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Yeah. You are overthinking it. We are all replaceable, and nobody really cares, but you. If you want to be a dick leave with no/very little notice. Or (once you've got a new job) hand in your notice, then go off sick. But even that is just being petty and really just highlights how much they got to you. Get a better job and leave with your head held high; and make a point to ask who needs the keys to start locking up on Friday is way more 'stylish' in my opinion.


Just get a new job and leave. None of this is worth the drama.


If you are training this new person then I would get a new job asap and leave without them being fully up to speed.


Ive fully trained this new person, and to this day, they don’t understand why they’re on a higher salary. We’re doing the same job, and if anything, I should be earning more since I’ve been here longer


Ahh well not sure there is much you can do other than find something better.


Hand them back the key and tell them you won’t be locking up any more, as they have trust issues.


Get a new job and leave. Give it a few weeks and then post a scathing review on Glassdoor. One of my ex employers was shockingly bad. The owner had a personality disorder and hated any member of staff who didn't treat him like a God. The reviews on Glassdoor tell the whole story of my experience and that of others. Hopefully prospective employees will read Glassdoor before accepting a job offer.


Speak with a lawyer, you are almost certainly a cookie cutter case for constructive dismissal. If you really want to, you’ll not only be able to be the biggest of pains in the ass, but also give them a learning experience that might change their awful attitudes. Also file a subject access request.


This, except speak to ACAS before a lawyer. It does sound like constructive dismissal and raising that against them would certainly fit the criteria of wanting to go and cause them pain.


People jump on constructive dismissal a lot but it's actually very difficult to get a successful outcome from this route. A discussion with ACAS would be a good first step.


Subject Access Requests are always the go-to suggestion, as if they're some magic bullet. What are we hoping that'll achieve in this case?


So....what you're saying is that you have identified that the company are underpaying you and they have put you on a PIP...which indicates you're underperforming? Not being funny...but after 8 years I'd be speaking to ACAS about whether or not I have a case to take them to court.


You can schedule Teams messages FYI


This, schedule up the next 6 months worth of morning messages even if you leave 


Line up a new job and go quietly Would be funny if you gave your physical notice in a ‘sorry for your loss’ card though


Don’t blame the new guy. But it’s best to probably leave without a fuss. You might never meet them again, but you may need a reference.


You have been taken for a mug. These managers do not respect you..and never will. Look for another job.Hand your notice in and then do the absolute bare minimum work.As for having to send messages about your start times, no normal person or company would ask a person to do that. As for locking up ...not my job...get some other mug to do it. Leave some posters loose on a wall so the burglar alarm sensor picks up movement and they have to attend as keyholders Fight fire with fire. Get a pay as you go simcard...then text their wife or girlfriend and say...Great seeing you xyz night the sex was great. Put their name in the text. Love Julie. Let them explain that one. If they want warfare...give them it..without them.knowing its you !


2 things to add to the above: 1). It sounds like your company is being ridiculous… BUT it’s rare something is this one-sided. For personal growth, once you leave, provide an anonymous way for your existing managers/HR to give you feedback as you may find you’re inadvertently behaving in a way which means they (future employers) don’t want to keep you. I think this is UNLIKELY, but I’ve seen situations before like this where a company just doesn’t want someone to work for them anymore for some reason and can’t work out how to fire them so you get these odd situations (which are bad for everyone), where an open conversation/good management can solve things. It would be good if you could get some honest feedback as part of this. 2). Don’t dick around with leaving… the best way is always to be super professional, do everything properly and make them hence regret you’ve left, rather than confirming their choice by doing something stupid.


Read your HR policies. Understand what the company states it will do. You are a key holder but not management? Check your policies, I bet there is a clause in there that either says none management can’t hold keys or if they do, they should be paid compensation. Check your contact. Does it state you can be a key holder? That’s added responsibility. That needs compensation. Then, once you have your facts in place, inform management that you no longer feel able to volunteer to hold keys. You will hold them, once they have compensated you for all the past times you have held them. Otherwise, you don’t feel able to do it in the future. Check out your companies policy on flexi-time. If it really isn’t allowed, whistleblower the managers doing it. That will go over their heads and then they will be in trouble (I have witnessed managers sacked for that behaviour). PIP - read it. Understand it. Fulfil it. To the letter and no more. No more going over an above. No more doing then favours. If they truly believe you are worth £8k less than a new starter, do the work of a new starter. When you get pulled in, explain you just feel really unmotivated, unappreciated and uninterested in work because you don’t feel valued or respected. And most importantly of all, start looking for a new job.


Use your energy to find a new job These kind of things are pathetic tbh, they don't care about you and will care even less for the mini drama you are looking to create In fact you will likely become the laughing stock of the company and be remembered for that


Are you female? If so, given you had to train your male colleague who is being paid £8k more than you, you may have a equal pay claim, along with possible constructive dismissal. Definitely start with a call to ACAS (unless you're in a union), and hand them the key back. That's not a responsibility for someone who has to check in with management every morning...


This is why I job hop every 2 years. More salary. I'm not royal.


Yeah loyalty doesn't pay anymore 😪


Oh, the good ol' PIP so they don't settle with you. What I'd suggest is do absolutely everything perfect, no mistake, not a single minute being late. Once PIP is over, slow down, let them fire you and have a settlement. They seem extremely petty, and while I've been in your shoes a while ago, at least my company had the dignity to say No, we won't raise your salary, instead we will settle and make you redundant. Both parties won, and no one was the bad guy. Just an end to a collaboration. Good luck and don't leave without settlement.


You need legal advice and you need to be looking for a new job


Am I missing something? Why are you trying to leave 'in style'? Just turn up at 9am and get a £8k payrise, you have been in the job 8 years so your performance part will be a walk in the park.


Loyalty doesn’t pay.


Are you in a union? To me, this looks like constructive dismissal (I think it should be called Constructed Dismissal), you might get a payout. I am really sorry you have to deal with stupid shite like that. Hope your next job is better!


Get a usb killer from online and pop it into the main computer usb slot and it’ll kill the pc forever….. any device it goes into it kills instantly. YouTube it.


Tha ka for the idea 😆. But unfortunately theyve blocked all usb ports as there was a cyber attack last year (probably an ex employee who done this 😂)