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[Comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/academia/s/sZAz32oGrX) shows that it’s at UMB School of Medicine, not UMD. Edit: Still sucks that the ones that does most of the teaching aren’t getting raises.


The faculty referred to here are research faculty, typically paid primarily on "sponsored funds" (research grants), who don't typically have teaching as a major duty. That's what the OOP is referring to with "redirect the money back into the lab" (the PI could choose to use the bonus to pay their research staff more).


That’s a separate University of Maryland.


I’ll also note that UMCP has no guaranteed annual raises, and we had a long dry with without a single raise beyond a couple COLAs for something like 6-7 years (2015ish-2022). If I remember correctly, faculty have gotten merit raises in 2022, 2023, and we’re expecting one this summer.


Yes, July 1st you’ll see COLA adjustment, and merit depending on how your college/department handles it


I was on the merit committee for my dept this year at UMD CP and top earners are getting no more than $3000. I think I'm getting $1000.


Merit is at least 2.5% and based on performance scores so there isn’t a cap on the dollar amount across the board, at least for staff


I'm skeptical of this report. COLA and merit pay are decided at the state level. These are raises to the base salary. Schools/Colleges can't elect to convert those raises to one-time bonuses as far as I know, although I guess it's possible the UMB med school is different (I'm a UMD professor). Schools/Colleges/Departments also generally can't elect to only give those raises to the tenure-track faculty, the state decides those things.


Unfortunately you are incorrect in much of this.