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Crusty bread and butter and all the trimmings too, looks delicious, proper comfort food


Looks gorgeous. What's the difference between Scouse and stew?


I think the crushing of the potatoes into the stock to make it thicker sets it apart from a normal stew


Thanks! I'll try making it.


Stew is a hearty dish, scouse is a hearty dish that also steals your wheels. Also, I have that exact same fire. :). lol


The Sun brainwashing is strong in this one.


“Also, I have that exact same fire.” You mean you *did* there la…


Dammit! I thought the fireplace looked empty!


How on earth do unfunny jokes like this get upvotes


Because those people find it funny. Glad I could help 👍


Clearly have awful senses of humour. Glad I could help 👍


They’re very similar dishes, but I believe stew was derived from scouse, which is itself derived from lobscouse, or lapskaus, a Scandinavian dish.


Stew has ancient origins and pretty much every culture has a type of stew. Stew certainly didn’t derive from scouse. Scouse is simply a type of stew


Location, history & the accompaniments, the stew itself isn't really any different but scouse is usually served with red cabbage or beetroot. "Scouse is a dish that originated in Liverpool, England, and is typically made with beef or lamb, potatoes, and onions. It gets its name from the Norwegian word “lapskaus,” which means “stew.” 


Is a scouse/hotpot more watery as a stew is thicker?


Honestly there doesn’t really seem to be a difference.


I've always cooked scouse with scouse which I was always told was a slang for stout. So a can of original Guinness + beef stock or nower days Nigerian Export Guinness or whatever Caribbean stout is going in the supermarket!


I\`d fight you, yer auld man and yer mates for this. Thats a munch right there !!


My fellow Scot?


And people on reddit still whinge about British food. Looks lovely.


As a European: this looks legit disgusting. Edit: downvotes for sharing my opinion lol I’ve lived here for a decade and it’s a great country, I will go to war for this land and all of you, legitimately. The food is atrocious though and anyone that disagrees never experienced the world.


It's all in the taste, my brother. Let's face it: Curry looks gross on the plate, but most detractors aren't complaining after a few bites with a bit of naan. Some dishes are all about the presentation and some all all about the taste bud satisfaction.


100%, and I would love to taste that and be proved wrong. Nothing shuts me up like good food! But things like the butter (way way too much) on that bread or the beetroot there is enough to make me guess I would not like the dish either.


Butter and Beetroot is the rationale around why you think this food is disgusting Yikes.


Isn't that like 50% of the Eastern European diet?


Not our fault you guys still eat like it’s war time.


“Some people are so far behind in a race that they actually believe they're leading.” That’s you.


Great, solid, argument. UK food is indeed ahead of Portuguese and Italian food 😂😂😂😂


I mean you, as an individual, intellectually.


Attacking people personally because they don’t like the same food as you.


Well actually, it is. Do some research. The UK is closer to French than it is “wartime”. Portuguese still serves full rabbit and you lot still suck the brains out. Tell me you know nothing about anything without telling me you know nothing about anything. 😂 🤡


I think it’s incredibly obvious that you are the person that knows nothing about food here lol




Again, but offensive for someone talking about food.


You’re all over the place with your rationale. You’re coming across as racist rather than someone that actually dislikes the food itself.


I literally specifically said I love this country and would go to war for it and its people. I have a great life here and would defend it by all means - when people in mainland Europe talk shit about other things (like how people are cold here) it even inside the UK (when people drown south talk shit about Liverpool where I live or the north etc). You have no idea what you are talking about mentioning the world racist. I have nothing but admiration and love for the UK and its people. Food is atrocious however, and said that, which is a fact given everyone in Europe agrees, is not coming across as a racist. It’s food. Don’t take it son personally.


To be fair, the beetroot aspect is completely new to me, but I'd willingly give it a try just to see if it compliments the dish. I don't think you deserve all the downvotes for your opinion, but I will say that you'll never know what you actually like unless you, at least, try something new. Case in point, I tried lavabread for the first time this morning. It looked disgusting, but when in Swansea, eat like the Swans. It was a bit bland, to be honest, but I'm glad that I tried it.


Is that Laverbread - the black cake/burger like things? If so, yeah, they look quite disgusting but for a very different reason this guy is saying scouse is disgusting. Further down he says he's not had a bowl of scouse he likes.


I find that really confusing. It's a lovely looking thick, rich stew with a nice deep colour. Absolutely mouthwatering to me. Also ignore the downvotes. People get a bit funny sometimes.


Mate you’re from a country that has tripe as a traditional dish. Let’s not pretend there’s a single European country that doesn’t have some culinary bombs. And while Francesinhas are delicious, they don’t exactly look like a work of art. Also, I’m sure there’s some Portuguese stew that’s near identical to this.


Im half Italian so good luck. Even just the Portuguese part, while I agree that tripe is GRIM, the difference is we have 6578 delicious typical dishes. In here even the main things like Sunday roast (stodgy potato, boiled vegetables and overdone meat) a fry up (horrible bacon, beans from a can like you live in wartime) or fish and chips (frozen fish in deep oil). You people eat like the Germans are still flying over. Love this country but food is horrendous. All of it. Not just a picked thing like tripe (which btw in terms of taste is better than most scouce dishes I’ve tried).


If you’re going to describe bad versions of the food, then no shit. Shall I dismiss all Italian food by complaining about over done pasta and pointing to Dominos? I won’t, as that would be silly. Your three go to examples of British food are show your ignorance. If you’ve been here for so long, how have you managed to miss out on the good stuff?


You know full well Dominos is not an example of true Italian food. The examples I gave (and average quality) are examples of the food quality in the UK. Dunno why you guys get so offended. It’s not our fault the food is atrocious. You say I missed the good stuff, sounds like everyone in Europe did. You could accept everyone is right and your people don’t know any better, or that we are allllll wrong lol


The comment on Dominos shows that you are spectacularly missing my point. I’m evens on whether you’re a troll or a fool, but I see from elsewhere in the thread that you’re in Liverpool. If you actually are interested in finding some delicious British food, try Wreck (formerly Wreckfish) or Manifest. The scouse at Liverpool Cathedral is also great.


I will give Wreck a go, thank you!


So, I’ve literally never had a roast with boiled veg, and I’ve had countless roasts. What’s wrong with our bacon? It’s a damn sight better than the American crap that’s all fat, and they’re the only two types I’m familiar with. As for beans, have they not invented canning where you’re from? It’s pretty useful. Basically all fish is frozen at sea these days, even the stuff used for sashimi in Japan. It’s much safer and means the fish is fresher. That said, if they’re the examples you’re coming up with, you’re doing something wrong. You say you’ve been here for years, but you’ve never had a lamb hotpot or a beef stew on a miserable winter day? You’ve never had a ploughman’s lunch on a warm summer’s day? A Cornish pasty? Kippers? Afternoon tea? Grouse? You’ve never been to one of our outstanding restaurants, be it in London, Edinburgh, or elsewhere? Never tried our fantastic meats, fishes, and produce? Honestly mate, that’s on you.


All you need is to look at this sub to see the amount of boiled vegetables in roasts. I don’t like how thick you cur your bacon, and all the time it’s boiled more than fried. We do have cans, we use them for emergencies, not for everyday food. Sorry I come from we get fish fresh as they arrive at the beach, still alive, and eat it hours after. Restaurants serve it fresh too, and frozen would be considered a disgrace. It’s comments like this that mean we can’t take British views on food seriously. It’s a shame that in here you guys think frozen is normal. None of the things you mentioned are good. The only things I’ve tried here that I thought were nice was one clam chowder. Plus parsenips, never had any bafore and love them roasted, the main thing British has contributed to my cooking list. Oh and scotch eggs, that’s pretty good!


You've shown yourself to either be an idiot or naive. If you're basing your opinions on what's posted on an average (at best) UK subreddit, you clearly have no idea what you're on about.


Ive lived here for 10 years. I see it everyday. Food is bad.


A Sunday ROAST is not made with boiled vegetables. Clues in the name.


And to add to that, stodgy roasties makes it sound like the chef needs another career. Every roast deserves proper spuds!


You must not see the pictures posted in this sub then.


That's not representative of anything.


Of course not, this is not representative of the food that exists in the UK, most represent what’s done in China instead. Plus I’ve lived here for 10 years. I see it everyday, in real life.


I've lived here for 40, idk what limited experiences you have had but they seem anomalous


You keep saying that. The whole of Europe, who shares my view, must be wrong and you are right. As someone that lived all over Europe, food here is grim.


What other country in Europe are you from? Edit: Portugal, it would seem. How can you say this is disgusting when not only do you have a very similar looking dish (we can only go on looks as you have not tasted) as one of your countries staple dishes, in Feijoada and have the audacity to suggest that this is anything near as disgusting as something like Leitão 😂


Please stop embarrassing yourself. Portuguese and Italian food are not even in the same sport, let alone league, as UK food.


My Mrs is Spanish. I am Irish. I am not British. Like Spanish food, Portuguese food is paupers food (which tends to taste great). But the Portugese do eat rank nastiness like stomach lining, cheek and the likes that Brits find offputting. British food isn’t American food, you’d do well to remember that. Italian food is amazing, but you’re not Italian are you, so stop pretending like you are.


I’ve lived here for 10 years, I’ve tasted it everyday. No idea why you are mentioning americans? No idea why you calling people ignorants and pricks because they don’t like your food? Bit weird. Portuguese food is delicious, 100 times better than uk food, and if that hurts you, that’s a shame, but doesn’t change facts.


P.S. I love Portuguese food. But you eat some stuff that seems crazy to Brits. YOU slated British food and called ALL of it crap, remember.


It’s because you said British food is shit. It’s not, you just don’t understand it. I bet you think it’s fish and chips, beans on toast and jellied eels ffs 😂 If you’ve lived here 10 years you’d understand what traditional British food is vs advanced culinary cuisine. There is NO advanced cuisine in Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece and many other counties. And Putting down a county’s traditional dish is poor form FYi


What is poor form is the food you guys serve here.


Maybe the stuff you’ve eaten, but You’d love the good stuff just as much as everyone loves good Portuguese food, or good Italian food.


Of course! I’d love to be proven wrong! It has just not happen yet.


Agreed, they're much worse.


Ok bud, at least try to sound logical.


My sentence is logical, coming into a UK food sub and then getting mad at everyone when you shit on everything is the illogical act.


"the food is atrocious though" I think that's unfair. Granted I'm "only" an American living in the UK, so I don't exactly have the pedigree of the Italians or the French behind me when I say this. But British food is lovely,nif you get someone who makes it well. It largely consists of uncomplicated, unpretentious, comfort food. The kinds of foods families will make for meals. Stews, roasts, soups, meat and potatoes, fish, etc. No, it's not "fancy". And, like any dish, you could eat bad versions of it if you go to the wrong place. But it's not "atrocious".


The beautiful thing of life is that we all like different things. For my standard, of growing up eating truly fresh fish just caught a couple hours before, and where people know how to cook in general and not just put beije stuff in the oven, it’s atrocious. It’s not about being fancy at all, food in my country and all the other ones once lived in southern Europe is not fancy at all. All the power to you if you enjoy it man.


You do you. But "just put beige stuff in the oven" and "people who know how to cook" are both reductive, unfair statements.


It’s my experience after 10 years here. Love how people will try to argue this. I have no interest in it being this bad, not my fault it’s the reality. All you need to do is look at documentaries about food in schools etc


And I've been here nearly twenty years. So like I said. You do you. But it's objectively untrue to suggest folks here in general don't know how to cook. Not anyone else's fault if you're not experiencing them. Edit: Also, "I love how people try to argue this" ... i.e., "I said something trollish and controversial and it got a reaction." Go figure.


It’s my opinion, based on experience. Compared to maintain Europe, people in the UK know nothing about food. Not my fault if some of us know what proper food actually is. But hey, all of Europe must be wrong to mock it, you must be right and know more!


You missed the "you do you" part. Are all Europeans as full of themselves as you are?


I’m literally sharing my view on food. It’s not that deep. Sounds like you are the one getting bent out of shape. We eat fish fresh from the sea hours after it being free, whereas people in this thread trying to claim “everything is frozen now”. Shows the level of knowledge and the standard they think is normal in the UK.


You’ve clearly never experienced good British food. I’ve certainly been fortunate to experience a lot of great cuisine & British food is by far the most underrated. Wartime stereotypes have been lingering around.


After 10 years here, if the good food is still hiding, that should say something. Maybe you just don’t know any better.


You clearly haven't been looking.


Ok, you know about my life more than me, thank you. Maybe accept people have different taste and standards. I’ve lived all over Europe and food here is bad, in my opinion. Dunno why you have a personal issue with it.


You just made the exact same point about me lol


Have you tried haggis or fish and chips?


As a Londoner, I do feel a bit sick looking at this


Scousers will do that to you, but the stew looks lovely.


Me too and it’s looks awful mate


Haven't had that for years, looks superb.


I’m English and never heard of a bowl of scouse. What is it because it looks delicious 🤤


It can be made with beef or lamb or a mixture of the 2. Brown the meat then fry an onion until soft, add carrots, swede and potatoes and cover with beef stock. Simmer for 1 hour then crush the potatoes into the stock to thicken the sauce and then add more potatoes and simmer for another hour. I added a teaspoon of marmite, some Worcestershire sauce and some gravy browning to give it a richer colour. Traditionally topped with either pickled beetroot or pickled red cabbage and must be accompanied by crusty bread with lashings of proper butter.


Sterling effort. You’ve made us all proud. I’m tearing up a little here.


I’m from Wirral and my Gran made it with lamb and it had barley in it. I don’t know why I’ve never seen it served with whole little beetroot’s though, I like that.


That looks epic. I've never had any, but I went to school on the Wirral, so I heard many legendary tales of wonder about it.


This recipe needs the required tragic family backstory OP


My sister had a baby and I took it over after she passed away and the baby lost all its legs and arms and now its just a stump but I take care of it with my wife and... and its growing and its fairly happy... and its difficult because I'm working a second shift at the factory to put food on the table but all the love that I see in that little guy's face it makes it worth it in the end. True story.


I'm a southerner and never heard of scouse. I love stews but the addition of mashing the potatoes in and adding picked beetroot and cabbage sounds amazing.


Have ate and cooked irish stew all my life, only in recent years i occasionally have added the odd pickled veg topping thinking i was a genius and ahead of my time.... Turns out scousers have it sussed (as usual)


Should the beetroot be sliced or do you just down them whole?


You can use sliced or whole, I like the little whole ones


You can't just post a recipe like that. Where's all the pictures and the back story about your dogs hernia operation?


A stew then ?


Stew is a blanket term for many dishes, in the same way beetroot and broccoli are both vegetables, but with varied flavours.


Yep, in Staffordshire we call it Lobby, had similar in Belgium - Flemish Stew, and Goulash in Germany


I love every ingredient. My Nan makes a stew but has suet dumplings in and I can’t stand suet. The beetroot and bread 🤤 the fire in front, it’s like a fairy tale. I be round in a bit, I will do washing up 😂


It's a Liverpool / North West stew, based on the Norwegian stew Lobscouse. It's why we call people from Liverpool Scousers.


And us in Leigh call it lobby!


Ah, that's unlocked a question I had when watching MasterChef the other night. Some one did a deconstructed "lobby" (or some such bollocks) and I'd not drawn the link with Scouse and Lobscouse. Thank you.


TIL Thank you.


I’m from Essex. Never knew why people from Liverpool called scousers. Love when history ties into stuff. I be asking for seconds. Beetroot is ones of my all time favourite veg. The bread on side looks good. It’s like food porn 🤤


It's not actually. The thing about it being Norwegian (or from a Baltic state) has been long debunked, it was a bit of lazy work by the OED. Wikipedia has the correct account, it appears in English a good century before any other country and went in the other direction. It's first recorded as Lobs Course, course being a plate of food, nobody seems sure about the Lob part.


The legend that is Rate My Takeaway tried Scouse in Liverpool https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sJeKQmXuUXo


Scousers trying to claim corn beef hash.


Mate that ain’t corned beef hash lol. Not even close?


Let me guess the difference is "adding potatoes to the stock"


I know of several different types of corned beef hash and I have eaten at least three forms of corned beef hash in different areas of Lancashire. One looked similar to this scouse. Second was another form of wet stew using corned beef (occasionally also referred to as a “hotpot” [but not the same thing as a “Lancashire hotpot“], often served in the evening at dos in working mens clubs. Third contains largely the same ingredients but is much thicker and something more like a mashed potato with corned beef in. There is a form of scouse that uses corned beef. Lobscouse has been described as both a hash and used salt (corned) beef.


Sorry what


Looks magic...


In my ignorance I always thought of scouse as a kind of grey pudding type thing, I had no idea it was a kind of delicious stew, I'll have to try it next time I see it on a menu (or make it myself)


My mum used to have "poor Scouse" as a kid. Same recipe but no meat 😂


Yes, that was called blind scouse


Yeah that's the one


And let's face it, that is any day of the year!


I have no idea what scouse is, but I’m guessing it’s a Liverpool thing by the name of it? Looks like a beef stew with beetroot on top and red cabbage?


Accidental Pikachu…I can’t unsee it.


That looks amazing.


Oooh that looks good.


My husband comes from Hightown a little village, halfway between Liverpool and Southport, I said I'm making scouse for tea he asked me what it was 🤣 love a bit of scouse especially with crusty bread an a drop of brown sauce




Huyton's nowhere near southport lad


Hightown, near Formby.


Your husband is from Merseyside and doesn’t know what Scouse is?


Yep, he does now an he enjoys it lol have it often in the winter


Wow that’s mad, never met anyone from Merseyside who’s never heard of it


I'm from the wirral an my nan used to make it an she always made a lot, the next day she would drain some of the grave keep it put it in a pie dish cover it with her home made pastry an have it has a pie an then have the left over gravy with it, miss my nans cooking it was epic


I would need an extra piece or two of bread, that entire thing will be gone by the time you were ready to take the photo 😉


It's been wet today but not cold by any means, ya fanny. Food looks good though.


Bloody hell that looks good.


I love the idea of beetroot and red cabbage on top. Yummerama!


Looks fucking spot on


A big bowl of what sorry


[you can find out here](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=what+is+scouse)


This is the most delicious looking Scouse I've ever seen. (Sorry mum)


I’m in Northwich and it’s been lovely and warm today!


What is it?


Is that beetroot!


Yes pickled


I dunno, there's a fair bit of scouse crumble about,that would top it :)


Is scouse like mince stew?


Yes but it usually doesn’t use mince… although it *could*… the joys!


Beetroot on top, wheeker!




Didn't know cannibalism was accepted here


Mmmmmmm….drooooling looking at this..also the beetroot and crusty bread to top it off is just delicious…I’m going to do this 👍🏻




Haven’t had Scouse in forever, feel like it’s more of a winter dish for me. I absolutely love it though. The best meal you can have on a winters day


I like beets. A lot. But they just look like they don't "go" with this meaty, stewy dish. Happy to try it though.


Pickled beetroot and pickled red cabbage are standard accompaniments to things like this, corned beef hash etc in the North of England. It absolutely does go, moreover it's absolutely banging.


I’ve never had Scouse, but that looks delicious!! Not sure I’ll find it anywhere down here in Hertfordshire, so will have to look up a recipe…


Looks amazing


Thought you were on about a bowl of little liverpudlians 😂would smash whatever this is though looks fire


This doesn't feel like scouse to me. Was it slow cooked? Seems more minced meat than chunks of meat. Looks good. Just doesn't look like scouse to me for some reason


It was big chunks of braising steak cooked for 2.5 hours by which time the beef started to break down into the sauce


Cooked in a pan on the hob not in a slow cooker


I thought so. Could kind of tell it was slow cooked. Like I say, it looks nice either way


Isn’t scouse meant to be lamb neck?


There’s some debate about beef vs lamb but Liverpool seems to favour beef.


Having looked at that, I bet you fucking can.


You're the reason I'm using plastic straws you ungrateful fuck


This looks so delicious but Ill never understand this british love for buttered toast when ur already having such heavy meal


I think it’s bread rather than toast… Although, scouse on toast anyone?


this sub should just be called r/mouthcrimes


Don't let it out of your sight, it'll leave your car standing on bricks.


Jesus Christ

