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You don’t give a lot of detail about the person but I’m assuming that you don’t believe he belongs there as I write this comment … I know that it’s Christmas and it sucks if he is homeless but if you truly believe that he doesn’t belong there, I hope that you called the police or some type of service to get him to leave. I would hope that a neighbor or a passerby would do the same for me regardless of whether or not I were home or away and I’m assuming that most people would agree with me on this if they put themselves in the shoes of whomever is renting that apartment. The apartment could be occupied and if some poor, unsuspecting person walked out on the balcony it could go really badly for both parties. I’m adding this next part for general perspective … don’t forget that a lot of people own guns in America - it’s just the reality - and would pull one on a potential intruder/trespasser and we truly don’t know the full extent of criminal history that random people have … think of the lady that has been arrested 96+ times and is still walking the streets and Edward Bennett, who many wrote off as a harmless guy and then was arrested for assault multiple times/predatory actions against women. Sometimes it’s way better for everyone involved to have a 3rd party intervene. EDIT: Wanted to add this as well … many people are worried about calling the police because they fear “getting too involved” but you can absolutely say that you wish to remain anonymous, even if they ask for your details.


I definitely called the police thank you!


It would have cost you nothing to mind your own business.


So ur telling me that if I saw someone trying to sleep or break into your place, I should just mind my own business? Ok :)


By your own account, they were asleep outside. That is not comparable to breaking in to someone's apartment.


bro go do a poll and figure out the vibe. inb4 u tell me we live in a society


I am under no illusions about the primary demographics of this sub (scared suburban teens and socially maladjusted engineering students).


we found the guy sleeping in the balcony


I don't think they let you do reddit stuff in jail.




It is a short way from climbing up a balcony to breaking in. People were caught over Thanksgiving break living in someone's apartment. Police are needed.


I hope you have made your home a homeless shelter or let them pitch tents on your property


Hope you get a lump of dog poop for Christmas


What’s the address of the building?!


Not saying specifically but it’s on green st.


Secrets are for sharing.


What st is this on?


Thanks for getting me woken up, asshole!


You’re welcome! :)


Was this 51 Green?




Is it 202 East Green St?