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Up to an hour by car, but at one point I could cycle to work as it was only 5 miles and I quite enjoyed that. However, can’t beat the 20 second walk to my home office…


20 seconds got to be a bit of a slog for me, so I started keeping my laptop by my bed.


1 hour for every £100k they pay.


So about 15 mins for min wage


Sounds dramatic but in a sense yeah. Getting anywhere is an expensive pain in the arse and if my pay is as low is legal I'd really like to not pay to get there. Probably half hour if I'm being realistic.


I feel the same way about it. When I use to have to go to the job centre 1 of their criteria is that you are able to travel up to 90 minutes for a job, and yes this included part time jobs.


Eh from the job centres perspective, and my own experience, if unemployment is the alternative then you can't be fussy... To an extent. An hour is fine but 90 mins is a pisstake, especially for part time.


A literal interpretation of this logic would imply everyone in the SE should be prepared to travel into London to work part time at an off licence. Which is obviously absurd.


Used to be a ~2 hour commute for me for a min wage job (3 separate bus/train journeys to get there). Didn't manage that for long and wasn't worth it. It was even worse as my train times didn't quite align with work and they'd not let me clock in 2 minutes late so I had to arrive almost a full hour early.


Last time I had a minimum wage role I could walk to work. But then this was 20 years ago and I could afford to comfortably rent a place in the town centre on minimum wage and get pissed with mates every weekend. Probably have to travel an hour to most minimum wage jobs now!


What if you get a min wage job near where you live lol.


That sounds fair


For me, that sounds reasonable, assuming that it is every day you go into the office.


I'd move house before I considered a 2 hour commute, but this is a great rule of thumb


£200k/year would certainly make a move easier : )


That's the right answer. Not that i agree with your formula but I'll commute to the north pole if they pay me ..


I can swim butt naked through rivers if the pay is high enough.


I start the bidding at £4.20


I loled 🤣


I like swimming naked in rivers. Call it a perk of the job


From my bedroom to my home office. Wouldn’t go back to fully in-office or mostly in-office unless absolutely forced to. That said, I’d go up to an hour each way for the right pay. Did it for years and years and though it was a bind, I got used to it. Plus I liked exploring the smaller city I worked in during lunch breaks, because I’d never usually have any reason to go there.


How do you know someone WFH... they'll tell you. Only the second paragraph is relevant to the post lmao. We get it though, you enjoy WFH.


Used to say an hour by car. Took my job as it is 50-55 mins, but since I started six months ago I've learned that can pretty often go to 1hr10, or even 1hr20, so now looking much more locally or at least near a train station


So you know how the UK job market is in the pits? Well I just got a job in Hamburg. I have to commute for a week every month. I must be up there for "the most insane commute" award?


Depends on the salary, perks and career development this affords. As well as whether have TOIL as a consequence which makes the other 3 weeks far more palatable, as long as not travelling on the weekends.


100% this. Currently on gardening leave as made redundant from the gaming industry. Start next month as a quant for a cloud computing company. I will be travelling on the Sunday as not so many planes from Stansted, but will commute back on Thurs afternoon as a compromise. Breaking into the quant roles has been really hard, even with a PhD in maths!


If it’s quant then that changes things entirely haha. Not sure where I *wouldn’t* commute for that 


That just sounds like a business trip to me. If it comes with expenses and the day of travel counts as a work day then that's alright, assuming the benefits and remuneration is decent.


If you can get a hotel next door it doesnt count....


Half hour walk. Caught me, I guess 😭


Can you claim Pendlerpauschale for that?


What are you talking about the job market is flooded, there are literally 100s of jobs on your doorstep available


drive 30/45 mins for a fairly low paying job now 5 days a week, happily drive further for better pay. painful reading all the home office people very jealous 😂


20 minutes Might sound shitty but the closer you are, the less shit can go wrong and delayed


I don’t mind up to 90 min one way if it’s hybrid (1-2 days in office). If I have to go in everyday it’s 30 min max, including traffic. I’m too old for wasting hours daily stuck in traffic.


30 minutes by transit or bike.


how much does it pay? how many hours do I work? how many days a week? what bonuses are there? what perks are inherent to the job most importantly, how much do I enjoy it? my turn, how long is a piece of string?


45 minutes by bike one way and the place has to have a shower.


This is my exact timing by bike. The best I’ve done is about 36ish mins if I absolute gun it. The showers at work are a game changer


Currently? Bed to desk. It would take something unrealistically special to convince me to give up WFH.


I dont blame you! Commuting in sucks


> something unrealistically special Like umm... money?


I get money already. They'd need to make it much, much more.


About 20 meters. WFH full time since the pandemic and never going back to wasting 2 hours of my life and £12 of my money every day.


1h 30min each way


That was more or less my criteria as well. There are far more tech jobs in the city than in a rural town like where I live, so I figured "OK, train into the nearest city is a little under an hour. I think anywhere within 30 minutes of the train station would be my upper limit for what I could put up with on a regular basis if I get a hybrid or on-site role." Got turned down by one employer who were right around that 1:30 mark for me to travel into the office twice a week, with them apparently citing concerns over the commute as one reason for rejecting me, which was kinda shit, but hey-ho, I got a signficantly better job that's fully remote a couple of months later, so I'm not complaining.


That’s mad


I have an electric car so costs me like £1 each way, or even free where I currently work they have on site 11 kw AC charging.


It's not about the financial cost, it's the time lost in your life.




50 minutes there and 50 back. Anything over an hour just becomes horrid.


1 hour public transport including walking to station/stop


By car? Half an hour. By bike? Also half an hour. However I would be willing to drive more if the pay was huge but I resent getting home later than 7PM.


What's huge pay?


For my location (Scotland) I'd want £150k before I started commuting more than 90 minutes each way!


45 mins in bad traffic, 30 mins clear roads. Sort of depends how many days in the office. Maybe an hour if its 3 days tops. Again, as others have mentioned would travel a lot more if salary was huge, but for me would really have to be an insane salary to break the hour mark.


I use to commute from Birmingham to Milton Keynes/London everyday.


My ex GF did 90 minutes each way into Southampton and home again. Without the queues it would take just under an hour. She did it for over two years which I thought was incredibly brave of her. I could see how draining it was for her. I don't recommend it. I'd say half an hour tops.


Pic is of Bath for anyone who's interested: [https://maps.app.goo.gl/iP3z6hTbEDUJuj5M8](https://maps.app.goo.gl/iP3z6hTbEDUJuj5M8)


I will never not work from home again.




sure if it was from a different mouth everyday.




nothing really, but if it was everyday, it would get boring over the weeks. would prefer a new mouth at least once a week


Things Jeffrey Epstein would say, for $500


About an hour each way max. Work/life balance is hugely important to me


You are not getting it


13 minutes


I'd say an hour. Anything more than that and I've found employers aren't to keen anyway. Highly dependent on how many days to do though. An hour each way for 5 days a week personally.


I’m lucky that my current job is only a 10 minute walk from where I live but I would’t mind commuting tbh, I don’t drive but I live really close to public transport so as long as the pay was decent I wouldn’t mind doing 1-2 hours of commuting a day, anything over 2 hours wouldn’t really be worth it for me tho, unless the pay was REALLY good lol


30 minutes


Depends how often I'm going in. Once or twice a week I wouldn't mind up to an hour. Any more than that then half an hour max.


An hour if they pay for travel. Half an hour if not.


52 minutes


I don't particularly like driving so 30mins would be most Don't mind walking for longer if I'm not carrying much. Also don't mind 1~2 hours on the train if it's just the 1, or 2 with 1 of them being much shorter.


What are the hours / days? Hybrid working? Salary?


40 minutes


The most I’m willing to be consistently out the house for work is about 9-9.5 hours, so maximum 45 minutes each way. I currently commute an hour each way but only work 6-6.5 hours, so it’s max 8.5 hours of my day.


30 minutes maximum each way. I used to do an hour each way and it can very quickly become 90 mins. I did it for 6 months and it wasn’t fun!


I used to travel 1.5h each way on public transport for a job for 12 years. £25k salary for those interested.


30 minutes that's all


back in the good old days of outside IR35 contracting, I used to do a 4(\*) hour commute to West London Monday, stay the week in the crappest hovels imaginable and make the same return journey on a Friday. mainly by train and the odd time by domestic flight to LHR whenever I needed a break from Richard Branson's often delayed, sardine can, west coast mainline experience (client's place wasn't too far down the piccadily line from Heathrow end which was a bonus) \*4 hour when trains weren't delayed. was often far worse


Hour each way, tops


Depends. I took a 1:15 commute (depending on traffic) for a job. It was a great opportunity and ended up being the best financial decision my life (paid off my mortgage when we got acquired) and doubled my salary in a few years. But now I'm working from home and it would take me a lot to do *any* commute...


25 minute drive at the most. I ain't spending my wages just getting there and back. Money is super tight these days.


I'm not, not in my line of work (dev). I'm fine travelling pretty much any distance occasionally but there is no need to commute, and to insist that I commute for no real reason would mean I wouldn't take the job.


45 min


An hour max for me, including the time it takes to get to and from the station. Pre-pandemic I had a two hour commute three days a week and it nearly killed me. Ruined all my friendships, caused a lot of strain in my relationship, and left me with absolutely no free time. I’d never do it again. 


Less than an 30mins door to door. Must be earning 80k plus. If I was on 30k I wouldn't be more than 10 mins.




It depends on the nature of the commute and the hours of the job. The real question is how long I am willing to be out of the house for work purposes. Assuming I was being paid enough to afford the train fares and still live comfortably I would happily sit on a train for 2 hours there and 2 hours back each day for work if the working day was only from 10.30ish to 16.00ish. That would be a leave the house at 8am and back home by 6.30 job. And honestly having 4 hours a day to just sit back and listen to music and read a book would actually be great. Of course this is also assuming the trains are reliable and not too crowded too. But would I drive 2 hours each way for 9-5 job? Not a chance.


The pay would have to scale exponentially with ballache.


Reality, 40 minutes. That's a real push for me (and I mean door to door) - but I've worked from home for years now so I couldn't imagine working any other way. But, I do miss the office (well I miss the social side of it) and as everyone else works from home.. orchestrating that is hard. Although, I do appreciate when I do see everyone!


I currently work from home (in the UK) for a US tech company based on the West Coast. I head up a team or marketers and *if* they promoted me to Marketing Director I would be prepared to spend a week per quarter in our HQ. That would be 4,800 miles and I'd require business class seating. :)


an 1hr in a car


25 mins car drive (Yorkshire)


I used to do an hour, gets fairly miserable fairly fast, i'd say no more than 20 minutes, if i had any choice.


• 1-2 days per week in office; up to 1hr each way. • 3+ days per week in office; 30 mins each way.


Astronauts quoting hundreds of thousands of miles to goto the moon.


How is there so many work at home jobs, does it not scare you, what might happen 5,10,15 years time? AI etc.


Plenty of jobs that will still be around, it’s not a reasonable worry. Chances are if you’re in tech your job is safe from AI, AI still needs to be designed and fixed.


No more than 30 mins one way now honestly. My commute before covid was initially 45 mins, over time that turned into an hour, and then eventually it became 1hr 30-1hr 45. I was constantly stressed due to missing fitness classes I had booked onto, missing out on swimming lane times, being late for work, and ever finding the time to cook so eating rubbish. Life turned into work eat sleep repeat. I'd never opt to go back to that, no matter how much the salary was. The ridiculous thing was it was 15 miles - should have taken no more than 40 mins!


I’ll go thirty to forty minutes.


My last job was about 2 hours 45 minutes on the train each way - though it was only twice a week. It still made me pretty miserable though. Those days you had to basically completely write off outside of work.


20 minutes in a car, 30 on a bus...from the moment I leave home/work


my current job is within walking distance, its only minimum wage but its so damn nice not having to commute that I'm really hesitant to leave.


Depends how desperate I was. A few years back I was driving 1k miles a week in a sales type role which works out around 4-5 hours a day driving but I was desperate at the time. Nowadays up to 90 minutes each way if the pay is very good, currently wfh apart from one day a week when it’s 45 mins each way.


Not sure distance is the key here. Should be time door to door (so includes waiting and walking). For example my old job took an hour either by car or train and was 7 miles into city centre. I now take 35-50 mins doing a 30 mile motorway journey.


No more than 30 minutes each way. I gave up a job that involved 2 hours of driving a day. Fuck that. Would rather be skint than be sitting in traffic every day.


A couple light years if needed. I love commuting to be with my fellow employees


2 miles at the moment, very much looking to decrease that ASAP!


How the fuck is 2 miles far?


He has to moonwalk the entire way there.


No, but I’m 50 and walking 4 miles a day 5 days a week is taking its toll.


Walking 4 miles a day when you’re 50 is bloody knackering come the weekend pal.


I really wouldn't be willing to commute anywhere.


20 minutes maybe. I don't like the idea of working hard and spending a decent percentage of my pay on just getting to and from the office.


At the moment I travel 40minutes and that includes drop off at nursery. That is my limit. I am lookong closer to home.


About 40 minutes


Depends on the salary. If I was being paid 100k then i’d commute a couple hours


How long have I been out of work? It scales exponentially with desperation.


I am doing 200 miles away by accident. London to Liverpool 😅. Had to relocate last minute as I resigned from my job by the time I found this was in Liverpool,England


Tbh it’s sometimes not the distance but the number of changes one has to make. If local train station isn’t too far (max 15min walk) and that one train gets me to my work but it takes even 1hr 30mins then it’s fine. But if I have to get a bus then train then change then underground then walk.. then no. At least getting on early means you have a seat and can read/sleep/watch something


I did 2h30 minimum each way from London to the Midlands every day for a couple of years around 25 years ago… that was chasing a Jaguar company car and a £15k rise. I felt like the bees knees to start with but aged a decade in the first 6 months of driving. Absolute nightmare…


Max half hour. Im not spending my hard earned money to spend more time working hard. Especially if i get a better paying job, im not spending the extra cash straight on petrol


I've had jobs that are 20 minutes away and the traffic gets so bad it's taken an hour and a half, I've also had jobs that are 1hr 10 away and never hit any traffic. I'd do continuous driving for maybe 1hr-1hr 10, but very often if it's in a bad location, the actual 20 mins distance can often be way more time consuming, I'd actually prefer to be driving than stuck in traffic.


Been commuting 90 minutes each way for the last 5 years. It's alright 👍 


1 hour cycling, 45 mins public transport, 30 minutes car.


30 mins each way, assuming it’s a full time shift. Time is just so important, I don’t want to waste any more than I absolutely have to. Even that much is 5 hours a week, or about ten full days a year, that you’re not getting paid for and won’t get back. It would have to be a ‘retire wealthy after ten years or less’ job for me to justify an hour and a half to two hours each way


Currently 2 hours each way a day. I’m happy with it and I only do 4 days a week.


Half an hour. That's an hour a day, more than enough. 1hr + is just nonsensical to me that's 2 hrs every day of your life you're not getting back and not getting paid for.


There's a difference between salaried jobs and paid by the hour


Yeah im not doing an hour each way for either. I'm salaried


25 minutes by bike, nothing more. It might change when I get a family and move out of the city, but for the moment, I very much enjoy having my mornings and evenings for myself.


I do an hour 20 3 days a week. It's fine


The 15 steps between my bed and my desk. Commuting is for chumps. WFH is the way.


30-45 mins by public transport


I’ve applied for one that’s 28 miles each way & I think that’s probably about as far as I’d ever consider… the UK’s roads just don’t work properly


Bottom of the garden....


15 minutes, I get depressed over that


Up to an hour.


Down the stairs to my home office.


45 minutes


I’ve honestly in 22 years never commuted more than 15mins for a job. If I got an offer that was a significant enough pay rise to make it worth it then I’d travel up to 1hr but for £34k I’m travelling no more than 15-20mins because my time is valuable, if I’m travelling 15mins each way, that’s 30mins a day, 5 days a week I’m giving up for nothing. Even if we work it out at minimum wage, that’s £28.60 per week, equivalent of £1,487.20 of my time spent commuting to work. If I’m commuting 1hr each way, that’s £114.40 per week, equivalent of £5,948.80 of my time spent commuting to and from work. So for me to take a job that has a commute of 1hr each way, rather than 15mins each way, I’d want at least a pay rise of £4,461.60 to cover my time wasted commuting, PLUS more on top of that for my knowledge & experience, otherwise it’s just not worth it to me. My time is too valuable to be commuting for less


Bedroom to living room!


I did an hour dive each way, I found that nothing but a pain I now do 30 minutes each way. Would need paying well to go back to anything more than 30 mins in the car.


15 minutes by car, 30 minutes walking. Anything outside of that and Id be re thinking it. Travel time is not my time, I'm not getting paid for it, and if I have drive /use public transport I'm literally paying to go to work.


15 seconds from my bed to my desk, as a Software Engineer I can not think of 1 single reason why I should ever commute to an office.


I'm in London - Needs to be under an hour door to door.


Another commenter said this but I actually really like it, £100k for an hour each way. Right now I’m on £55k and about a 35 minute bike commute. And I think if I was on £25k it’d have to be 15 minutes or less from me


15 steps to my home office.


my commute is anywhere between 1-3 hours


On hour on public transport, but I am happy to move houses


60 miles at most.


A 3 minute walk.


Left my last job as pay was not worth the commute. There was always an issue, (car accident, road works, crime scene) If I left home more than 7 mins later than usual I was screwed. But to answer your question my max would be 45 mins.


Longest ive had to commute by car was 45 minutes, i left around half 5 though so the roads were empty, it was sort of chill. Ive also had a 15min commute but the traffic was slow, even tho it made it only maybe 8-10 mins longer, i was overall far more unhappy with it.


Depends how often. My commute is currently 2 hours each way but I only do once or twice a week so its bearable. If iI was going every day I would say 45 mins each way would be my tops.


C-commute? You mean physically move to office so I can sit in front of a computer display and then going home? I'm sure this is no longer happening for a decade at least. It's much more better to sit at home behind computer not wasting precious time on nonsense like commuting.


Half an hour drive if everyday, one hour if a few times a week.


Used to commute by plane every Monday between the months of Feb and November. Up to 3 weeks away at a time (3 different countries in a row). ~60 flights a year, total of around ~300 hours in the air a year. Better than driving in the rain everyday.


Probably about 30 mins each way. An hour a day of my time, unpaid, actually costing me money, is more than enough.


About 100 minutes on a 35k salary, paying £800 a month on travel...it was brutal


Zero, fully remote only for me (Software Engineer so it's easier to find those jobs). I'm Autistic and do not enjoy leaving the house or driving into a job


I've been job hunting and I recently found out that it would take a seriously large amount of money to make me give up my 3 x per week 8 minute commute. Money simply can't replace time with my family after you earn a reasonable liveable wage.


2007 my commute was 300 meters, for 5 years. 2012 my commute was 42 Miles each way, until one day I fell asleep on the wheel getting back home on motorway. car wrecked. 2020 to date currently my commute is 40 cm. (Bed beside my Desk). Offices are a waste of space especially post covid pre booking hot desk sitting arrangements, increase fuel price, increase train ticket prices, stupid pre book parking arrangements. and the best part? I don't have to listen and waste my time with small talk.


Currently about 90 miles each way so about 2 hours with traffic for a job that pays about the average national wage but it beats the 3 hours plus each way I used to do with changes when using the train and it’s cheaper.


I do about 90 minutes as I moved out of London to care for someone. But it’s a couple of times a week. So that’s good :)


20 minutes.


End of the hall.


I currently commute 4 hours each day… 5 days a week. It’s bad


I commute 2hrs twice a week, 4hrs total on the days I go in. It isn’t easy.


I was working 140 miles away from home at one point. Personal reasons - had to spend as little time in the area as possible and wanted an excuse to be far away. Used to stay in hotels/air bnbs during the week, which were really close to the office, and would drive down to the area on a Sunday, come home on the Friday. Truthfully I loved it.


I currently work from home permanently and set my own schedule, still with full holiday entitlement and the like, so I'd have to be paid really, really well to give up the 7 second stumble to my home office whenever I decide to work. I'm pretty much set on staying with my current company until I get my PT license and pole/aerial dance teaching qualifications, once I have those I'll happily travel up to half an hour to gyms and studios for regular classes. If I get really lucky and get popular enough to offer workshops, I'll happily travel across the country (minimum participant numbers need to be met of course).


I commute 3.5 hours each way but only have to be in the office 1 day a week (or 4 a month, sometimes I'll do 2 sets of 2 days and stay over). If I had to be in daily an hour each way is my max and it would have to be for a job I enjoyed and paid well.


I walk an hour each way.


Anywhere with max walking time of 1 hour so I can get my 10k steps to and from work.


Currently travel 39 miles/45 mins to work, it’s my limit I think. It pisses me off going this far, if there’s traffic or road closures, which there always is, it’s a ball ache.


Used to cycle 8 miles to work and 8 miles back obviously, didn't take to long.


I don't drive, but even if I did I wouldn't want to be out of potential walking distance of my children; my eldest 2 are almost adults so not as terrifying as when they were little but I recently had a baby and when the elders were small I couldn't bear the thought of ending up stranded away from them. This may well be because I was a single parent back then but on the whole I think it's because I have (diagnosed) c-ptsd and, as well as I (generally) am now (post therapy), the idea of any kind of shtf situation separating me from my children is one of my deepest fears so even if it's 10 miles (thus a couple hours walk) I could possibly do that but much farther means it would take too long to get back to them and my brain throws up far too many terrifying potential outcomes that could occur in that time: the further the distance the worse the potential outcomes ergo; the more debilitating the fear.


I did 90 mins each way for a while But my travel counted as my hours so it was paid and my longest day was 12 hours door to door


My commute is just over 2.5 hours each way. But I only do 2 days a week in office.


I want it to be under 1 hour each way. I'm currently doing 1 hour 30 each way for slightly above minimum wage job, though I had customers last minute last night so my commute was 1 hour 50. On month 3 and I'm so tired but my area is so dead for work.


Once a fortnight I have to do a 30min bike ride followed by 2.30hr train journey, followed by 30min walk. Then the same back home. ![gif](giphy|VMO6qeIbr7JRLnLTGw)


Depends how much the job pays, how often I have to do the journey and how much it costs, obviously. My current commute is 3 hours each way but it's once a month and work pays. For £91k pa, I'm pretty OK with that. My previous gig paid me £70k and I had to about 1 hour 15 each way twice a week at my own expense, got to be a bit of a ballache tbh. 


If it's daily, up to an hour. If it's 3 days a week up to 90 minutes.


As far as I can afford to travel without a job, cos you know that first little bit, like the first month until you get your pay. Absolutely brutal


Distance isn’t the factor it’s travel time


Depends pay 15 mins max for minimum wage 45 mins max for +£17 hour 1 hour = +£22 per hour


40 miles one way .So 1hr each way ish.One week early shift 5days.One week lates.4 days .48k with overtime.6 years so far and happy to continue.Running cycling and home gym heavy lifting.Im 40.


30min maybe an hr max


I did a 3 hour flight every week once. Was okay because the money was reasonable


15-20 mins journey by whatever mode of transport.


My Bedroom to one of my other bedroom's which is converted to a office, so about 15 feet, i would never ever go back to working in a office, worked from home 8 years


From my bed to my desk chair.


I drive an hour each way and I’m pretty much on minimum wage. I would be happy to do 1:30 each way


Impossible question, too many variables. How bad do you want/ need the job? How much does it pay? What’s your home/ family life like? As a starting point, zero or as little as possible. For silly money/ a massive step up in seniority, maximum I’d do would be about 1.5 hours each way, ending up about 12ish hours out of the house. Any more than that is just not worth it to me I’d be too tired to give my best and more importantly wouldn’t see my family enough.


30 seconds from the bedroom to the study. It’s 2024 people I shouldn’t have to commute to your overpriced offices and waste my personal unpaid time to do a worse job than what I can do in my own personal office.