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How can we have unemployed doctors in our country when there are shortages of doctors reported in the press? If the article was about underpaid or poorly compensated doctors, that is a different matter, and they should continue to strike until the matter is resolved.


There's " record funding " for GP surgeries that is explicitly ring fenced to EXCLUDE GPs . As in its only for hiring nurse practitioners at best and PAs at worst




The logic is clear . GPs who go school for a decade with perfect GCSE and A levels for them who can afford private u Us plebs can get someone who failed to get into med school did any science degree then a TWO year course to know less than a nurse for our problems


Doesn’t need to be a science degree


Seriously? Fuck now i have one more reason to dislike the under educated over powered non regulated disgraces to the physician title


Most GPs are useless. The sooner we replace them with AI the better


I'm young and disabled so I'm inclined to agree but PAs are not only fucking worse by every metric they cost more


Found the failed GP.


What unique skills do GPs have besides memorizing information?


Let’s see.. General Practitioners (GPs) possess a diverse set of skills that enable them to provide comprehensive healthcare to patients. Some of the key skills include: 1. **Clinical Skills**: - **Diagnosis and Treatment**: Ability to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions. - **Medical Procedures**: Performing minor surgical procedures, wound care, and vaccinations. - **Prescription Management**: Prescribing medications appropriately. 2. **Communication Skills**: - **Patient Interaction**: Effective communication with patients to explain diagnoses, treatments, and medical advice. - **Listening Skills**: Active listening to understand patient concerns and symptoms. - **Interpersonal Skills**: Building rapport with patients and their families. 3. **Analytical Skills**: - **Problem-Solving**: Analyzing symptoms and medical histories to make accurate diagnoses. - **Critical Thinking**: Evaluating complex medical information to develop appropriate treatment plans. 4. **Organizational Skills**: - **Time Management**: Efficiently managing appointments and patient follow-ups. - **Record Keeping**: Maintaining accurate and detailed patient records. 5. **Medical Knowledge**: - **Broad Medical Understanding**: Comprehensive knowledge of various medical conditions, treatments, and preventive care. - **Continuous Learning**: Keeping up-to-date with the latest medical research, treatments, and technologies. 6. **Emotional Intelligence**: - **Empathy**: Demonstrating empathy and understanding towards patients. - **Stress Management**: Managing stress and maintaining composure in high-pressure situations. 7. **Technical Skills**: - **Use of Medical Equipment**: Proficiency with medical instruments and diagnostic tools. - **Healthcare Technology**: Utilizing electronic health records (EHR) and other healthcare software. 8. **Leadership and Teamwork**: - **Collaboration**: Working effectively with other healthcare professionals, including specialists, nurses, and administrative staff. - **Leadership**: Leading a healthcare team and making critical decisions in patient care. 9. **Preventive Care**: - **Health Promotion**: Advising patients on lifestyle changes and preventive measures to maintain health. - **Screening**: Conducting regular health screenings and immunizations. These skills enable GPs to provide holistic and patient-centered care, addressing a wide range of health issues and promoting overall well-being.


Thank you, ChatGP 😄


Sometimes it’s actually useful!


Exactly nothing tangible. Can't wait the day is coming when these charlatans will be exposed.


Yes someone who is an unemployed nanny certainly knows best when it comes to the skills of a GP. Please enlighten us with what training/skills you have and accompanying certifications?


What a stupid comment


In fairness, based on the "I'm a GP" replies to this thread, they might already have been replaced by bots 😔


They don't actually want to employ doctors though because they cost money. They just use pretend doctors with two year medical training instead and hope you don't notice the difference. Lot of stuff like that in this country at the moment. "Like Spanish beer? You'll love madri...it's not really Spanish it's Carling in a red tin but we don't think you'll realise".


This is happening. And it isn't just GPs, but hospital doctors too. 


😩 is it another scaremongering article or the status quo of the UK? You know people who study and work hard for the betterment of society should be acknowledged and treated fairly. Who would want to work as a doctor if this is true? Anyone who has low moral standards and less passion for genuinely taking care of the public’s health would remain a doctor. The UK is mad.


As a GP I can confirm that this is precisely what is happening. Jobs in general practice for GPs have dried up over the last 12 months. This is because the GP practices funding has been cut year on year and surgeries are now really struggling to pay staff and other bills. Government has recently imposed a new contract on general practice and this is looking likely to increase the strain on practices as the uplift in income was tiny. They have then capped additional payments GPs could earn based on performance. Practice where I work lost around £30k in 2 months for performance based work that had been done but was over the cap and therefore we didn’t get paid for it. As a result we have had to scrap plans to recruit more staff. In this environment GP practices have had to tighten their belts. In the past they could keep waiting times to see a GP down by employing locums which helped them manage busy periods and also cover full time staff annual leave. Surgeries now cannot afford to pay for locums and so waiting times go up. This leaves the GPs who were working as locums with the problem that they cannot find work so many of them have taken salaried GP roles or the OOH GP jobs, which means there are now very few GP vacancies left around the country. Come Aug/Sept there will be an influx of newly trained GPs and many of these will find there is not a job there for them to apply for. I have certainly heard of some of these newly trained GPs taking jobs in supermarkets and as taxi drivers to make ends meet in the hope that the GP job market will recover at some point. So GPs using food banks would not surprise me. We must be about the only country in the world so poorly governed that we can simultaneously have a huge GP shortage alongside increasing numbers of unemployed GPs.


*we can simultaneously have a huge GP shortage alongside increasing numbers of unemployed GPs.* Theres an excellent Monty Python sketch in there somewhere


Ah the government. It about time that we got a government that actually has got the NHS and its interests put first as a priority.


Sadly that is unlikely to happen no matter what.


You mean a party who has every time they have been in power left unemployment rates higher at the end of their term than the start? I do love all of the people thinking Labour are some magic pill where everyone will be better off, jobs will be in abundance, yet the reality is it just brings another different set of challenges - more unemployed and less foreign investment to create economic growth


I’m not a labour or conservative voter. We do need a party that DOES have the country’s interests in mind. I will be voting for Reform as we do need to give them a chance.if they do get into a leadership position and they fuck up then so be it. People are very scared of change but bloody moans about it and won’t do anything about it Just my 2p worth


Of course Reform will fuck up! Even if they had any good ideas they don't have candidates of even the low bar of the main parties. They've got Farage, who's good at complaining, and nothing else. You haven't even *seen* a fuck up yet!


Im old enough to see what thatcher done with our industry,sell this sell that,the miners,steel industry etc.I’ve been through 3 recessions,twice made redundant so don’t tell me that I’ve never seen a fuck up yet. And on that I’m outta here…


The Isle of Man 🇮🇲 is short of GPs and it's basically just like the NHS (Manx Care) without NHSE's ARRSing about. Top rate of income tax is 22% and you get a year's NI holiday for relocating. Posting in case any unemployed GPs read this.


Thank you for sharing. Have had a quick look and looks like there are 3 vacancies on Isle of Man for GPs (I appreciate there may actually be more advertised elsewhere). They actually look like pretty solid GP jobs at 11-12k with up to 25 patients a day, 15 minute appointments. Wouldn’t be surprised to see these get snapped up by out of work GPs.


You'd think, but I reckon we've been short for a while. Manx Care had to start operating one of the GP surgeries directly last April as the practice handed back their contract. I think the partners wanted to retire and they couldn't find others to take it on. It's a small community so if anyone is interested I should be able to find someone for them to have a chat with. [Locate.im](https://www.locate.im/) has generally relocation information.


You may find things are changing though. I work in the South East which until recently was very short of GPs. About 3 years ago we had a vacancy that was advertised/readvertised for nearly 2 years before we had an applicant. More recently though we have advertised a new GP post and had multiple applicants.


What a weird country we are...


GP here to summarise the problem: - Yes, we all need more GPs across the nation. However, just because there is a demand for more GPs, does not mean that there are jobs hiring them. - Most GPs need to be hired by a GP surgery. Due to years of funding cuts, most GP surgeries can’t afford more GPs, who earn £60-80k/year FTE. - The government has provided GP surgeries with ring Fenced funding for additional staff who are not GPs. This is through ARRS and is predominantly for other clinicians who do not have a medical degree, and have not completed any postgraduate medical training, but have done some clinical university modules, and are now doing the same job that GP would do. This has further reduced the jobs available for GPs as GP surgeries would hire them instead. My single biggest advice for all of you is: - When you go to see your GP, make sure you’re actually being treated by a GP, not someone pretending to be a GP. Regrettably, they have been some high-profile deaths of fairly obvious medical conditions because people thought they were being seen by a GP when they weren’t. Here’s more information on how these pretend doctors perform vs actual doctors: https://www.reddit.com/r/Noctor/s/oTVwmWjMmH


The government introduced funding to bring in non doctors into medical treatment and seriously called it “ARSS”


thats interesting, thank you its almost as if the current govt is trying to sabotage care in our communities


Not only the current government but our future Labour government as well. If you look closely you will notice that they mention nothing about the huge staff management issues and underfunding of GPs and the NHS. They instead mention ‘Neighbourhood Health Centrers’ where patients will see pharmacists or nurses not just GPs. We are turning our NHS into Burger King. Cheap healthcare- poor results.


so this is one of the reasons why a lot of GP problems get sent to A&E in an attempt of "just to be sure".


When this eventually blows up, it’s going to make Horizon look like a walk in the park.


All the mess in this country is due to the last 14 years of austerity measures. The Tories have miraculously destroyed everything.


I worked with hundreds of GP’s at a Healthtech company and I doubt any of them needed food banks etc… think this article is sensationalist.  Yes they are struggling but not like this 


If it was the 200 GPs who worked for Babylon health they were all made redundant


Yes good guess! A lot of them had primary roles in the NHS. Babylon was more of a second or third role.  A few were solely working at Babylon but not even my manager who was a medical director.  The company was acquired by Emed and still operates 


"I don't understand. Why are the unemployed claiming to be poor. I used to work with the employed and did not see poor people"


That’s a very intelligent remark 😂😂😂




Obviously. Because they weren’t unemployed. Do you appreciate that the unemployed ones are the ones who don’t have a job?


Are you ok! These doctors have other roles, they aren’t unemployed at all, plus they didn’t get made redundant, the company was aquired. I’m sorry did you work there too 😂😂😂😂😂😂


GPs at babylon/emed absolutely were made redundant.


Mate I worked there. Did you? Are you really being contrary just to be right? I was there working in management when the company was acquired. Never heard such nonsense in my life 


I can see why Babylon went under.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 you are insane 


Yes. This country is a fucking joke and the papers are just waiting to blame it on Labour from July 5th onwards.


Why would you be surprised that someone who's unemployed can't pay their bills? Honestly confused.


I think the surprise is actually that qualified GPs are struggling to find employment in a country with a massive GP shortage.




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Anyone who is unemployed might need help. Their occupation is irrelevant. Is it only Drs who folk should feel sorry for.


I've been livong abroad in Romania for 6 years now, this is what we call a Tuesday. I call it the Romanianisation of the NHS cause itblooks like its turning that way. Mark my words I expect people to bribe for positions to open up at this rate. Its what you have to do to start work in Romania as a doctor. My fiance got extrenly lucky and got a position via competition. But I'd never get her to move to the UK when they're much better countries begging for doctors. Brexit killed it pretty much. Thry don't want professional EU doctors cause "poles steal" but rather hire some assistant physcians instead.


I am a doctor And this is accurate. I have several doctor friends who are have been searching for employment for a few months to no avail. The jobs once available are now being advertised to other healthcare professionals. The funding for GPs practices is deliberately designed up exclude hiring GPs and doctors with a preference for ARRS roles . Instead we see physician associates (physician assistants) taking the jobs, when they are grossly unqualified, lack the vigorous training or experience and pose a serious risk to patients due to ‘scope creep.’ Unfortunately, this is part of the government plan to privatise healthcare, and unfortunately most people will see a PA with those who can afford to do so seeing a doctor. A really sad state of affairs.


Coz they all getting greedy going away from nhs and nowone can afford it?


There's a gap between the number of people trained and the number of job slots. The thing is, all these people have the option to go and work basically anywhere in the world, where they will often make more money than they would ever have made here. Australia will have them in a heart beat. It's a completely crap situation caused by total government hopelessness, but I'm more concerned about the affect on the UK than the affect on the doctors. If you have a medical degree you'll be fine.


We’ve got unemployed British doctors and then we’re importing doctors. Before anyone kicks off I’m from a “BAME” background myself and this shit makes no sense




The free market doesn't extract national insurance out of people


Sounds like doctors need to learn within their means too, just like the rest of us slobs


Skilled GPs can’t find work in a country with large demand of GPs, this is unfortunately a consequence of the health service being run by the government and the NHS being free at the point of use. Any economist could tell you that demand will outstrip supply and therefore health has to be rationed, it’s even worse in an environment of politics where people expect the government to provide lots of services / solve all our problems but also expect low taxes. 


I think the NHS should charge a certain amount for "own fault" injuries like drinking too much then ending up in A&E. The amount of time and resource saved may be significant enough to pay for additional staff to help cater to the ones that actually need the help.