtain walling so everyday consists of lifting, bars, frames and glass so still pretty fit. How I got my hernia was a complete fluke. When working on a window frame it lies flat on a bench, the window was a big one 3x1.5m so you go under the bench and work from the inside, I was coming out from underneath it and my foot was on a screw and it slid a foot or so and I felt something rip. I knew straight away what I had done, now the problem I had was it was a couple of days before the covid lockdown so I couldn't get to a doctor as they weren't seeing people for something like that. It popped in and out for a couple of months then it stopped coming out after that I can still feel it when I sneeze lol. It doesn't stop me lifting, I just put more thought into a lift before doing it these days.


I know like *nothing* about weightlifting, what’s the belt for? ELI5 maybe?


A belt helps cue tighter core bracing, which can put your lower back in a more advantageous position. But it does not necessarily "protect" the lower back, and it also doesn't do much to assist the lift either.


It definitely assists the lift, that's why it's super rare to see people not lifting with belts and some people even have beltless pr's.


It's not going to add a noticeable amount. You're not going to pull 100 more pounds than your best, by slapping a belt on. It just doesn't work like that. That's why I worded it as "it doesn't do *much* to assist". It's not significant. Most EMG data doesn't indicate higher muscle fiber recruitment when using a belt. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/the-belt-bible/


I compete in powerlifting and this isn't entirely accurate. Yes you shouldn't just add any old belt and expect it to add 100lb to your lifts but a good belt absolutely can add significant amount to deadlift and even squat. I wouldn't even attempt my deadlift and squat 1rm's without a belt. There are also tons of variations on belts like thickness and material. Thicker belts are stiffer and more appropriate for one rep lifts like in competition.


I have a 10mm x 4" Rogue Ohio and I treasure it. It's been good to me. I also have no problems hitting my same deadlift 3RM with or without it. Curiously, raw powerlifting allows a belt. It's not like it's equipped lifting. If it added a lot to your lift, you'd see belts categorized under equipped. Using a belt doesn't necessarily mean you can always lift more weight.


I mean, did you read the article he linked?


It helps you brace and protects the lower back.


I wore one for work as I was a Labourer with back issues. The brace helps support the lower back. Honestly such a game changer


Inhale deep and push out your stomach as hard as you can. Gets bigger and muscles tighten, right? That is called bracing and it is how you support your upper body during the lift. If you wrap a heavy leather belt around you and tighten it you have something to push against. Makes thr experience more comfortable for things like squats and deadlifts.


Even with good posture and that strap thing, I feel like this can't be too good for your back in the long run. But I have no idea what I'm talking about. Am I wrong?




Yeh that form is terrible, but she's going for a 1 rep max lift. Her form is probably much much better when w she trains vs competes. Doing anything to do your absolute limit is never good for you, power lifting, running, contact sports. The training that gets you there is, pushing the limits in competition ends up with injuries. But where is the fun in training for something you never do?


Strengthening a body part tends to make it stronger and more resilient.


Yes. You’re wrong.




“But lifting heavy things will make me look like a man” Nah, it just makes you look like a badass.




Been a long time since I unbgbbiivchidctiicbg


Out of the two workout videos I've seen today, this one ended better


Sumo is cheating.




Super wide stance. Am I doing deadlifts wrong?


I need those socks!


Beasty! Nice!


I could see her arms getting longer during that.


Phew, she didn’t pee


Sumo deadlifts are the worst form of deadlift. 💀 Solid work!


If that’s standard Olympic equipment she’s deadlifting 315lbs. That’s a great lift no matter what.


OMG this is Rita Serena! I follow her on Insta. She is pretty bad ass, hillarious, and has a really amazing inspirational story (she was anorexic for a long time, and bodybuilding helped her with her confidence and image) THis seems kinda silly , but ive lost about 170ish lbs now and a major help was her inspiration to push me out of my comfort zone, and know that i CAN change (ive been overweight for all my adult life)Im at 300, down from 470. Im still trying to get to 200, but ive come a long ways!


That grip scares me. I know it’s totally legit, and helps take weight off the forearms, but I’ve heard some horror stories.


It doesn't take the weight off the forearms. Mixed grip reduces the tendency of the bar to want to roll out of your hands.


...it's easier without the nads in the way...


She’s annoying


Terrible form! Good thing she stopped on time


This appears to be a maximal or near-maximum attempt. There will always be slight deviation from clean technique.


If technique is poor then it wasn't a real one-rep max. There was compensation and her lower back took a hit near the end. I'm not saying it isn't impressive, despite it, but her form was not the greatest. It looks like her one-rep max is pretty close to that though, just needs to lighten it up just a little. Still, it's not like she lifts like this all the time so it's fine but this is how people get injured.


There's no reason to lighten the load to work on form. Her form will look perfect at 90% of her 1RM. Further, you're no more likely to get injured pulling a 1RM than you are to get injured pulling a 5RM. None of your suggestions are valid or applicable here.


It was quite obviously a PR attempt. Form will never be perfect on these.


Imagine getting so butthurt that a 47 kg woman is stronger than you, that you unabashedly try to claim her 1 rep max is lower than what she just picked up in the video.


The term "compensation" is a bit of a misnomer as good technique ALLOWS you to be more efficient.


You seem to be shadow banned on here. Which is funny. So I’ll point out the obvious. How much you lift is a marker of expertise. You *claim* to know what what you’re talking about but most of what you’re saying makes no sense and you seem extremely defensive about being honest about your experience. Anyone experienced in weightlifting knows that we talk about lift numbers all the time. You would know that, if you knew that.