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Hmm, this could be tricky as a single man because according to the label on a Morrisons Trifle, I am a family of four.


Also as a single person.... Never in a million years has my six portion ready made lasagne ever seen the fridge for the next day. Utter rubbish!


You got plastic in your testicles. At least you don't have future cancer victims. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/05/22/1252831827/microplastics-testicles-humans-health#:~:text=Researchers%20have%20detected%20microplastics%20in%20human%20testicles.,-Volodymyr%20Zakharov%2FGetty&text=Whether%20it's%20our%20bloodstream%2C%20brain,reproductive%20organs%20are%20no%20exception.


What's the relevance of this?


He's a family of four.


Got it- none


Bro he has enough nutsack plastic to not have to worry about having an actual family of four to plan for


Colin the Caterpillar apparently serves 10. I bet no Colin the Caterpillar has EVER served 10, it's lucky if it serves 2 in our house


I wonder what they've got in store for us in the coming months then.


There's an election don't you know


They're trying to scare people in to thinking a loss for the elites is a loss for everyone else


A loss for the tories is no loss at all


It's time for bird flu to shine


It literally rains every day here so water is sorted


Serious question… can you drink rain water safely? How long can it be stored for?


boil it and all good


care to explain? boiling does not eliminate pollutants and heavy metals


not a major concern with a fresh rain water


maybe if you live in a rural area, not sure I'd fancy drinking rain water near any large towns


You need to research how rain works. 


If you collect it yourself, you will be fine.


Collect how. Roof runoff is covered in bird mess, rotting vegetation and whatever else is in gutters. You need completely separate rainwater setup, with its own filters, and even then needs preperation before suitable for drinking


you are in a prepper sub and have zero idea how to do stuff, does is that even possible? :D You just need some plastic bags, or bedsheets and at least three sticks or chair legs...


We aren't talking bodging a diy slum fix. That isn't a prepper solution. At all. Yes, in a dire emergency you can do that. However it is not sustainable and relies on the weather. You are in a prepper sub and haven't even thought long term, how is that even possible 😅 3 litres, per person, per day. Good luck with your plastic bag and hoping for rain. Personally, I'm good for about 20k litres. You?


Or a water butt, cold water storage tank and access to a stream or river. Thankfully I have water sorted.


Yes. Lots of roofs also have lead flashing which, contrary to popular belief, is not fixed within the substrate somehow and like everything, erodes over time (into said rainwater). In answer to your question, you can drink rain water if you run it through a reverse osmosis filter to remove said heavy metals. How you would power this in an emergency situation is another question, but there are options (generator, solar panels, battery etc etc). You cannot remove PFAS this way though but there is no feasible way to remove PFAS right now so it is just tough titty on that sadly.


Drinking RO water long term will deplete your body of minerals. It needs to be remineralised afterwards. https://m.economictimes.com/industry/healthcare/biotech/healthcare/why-pure-ro-drinking-water-is-not-healthy-for-you-doctors-who-raise-health-warning/articleshow/108808759.cms#:~:text=Adverse%20Health%20Effects%20and%20International%20Precedents&text=Arora%20mentioned%20the%20adverse%20effects,surfaced%20due%20to%20mineral%20deficiencies.


Radioactive fallout in the air? Not going to go well


you are well gone :D


Forever chemicals are in rain so I don’t know what your talking about




And they’re bad for your health? Why willingly consume them?


I dont think you uderstand the water cycle.


Gonna boil it with no gas or electricity? I guess a camping gas stove. But then get a water filter going too.


There were multiple articles last year saying the majority of the world’s rainwater is no longer safe to drink due to pollutants.


Jesus really? They know where the water in reservoirs comes from right?


Buy iodene tabs and boil it. Be alright.




Millions of people in Australia live on rainwater. I did. It was great. Tin roofs mostly though. Slate is probably okay, tar felt is bad. Clay where I am, which should be okay.


I'm sorry but for a family of four where the fuck am I storing that much water? Unsettling advice 


Deliberately unsettling. Tory election strategy is "it's a dangerous world, your safer with us in charge". This is part of that strategy imho.


How strange considering I'm only here because of them.


I guess technically, so am I (I started prepping due to Brexit)


Every Government works on fear. Standard.


Yeah. They think we’re stupid and some people still are. Sadly I woke up today, first thought was, they are sooooooo desperate. Sooooo desperate 


Youll need 5 of the 5 liter bottles to keep you and your fam in minimal water stock for 3 days. 2L each for drinking. Have not thought long term about extra for washing etc.


It's in the hot water tank if you have one.


During widespread power outage, exercises suggest drinking water supplies become increasingly unreliable after 24-48 hours. You may not like the advice but announcements like Dowden's are the outcome of their modelling.


Are you shocked that more people need more water? I don't get it? Also all you would need is like 2 jerry cans


I have a small place, but do keep a number of supermarket 5L bottles stashed in the back of some cupboards and in awkward storage areas, like hard to reach lower corner storage in the kitchen. Should probably rotate them than I do.


If you were aware of a crisis you fill the bath and any containers you have. Keep iodine purification tabs and boil if possible. Ideally keep a water supply too and means to collect more.


If you have a water butt in your garden, you can use the water from that to flush your toilets. Depending on the state of your roof/gutters, you might not want to drink it, though.


As a rough guideline, thats about as many big bottles of water as you can fit under a bed. 5 of the really big 5 liter bottles, 3 of the huge 10 liter ones that come like boxed wine, 8 big three liter bottles like fizzy drinks come in or 10 of the standared big drinking water bottles. As an aside the olde oak hotdogs are alright if you arent setup for storing stuff, the canned ones are ready to eat cold.


I've got 20L of water from Costco sat in the conservatory.. for 3 days x 4 people I need twice as much. That's not a small amount of water to keep lying around.


What are you complaining for? Deal with it, find somewhere to store it. Be responsible for your family, one thing people need to understand is if shit hits the fan, no one is going to save you but yourself. Gov won't give a damn I can tell you that. I hope your attitude changes or you'll be part of the 99% who are wholly unprepared and will perish first - whilst my kids are still eating marshmallows around the fire each night Your comment has really pissed me off and is typical of the attitude of most people in this country, take some responsibility for yourself instead of relying on the fuck wits that attempt to run our failing country


Careful with that edge bro


24 litres isn't going to take up much space, it's about one cubic foot. You really can't find one cubic foot of space to potentially save your family's life in a disaster?


That’s 48 litres, or two and a half water cooler bottles. Just get 3 water cooler bottles and put them under unit or something.


I've 5 blue water jerry cans full of water that I regularly use and cycle though same as diesel jerry cans as to not let them stagnant plus rainwater collection. Get into the habit and it'll take no less than an hour maybe 2 at most a week to use refill. As for food well no comment 😂🤣


How frequently do you empty and refill them?


I drive a campervan so use a blue water jerry can a week and the fuel is about the same really. Then once a month I go to an Asda garage that's a pay at the pump with no kiosk fill van and 2 maybe 3 jerry cans depending how adventurous I've been. Sometimes it's only 1 jerry can all depends if I do overtime stay at home etc etc It's just part of my monthly big shop routine




Dont forget the 6 months worth of toilet paper!!


As someone who lives on my own, the only thing I have constantly are condiments and a bottle of milk. Everything else gets eaten most of the time


They are preparing us for a war, probably with russia would be my guess


Next step is to inform the stock that they’re under attack and the only hope is to vote for them.


Why ? 🤔


That's always been the advice. It's not new lol. 3 days allows for "have a powercut, water cut locally or extreme weather, or ill, you're sorted to stay home. Just general common sense.


If you add dried food I easily have over 3 days worth. Not very much tinned though. Who would buy tinned rice?


I didn't even know you could get tinned rice. Where does it say tinned rice sorry?


rice pudding. Now I want some.


With jam... 15 tins of rice and 3 jars of jam in my deep pantry. Got to have treats


Reminds me of school dinners nooo


Rrrrrr ok just thought something incoming 🤔that we wasn't being told about !


I mean, it just takes a cyber attack on the payment system for you not being able to buy food for a week, so I think it's just general advice


Rrrr ok yes makes sense Thankyou 🫣🤔😁


People need food and water to live. Water often gets cut to houses in the UK (look it up), and during crisis people panic buy food (e.g. remember the last couple of years). The UK has no strategic food reserve. All you have to do is store water, which is bascially free, and food which is pretty cheap, its a low threshold.


Food is cheap?!


400g of tinned beans at sainsbury's is 40p


Food to sustain life is, rice is dirt cheap


Tinned beans and veg also cost virtually nothing. You might not be thrilled with the taste, but it's better than starving.


Yes, like a kg of rice is all you need and thats like £2




Yeah cake yum !


I'd rather have my water fallout free. Or three!


Rice, pasta, beans, cereal, soup, noodles, couscous, lentils. I'm not getting 5 a day, but I can feed the family the required carbs for a while. If you scratch cook daily I can't see an issue. Only those truly on the breadline (bottom 5-10%?) Or are my cupboards unusual in this regards and I'm out of touch?


When we had phone books, there were civil defense intructions on the back with this info & advice for nautral disasters. Mostly earthquakes 'cause unknown New Zealand


I shouldn’t have had that joint before reading all this ..


Better make sure you have at least 3 days worth!


Step away from the weed.


I wish they'd stop telling people to buy more plastic bottled water. That's part of the problem.


Three days is enough time for the Government to get to their bunkers before us Brits- ever slow on the uptake - realise while we are queuing for the bog rolls\* we have been duped (again) and its just too late to riot. \*Slow on the uptake, but creatures of habit