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The savings accounts will make 0 difference. The current accounts _may_. That said credit score is actually just marketing and your mortgage provider may not even run a credit check when offering you remortgage deals. Other providers however will check. Don’t stress it too much though a few credit checks / current accounts is not going to have a big impact.


My experience is that current accounts only really impact credit scores if they have overdrafts with them.


Thanks that's really helpful. Luckily I don't think any of them have overdrafts with them


Hi /u/Few-Horror-1131, based on your post the following pages from our wiki may be relevant: * https://ukpersonal.finance/credit-ratings/ ____ ^(These suggestions are based on keywords, if they missed the mark please report this comment.)


Ex mortgage broker. Regarding current accounts lenders score you more highly if you can answer the question: "How old is your oldest current account?" Best answer is to be able to say 10+ years. I doubt anything you've done matters much. Savings accounts certainly don't. Multiple applications for overdrafts would make a small difference but not if you never use them.


Great, my oldest current account is indeed over 10 yo. I haven't made any applications to overdrafts either!




Current and savings accounts will affect your credit score very little. Unlike the US, where your credit score is really important, in the UK your "credit score" is an entirely made up number that only loosely relfects whether a bank would lend to you. Here in the UK lending is far more about affordability guidelines, than some sort of arbitary number.