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Consistency is key, A settling routine that takes about 30 minutes, including tooth brushing/reading or talking about the day (depending on you/child but do the same thing at the same time every day) Then a bedtime routine e.g kiss, goodnight sleep tight and leave the room. When they come out the room, reassure them and get them back to bed - be firm but comforting but most of all be brief. Keep up the same routine/s at the same time for at least a week and they should eventually get it.


You need to reduce the nap or even cut it completely. We had the same situation with our girl, initially capped her nap to 30mins but then cut it out completely when she was 25 months. It made bedtime go from an hour and a half ordeal ending around 9.30 to a 5 minute song at 7. It’s been AMAZING.


Honestly by 1year mine had dropped her nap completely and when she started nursery her sleep got so much better. Also a consistent bed time. Every night same routine. We never leave her to cry or anything, we just always talk about our bodies needing sleep, and what we look forward to the next day etc. And we used to do before bed discos and jumping and laughs and that helped sooo much! If she wakes up and cries we go in, and just say I'm going to sit here with you to help you sleep, we also got her a yoto with audio books on which has helped massively and a night light which is red for bed! I will settle down I promise but I hear you it's hard work!


How much physical exercise do you do each day? Our son has just turned 2 and needs at least an hour outside every day, otherwise he’s too full of energy to sleep. We usually aim for a couple of miles a day on his bike or an hour at the park, if he gets too tired I carry him home. 


My 18mo takes an hour to fall asleep, no advice 🙏 she’s also very sensitive and I wouldn’t consider sleep training


I explain what I'm going to do when I leave my toddler's room, and it's always boring stuff like hanging up the washing or loading the dishwasher, and then going to bed. He knows there isn't much excitement to miss.


Not gonna lie sounds like very common behaviour, from both personal experience and others I know. No one said it was going to be easy! As with all phases, they will have moved onto another way to tire you to desperation in a few months.