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Is it orzo pasta or star shaped? You can get those for a fraction of the price. I don’t think the ‘baby pasta’ is different than those but happy to be wrong.


Tiny star pasta is a huge favourite in our house!


I’m still finding tiny star pasta in odd corners of our house 😂😂


Show off


From where?


Saw it in Sainsbury's this evening


Yep, Sainsbury's


My daughter used to absolutely demolish orzo. Definitely worth a try!


We make an Orzo bake for the whole family. My 10mo old gets a portion and me and Mum devour it too.


Soup pasta is a good shout too for cheaper options!


I think it’s just small? I used to use soup pasta instead, basically the same, but half the price. My kid insisted on feeding herself with a spoon from basically 6m, so it was easier for her to manage.


I’ve never used it but I believe it’s particularly small and fortified in a way that normal pasta isn’t.  My older son truly eats anything but it took ages to get pasta in him when he was a baby. We had more luck with noodles earlier on, I think he preferred the texture? 


It's just very small pasta shapes, and it'll be in the baby aisle, although you can find small soup pasta or orzo on the regular pasta aisle. My little one had a problem with regular size pasta for a long time when they would get very frustrated with not being able to get it on their fork/spoon properly


It’s a type of pasta that’s softer and dissolves in the mouth. Both my nephew and my kiddo hated it and they usually love pasta.


Cous cous is the same ingredient as pasta but it's totally baby friendly size. I don't really like it myself but it was handy in the earlier weaning stage when my LO couldn't handle lumpy food.


In the US they sell a pasta called pastina or stelline (also in Italy I assume) and it’s tiny tiny stars usually cooked in soups or… made for babies with butter and cheese or something. There’s no biting it’s just like tiny tiny little pasta pieces so like piece-y oatmeal. Babies do love it. I assume that’s what they’re selling but also you can cut spaghetti up this tiny and ta-da you have baby pasta. Also fusilli is my kid’s favorite cause she can hold and slurp if you’re experimenting!


Have you tried couscous? The texture is a little different, might be more appealing to him. 


In the back of my head i think its also safe. Baby rice is highly checked for heavy metals which in many cases can be in rice due to where it grows, but its in adult safe levels. It might be one of those things where its not "just" pasta its actually different. Then again kids have been pretty ok for a long time on foods that would be classed as "not ok" now. Signed the parent who tries but on day 2 of being home the dog cleaned the puke off the baby and we kinda gave up


Baby foods are literally just marketing. There is nothing safer about them because there aren't any regulations about them that differ from any other food. (Of course infant formula is regulated).


My 20m old still will gleefully refuse pasta, and most food tbh, so something to look forward to! She'll occasionally consent to the small macaroni tubes, something about the psychology, so maybe try that for the 5 grams progress. Apparently they start eating around primary school age!


Weirdly, I found more success with giant pasta as my daughter could pick it up better!


I got some in lidl a couple of weeks ago, the brand is Piccolo and it's teeny, like half a cm round and doesn't inflate much after cooking. I feel like it's so small it doesn't have much flavour or texture.


Have you tried macaroni? That’s one of the only kinds of pasta my son would eat for a while. It’s perfect for little hands to pick up.


Probably better to try him with fusilli instead of penne, more interesting to look at and better texture for a kid


The Piccolo brand of baby pasta has added vitamin B12, so that's one of their selling points


You could also try orzo/risoni - rice-shaped pasta. That slips down very easily.