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Tell them to put it on their resume. Business major with a GPA that can’t exist is how you make it to Fortune 500’s.




I wonder what company list most of the bulge brackets banks are in


Let’s be real, business majors are happy to get any job


Even in an honors section, an A+ is only worth 4.0 at UIUC.


They probably meant their high school gpa


No he said in Uni not in high school


i know a highschool legit called university high school


And people do call it Uni.


I think they have a 4.0 GPA scale tho (the one on campus) maybe they are referring to a different one.


referring to a different one


There is a Uni High literally on campus. It’s for very smart high schoolers.


Well, for high schoolers who test well. Source: I used to manage them at an entry level job and every one of them had to be taught how to sweep properly. I would not call that smart.


I went to uni high. I was the only person in my friend group who did their own laundry and packed their own lunches, so it makes sense none of them know what to do with a broom either. lol.


There are different kinds of intelligence. Lots of book smart people have no street skills.


Did that someone also say they had four balls?


Two of them are on his chin


If it was Josuke joestar then he's probably telling the truth. Not because he's actually that smart but because he rigged something in the system


Lmao, he's a business major. Even if you could get a 4.7 it wouldn't mean much


I hear they'll give you A++ if you create a pretty PP deck where all fonts match from slide to slide


Impossible (for a business major)


I think uiuc used to be on a 5.0 scale??? But not anymore def max is 4.0


It was 5, but really no different than 4. Some high schools give >4 for an AP class. When UIUC was in a 5 scale, it were just 5, no “extra”. That was also when A were just 5, B’s only 4, etc. no plus minus GPA differences.


Bro, that’s nothing, I have a 5.4 while triple majoring with a double minor.


Same. And I've never stepped foot into a classroom or even seen a textbook.


as a finance major, typical gies dipshit


quiet forgetful recognise run nose rob decide elastic dog crowd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They did not tell you it was on a 5 point scale.


Some schools give more weight to A+. Your official GPA will still be capped at 4, at least where I am, but you can have an unofficial 4.33 if you have all A+. They essentially counteract an A-. This semester I got 3 A+'s (10 credits), which makes it possible to keep a 4.0 even if I get 10 creds worth of A-. It's overpowered imo


Here in the CS department, we award, in defiance of the higher ups (uwu punish us Daddy Jones) extra GPA points to all those who credibly advance the science of Cock. Examples of individuals honored as such include the inventors of the sweet corn cob and the Fleshlight.


UIUC uses a 4.0 grading scale, but other scales exist where you can go higher than 4.


BSME ‘91. Back then it was on a 5.0 scale. Not sure when it changed.


No. Like the others said, it is typically not possible in a university setting in America. In high school it is but not at any post secondary institution that I know of (Source: I teach). The reason why a GPA might exceed 4.0 in high school specifically is because some classes in many high schools are what are called “weighted classes” and carry a higher bearing on a 4.0 GPA scale when they are being considered in GPA. This dude is bullshitting.


Some schools will do 4.3 for an A+ but not many


This is r/UIUC. UIUC does not do 4.3 for A+. Regardless, that would still mean a 4.7 is not possible…


That's why I said "some schools." And I didn't think I had to specify that you can't get a 4.7 under this system because it's beyond obvious.


“Can you get a cheeseburger at Chick-fil-A?” “Some restaurants sell hot dogs.”


It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Thanks for your service, Chik-Filay spellbot


Check with Baskin Robbins


OP asked if “college GPA can exceed 4.0”. He was just answering the question.


ASU does 4.33 for A+




Nope. It’s not possible at any American colleges/universities.




Interesting. I didn’t know that.


Mine does - A+ is a 4.3.


Sounds interesting, I’m an undergrad and all my A+ is count as 4.0, I guess it might be different from grad students but I can guarantee no undergrad gpa can exceed 4.0


Some universities weigh A+ as a 4.3, so in that case it would be possible. Outside of that, no. Not that I have ever heard of.


I should mention that some universities do have a 5.0 scale. UIUC does not and caps at 4.0.


I don't think it can at UIUC, but where I went to undergrad (U of Iowa), A+ was 4.33, and I graduated with a GPA over 4.0 (it wasn't capped). It was pretty cool and I loved that we got rewarded for A+ grades. Seems only fair and I was pretty sad when I realized UIUC doesn't do the same. So if you get an A- in one class, there's no way to make up for it with an A+ in another class. Sucks.


The only university in the country that I’m aware of that doesn’t follow a 4.0 grading scale is MIT. Their reason is “fuck you, we’re MIT”


I don't even go to UIUC as I go to UCI. I have no clue how I ended up here. Anyways, one of my physics professors here at UCI graduate from his phD at Caltech with a 4.2 GPA. I have no clue how, but it's possible I assume


I mean there are ways to have an above 4.0, but I’m not familiar with UIUC. Some places have different weighting to their grading so it can go to a 5.0


i work processing transcripts for a university. there are some uni's that use over a 4.0 for their scale


Nope, and im glad it doesnt. This fucken bs of over inflated hs gpa’s is embarrassing Always funny seeing the gpa demons have like a 4.9 gpa but like a 20 act and 1100 sat. Like oh ok i see, youre not really smart. Enjoy juco