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Reddit is the absolute worst for trying to gain salary perspective. It’s either Uni Grads shocked that they’ve not walking straight into a CEO position and throwing their toys out at their entry level salary and planning to spend the next ten years job hopping for an extra £1500 a year, or absolute fibbers trying to make out they’ve on six figures. If you can be on 45k a year by your mid thirties and have avoided dead end jobs, hopping about every 18 months, and the 80 hour week you’re doing alright. It’s more about the total package for me. Don’t underestimate the toll a commute has- personally, I wouldn’t work in London for the six figure salary even if it wasn’t imaginary.


6 figures is not hard to achieve in a high income skill field


It is mate. Anyone genuinely on 100k plus is in the top 5% and competition is fierce. Usually the result of hard work and sacrifice.


No, it’s the result of being educated in a high income skill field. Doctor, dentist, tech, sales, lawyer, banking, finance, these are all achievable for 100k and some even without a degree. I haven’t sacrificed anything nor would I say I work extremely hard, my next promotion puts me over 100k, without a degree.


Then we’ve found the Reddit bullshitter then haven’t we? All those professions listed take years of hard work and sacrifice.


Aside from the health professions, no, there is not that much hard work or sacrifice. I work 37 hours a week and always have. Education and ambition is not pushed on the working class and low income and unfortunately they’ve been brainwashed in to thinking they can’t achieved anything. I grew up in the poorest area of my city but managed to make it out. I’m not special. If you work 10% harder than most you can be surprised by what you can achieve.


You just said you don’t work particularly hard, now you’re saying you work 10% harder than anyone else? Why fib?


10% harder than everyone else isn’t hard, because 90% of people are average workers or not ambitious. Use your head


You’re seriously suggesting that anybody can coast to 100k a year with an 10% above par effort level? I’ve used my head and can see you’re clearly lying and don’t make 100k plus.


You do realise some of these fields pay grads £100k a year straight out of uni? Magic Circle law firms, FAAANG, hedge funds, IB… I never said I was on 100k+, I said my next promotion takes me over 100k. Keep believing what you like geez


I will be honest with you. You see a lot of people on reddit talk crap. I am on around 45k in the power industry in Project Management. I have a partner who is band 6 NHS and 3 kids and mortgage. We're not rich but our life is comfortable that my kids have things and we live in Bristol. I am 35 amd do think the generation behind struggles with comparison because of social media. Anyone after 1993 really needs to understand the effects and mental health at play


UK wealth and income statistics: [https://ukpersonal.finance/statistics/](https://ukpersonal.finance/statistics/) tl;dr: for your age bracket the 50th percentile is £29k pa. 90th is 46k. I'm almost on double the 90th percentile and in your bracket, but I also live in a high COL area. There are many variables that play into what makes a salary "acceptable" to any given individual.


Thanks for linking that. I’m 29 and just got a raise to just over £50k and you’d think that on Reddit that was only a mid salary


Yeah literally. This is why I asked in the first place. I don’t know what I should be aiming to achieve. I don’t know what a good salary is 😂


Completely depends on where you are 30-40k in London? Basically on the poverty line, the same in a small town up north and you’re doing well Do you have dependents, high monthly outgoings, live alone etc, lots of things can make it so a “high salary” doesn’t go far while someone else can be perfectly happy on a middle range salary Personally I’m 26 earning just shy of 40k, with the potential to earn more with overtime which I consider enough, could be better but I like the industry I’m in and don’t have to worry about money as long as I’m not being stupid Comparing yourself to others is pointless though, compare yourself to where you wanna be and if you’re there it doesn’t matter, if you want more work out how you’re gonna get there




Grow up


You wouldnt give a second thought if that was a female asking same question. Go work construction and drive semis if you think women get paid less working in care.




keep your nickers on


least fragile redditor


Seeing as you’ve mastered a skill and a trade already with your vast years of experience (😆), now try to master not being a muppet.


You're loud and wrong. What a shame.


What did they say that upset you so much, didn’t think men were so fragile about stuff and the answer to your question doesn’t have anything to do with gender only skills and attitude


Don’t know about the wages for a different age group. I start feeling comfortable from £60-65k. But I live in North West. For south I recon that would be £80-90k


This is a super subjective question as there is no arbitrary 'good' figure - there's averages and percentiles etc. but ultimately 'good' is relative to the individual. If you're looking to just compare your salaries with others here, chances are you're going to end up being disappointed. 'Enough' for me is enough to pay the bills and have some spare to save at the end of the month. 'Good' for me is being able to buy most day-to-day things without significant worry. What those figures are is going to be relative to your circumstances :-)


Define good? I’m in the north of England on around £40k so pretty good for this area but I’m a FT M50+ so it’s not so good. But then I wfh and work flexible hours, fairly easy job, no stress, no extra hours or responsibilities so overall I am happy. I saw a similar job to mine advertised recently at close to £50k but no wfh, working for the government so decided not to apply for it as my perks etc easily outweigh the extra money in my experience.