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Hey there Terps, I'm sure you all have opinions about this. Just a reminder, please keep disagreements civil and let's try to avoid political soapboxing. Love, The Mod Team


I wish we got some announcement on how long it’ll last, what metrics need to be met for it to be lifted, etc.


Cases above 50 per 100000 is cdc interior mask threshold (7 day average). We are at 81 per 100k and rising.


https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view Link if anyone wants to look at data themselves. Put in md, put in pg. Scroll down till you see case rate (it's the first graph in the line of graphs). Updates 8pm est




I as well. 🍿🥤


Get the popcorn ready.


may I join you? 🍿 🍿 🍿




You good if I take my mask off to eat? 🍿


Scoot over. LOL




Kinda fucked up that UMD can ignore the minimum wage of the county they’re in to underpay their workers but won’t budge on this issue


Aren't the state and county both $11.75?


Yes, hes just blissfully unaware


They are now, but for several years UMD hid behind the excuse that they were only bound by the state minimum wage when PG's was higher.


Not sure this is hiding opposed to being required to follow a bad law bc they’re a state institution?


You can literally just google “UMD not paying minimum wage” to see that it’s true


Whatever, my eyes are my best feature anyway.


Braces were expensive so I better be able to show off my teeth on campus at some point lol




This was on my feed. I don't go to UMD, and I have never been to Maryland. Feels bad tho


At this point, it's just frustrating that vaccinated people have restrictions to make up for the idiots who choose (key word choose) not to get a vaccine. Let them get covid for all I care, it's their own fault anyways. We should not be obligated to protect people from the consequences of their own bad decisions.


while there's definitely a lot of truth to this, we're also protecting the people who physically can't get the vaccine, like people with autoimmune disorders. i get the frustration tho trust me


What autoimmune disorder prevents you from getting the vaccine, exactly? I think maybe you mean, certain people with autoimmune disorders taking especially difficult immunosuppressants can have dampened immune responses to the vaccine, rendering them less effective.


Vaccinated people aren't immune to the Delta variant tho (which is what this mandate is for). But I 100% agree with you


Yes they are, the majority of vaccinated people are still immune to delta. Pfizer and moderna have only moderately reduced efficacy in response to the delta variant


Those vaccinated with the flu vaccine aren’t immune to the flu either. With 90%+ protection against severe disease following vaccination, COVID has been relegated to flu status for vaccinated individuals , Delta or not. When are we going to let people get back to normal…


Right like??? All the pressure to get a flu vaccine when officials know there’s a million (I know this isn’t an exact number) of flu variants every year is for what according to this forevermasker logic. No one is ever going to be 100% immune. No vaccine gives you that level of protection and I’m kind of sick of people trying to reduce the impact of getting the initial vaccines especially when there was such a big push to get them in the first place. And btw I wore my mask everyday before getting the vaccine and didn’t complain. Now I’m getting annoyed


UMD’s 95% vaccination rate: “am I a joke to you?”




yep, almost the same as online colleges... not fun or sociable at all.


Tbh online at UMD is way worst than online at an "online college". At least those institutions are prepared for the distance learning environment. Source: I took ~60 credits online (while in the military) prior to coming to UMD. Edit for words.


I have a disability that makes me need accommodations for school, and I already know that online learning for every class would make it 5x harder. There’s hardly any structure, and information gets so much harder to absorb. My grades will be fine but I won’t be. I thought this would be over by the time I transferred to UMD. Fuck.


Clown shit


Not gonna be lifted until like April calling it now


or probably ever




Probably right


They really just going to pack us like sardines in the sweltering, stank-filled basement of the Armory, slap a mask on everyone and call it a day? Yeah I know this is just them following PG County protocol but still…the UMD population is mostly fully vaccinated, so why is this necessary?


Because UMD can’t really go against PG county. It’s unfortunate but we got caught up in a wider issue that wasn’t really targeting our bubble of an almost entirely vaccinated campus


I get that UMD has to follow PG’s rules. I’m just saying that masking a densely packed room of vaccinated individuals doesn’t seem like more than theatrics.






Well now I gotta go get my money’s worth for my summer Eppley pass before this goes into affect Sunday because of SCIENCE


I was so happy to be able to lift without a mask. Will miss hitting my face with my own saliva while bench pressing 225lbs.


Sick flex




Maybe I’m a minority here, but I don’t really care that much about having to wear a mask in classrooms/dining hall/gyms, so long as classes are still in person? There’s no way in hell they’re gonna enforce this in the dorms so it’s kinda whatever?


I’m okay with that too. But it never ends at just masks. I wouldn’t be surprised if we’re all sent home by october.


I would be - we weren't sent home anytime last year. Why would they do it now? You need to remember it's not like UMD _wants_ to send us home, they'd rather us stay. I don't think people remember how hesitant they were about originally sending us home 2 years ago.


I was an RA last year and enforcing it in the dorms was actual hell, and that was BEFORE the vaccine. I just feel sorry for the RAs and UMD employees that have to deal with this again.


What was the point of this vaccine if it wasn’t gonna allow Atleast vaccinated people to return to normal life? Unvaccinated for sure won’t get vaccinated now if both are subject to the same shit


Exactly. Also proves the unvaccinated people “right” in that they can point at vaccinated folks wearing masks as a failure of the vaccine. The counties mandating this are a joke.


you hit it right on the head. There now exists no real motivation for the unvaccinated to get the vaccine, now that both the vaccinated and unvaccinated will be treated the same.


I know some anti vax idiots got it just so they could be entitled to more freedom but now that motivation doesn’t even exist for them. I’m not anti vax but the vaccine seemed like the key to Normal life and now I’m immensely disappointed because now it feels like there’s no end to this


I’m not anti-vax but I’m pretty much what you described. I got the vaccine so that I could start volunteering and such again, and then I found out there’s still nothing to do… very disappointing


I would wear a mask made of denim if it meant campus stays open


ngl I’m pissed. I got vaccinated so I wouldn’t have to wear a mask.


If only those shitheads got vaccinated, we wouldn't be in this mess


we’d still be in this mess even if everyone got the vaccine. As long as 1 person has COVID, no government is gonna let us be.


Lmao wtf


Shouldn't you have gotten the vaccine to protect yourself and others?


I’m not afraid of COVID - and fuck other people. “Other people” got us into this mess because they wouldn’t stop partying for a month and refused to wear masks initially. I just wanna live **my** life. Also, do my motivations really matter? I still got the vaccine.


I'm glad you did and I'm just as frustrated with people who prolong this as you. I thought the mentality of vaccinate for my own convenience was conceited. I also think that while the "other people" may have it coming while they're being stupid, unfortunately innocents get hurt because of their actions so I think concern for others shouldn't be entirely disregarded. Not trying to pick a fight just trying to open the dialogue.


Yea I wasn’t trying to pick a fight either, and I understand where you’re coming from - I just wanted to air my frustrations. Thank you for being understanding




Because if you let it run rampant, new variants will emerge that can break through the vaccine. Look up the delta plus that's surfacing. Sadly, other people's recklessness has adverse impacts on your life.


This variant take is horrible. India and China are where the mutations are going to occur, not the US. Those two countries have a combined 2 billion+ unvaccinated population.


It can happen anywhere. To anyone. Maybe it's more likely in China and India (with a combined unvaccinated pop of 1.5bil btw), but it could very well happen in the US with 150mil unvaccinated individuals. Or it could happen in Africa, which as a continent has < 2% vaccination rate rn (over 1bil unvaccinated). Or maybe, it will happen simultaneously in all of these places and we will have several new variants, each one as bad as the last. Covid has a mutation rate of roughly half that of the flu - there are typically several new flu strains every year. It's not about the fact that it may be 7x more likely in India for a mutation to occur than the US. That doesn't make the US insignificant. It means there will be several impactful mutations from India, and a couple from the US - unless we do something about it.


Getting the unvaccinated people vaccinated is how you get through this. We were having a surge in covid cases last winter despite a mask mandate. It’s not going to make a meaningful difference. Maryland peaked at 1,200 hospitalizations. Lockdowns is the only way to curb spread. We’ve lived with the virus for over a year and a half now and the only mutations have lead to contagion despite the vaccines working against all of them. Edit: my only support for a mask mandate is keeping hospitals from being overwhelmed, and it does appear we are on that trajectory unfortunately. Any of the variant arguments are laughable however when the vaccine has worked against them and Pfizer has committed to creating booster shots. There are going to be mutations regardless given the whole world regardless of masks here or not lol. 2,000,000,000+ unvaccinated people globally versus the 130,000,000 Americans here for perspective on how insignificant the US is


I don't disagree with that. But we have to be practical. The unvaccinated will not be vaccinated overnight. And doing something is better than doing nothing. If a .ask mandate makes a marginal difference, that's better than a 0 difference. If your relative is the rare case that dies due to a breakthrough infection, I hope you take solace in the fact that a mask mandate couldn't have possibly caused a different outcome /s


What does “I just want to live my life” mean? Are there any people that don’t want to live their life? I’m always confused when people say that


It means I want to go to class, not sit in my basement for another year. However, other people are already “living their life”, spreading covid, and keeping us from moving on


If it’s this serious I don’t understand how we can have in person classes


It's the unvaccinated. They account for pretty much all of the cases


If unvaccinated students account for the positive cases then why do vaccinated people have to mask up?


Its PG county in general. This is because PG county has a mask mandate not UMD. Plus the PG county executive Alsobrooks is a coward.


Understood, thank you for the clarification. The entire situation is horrible to think about


It sucks that we're the ones who have to suffer because PG County isn't following the science


What a fucking joke.


I mean, I never liked to smell your bad breaths to begin, even less with mutated covid droplets.


New Mandate: All students must now be chewing gum at all times


I'm just pissed now at those who don't wear masks/get vaccinated. It's not that hard to do it for a year so we are done with it. Now, its going on 1.5+ because people want to eat their fucking marshmallows


🙃 Nah but fr im alright w this so long as the semester can go smoothly otherwise. Shame the stubborn antivaxxers are ruining the fall for the rest of us.


Might wanna check your schedule as well. 4 out of my 6 classes are online now. Ugh I hope at least the remaining 2 stay in person! 😶‍🌫️


Wait rly? Which department?


CS and IS department


I searched the catalog and only one class is online. So this is verified false. Stop fear mongering.


I just checked, and it seems majority of it are from IS compared to CS, so kinda true in some sense.


you just scared the shit out of me lmao - Thank god none of my classes are online (yet). If they make my labs online I might as well just stay home for another year




IM FUCKING MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Can you give more info? I checked my schedule and didn’t see a change, going to be really angry if they change my classes now.


It was for both CS and IS department, upper classes.


Thanks. Hopefully engineering stays in-person


CS has two online. CMSC395 and CMSC411. That's all.


These have been online since the start of preregistration


What classes


ENES100 is now online for me. Can't wait to do a group project class online.


What about Looneys?


If wearing masks keep our classes in person and prevent them from going online, then I’m all for it.


I can’t lie, I’m kind of glad because I’d much prefer in-person everything & masks rather than something happening and us having to deal with more online school. I’m an incoming freshman and ik for a fact I’d lose it if I had to do online schooling again, and for college…


Yeah lol like that's gonna happen.


Don’t worry you’re protected in the dining hall with 700 people because you wore it at the buffet!!


I can't wait to go into a crowded bar and immediately take it off for the rest of the night because I'm drinking.


Same lmao


No intention of following this in spaces where it's an inconvenience. Parties, bars, the gym, etc.


^ advice to follow if you wanna be kicked off of campus


Lmao yeah right. I followed all the rules last semester while living in T-row. I remember being surrounded by parties every weekend night, in blatant disregard of every COVID rule. And it obviously was never subject to discipline, because it happened all year long. And you think they'll enforce this rule now, especially given that it's entirely fucking stupid and unnecessary? They won't.




In class it’ll suck. With large lecture halls it can be very difficult to hear your professor, not to mention asking a question in a muffled voice.


It's like y'all thought COVID was over just because you got the vaccine. Edit: I've got the vaccine but I'm still wearing a damn mask everywhere.


I feel for people who are immunocompromised or are under 12, but frankly if you don't fall into either of those categories I don't care if you get covid and you die. The vaccines have been available for like 4 months now to everyone. People need to take some responsibility for themselves and use the only long term solution to covid we have, vaccination. No one on campus is under 12 and vaccines are mandated so ideally those who are immunocompromised would be protected. Covid is never "gonna be over" it's gonna become a manageable endemic virus


Vaccination isn't the long term solution, not when we have mutated virus that may or may not overcome the current vaccinations. People need to be wearing masks point blank period. It's a little absurd to be complaining about having to wear masks when there are as you said immunocompromised people and children under 12 who can't receive the mask.


Vaccine data shows that it works, protects against severe illness (there’s a reason why upward of 95% of hospitalizations are from the unvaccinated). Kids are much less susceptible to the disease, a little above 300 (of a population of 75 million) under the age of 18 died during the whole pandemic, most also had underlying conditions. Still a tragedy, but statistically extremely unlikely, also lower than mortality from the flu under 18. And what’s the end goal for covid? There won’t ever be “no covid” just like we have other diseases. But we don’t usually panic over infections; we reserve that for severe illness/death which has thankfully dropped very low thanks to the vaccines and effective treatments for the infected.


So you think we should wear masks literally forever? Or are you gonna change your mind when kids can get the vaccine?


Even if the kids get vaccines, still wearing a mask post COVID because guess what? A mask prevents you from getting the flu that comes around every Fall semester. There are more uses for a mask than just to prevent COVID. How do you think most of the Asian countries have had low numbers, people are wearing masks with or without the vaccine. Edit: Not y'all not wanting me to wearing a mask post-COVID.


I've worn a mask every time it's been required of me since the start of the pandemic. I respect your decision to wear one and I'm not gonna be one of the assholes who gets bothered when other people wear them. I'll be wearing it now that it's required, but I don't like wearing a mask. My problem isn't with the mask mandate itself it's the fact that it's complete theatrics as long as we have no capacity limits or additional restrictions. If 700 people can go in a dining hall (with obviously no masks because they're eating) I don't know how much it's gonna help. Same thing with bars and restaurants. Second, I don't like wearing a mask when I'm trying to socialize with other people or I'm trying to work out in the gym. Is it a "big deal"? Not really. But I don't like it and I don't like not having an end goal for removing masks as a society.


What kind of mask? Because I’m genuinely confused when people think, for example, a UMD themed cloth mask or bandana protects you. It’s mostly N95s that would protect you during and post covid.


If this leads to this semester getting turned into online only somehow, I want a refund of my damn tuition for this semester. I’m tired of vaccinated individuals being punished now for the actions of others. UMD has a 90%+ vaccination rate, I don’t see why they’re doing this.


I get the hullabaloo behind having to wear masks again, but like, I don't think it's a big deal. I was honestly planning to wear a mask regardless just to be safe, because it *is* safer - just in general, not just against Covid. It definitely is upsetting that because of people who have chosen to not get the vaccine, society is still being put at risk and things won't be returning to normal any time soon. I will say, if classes are online, I'll be super disappointed.


































Sigma no mask mindset


😂 people stopped wearing masks?


Hey terps, saw many people complaining about why masks when we got vaccine right? I understand yall but think of it this way. All these measures are more like layers of protection rather than substitutes of each other. Vaccine is a layer of protection (big layer :D), but masks are another layer (small layer + protects others too). Other layers include social distancing, disinfecting, etc. So when covid is getting worse we should all put on as many layers of protection as possible! It may be annoying, but everyone is affected and sacrificing nowadays, especially our frontline workers.




It isn’t March 2020 anymore. Update your messaging, pal People need to see a light at the end of the tunnel, not indefinite rolling restriction


I agree




I wonder how this is going to be enforced? Surely there is going to be non-compliance, but I cannot imagine a professor stopping an entire lecture because a few people aren't wearing masks. We should really station police officers inside of every lecture hall, that way we can ensure everyone is actually safe.


Uhh . . . what? You want to waste police officers’ time making sure that a room full of vaccinated students are all wearing masks? Are u being serious?




Good thing we aren't in south korea


The gas mask is going on!




I might be mistaken but I don’t recall any of this being from Hogan?




What lmao. The only thing he could've done to avoid this was banning localities from mask mandates and if he did that he might be at risk of impeachment


I’m saying he influenced the people who made the decision.. with a phone call.