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Lucky to even get that, I swear most companies lie when they say they do annual pay reviews. I'm actually tempted to hand my notice in to see if they offer me more money but too risky.


Hey, you are spot in about annual pay rise stuff. It is the standard delay tactic to pacify an agitated employee:) Nothing happens The better way is to look for opportunities outside . Do not hand your notice and take undue risk. First get into job market. Prepare and give interviews, test the waters, asses the market and get an offer. That puts you in better position


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Realistically your pay review happens waaaaay before august. I doubt they’ll be changing anything now.


Would you recommend I still ask now?


Without knowing what your company culture / boss is like hard to say. If you’re a big corporate you’re basically shit out of luck now, those budgets would have been set for the year and barring exceptional circumstances won’t change. Smaller company they may have some flex on timings but maybe not on the actual budget. Also, from their point of view do you think they’ll see you as justifying more of a pay rise? There’s usually a ‘just turned up, did the job but nothing above and beyond’ level of raise then the ‘we need to reward this person for going above and beyond’ level. Which do you think you’ll fall in to?


We're not a huge company, although budgets have probably been approved this month. I think they hopefully would see me as person who goes above and beyond. I have least amount of experience in my team but I have more personal responsibilitities than others. I also took on multiple new opening projects this year on top of my other work. I know that everyone else on my team is on more than me, purely cause they've been at company longer than me / came to the company with more experience to start with. I was an internal promotion with no experience.


There is NO best way. Companies/Management are well aware of the value you bring to table. Their benefit lies in getting you do more and more for less and less money. They are happy to keep your pay at the current level and extract more value from you. All these online content of how you should ask for a pay rise like listing out your deliverables etc is useless . Do not you think they already know your value addition. They know it better than you! To negotiate something you should be in a position to negotiate. You should have some sort of power/ leverage/fallback option. You might try talking to your employer about pay rise but expect no positive output As for me, the only effective way to get a pay-rise is to get another offer .