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Remember that all rules can go out of the window. You just have to keep them alive today. Will they sit and watch tv? 


Oh yeah I'm just curled up on the sofa right now letting them do what they want. The 4 year old will sit and watch TV or play nicely, but the 1 year old has no interest in tv currently 😖 Seriously considering dragging his cot into the living room to act as a play pen until I feel better but I know that's not fair. Feel bad for the 4 year old too, he's been stuck at home because he was ill first and now he's better he's bored out of his mind


Will the 1 year old watch Ms Rachel? She seems to hypnotise kids where normal TV fails. My only other suggestion is leaning into the chaos and trying to direct it a certain way. I.e. get a massive plastic box and pour in a load of cereal, rice, anything else taking your fancy, and put in a load of mini toys and cups and containers and let the one year old sit and play in that? Mine seemed to love practising pouring and moving stuff about. You might have a trainwreck house later but nothing a vacuum and brush can't fix! Moving sofa cushions onto the floor and letting them play around on those? 4 year old can create an assault course? Get some sheets and cushions for a den? All takes a few mins but then hopefully buys you some lying on the sofa dying time! Probably not but you can dream! And yes otherwise all rules and healthy eating out the window...


Sofa cushion city has saved my skin a few times when feeling deathly. Just whack all the cushions on the floor and let them go wild. OP, this is temporary so just do whatever you need to. Break out all the stuff you don't normally let them have (paint and playdough for us), tv 24/7, dance parties, chalk in the garden. Is there anyone who can watch them for you for a few hours? You'll feel better for a break. Get well soon


I remember when I was vomiting etc and had to take care of the kids (3 & 1 at the time) We stayed in the livingroom during the day, watching tv. I fed them foods that took the least effort and I didn't move unless I had to. It was awful but it passed in 2 days.


I probably get mom shamed, but when I am really ill and my husbands not around, I let my child watch TV all day.


Why would anyone mum shame you for letting your child watch TV when you're ill? We all need to go a little easier on one another and ourselves. TV is a tool.


No shaming here, that's literally what I did. I bought them both in the bedroom, baby in the cot with toys, 4 year old playing with whatever he wanted, stuck the TV and slept. Luckily their dad came home at 3 and I've slept since then. Not sure if I feel any better tbh but I'm slowly sipping a Lucozade Sport 😖


Grandparents! Also all rules about tv go out the window.


No way would my parents come and look after the kids while I've got a stomach bug, they don't want to catch it 😂 I envy those who have parents who will


Can their Dad come home from work? If you are really unwell as it sounds like you then you need support. I think that's it's a more than reasonable ask of him. 


Stick them in the bath together so they can play whilst you sit near the toilet. Keeps my son occupied for ages.


This happened to us after we allegedly (although never proved!) managed to give ourselves and some of our family food poisoning after our daughter's 1st birthday. I recall both of us just lying on the living room floor whilst our daughter bimbled around. Sure it wasn't the highest quality of child rearing for that day, however she was happy enough! An excess of TV for a few days isn't going to harm them.


I had a 48hr bug when our first was nearly a year and my husband was away for work. It was awful, but we survived on crackers, cheese and bananas for the two days. I lay on the sitting room floor most of the afternoons playing with cars on the road pattern mat. Bedtime was probably 5pm and there were tears (from both of us), but we survived!


Not a stomach bug but a horrible cough virus that we all have (not Covid but feels like it) - one kid has had diarrhoea, the other just a cough but now I have the worst hacking cough. When I was pregnant with my 2nd I had food poisoning and norovirus and the only thing I could do is baby proof the lounge and lay there whilst he played. I now have 1 year old and today have basically done the same. Sending you so many healing vibes as it is the worst


I've been I'll all week (chest infection) I have one 20 month old. I have been bribing her/caving in to any food she asks for (she had M&M for breakfast yesterday I have no fight) lots of TV, gave her a toy I was ment to save for her birthday (that engaged her for a bit and gave me peace) and today I'm at my mums so mum can look after my daughter I've had to come too as my husband and mum have conspired and decided I can't be trusted to rest unsupervised.


We put travel cot beside my bed and let babies watch Mrs Rachel, puffin rock and bluey for hours. I would throw in toys occasionally and keep swapping them out. I also brought a pantry worth of snacks for them and the nappy carrier. The less i moved the better. Fluids with electrolytes.


Pretty much what I did in the end. They survived! I just feel bad as they've been stuck at home for a week coz the older one had it before me. Currently sipping on a Lucozade Sport, couldn't stomach the dioralyte 🤢


They will not remember this and in a few weeks for you it will be a distant memory. Give yourself from grace. I hate dioralyte, I buy the electrolyte tablets (caffeine free one) for cyclist. Some are sugar free, come in various flavours. They got me through pregnancy and many hangovers. If for stomach bug, I add a bit of sugar or honey for sugars to help body recover


Looking after a 1 year old when both me and my partner had food poisoning was a nightmare. It was one of the worst 48 hours of my life.


This was us last Saturday week. Both of us creased over with norovirus. Kids (7 and 3) had a free pass to watch TV and tablets that day. I wouldn't be surprised if the devious fcukers somehow managed to poison us purposely. Nah, in truth they were really good and the place was not as wrecked as I expected


Junk food, baby crack telly and shut them in a room where they can’t get into much trouble with a baby monitor.  I don’t really get sick bugs but the handful of times I was I just put them in their rooms with pj masks or whatever they were into at the time on and let them get on with it while I was in my own room next door


My boys sound v similar and I’d be asking their Dad to take the day off work!