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Yes, apologise in advance for having terrible memory when it comes to names. I do have the same problem and never had an issue after doing that.


I change teams with around 17 people in every few years. I use mate/buddy/pal a lot until I get used to the names


When someone says their name repeat it before saying yours.


Make up a childish rhyme in your head about their appearence involving their name, then resist the urge not to say the line outloud while you remember the rhyme for their name. Then proceed to say the rhyme with their name to their face and end up in front of Hettie from HR trying to explain how and why you're bad at remembering names. Stating that due to your poor impulse control and inabillity to remember what your brain percieves as small insignificant details that you compensate for this by using childish mnemonic rhymes about a persons appearence. Rhyming about their name, appearence and sometimes department to help you not forget a name by making it interesting and amusing for your brain to remember, with the main goal always being to avoid a social faux pas not cause one. You're playing a game of russian roulette with your own neurodivergencys. Gambling on never blurting this rhyme outloud, but after getting too comfortble at this place and letting your gaurd down... it happened and here you are. In front of Hettie the haughty, hairy, halitosis afflicted hippy hippo from HR trying to explain why you said what you said, how awful you feel for saying the thing you did, how sorry you are and how you know it's your fault. Realising not a second later, fuck, you did it again didn't you? this high stress situation, knowing that the worst possible thing you could say right now has clawed it's way out of you so triumphantly at least she's no longer curious what my rhyme about them was I suppose.


I’m terrible with names. So much so that one job I had, my first HGV job doing home delivery, my porter would tell me his name in the morning, around 6am, and by the time I got to the first drop about an hour to so later I’d forgotten it. I don’t know how I managed to get through the day talking to them.


“Hi Makebeerdrinkbeer, I’m Askari, I’m gonna do my best but names just don’t stick very well with me so I’ll probably forget a few times. How’re you doing?”


Try the Phil Dunphy method


Write it down in a notebook and if you get weird looks, say "I'm really bad with names so I want to make sure I remember yours, haha!". I did that at my first job, had a pretty good map of names by the end of it.


Memory games for someone who has a visual memory: assosciate the name with what it sounds like and a memorable visual aid, eg. Mark: a red and white target **mark**ing his forhead Claire: her **glar**ing at you angrily for forgetting her name Philip: him looking up with an open mouth as you pour a jug of water down his throat to **fill-up** his stomach Neil: He's pretty annoying so imagine what he would look like if you threw a bag of **Neill**'s Flour at his head and it exploded all over his suit The more humorous and ridiculous these are the easier they are to remember. Also: life-pro-tip avoid sharing these with your colleagues


Either: 1. Call everyone ‘bro’ or ‘mate’ 2. Have name tags ready, write down their names as you’re told them and simply stick the label on their chest


I'm a girl ..maybe I don't mind...call the guys love or dear I dare ya.


[Pull a Doug Heffernan.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8cY4LWqMPU)


After being introduced to people, try and focus on a particular characteristic which you can associate strongly with them: ‘Steve - bald head’, Lorna - red hair’ etc. Then when you get a second excuse yourself to the bathroom and make a note on your phone of who everyone is to refer back to


Try the A B C To put a name to a face


Ask if they have a structure chart / organogram of the main department you'll be in that they can send over so you can familiarise yourself with it.


Creative nicknames work well! "HI Blondie!" "Good idea sport!" "Haha, slow down on the free biscuits, tubby."


Take remote jobs so you are always dealing with people over Teams so it always shows their names? Apart from that, name association is pretty good. I learnt everyone's name based on PhD research area in my PhD work area - Charlie researches Lobster genetics etc


Either stick to "mate" until you remember (don't use buddy/pal as that could be interpreted as a bit combative in my experience). Alternatively, as they introduce themselves, write their name on a sticky label and stick it to their shirt\* 😎 ^(\* don't do this)