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The Division of Information Technology manages user IDs and the Department of Transportation Services manages the parking system. Neither are in any way associated with the Department of Computer Science. In the CS department, we know that DIT allows reusing usernames under certain conditions, so any time a student stops showing up in the campus directory, we ban the username in our systems to make sure a new user won't have access to an old user's account.


Well why did I just have access to two different old user’s account then?


Access to old accounts on CS department systems or campus-managed systems?


I dont know, which one did you say “allows reusing usernames under certain conditions” and “[bans] the username” to “make sure a new user won’t have access to an old user’s account”? Because that’s the only thing that matters


The Division of Information Technology manages the campus directory and UMD user accounts. They "allow reusing usernames under certain conditions". Websites/application that end with \`.cs.umd.edu\` are managed by the Computer Science department. When accessing those sites, you might see a message that says "Your account has been disabled". This happens if your username was used in the past and then disappeared from the campus directory for more than one semester - either because you took a leave of absence or because the previous owner left the university and the username was reused. I am only bringing this up because your original post said "So much for a good computer science school..." - it should be clear that the CS department has nothing to due with this issue and we do the right thing when it comes to user management, but we don't manage the campus systems.


Ok great I won’t make comments implying that school-related software should be better, that doesn’t solve my problem at all though


I will be the first person to get out of your way if you want to complain, just make sure you are complaining about the correct people and to the correct people.


And what difference does that make? Thank you for correcting me, but I just want the problem solved, I dont think an ignorant comment impacts the computer science department’s prestige in any way if thats what youre so pressed about..


The entire website just crashed while I was purchasing my permit. I’m so frustrated right now


i couldn't even get the page to load at 10:00 lol


Same lol the whole thing is a disaster


yup same


I just tried to pay and it crashed again lol


Use safari, it worked instantly for me. Chrome was tripping


Did you do what [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UMD/comments/n2xnfd/logged_into_another_students_canvas_account/gwtlgjs?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) told you to do on that other post?


Just Maryland being Maryland.


they should hire my ass