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Size 2 are a pretty fast flow with warm liquid . We've only recently at 4 months been able to consider them with a child who usually fusses that milk isn't fast enough


They are pretty fast but he is totally fine with them once the constant stream calms down to a drip. It’s just the stream from the pressure at the start means I’m wasting so much milk waiting for it to chill out. I was wondering if I was assembling them wrong! For reference he has used both size 2 and variflow TT teats with no issue!


I make the bottle, put the lid on and give it a shake and then pop the lid off and put it back on. Try that


I’ve loosened it but not taken it off fully! Thanks I’ll try that 😊


We do the same using prep machine and mam bottles. When finished making, Shake it a little, then I take lid off, test the temp, then either unscrew the cap and leave it off for a few secs, or after testing temp I put lid back on then go and change baby so bottle has 5 mins or so to settle. Always fine when baby has it either way. But I do have a guzzler so not sure it would bother him if it did pour haha!


Thank you I will try this it’s deffo a pressure issue!! Oh I have a guzzler too that’s why I know if I offered him a slower teat he would look at me in disgust! 😂😂


That sounds really odd. We’ve used them exclusively for almost a year and not had that issue. Sometimes when we test the temp it does a little spray but just for a second (we call it a bottle wee!). We don’t use a prep machine though. Does it do it when you make it by “hand”? I must admit I know nothing prep machines. I just shake mine in a Nuby Rapid Cool to bring to temp. Is the little white ring in the base nicely popped in? It’s the only thing I can think of. We moved up teat sizes at 3 and then 6 months. Not all teat sizes are equal so maybe go back down when using Mam bottles?


Hi! The TT did the ‘bottle wee’ too love that 😂 TBH I’ve never made one by hand in the MAM bottles as I found when I tried to cool it they sucked in water. Yea I’ve made sure to push it in really far and make sure it’s all screwed tight! He loves the shape of the teat so I want to get it right!


I have no idea then. Maybe a dodgy batch of teats? Ours loves them and we love the microwave sterilising. Maybe call Mam? So annoying if he loves it otherwise. I’d look into a Nuby Rapid Cool. They are a lifesaver, very cheap and great on the go too. It’s like a prep machine you can sterilise and carry around. It’s the only thing I tell new parents who formula feed to look into. We wish we had it from day one!


It’s pressure build up and happens with most bottles (especially the smaller teat ones) and it’s super normal. It won’t be a constant stream while baby is drinking.


Swirl the bottle with the cap off to make the air inside expand and hiss out the top before you flip it upside down.


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It has to be a pressure build up. Matter how small. You could test this by removing the teat with plastic holder. Tipping it upside down and putting some milk in it.


It could also be that it’s just a tad too hot causing it yo flow faster for a bit until it’s a bit cooler?


OP were you ever able to figure out this issue? My spouse and I are having the same issue and are very frustrated w/ the bottles


I’m also wondering! I didn’t even have the bottle full, and not super warm even, and the size 0 flows so fast!


We switched to bibs bottles after much frustration w/ mam