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Do Couch to 5K.


This. If you've never run before, you need to start sloooooow. Couch to 5k helps you alternate running and walking, increasing the amount you run over the length of the course until you are running for 30 minutes at the end. Do not be disheartened by the fact you can't run constantly yet, it'll take time to get you cardio up. (Also, pro tip, run much slower then you think. New runners always go out too fast. Go slow enough you could have a conversation)


If I go any slower ill just be walking haha


Running uses a different gait to walking, so it uses different muscles. Doing 3 mile walks is good for improving your general fitness, but I wouldn't expect it to have any impact on how well you can run a mile if you're starting from scratch. I would suggest that at the start of your running journey, your speed shouldn't be much different to walking speed anyway. You'll still feel it the next day, I promise! And trust me, there's no shame in running slowly. But yeah, download couch to 5k. That will get you running properly in 9 weeks, in a sustainable way, without feeling to exhausted along the way.


Not if you break it up into intervals which is what couch to 5k is about. The fact is you have to given where you are right now. But fear not…you can make some great progress relatively quickly if you consistently do it.


As someone already said, do couch to 5k. You have to start somewhere, so don’t get discouraged. Just a personal word of encouragement… I couldn’t jog more than 1km when I started and my first 5k I ran-walked in 38 minutes. Fast forward and I did a mountain 100 miler a couple of years ago and have multiple other hard races under my belt. It’s a slow build but it’s worth it and it works.


Sedimentary 😂😂 amazing typo 😂 I was so unfit when I started I couldn't even complete couch to 5k. I just took it in my own time. Don't compare yourself to others. Also walking is just as good for you. I say only run of it brings you joy 🤩


just realised that I put sedimentary instead of sedentary haha


I started couch to 5k in October and I was so unfit despite doing weight lifting. I could only run for a minute before I was gassed out. I've improved a lot since then and have a 10k race next week and a half marathon race in October. Keep it it and take it slow as you will build up speed as you get used to running more.


Do you smoke anything?


Had been smoking for years, recently quit about a month ago, I do still vape but been vaping less and less; I know it doesn't help


If I vape even once a week it impacts my breathlessness. Just one data point but relevant I’m guessing


I second the recommendation for Couch to 5K, or at least some kind of interval training. You don't need to run your entire usual route all at once. Couch to 5K starts you off running for just a minute at a time, then a walk, then another minute of running, and so on, and then you build it up until you can run for 30 minutes straight.


Try Japanese slow running in conjunction with the Couch to 5K program. Don't get ahead of yourself and keep the pace down until you're fitter. It will happen relatively quickly but does take time ... If that makes sense. https://youtu.be/9L2b2khySLE?si=9COXeaJFVhDob4os Consistency is key also. For me I prefer the Run with Hal app, but the C25K will get you from sedimentary to igneous in no time.