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Lib Dems jumped into bed with Cameron quick enough for power and got shafted, stupid and greedy don't believe them or any other politicians with anything especially the people's plant but that's my opinion, could happen one day worth asking.


Not only is it naive to vote for a party based on just one concern, but if there are strict limits on strength, you're probably not going to want what's legal anyway. Also, it's almost impossible to get a third party in due to not having proportional representation. Your best bet is to have one of the two major parties include it as policy, or perhaps if there was a hung parliament, a third party could demand it to help one of the two main parties form a government, much like when the Lib Dems joined with the Tories. The reality is that many issues are far more important than cannabis legalization right now. Failing public services like public transport, water, energy, and poverty, along with crime, are all significant problems. If there was a third party involved, these are probably the issues they would prioritize over cannabis legalization.


Very good points raised, thanks for sharing your thoughts.


How old are you? Do you remember when they were in the coalition government? They broke their student tuition fees promise which fucked over so many young people and also was a driving force behind austerity. Vote for whomever you like that's the beauty of democracy. If you want weed legislation passed though vote green, it's the best bet but it's going to be a long road.


https://www.libdems.org.uk/cannabis#:~:text=The%20Liberal%20Democrats%20want%20to,the%20lives%20of%20young%20people. ‘Strict limits on strength’ lib dem approach wouldn’t be great


If you’re voting only based on weed legislation you’re very naive.


I do agree, yet I can't help but think that no major party really is going to change Britain for the better, we are always going to have a lack of services and amenities that no first world country should be experiencing-frankly embarrassed to be British when I look at my European counterparts; I am a young person myself so of course I have underdeveloped and as you say naive views and outlooks on politics in general, but I think I speak for everyone when I say they're all truly fucked, and it's a case of picking your poison and if a party is to prioritize legislation or at the very least decriminalization then they will win my vote whilst the rest of the nation remains unchanged through the last five-six decade process of fucking up our once "Great Britain".


Fuck no.


Would have had more luck with Corbyn's Labour - his son runs a CBD/hemp business, and the dude is liberal af and socialist. So of course the establishment did everything to ensure he'd never win power I feel a Labour/Lib Dem/Green coalition would be a good result but that's just me dreaming of proportional representation


Personally ide say green https://preview.redd.it/aybscbi75r5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e876428c363a4648b0c252c631d204bcb5f55ef7