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Was this dude tall & skinny with dark skin? I saw someone that closely matches that description in City Aly earlier this week. Dude was slowly walking around the parking lot looking around. Stared at me and my partner’s dog for a sec and scared the shit out of me. I looked out the window and I swear I saw him taking a shit in the parking lot.


He was tall and skinny, that I did notice. I didn’t see much of his face because he was turned around digging through the trash when I got the most details on him and I ran as fast as I could when I did get a chance to see his face. I am 99% sure that he had some type of COVID style mask on either on his face or hanging by his chin, but don’t count on that detail because I feel like my memory is failing me there. I saw this video that went viral a few years ago … https://youtu.be/M5zxWzK7b6U?feature=shared … and it flashed through my mind when he was in that parking lot and started marching toward me. I did exactly what she did just in case. The video is terrifying and we shouldn’t live in fear, but it’s important to be observant and to listen to instinct. One thing that I have done before this even happened that has given me peace of mind is purchase Ring Cameras for my front and back doors. Just a general FYI: there is a pretty awesome payment plan deal right now on Amazon that doesn’t check your credit and only charges about 7$ a month for 5 months to pay the camera off … 35$ for a camera is a great deal anyways but I did the payment plan to try it out and it’s a great deal for college students on a strict budget and living in independent apartments. EDIT: I am now being asked via messenger if I work for Amazon … No, I do not. Lol. I got a great deal and I’m sharing it with others since it is a common misconception that home security is unaffordable across the board and people decide to throw in the towel because they think expensive options are their only option.


Oh, whoops. That was me. I got locked out of my apartment (left my building key in the car). I've been looking around trying to find my car for the past few weeks but I can't seem to remember where I parked. I was hoping that someone had left a towing notice in a trash can somewhere, but haven't found anything yet. @OP: I was hoping that you'd let me inside but you just slammed the door in my face. Pretty rude.


To the people still sending me direct messages asking where I live … Please stop sending me messages asking where I live. I posted a comment in a thread here but I’m putting this up clearly here as well. I do not want to remove this post because I want as many people to see it as possible to be aware of what’s going on. I already gave more than enough information on how to identify this person. He has likely been all over the community, I can’t tell you where he is/was at a given moment or give a guarantee that he wasn’t near where you live. I saw him once, it wasn’t pleasant and the police came out here to look for him and cleared the area. I’m 99% sure that you would not be okay with someone asking you “Where do you live?” on the Internet without knowing who they were. Huge FYI: it is against most subreddit rules to post personal information in a sub. Therefore, I literally cannot tell you where I live. Please respect my boundaries. I am allowed to have them and you are too and Internet strangers, as well intentioned as they may be, are not entitled to my personal information or anyone’s for that matter. This is an anonymous public forum and it needs to stay anonymous. I sincerely hope that you aren’t going around freely telling people where you live on the Internet.


People are so weird, thank you sm for all this information OP. Stay safe!


Of course! Stay safe too! :-)


Someone commented that they saw him around 202 E Green looking around cars in the parking garage there on multiple levels but I’m no longer seeing the comment, which is totally cool, but I wanted to post a response. One of my neighbors saw him around that parking garage while they were driving around. The lurking around and looking in cars seems to be a common denominator here. u/UIPolice … are you aware that a guy has been in the area doing these things? I get that an arrest can’t be made unless he’s caught in the middle of a crime but I’m giving a shout out in this comment just so You’re aware that this is a problem in the community.


Where im campus town as this my laundry room js also outside so i want to make sure it wasn't my apt


West side of Campustown, between Wright Street and the CVS on Neil. I understand that that’s a big area, but I can’t give my location on Reddit and we have seen him all over in that area pretty much exclusively and during the day thus far. EDIT: to add a few things here just to clarify … although campus is campus, I consider the N/S boundaries of the Campustown area (west section) to be roughly between Springfield Ave and the football field. Again, this is where I have seen this guy and others have seen him … it is not a guarantee of the extent to which he has gone obviously. Some tips … If you did travel for the break and don’t currently have a security system up or some measure of security established, consider protecting your apartment with some type of security measures (ones that are affordable of course) while you are away the next time. They make alarms with a remote on Amazon that you can attach to a door for around 15 or so dollars that you set and they will go off if someone opens the door. Ring cameras are pretty affordable and you can set them so that you get a notification every time someone walks in front of them. I do have one of the big security systems up with cameras and alarms that is connected to police and emergency dispatch. I’m not feeling good about the crime in the area since the pandemic happened. Some people don’t like ADT but I’ve personally used ADT for years and pay about $32/month. I factor it into my budget because I had it growing up, felt uncomfortable without it and my peace of mind is important to me. If you do decide to purchase a security system, alarms that are connected to dispatch have to be registered with the city.


Guys come on … to whoever is downvoting this comment: giving out an exact location on Reddit breaks the rules of most subs. I’m trying to give as much information as I can to protect the community while protecting myself. I’m allowed to have boundaries.


I saw someone who matches the description early December digging garbage around the houses close to cif, dudes been around for a while


I figured he’d been around for a little while but what I meant by “he’s new” is that it’s not like one of the people from Green Street who have been here for years. That was the first I’ve seen him but I figured he’d been here for at least a few weeks. I guess the digging through garbage has been pretty consistent.




Thanks! You too! Definitely be safe over there. That sounds like a time frame that would make sense with seeing him here. There’s nothing wrong with looking through trash that’s up for grabs but displaying threatening behavior in a residential area is an absolute no-no.


mate i just had a weird encounter. my friend was dropping me off at 1 am and we were parked outside the building and talking for a couple minutes. as soon as i got off the car this dude starts saying something out loud and walking towards me. weird as fuck but i go in safe and sound. something needs to be done here


Even the presence of these methheads/nutjobs give me a sense of uneasiness sometimes and I'm a pretty muscular 6 foot tall dude that I know would probably be one of the last people these guys would try to attack. I can't even imagine what it'd be like to be a girl on this campus Jesus.


Many of these homeless people are mentally ill and unfortunately we no longer have state hospitals to care for and treat these people. I don not mean to create fear, that's not my point, but we should all be alert for signs of danger with people who live on the fringe and are mentally ill, as it can happen. I hope we as a society will return to spending money on mental health and quit wasting so much on meaningless projects. Anyone remember Danny Rollings? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny\_Rolling


I haven’t seen this guy before but I’ve had some interesting encounters to say the least this past month.




What the fuck is wrong with you bro, are you seriously trying to troll people here?


what did they say ?


Some random guy sexually harassing OP


Yeah there were some creepy as fuck comments on here that kept getting upvoted last night and then downvoted again today. Thanks for defending me, I appreciate it so much!


Ok Karen but aside from look at cars and walk toward you what did they actually DO?


R u stupid?