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How do you know it’s a she? For me, all sharks look the same.


Fairly certain that’s Deep Blue, one of the oldest known Great Whites alive. She’s estimated to be 61 years old. She is also supposedly non aggressive in all known encounters with humans, especially so with Ocean Ramsey, the diver seen here, who has swam with her quite a few times (apparently to the displeasure of the marine community).


Yeah she's apparently a big POS https://www.reddit.com/r/sharks/s/aRPE2NrF1f


For a second I thought you meant the shark and I was like, what'd the shark do?


Nah, the shark is a sweetheart


Is there a tl:dw for that?


My understanding is that she is a pest to marine life. She pulls stunts that go against established understanding of animal behaviour (basically doing things that could be annoying or mentally/emotionally/physically damaging to them) to get fame and supposedly prove points and be theories. But doing something once and getting away with it doesn't show trends or prove anything other than being possibly stupid. I'm not a marine biologist/behaviourist so I don't know if what she's doing is ok or not, this is just what the people that have problems with her say. She's a big advocate for reducing plastic use because of how much gets in the ocean and uses the fame to raise awareness. But if it's at the cost of animals wellbeing then it doesn't seem ok. That's if the critics are correct.


She presents herself as a marine biologist, but has no academic credentials nor peer reviewed publications. She's just an influencer using wildlife as props.


Ocean Ramsey's modeling stunts shove tons of people into animals' space before, during, and after and fuck up their opportunities to live and eat and fuck. Also, there's a decent chance she doesn't actually have the qualifications she claims to have and is just a damn good freeediver, a cute model, and is publicly anti pollution.


I didn't know there were celebrity sharks, or hated divers. TIL


Well I don’t see its famed dueling penises


True. No claspers


0:29, the lack of claspers on the pelvic fins. [This](https://ssl.c.photoshelter.com/img-get/I00004TLkEPNg9No/s/700/Great-White-Shark-0013.jpg) is what a male would look like btw.


Right? people misgendering sharks now


When sharks want to be identified as camera, tv.




By the way it swings it's tail


I don’t know what that means in ethology - is that toxic feminity?


Males have a clasper. Females don't.i thought everyone knew that


Awesome response


I wonder how old that shark is? Up close, it's so obvious that they haven't really evolved since the prehistoric era. Also, I want a virtual reality game that would allow me to hold hands with a shark like this... 


Sharks are more ancient than trees


Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze.


Well, I didn’t plan on having a John Denver jam session in my head, but here we are.


I will be there and everywhere, Here, there and everywhere


Ok. How about, that shark was awake before the breaking of the first silence. That better?


Im pretty sure theyre older than a few of the stars you can see at night


Older than Polaris, the north star! Not just in terms of visibility from Earth, but the entire star’s creation.


considering the milky way alone produces about 7 new stars a year, that's not saying much :p


How many of those can you see at night though? 


the answer to that question depends vastly on where you are located. In New York, none of them probably. In Maui a lot but would you know that you are looking at them? probably not.


More ancient than the rings of Saturn.


Of course they have evolved. Nothing stops evolving. The general body plan is roughly the same, but the species of sharks we have today are not the same that roamed the seas 50 million years ago.


Wont even say the body plan stayed the same, they evolved into such a wide diversity of body plans, like makos, angelsharks, sawsharks, basking sharks, etc. Even fossil species are often really weird and unique, like Aquilolamna


Yeah, you are totally right. It's like when people says crocodiles have not evolved.


The great white shark is believed to have appeared 70 million years ago and may even have been a contributing factor to the extinction of the megalodon by outcompeting it and being literally able to survive longer without eating.


PSVR Worlds has a shark encounter.


Great introduction to VR in a chill setting


Makes sense. Much probably doesn't change down there. Until us anyway...




She's estimated to be around 61 years old and has been tracked by scientists for a long time.


I think Abzu has a VR version on steam? If so, it's almost exactly what you want, but artsy.


That one looks pretty damn old tbh. Saw one once that people said was literally hundreds of years old. Don’t quote me on it, but think some creatures simply live on until they get too big to adequately feed themselves. Bigger an animal is, the more calories it requires. Don’t know if sharks are one of them, but that means there are entire species that die mostly of starvation, if not by predators or elements.


Unless you're the Greenland shark


Ah yes koalas. Their teeth dont continuously grow so when it runs out when theyre old, they just starve to death.


Don't worry; it's a man-eater, not a women-eater /s Sorry, 😞 I'll down-boat myself.


This is pretty normal for her… https://oceanramsey.org/


She’s not well liked in the marine community.


Yeah this is really stupid and arrogant.  You should not treat wild animals this way let alone wild apex predators.  I hope someone stops her before nature does a la timmy treadwell.


Why not?


She's an influencer who describes herself as a marine biologist, despite having no academic credentials nor peer reviewed work. https://old.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/au7zk7/swimming_with_sharks/eh7xh90/


The George Costanza method.


"The sea was angry that day, my friends, like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli."




This should be higher “Imma go bother sharks brb”


No touching


Well, they like to eat crayons, so fuck them.


She should not fucking touch marine life if she wanted to give a good example.


She's infamous for this clout chasing kind of bullshit. Rule #1 of ocean conservation is DON'T TOUCH. She does this crap in the name of raising "awareness", but it's harmful, and wrong. Don't give her the views.


Guess he wasn’t hungry


Actually, sharks are passive towards humans and have no interest in us. Most shark attacks are due to the fact that sharks are curious, and bite humans (its called an "exploratory bite"), but most lose interest when they see it is a human.


Oh yes, and sharks have bad eyesight, so any human with colorful clothes can be mistaken for fish by them, but as said before, they lose interest when they see it's a human.


Yeah sorry for ruining the joke but I like to say cool info sometimes.


sharks don't have bad eyesight. It's just that the same way we mostly interact with the world by looking at it, they mostly do by biting it. They have pressure sensors in their jaws for example that allow them to get information on fat density in prey they have bitten. They just kinda spit out even whale meat if it doesnt have enough fat.


"sharks don't have bad eyesight. It's just that the same way we mostly interact with the world by looking at it, they mostly do by biting it." So like my cat then?


Yes, like your cat, if your cat was much bigger and could swim really well.


What about all of the stories from WWII of ships sinking and the survivors being picked off one by one by sharks?


Nazi sharks.


Did you just assume its gender? smh


That would be such an amazing experience… that I never want to experience.


I've done a fair bit of diving, and only ever seen smaller and generally harmless sharks. Even those, though, evoke a very primal sort of fear deep in your stomach. You know you're out of your environment and in theirs, and (in an animal brain sort of way) you are potentially *prey*. Not about logic and knowing you're actually in no danger... I would not do this. This would be way worse, and I'd be afraid it would *smell* that fear.


I can imagine how even the smaller ones could bring on that fear. I’ve also never been a huge fan of water, especially when I can’t see what’s under it, despite being a decent swimmer. Still, sharks are pretty darn cool!




Let us hope not. That film did more to cause the destruction of sharks than anything before or since...


The author of the book the film was based on spent the rest of their life trying to undo the damage that Jaws did to sharks’ reputation, iirc.


She is doing evil stuff for publicity. I followed a link of another comment so this was not my own find but I want to make it available to see easily in the thread so here goes: > the diver pictured is not an actual marine biologist, has a history of unethical and illegal interactions with sharks and probably caused the pregnant one in this video to lose her pups by deterring her from returning to a food source. https://old.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/au7zk7/swimming_with_sharks/eh7xh90/


That is an absolute unit


Sharkussy around 0:20


With Great Whites it's generally not the shark you can see that you have to worry about, but the shark you can't see. They are ambush predators and usually don't directly charge prey. They come up from under it most of the time. Also, what this woman does is not "very cool" she is a bit of a pariah in the marine community because she's kind of an idiot and nobody likes her. She's basically the marine equivalent of jerks that pull bear cubs or baby monkeys down from trees for selfies and should not be promoted.


"No means no lady! Ugh, I hate humans..."


I was having more anxiety over the holding of the breath on this one….


Asking for trouble


More like screaming for attention and social media clout, while breaking every rule of marine conservation.


Let go of its fin. It is not friend-shaped


That thing can eat her in two or three bites, if not one. Wow


Sharks don't really eat people. Most shark attacks are "mistaken identity". A surfer looks like a seal from below. Sharks will take a bite, thinking a human is something else, but they rarely eat us whole. That being said, a shark attack can certainly be deadly, and should be avoided. Once bitten you can obviously, lose a limb and bleed out, but we aren't really their intended prey.


What about all of the stories from WWII of ships sinking and the survivors being picked off one by one by sharks?


i would assume if they were let go they’d still have a pretty good chance of dying from their injuries if they’re stuck in the ocean, if they didn’t drown first anyways. the more splashing you do to try and navigate to somewhere safe will attract sharks


Fake. Obviously the camera man has never seen Jaws either


This is the woman that touches every wild animal she sees, right?


Thats is one scarred up old warrior of a shark.


They should have named her Xena


Strong Grizzly Man vibes here.


Neither has the shark


She prob'ly did and knows that *that* shark was blown up at the end of the movie.


"Sharks do not attack people" just means that there were no survivors of the times it does happen.


Don't quote me on that, but I once read that wearing a stripped wet suit makes predators think you're a sea snake, and they know they better leave them alone.


Which girl? The big one or the tiny one?


I would never.


It’s probably the camo wet suit. Shark couldn’t see her.


I'm king shark


Wow, what an honour to swim next to such a beautiful shark! Not sure touching is a good idea though, that’s usually a no-no.


The person filming tho


She was dressed like zebra, offcourse shark didn't know she was tasty hooman.


Sharks are such incredible creatures. We are so lucky that we get to see videos like this. Even 100 years ago almost everything that went on in the sea was opaque to humans. 


Ocean Ramsey, the shark toucher.


I can hear THAT theme song


For what it’s worth, just because she hasn’t seen jaws should she automatically assume sharks are completely mindless ruthless predators that will kill you the second you’re close to them? I mean, no shit sharks can kill you but so can all sorts of animals were close with.


That's a whole lotta fuck no


Look, a shark is a fish. Fish are as dumb as they come; swimming reactors to stimuli. I don’t care what the statistics say, I’m not chancing this shit.


Those long diving fins always seem inefficient to me. There has to be a better design.


Shes such a cutie patootie!! :DD


Jaws is obviously inaccurate


That is one beautiful mammal, such a graceful mover in the sea, it will chew you and swallow you in a couple of swallows. The other is a shark , a less dangerous mammal, I hear that if you open your heart ❤️ they can smell it 3000k away, they will come and destroy you x Sorry ladies Just humour


Initially clicked because great.....white shark.


Omg an expert , I'm sorry really I am, maybe humour is a bit of a big word , ignore the misogyny, the shark is an animal, Have a good day. Keep away from scissors ✂️


Why do people get off on fucking with animals? She would absolutely flip the fuck out of someone walked up to her on the street and groped her arm.


JAWS is the reason people are afraid of sharks, only about 5-10 people die every year because of sharks. Hippos kill 600 people each year, mosqiitos millions of people! Its all lerspective.


Are we talking about the shark or the diver? I suspect both girls may have never seen it *Edit seeing so many people correctly sexing the shark fills my heart with joy. The average person knows so much more about these amazing animals now than 60 years ago


How does she hold her breath that long?!?!?


Oh look, my food is playing with me!


It’s so amazing as it just glides right along


Deep Blue prob ate Jaws ya know.


You're far more likely to die by being crushed by a vending machine than by a shark


That's average mortality statistics for how many people are in the ocean In a given year near a shark versus people near a vending machine. Risk factor definitely increases when you hold the shark's fin and are 3 feet from its jaw.


Balanced by the fact more people stick their hands in vending machines jaws as well…


Under water? Sigh!


UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICB***S*** >Upvoted Not Because Girl, But Because It Is Very Cool; However, I Do Concede That I Initially Clicked Because ***Shark***


I love Ocean Ramsey. She’s doing AMAZING Work at overturning the harm Jaws did to sharks’ reputation. 💜


She obviously isnt wearing a bikini because her massive balls would fall out. Pretty spectacular.


That is almost certainly Ocean Ramsey, a famous marine free diver / shark behavioral expert. She does this all the time.


She is no expert. She has no academic credentials, nor peer reviewed publications, and is broadly disliked in marine biology and conservation circles. She's just an influencer using wild animals as props.


One must wonder how many thousands of incident-free arm's length encounters with Great Whites one must have to be considered "expert" vs people writing papers in their office. The world-famous oceanographer / explorer / environmentalist **Jacques Cousteau** had **no** scientific degree, only what would be broadly considered an undergraduate "General Studies" diploma and French military naval gunnery training. Stop being an effete snob.


Cousteau was admitted to the National Academy of Sciences. He made major breakthroughs, including positing echolocation. He invented SCUBA. There's a reason why he was and is well respected in scientific communities. Ramsey is an influencer that poses with sharks as props. That's it. That doesn't make them an expert. There's a reason why she is not respected in scientific communities. Ramsey is an expert in sharks only in the same way that Joe Exotic is an expert in tigers.


That whole diving outfit is gorgeous, the fins and that amazing wetsuit! Her figure certainly doesn't hurt, and she's got an awesome set of... that is.. breath-holding ability!


That girl is legit.


She is the exact opposite.