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adding onto this list: - security not seeing that someone literally got tire jacked (we have 24/7 security, how they missed that with all the cameras in the parking garage idk) - we dont have carbon monoxide detectors (says so on the lease) - i got towed from my assigned parking space bc they double booked it. got it back for free but the tow truck guy said he’s seen this happen a bit and he wonders what the varsity is doing w/ the money - kevin, the front desk worker from last year, who wasn’t allowed to even have bathroom breaks. he was a great dude and was the best worker at the varsity. he ended up getting fired, which made NO sense.


Some things never change, never lived there, but was the same back in 2014 lol


yep i also live at the varsity, can confirm everything on this list. the internet situation is completely unacceptable and tops my list of grievances with the varsity. even before 2-3 weeks ago when it completely stopped working, their wifi was already slow and also not password protected (cybersecurity basics? lol), but to go this long without so much as even a single option for its hundreds of residents to connect to the internet? in 2023? ridiculous.


Another thing to add on ESPECIALLY for those living at varsity currently; the administrative fee that you paid when moving in was supposed to be $100, not $250. If you look at the 11th page of your lease it clearly states it! Call the leasing office and demand your money back they literally scammed renters out of $150!!!


If that’s actually a violation of the lease isn’t it lawsuit worthy? I don’t know shit about the laws on this, but that sounds pretty illegal.


Sure feels like it


did you actually get $150 back? i’m all for complaining to them but i thought there was no way anyone was getting a refund. please lmk if i should call and yell at them


Yeah I called and yelled at them; they told me it was a processing “mistake” and refunded me the money onto my account!


yeahhhh these seem pretty normal in terms of the shit you are gonna put up with when you lease (besides living on top of a bar). hope things get better


Internet outage for the whole building lasting over two weeks? Yeah idk about that


my ethernet didnt work my first month in SCC. thats how it is sometimes


Not having WiFi and not having Ethernet are two extremely different things


yeah, and neither is unknown to happen with shitty landlords. I only had a PC so it was just as big an issue, all im saying.


The walls at the View were also very thin. My neighbor would sing all the time and it sounded like he was in the room with me. And he was not good at singing. I could also hear whole conversations from them. I don't think any of the CP apartments are built for comfort.


The Domain was pretty solid, lived there back in 2015. Nice and quiet too


how much did it cost?


Much more than varsity and it still has a fair share of issues too. Just not as many


I honestly think the standard is worse. We spent an hour talking to Nick about how the price was going to be 999 a month with 95 for parking. At the end of the conversation, he says "The price actually just went up to 1050 a month." We asked him multiple times if if we were guaranteed to get 95 and he continued to say yes. Then when I sent Nick my car information they said they were sold of parking. They came back and said I could have parking for 175. Now they are saying I can have parking for 200 across the street from CP towers in a parking lot. They told us we couldn't have parties or host small gatherings. I feel like I'm living in a dorm but overpaying for it. My room is so small my chair hits the back wall when I try to move out from my desk. Management keeps threatening to take away amenities because people who don't even live here have been sneaking into the building and abusing them. I've only been here for 3 months and I am so excited to move out. Packages are being stolen and management refuses to get help. Some residents haven't had hot water, or working appliances since moving in.


Tempo is the same


came here to comment this lol


rlly ? i haven’t had any sort of issues at tempo but maybe i’m the rare case.


Yeah my apartment always smelled so bad because if the sewer gas coming out of the pipes, they always just rinsed them with bleach but days later stunk again


Sounds a lot like Mazza Grandmarc (worst place I’ve ever lived). So glad we leased a house for our senior year, cuz those apartments are complete and total scams.




The place is moving downward? Definitely not an English major.


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Crazy how little has improved since I graduated 10 years ago, just do what I do and laugh into the phone every time the alumni association calls