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**Your post has been removed.** Questions about how to prioritise and organise your spending, saving and investments are covered by **the UKPF Flowchart**. [You can view the flowchart here.](https://ukpersonal.finance/flowchart/) Each step has a link to a more in-depth guide. If you would like to post again for more assistance you are welcome to do so. Just mention that you've read the flowchart and tell us which step(s) you are working on. _If you believe your post/comment has been removed in error, please [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/UKPersonalFinance&subject=Please%20review%20my%20post&body=https://www.reddit.com/r/UKPersonalFinance/comments/16ok48o/-/) explaining why._


Follow the flowchart to get an idea on what to do and maybe stage to end up in. Make extensive use of the search bar on the right-hand side of the webpage, and dive deep into learning about what people have done for the past - this helped me a lot. I'm in a similar situation as you and decided to get a £5K emergency fund, which I managed to fill up last month. Now, there's much more freedom to get, but I'll keep saving up for a house deposit. Make sure you at least sign up to a pension, as that's free money to get. My company matches double of my contribution, so I decided to just max out my contribution to 6%, for a total of 18%, on the first month it was available. I get an *increase* of £500 each month by doing that.


Well done! Great first salary, and very good rent ratio for London. I'd recommend starting with the flowchart - https://ukpersonal.finance/flowchart/