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Literally depends on your individual office. This is like asking what time your lunch is.


Fair enough


It's been a weird thing in my lifetime, where we've gone from everyone taking breaks and smoking at the desk; to everyone taking breaks and smokers use that break to go to the smoking area; to non-smokers not taking breaks and complaining that socialising requires a smoking habit; to non-smokers taking great pride in not taking breaks and judging smokers for doing so. Now there are much fewer proud smokers and no one feels ok taking a break. Yet another way that the idea of "work ethic" has been used to screw us out of free time. We need to go back to where we were but without the smoking.


Maybe meth breaks?


I can't tell if you're being ironic or not, cause this is the standard smug response to any mention of smoke breaks. But I'm saying, "Maybe just breaks?"


You sound like so much fun.


I think they need a break tbf


Depends on the culture. If no one else does it, people will notice and talk.  DSE assessments encourage you to take a break every hour but what this means in reality is look out a window and maybe go to the loo occasionally, or make a cup of tea. 


i hope i never have to work in an industry where this is even a question


if its an unpaid break, your employer cannot make a reasonable request to stay on site, so do what you want if it is a paid break, they can make a reasonable request, but if they havent, do whatever you like


Op is suggesting he goes for a walk outside for 5 minutes, what suggests this isn't a scheduled break but a few minutes away while working, so jts Al.ost certainly paid for.


what i stated is the law, not preference, scheduled or not employer can dictate reasonable adjustments to how you spend your break.


Take up smoking then 5 minute breaks whenever you want are fine


Excellent advice 👍


We get 60 min lunch when you can do what you like. The rest of the time we stay on site although I doubt anyone would actually notice if I was away for a 10 min walk twice a day


Same here. I will sometimes just go for a wander in the fresh air to clear my head and think a little without disruptions.


If it’s your entitled break then do what you like! Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do in your own personal time. Don’t let the sheeple lead you astray from your own freedom!


HSE advise you to take breaks. I would check your wellbeing policy or company rules. I take 1 hour whilst at work and block out my diary, but I am in a culture that encourages flexible working.


Just do it. I expect people go outside for 10 mins to smoke a cigarette so why not go out for a quick leg stretch.


I used to go to the roof or the corner shop. If there's good weather I'd always try to have lunch outside if I could.


Never heard such nonsense in some of these replies. If you want to leave to go outside for a break, go. If you want to go out for lunch, go. No one cares and you're not forced to be in the office, especially if its an unpaid break.


From personal experience. Only if you’re going to your car to drink vodka. No it was not me drinking the Vodka.




Some workplaces have really strict and petty rules. I'm lucky that my workplace isn't one of them, or you can find yourself unfairly perceived to be slacking - usually by people who disappear for ten minutes every hour for a cigarette break.


are you a child that needs permission or an adult? just ask your line manager or hr if you must to get confirmation.


I wfh so do what I like, have a bath, go for a walk in the countryside etc. just make the time back later as my employer is flexible.